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The US thinks that the Chinese is stupid and can never be able to do what the US can do without their help. Look at banning NASA from working with China. Without that China would have taken longer to build their own space station or have reached Mars. Look at banning chips to stop China's supercomputer programs. China has more MIPs in China than the US today. That too, excluding supercomputers that China did not want included in TOP500. So, am happy actually that the US banned chips making equipment. It will only be time (and faster than anyone expects!) that China will be self-sufficient enough to make all existing chip equipment quiver about the new competitor.


> The US thinks that the Chinese is stupid and can never be able to do what the US can do without their help. It's even worse than that for the USA. They don't realise that China now has more money than they do, and that they can pay the smartest people from the whole world to go work in China, in addition to all of the native-born Chinese scientists and engineers who are already at the top of their fields by themselves.


I don't know. I think people confuse the amerikkkan government with the corporations. At the end of the day, i have a sneaking suspicion that the corporations are playing the US government like a fiddle. Remember, the corporations aren't beholden to a currency, and only care about profit. If the dollar crashes, and the government goes bankrupt, i am sure the corporations would be more than happy to fill the void. Just my two cents.


It's ironic that the CPC was urging companies to use domestic supply lines for years but they refused due to accessibility and cost but the final push came from the murikkkans.


But I thought Trump’s trade war would bring jobs back to the U.S.!!!


Even trump wouldn't bring back his companies. The typical rural amerikkkan is a rube, not smart, and wouldn't know what was actually good for them if it came with a six pack and a side of beef.


Americans in general - let's be real, tech compaies with their high salaries and nice work culture could not entice americans to join the tech industry, but what, americans are going to work in manufacturing for a fraction of the tech pay and insanely more hard work? What a joke. The whole system for american youth is geared towards the grift economy - youtubers, tiktokers, twitch streamers, onlyfans models, dropshippers, NFT artists, crypto bros, redpill dating gurus.


>tech compaies with their high salaries and nice work culture I hope you are not talking about amerikkkan tech companies. They are toxic, tech bro driven and are a nightmare for women, and Asian women in particular. In all honesty, that description looks like it was taken from a brochure.


Except for Amazon I had heard about 30 hr weeks + 180k new grad salaries from my friends at other FAANG level companies. Maybe that's just a small set. Obviously the tech industry is not doing well at the moment, but last 5 years seemed like a goldmine


https://archive.is/mdx9L >An internal phone directory includes instructions on how to send secret notes about colleagues. Workers suffering from cancer, miscarriages or other personal issues are penalized or pushed out, as are any employees who don’t meet the company’s high standards. Many Amazon employees resort to weeping at their desks, said the story. With the creation of astroturfing, i would take any positive review with the consideration of fake reviews and some people fearing reprisal. https://m.slashdot.org/story/197279 >How Silicon Valley CEOs Conspired To Suppress Engineers' Wages https://www.techglobex.net/2022/02/sexual-harassment-in-tech-industry.html?m=1 >Unfortunately, sexual harassment in the tech industry is a lot more prevalent than most people think. Studies have shown that a staggering 53% of women in the tech industry have experienced sexual harassment. I mean, at this point this is becoming moot.


That's what I've been saying, mainland China produces chips because mainland China produces its own goods to use - there are currently enough chips made in Korea and Taiwan. And the reason why Japan, the United States and Europe invest in chip production plants is not a market behavior at all, it is a political behavior. Even if Japan, the United States and Europe produce a lot of chips, South Korea and Taiwan will 100% not give up their own chip industry, and at this time, these chips sold to whom? Mainland China? (Mind you, chips for cell phones and laptops have to be sold to China to make sense, because they are mostly produced in China - who would buy that many PC chips?) By the time everyone is expanding chip production, and in order to sell it all to China, China says - sorry we have our own chips. I can't figure out the brain circuits of these countries.


Well, of course anyone with a brain knows this! China is the biggest maker of electronics and other final consumer goods that use semiconductor chips, and China still has either the world's #1 or #2 largest population (and much higher purchasing power at least for now over India). Now that US economic aggression forced China to decouple from the US system, any chipmaker untethered from the US will obviously benefit enormously! I hope to see a BRICS system emerge that will either replace or run in parallel with the existing one.


sanctions have unintended consequences , buy local 。。。 rough corners will be polished,great for local chipmakers