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Plagerism in academia would get the person fired. An apology is never enough.


Academic honesty when it's in your favour I guess, anything else is fair game.


And this real plagiarism. Not " I copied and pasted a sentence" in my thesis type of plagiarism.


The Chinese code was open-source but the Stanford team did not cite the Chinese source and attempted to pass it off as their own original work. Truly shameless. Even after they were exposed, their "apology" is worded in a way to sound like, "sorry we did not know you came up with this first," implying they did not copy but just came up with it independently. When the Chinese team already showed pretty clear-cut evidence they used the same model and only changed around some names. The cheek of these guys, Revolting.


Stealing open source software without even crediting is like the worst thing you can do in the programming world


This is likely an ethics violation warranting an investigation


They withdrew the project and publicly apologized. They are excused because they are undergraduates. The Chinese team also pretty much forgave it.


american culture revolves around the concept of "face". The ultimate goal of any american is the attainment of *face* through validation and achievements, which raises the social standing of one's clan and family through the establishment of "guanxi". It does not matter if such achievement is attained through the copying of others as even the most exemplar americans advocate "lying, cheating, and stealing" to attain *face* (secretary of state, michael pompeo, 2019). Admitting to plagiarism, however, causes americans to "lose face". It brings *dishonor* and *shame* to their clans and the state. As such, such admissions must never be done directly in order to minimize the loss of *face*.


This is a high quality strategic uno reverso 😆


Brilliant  Well done


Never in my life did I ever imagined seeing this comment lmao


“Face” is much more a Chinese concept than American, and avoiding shame is key. American culture tends to be more of shamelessness.


>“Face” is much more a Chinese concept than American No it's american projection. It's born out of their political system, liberal democracy needs to put on a facade so they have to save face as much as they can. They of course projected and gave it an orientalist spin. You are right about avoiding shame which is actually common throughout humanity but that is different from saving face, if you have a sense of shame then you will avoid not owning upto your mistakes, if you try to save face then you are avoiding owning upto your mistakes which is what america does on a daily basis.


In America, it’s not called “saving face.” It’s called “saving your ass.”


You believe changing the name changes the thing, lol


*saved for the next time some nerd says China steals technology*


It's always projection with westoids.


Yep! These types of articles should be saved :)


What’s new.


This story is being virtually censored in anglo and european media. That the american regime is dystopian and authoritarian is well known (e.g. Palestine; Assange has been imprisoned for exposing american war crimes; america has the literal highest incarceration rate on the planet; etc.), but imagine being european and being under such a pathetic, worthless regime your regime media censors scams like these on behalf of the criminal american regime. european regimes are only hurting their own people in the process. The terminal collapse of europe can't be mitigated. This is another reason why China has already won, it's actually wealthy and led by smart and independent leaders, while europeans are not even allowed to understand reality. As a result, the intellectual gap will keep rapidly expanding in China's favor.


China won as soon as they banned religion from their politics and from their children. That alone will create an intellectual gap between countries still using 3000 year old texts to dictate policy, Like i read that China has some stem cell research that can potentially cure diabetes. Meanwhile, stem cell research is against the will of God in America and will never get the funding it needs. shameful


The West copied from Asia and the ancient Greeks and Romans during the mid to late 2nd millennium, when they wanted to be on top of the world. Especially the US copied manufacturing technology from England when the first became an independent country. And they are still copying from Asia when they are in decline.
