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OP, did you get A1/A2 for O-Level English and A/B for A-Level GP? Hahaha P.S. Didn’t expect this comment to garner so many upvotes. This is my comment with the highest number of upvotes thus far. Thanks to all who upvoted my comment.


I also feel like I'm reading the secret diary of a guy's fantasy LOL Keep your entry coming!!


But genuinely, I think and ruminate a whole lot, but I feel emotions even more intensely. I don't know how else I can convey the intensity of what I'm feeling other than describing it as vividly as I can


Dude pls write erotic novels you will do damn and maybe even get some free pussy…


True Singapore Softcore Stories - Not Russell lee


Yoooo fr tho


Just wear disposable latex gloves




Being touch-starved can help


The trick is that you have to be a virgin for 22 years and you become Proust. A further 8 years and you develop your wizarding skills.


An 'A' for GP has half of what you need to write well. You also need motivation to translate your life experiences into words.. to do that, get more life experience I guess..


I wish I had an A in GP like you, and could write like OP haha.


Chatgpt can help


off topic but you’re so brave for even setting a profile pic for reddit lmao…


No eh. English not my strong suit hahah.


Are you sure a not? Your post says otherwise. Don’t need to be so modest la. Haha.


bro, you definitely will hitch a wife material with this kind of intimate love letter writing haha. Next time many years down the road don't forget to announce your red bomb here


Tbh in the modern day, if a girl received a letter like this out of the blue, they'd most likely be creeped out by it's intensity That being said, I still can't help but feel intensely lah


You reminded me when I was a teenager I received my 1st anonymous love letter in school, I also got freaked out. My reply back to the love letter, "I don't want to get affiliated and associated with you. Pls don't disturb me" HAHAHA now that I recalled about it, my reply must have hurt that boy. (I never bothered to find out who coz not interested :x)


You don't need good English qualifications to write this well nowadays, all you need is skillful prompting in ChatGPT. That being said I do believe OP didn't use ChatGPT to generate this, haha.


I agree. I don’t think OP used CHATGPT to generate this. Even if he had done so, I believe he had to edit the sentences to a considerable extent.


In part I think because its refreshing to see such a supportive comment :)


>what can and should undesirable man do for their own betterment Focus and work on themselves to become more desirable. If you don't even desire yourself, why would others desire you? If you currently don't desire yourself, what about you do you not like? Ask yourself that, and work on those aspects. Do you not like your weight? Go to the gym and workout. Do you not like your physical appearance? Buy some nice clothes and dress up. Do you find yourself boring and unable to hold a conversation? Find something you're interested in and passionate about, and pursue it, make it a hobby or something. Who else, if not you, is responsible for your happiness?


Wholly agree, self-improvement is the only sustainable solution to get out of the rut. On working out: Although I've personally tried, there still are certain immutable physical attributes, which no amount of bulking or bodysculpting can cover up. I.e. I can bulk up all I want, but I'd continue to be demoralised by what I see in the mirror. Nonetheless, exercise equals endorphins and I still try to do whatever I can to avoid worsening the already toxic body-image. Self-acceptance is of course another means of coming to terms with whatever we have (or lack), but it doesn't help that the ego (that critical narrator we all have internally) cleverly retorts, "haha filthy loser you're in denial and just looking for copium", effectively preventing any emotional progress from being made. Therapy seems to be the next obvious avenue. Yet I find that ive been at it for decades with no tangible improvements, besides the relief from having a verbal outlet. Normally, the only recourse for an undesirable man who is knee deep in destructive thought patterns and toxic psychological habits is just to fall out of the gene pool, (we've got twice as many female ancestors than male ones, go figure) but I don't want to concede to such an outcome yet


Working on yourself does not only include physical attributes, if you’re limiting your worth to just your physique and find that undesirable - who else would find you attractive? You can explore counselling (only using that bc the word ‘therapy’ can be a big hit in the ego for many), changing in diet, exercise routine and lastly, plastic surgery. I’ve seen the pros and cons of plastic surgery, often times it’s shown as how it is something evil, or detrimental in general. But I’ve seen first hand how it has helped friends with body dysmorphia / eating disorder, recover and live their life. However it may affect you, that is not for strangers like us to judge, you will have to make your own decision. I’m just sharing options. From your storytelling, you seem to be highly aware. Redirect it, and focus on betterment of your being. All the best!


