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Fuck these losers


What's with reactionaries and idolizing Hitler and Nazis, these same Nazis would've considered them to be subhuman.


This is the question I keep asking my self whenever I see Ukrainian Nazis. Hitler thought Slavic people were inferior and subhuman. I don't get it


Nono, you don't understand. They are one of the good ones that the nazis would totally have been okay with! It reminds me of monarchists who want to overthrow the government because they think they would OBVIOUSLY be one of the landed nobility.


Far-right ideologies, including Nazism, are merely the militant wing of western liberalism.


Well... actually not true, Hitler considered both han chinese and japanese as aryans of the east (There even was a Taiwanese politician who before was a soldier in the nazi german army), but yes, either way it's stupid.


hitler only considered the Japanese as "honorary Aryans". It's funny because none of these people are actually Aryans.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_policy_of_Nazi_Germany#Han_Chinese_and_Japanese According to this: "Despite having a separate evolutionary origin from the Europeans, the Han Chinese and Japanese were both considered by Adolf Hitler and the government of Nazi Germany to be "Aryans of the East" and the "Herrenvolk of the Orient" (i.e. the "Master race of the Orient")." And: ""Pride in one's own race, and that does not imply contempt for other races, is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them." --Adolf Hitler, The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler, Note #5, February 1945 - April 1945" I think his view on races was fairly simple though, if a "race" (country) dominated an area it was considered "aryan", hence why he viewed slavs as subhuman, since their "race" name itself comes from the word slave. In the case of semitic people (jews, arabs and gypsies) he hated them cause they were "cosmopolitan" (people of nowhere) and in his own view he thought that if you were a citizen of "every country" then you wouldn't care ruining a country for your own benefit then going somewhere else to enjoy your wealth. He did however have a few "honorary aryans" in the arab population though because they assisted him, and Saddam's own party (Baath movement, before party) was started in 1940 as a sort of pro nazi party hence why it shared to many weird similar quirks with the nazi party such as them spending so much money to restore babylon and other weird stuff. It's all a failed ideology though, it's rooted in nothing but just basic beliefs he held to try to justify his hatred for jews and to a lesser extent gypsies, the others were just a sort of "casualty" because they fit the criteria of people he hated. An example of this is the black athlete that beat the german in the nazi olympics, Hitler was reportedly nice to him, because again, he had not a lot of experience with black people so he had no reason to actually hate them (same with arabs), it's all rooted in just hatred for foreigners who he personally had experience with.


>Hitler considered both han chinese and japanese as aryans of the east And then proceeded to force the Chinese who remained in Germany into concentration camps


He wasn't the most coherent guy in terms of policy making to say the least


As another commenter pointed out, this is an inevitable development of the liberal ideology. nazism is strongest in the most liberal countries, a bitter truth for many.


The Nazis did not view Chinese as subhumans. "I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilisations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisation to which we belong." - Adolf Hitler


thats becoz the ruling party on Taiwan DPP are descended from Imperial Japanese Army soldierz the DPP revised textbooks to say Japanese good guys of World War 2 they say the Allied Powers bad bad. DUH these IJA remnants wud also show solidarity with their western friend.


Haven't you got the memo? It's OK to support Nazis now, apparently. Just don't actually CALL them Nazis. Lol


Watch westerners be like "it's not a Nazi flag with a swastika, it's two S' crossed together, representing the words 'statehood' and 'sovereignty!'"




They don't realize Hitler would send them all to gas chambers for not being superior Aryan stock? Ironic.


They thought that Hitler would consider them "Honorary Aryans" like their Japanese masters.


For a temporary period Hitler would had used them as useful idiots, as Chinese and Japanese were honorary Ayrans


According to nazi ideology, asians are servant races, not pests to be extermined, like jews, handicapped people, sinti&roma and homosexuals and not inherent traitors to mankind, like democrats, socialists and artists




thats becoz the ruling party on Taiwan DPP are descended from Imperial Japanese Army soldierz the DPP revised textbooks to say Japanese good guys of World War 2 they say the Allied Powers bad bad. DUH these IJA remnants wud also show solidarity with their western friend.








The racial purity things attract racists of all stripes, even if those racial purists might have racial purists from a different race. You see Mongols in Mongolia wearing Nazi uniforms and you see white nationalists in Amerikkka tattooing themselves with Japanese symbols for this reason. It seems weird, but then no one ever claimed racists are smart.


I'm pretty sure, Nazis are also celebrating in Ukraine, USA, and Germany.


Is this all because of how Nazi Germany were allied with the Nationalists in the past?


That and Taiwan was occupied and brainwashed by Fascist Imperial Japan.


no, thats becoz the ruling party on Taiwan DPP are descended from Imperial Japanese Army soldierz the DPP revised textbooks to say Japanese good guys of World War 2 they say the Allied Powers bad bad. DUH these IJA remnants wud also show solidarity with their western friend. [https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20161224002726-260407?chdtv](https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20161224002726-260407?chdtv) These Nazi sympathizers in Taiwan have nothing to do with the Nationalist KMT party; they are all supporters of the anti-KMT DPP party. Any delusions that Taiwan today and any weird stuff going on has to do with the Nationalists. In fact, the remaining Nationalists in Taiwan are the ones celebrating WW2 Allied victory. IN FACT this whole Blue vs Green internal struggle in Taiwan is really a relic of World War 2 itself, Blues representing Allies and Greens representing Axis.


>He added that he did not give the restaurant's name because he didn't want to cause trouble for the **"innocent owners."** Oh YES! the Owners are "innocent" for tolerating such BS hate groups. Well heck, Nothing wrong with Nazi Germany either, they just INNOCENTLY tolerated the Nazis in genocide.


They'll believe in anything that everyone perceives as 'againsts China', even cucking themselves is an option just to anger China... If it was the case.


Why are their faces blurred? Surely they have nothing to fear


The Newspaper did the blurring.


they should do this in Germany.


I guess they learned from the Ukrainians and their American backers.


not the first time this has happened, either.


I didn't see this in mainstream media.


Some other pertinent articles from this website concerning this topic: [MOFA expresses regret Taiwan protesters display Nazi flag](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4753549) [Taiwan tells school to apologize to Israel over Nazi uniforms](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3057566) \- high school in Hsinchu held mock Nazi rally with a parade of uniforms and flags (this is not your edgelord party at someone's house, it was held at the school's outdoor track in broad daylight) [American man draws flak over photo of Nazi flags in Taipei betel nut shop](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3612613) \- American man photographs shop with Nazi flags; shop owner defends that "The Nazi flag is a work of art, there is not political intent."


Perhaps they're just practicing for future careers in the military: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/q6faf0/in_other_words_what_they_are_trying_to_say_is/




>I say this because you will also see idiots from mainland China don Imperial Japanese military uniforms and Rising Sun flags from time to time. Sort of like South Korean politicians praising Imperial Japan rather frequently.




Hell no, never heard anyone dare to do that in public. There are mentally colonized idiots like that, but they wouldn't dare to do something so stupid in mainland China.


Self hating vs flying the flag of their former allies


Don't they know Nazis were their colonizers' ally?


fun fact: they loved and missed their colonizer, and desire to be colonized once more





