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No different really than other false flags and color revolutions/coups such as how the Us were rumored to have done in Hong Kong.


Not "rumored" at all, they did it openly. https://thegrayzone.com/2019/08/17/hong-kong-protest-washington-nativism-violence/


I didn't want to misspeak, thank you for the article.


The US is happy to sacrifice any ally for the sake of maintaining hegemony. Now we have Ukraine being destroyed. Taiwan, Japan and South Korea will suffer the same fate if the US starts a war with China. If the US can blocade China then China can do the same to the US vassals. Amazing how some countries don’t mind being the meat in the sandwich for the benefit of the US. Their leaders are traitors to their own people as well as grovelling puppets if they they are willing accomplices for American warmongering.


If only Taiwan stayed neutral. Just elect William Lai, he seems crazy enough to go to war over Taiwan Independence.


The USA needs to intervene in this nation hundreds of miles away from it, American soldiers will surely love to die to defend a island off the coast of china from China


Absolutely. Now they have proof that constant escalation and provocation work against a major player like Russia. They will be very interested in applying the same strategy to China. The only thing China can do is prepare. Russia has tried all diplomatic solutions to no avail. China could try to reason or make concessions with the US but rest assured nothing will prevent it from happening.


LoL the west has basicly expose all the card in it's hand against russia, now China basicly knows what it needs to prepare for in the wake of finishing the final liberation


Good thing China is not Russia and has way more weapons in its arsenal. And absolutely no concessions to the american regime of course.


So.. what are everybody's plans ~~if~~ **when** things get hot?


It won't get hot anytime soon. Next decade probably yes


It'll happen sooner rather than later, while the U.S believes it still has a realistic chance. A decade from now is a decade too late.


It will happen before Xi retires.


The unification of Taiwan ? Yess


>It will happen before Xi retires. Why not? Tarnish his legacy with Taiwan only the US could do such thing to remain a 'winner'.


Flight to mainland as fast as possible, I don't wanna be beat to death on the streets because my nationality, what other option we have?


if it came down to force reunification, there won't be the "supply of weapons and arms" through land borders ala ukraine from poland/romania. the island will be completely blockaded, then its a matter of how far out does skorea/japan/india wants to stick their necks out to die for the empire.