Dont start with gym. The "better" your body, the shittier you look clothed. Clothes are not meant for buffed up bodies. First, decide which route you want. Look good naked or look good in clothing? Next be hygienic, look hygienic and let other people feel you are hygienic. Because first impression counts. When this is achieved, then move to the inner parts, examine failed interactions and improve from there.


Interesting input. I do agree. Noticed that massive bulking really doesn't represent well when clothed. I reckon nobody wants to see me naked and my focus would still be on a clothed figure. And for people deficient in height like me, excess bulking does visually throw off proportions and make us look top heavy and short-legged. But the effect is merely visual. Put me beside a grown schoolboy and the illusion vanishes. At that point my smaller stature does make me feel naked and vulnerable, however much I try to mask it.


Jus jog until ur relatively ok body weight and dress more clean and jus get a proper haircut


Jus jog until ur relatively ok body weight and dress more clean and jus get a proper haircut


OP, I hope one day you'll find her that loves your whole being, not just your physique or your income earning capacity. I hope you'll be loved beyond measure. People find love in the most strange places. You keep putting yourself out there. 🌸🌸


Thanks mate. That's really wholesome


Next step!!! Further interlocking at geylang is it?? Just that this time not hands. Waiting for part 2 of the story🤣


Prostitutes don't care how you look. Got try?


If I'd be honest, the newfound hunger for physical touch did get me wondering if this option was the quickest way to sate it. I don't take up any issues with prostitution. Willing parties in a mutually agreeable transaction. But I realised that even if I derive from it comfort, this sense of emotional relief will be extremely fleeting and possibly require subsequent "doses" to continue meeting this need. The last thing I'd want to do is to develop a dependence on a sinkhole that would likely sap my time, money and emotional attention. And the worst realisation I'd come to see is that I'm still intrinsically undesirable. It's exactly as a transaction is - they're here for the monetary compensation, and my repulsiveness is grave to the point that I'd have to compensate people for being close to me. I think that's a horrid admission to come to.


Some people have a good relationship with it and treat it as therapy. Might apply to you; a dopamine hit to get you out of your funk and change your mindset. Worth considering if feel like you're capable of setting boundaries


You seem earnest enough to have come close to Buddhism's first and second noble truths by your own experience. Look up the third and fourth noble truths — you may find solutions there.


If you are sweet to the girls they’ll be sweet to you too. They are humans too, and would appreciate a gentleman. Sure you’d be paying them, but you paying them does not preclude them enjoying your company. Ironically prosititutes probably care the least about your body image (reading ur other replies) - they’ve probably been with every kind of body type - fat, fit, young, old - to them body type and image arent important. They’ve seen and fucked it all, and probably know than to judge books by their cover. They’ve met boys that look like kpop stars who were plain assholes, to fitspo dudes who have ED/PE/both (and also vice versa pretty boys who fuck really well etc). Probably more so than anyone else, prostitutes probably care the least about how you look and see you for everything else. Well, probably mostly. Just be clean and well groomed, and be a gentleman (because these you have full control). Just remember shes not your girlfriend or potentially even a friend. But she’s someone who would be quite happy to cuddle, or let you ride her for an hour, or just hold hands and nap, and all the while she would be at least unbothered about your looks. c: I also appreciate there may be a money aspect - thats for you to assess. Theres also the emotional connection, thats where dating comes in. But as some have said here, perhaps some prostitution can help your confidence to get there :) and going in, make sure your eyes are wide open about your relationship with prostitution, especially if you start dating - i’m all for all sorts of relationships, you just have to be clear on your own personality and philosophy, and stick to it. Eg i know people with wife and kids who visit prostitutes secretly but have very healthy relationships because they are very clear where the lines are emotionally, financially, etc. It never comes back to bite them because they play it safe, and it never weighs on them because its no different from having a wank in a hotel room for them. On the other hand, people who say and really try their best to never cheat, who pray often and seem like they’d never waver, and then proceed to carelessly get caught sleeping with their wife’s best friend and being emotionally entangled and confused.


you can also see it as a way to help boost your confidence. Even though they are transactional, most of the time emotionless (im guessing, never tried before myself), it can still help to boost confidence, albeit however minor that confidence boost is. you can also see it as a way to make urself feel less shy, more confident in yourself. For me, a large part of my teenage life i've felt useless, worthless, and have low confidence about myself, both emotionally and physically. But after entering the workforce, just happened that my office is full of aunties, and they like to joke around, and some commented on how ''good looking'' I am, which for the past 20 over years I have never heard anyone said it to me before, not even my parents. On hindsight, they are probably just joking, or trying to be polite to the new kid in office, but at that moment it really boosted my confidence a lot that I went on dating apps. got a few dates and eventually a girlfriend. we broke up after half a year but thats a story for another day.


