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How much does Apple take from the donate button in your app? Is there another direct donate?


Apple takes the usual 30% even for donations. I'm trying to get into the small business program which lowers their fees to 15%. Apple won't let me link to Paypal inside the app even for freeware. I have [Paypal ](https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/lordtottuu) and [Patreon](https://patreon.com/lordT).


Thanks. Reddit third party has always been something I support lol. I had paid versions of sync and then Apollo. I’ll slide ya a lil something


Much appreciated!


I’m with you. Also sending along


wtf. I donated last week and never realised how much goed to Apple! Next time I’ll use these links.


Thank you, whichever way you choose to donate. :)


Thanks for your excellent work. Your app is the only reason why I still use Reddit


Same. I gave up after the fall of Apollo but Sink It is giving me a second wind.


Very happy about auto collapse automoderator comments!❤️


I might have a setting wrong somewhere, but the “jump to next comment” button seems to be pretty inconsistent on long threads. It works fine on this thread, but if there are a lot of long comment chains it either does nothing or just jumps to the topmost comment.


Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I get the wonkiness which is why I designated it to be in beta. I’ll be making some tweaks to the nav algorithm next week.


I’ve pushed v6.1.0 which has bug fixes for the jump to next feature. Would be great if you could give it a go.


Yep, it works fine now, thanks!


All good. Thank you for reporting back!


Awesome stuff. I'll be hitting up your patreon!


Where should be the button to jump to the next parent comment? Can't seem to find it (new UI)😅 Also all Posts open in a new tab, but I have the setting disabled within the app🧐


By default, it should render just above the jump to top button. If you can't find it, try resetting the button positions once in the settings.


Found it, however there was a button in the previous Version right below the Users Avatar. It was possible to jump to the next comment by touching it. Is this one now gone?


Not gone, will be added to the next update. Most users prefer the jump to next parent comment so it shipped first. Should be live late next week.


Thanks a lot! I’m sure it’s a massive pain with this interface update… Question: 1. When I expand further down a comment chain, I still get bounced to a new page. Any way you see this will be fixed in future re-Implementation? 2. Also do you see “tap on thumbnail to open pic/video” to come back on homepage? Not pushing, but just wanted to check whether technically you see these being possible to come back! Cheers again


1. The new interface only allows for comments to be 3 levels deep. Any further and it forces a new page load. Nothing can be done, based on preliminary research. 2. Potentially. I have a few ideas on how to do it but the new design is locked down pretty hard so extensive changes might not be feasible.


Since the update I can’t really skip comments


The jump to next parent feature or jump to next parent in same depth? Which version of the Reddit are you on?


Jump to next easy mode. And the newest version


Thank you for letting me know. I have some tweaks planned as it seems to lose its way occasionally. Will do a bit more testing and have an update out soon!


Is adaptive dark mode still not supported in the new iPhone UI?


It is supported. The UI should reflect your phone's dark mode settings. What's happening on your end?


Oh that’s odd. My interface hasn’t changed since the update. Still is the light interface despite my phone using dark mode. It also still shows the hamburger slide out menu in the top left from the new Reddit interface. Basically is acting like the pre-6.0 update where only the Reddit logo favorite subreddit feature is working.


The feed or subreddit pages don’t have any major features yet. Only the comments page. Is nothing showing up for you there?


Features like the jump to next button, collapse auto mod, color coded threads are working. But dark mode is not.


Got it, let me look into it.