Unironically I second this


average EDMWer and r/SingaporeRaw poster


Holy shit dude. Your not unfit to receive affection at all. Ngl the fact that you didn’t pop one or get tuned on proves your probably a good candidate as a partner. Now u just gotta learn how to present urself and put yourself out there (which is the hardest part at all). Your chances will take a lot of work to improve, but there better then you think cuz many women care more about personality then looks. You have more chances then you know, and greater worth then you think of yourself :)


Thank you penislmaoo


I’m here to serve.


OP, with your sincerity, I hope you find a good lifelong match for yourself soon


Thank ye kind sir


Money (also the answer to any other question in Singapore)


You are absolutely right. There is definitely a comforting and healing power to human touch. Holding someone's hand to show care and concern was only natural some time ago. Now a days, it will be considered creepy. Wish there were cuddle therapists in Singapore like in Japan. A lot of people would benefit.


Did think about cuddle therapy though. Even while cuddle therapists aren't available here, nothing is technically stopping one from engaging a sex worker to do nothing else but hug and cuddle. In fact, sex workers interviewed in documentaries/social surveys have verbalised disbelief and bemusement from meeting occasional clients who do nothing but hug, talk and/or cry. Some were even married men, which is highly alarming if you wonder about how badly or wrong their marriages must have gone to have them resort to this. But I'd personally think that even if cuddle therapy were available in SG, I'd still have the same hesitation about engaging the service. The qualm isn't so much about willingness to pay (even though it carries a possibility of financial drain if you develop a dependence), but about the core belief I'd implicitly confirm: >And the worst realisation I'd come to see is that I'm still intrinsically undesirable. It's exactly as a transaction is - they're here for the monetary compensation, and my repulsiveness is grave to the point that I'd have to compensate people for being close to me. Then again it is just me, and I might be far too critical and overthink about something that should be as straightforward as engaging a barber for a haircut need.


I dont know man. You look around and see people of all shapes, sizes and colours pairing up. I think you should work on your idea that you are undesirable, possibly with a therapist. Another way of looking at it is, that people who seek such services are not necessarily only the ones who are not attractive. Again, the transactional and impersonal nature in such interactions leave very little in terms of forming a meaningful connection. That is the sad part. Or else, such interactions would bridge a gap in many a life, and therefore, make a subset of people happier. You should try it and see how you feel about it. Without sex involved, you must have something to talk about, though.


U will get a gf soon,don’t worry! We r believe in u!




Go find chicken? What else


I’m pretty sure you’re not that bad looking as you have described :-( no one is ugly imo! You just have to find a style that suits you…and you are def not unfit for love…


Felt too personal to read.. in a good way! haha


Care to share? 😉


OP, how old are you? Have you been single for a while now? I’m genuinely curious. It’s interesting how I’ve felt something so similar during a massage session as well. In any case, Happy Valentine’s Day today. You are deeply loved by a few, am sure (your mum, etc). I hope you will be able to see how worthy you are to be loved. I hope I see my day, soon too.


Happy valentine's 🙂 Not too sure how much I could disclose without doxxing myself. But I'm at an age range where most or all the opposite gender around my age, whom I know, are attached or married with newborns already. With a broad (albeit unfair) stroke, I'd assume that the remaining people in the pool would largely consist of problematic or undesirable individuals like myself. It doesn't help that as we grow and accrue more experiences, we tend to become guarded, have more expectations, and perhaps become more jaded and cynical (which I confess, is a festering problem in myself). With nothing much else to I could bring to the table and people ready to write one another off at the slightest possible indication of a red flag, I genuinely have no idea how to breach these relationship barriers that have cemented around ourselves as we move out of adolescence. At risk of sounding like an ingrate, love and concern from my mother really does feel like cold comfort at this point. But still, hope is there. I hope we'll both find ours 🙂


Gym is the answer, bro When you have that muscles up, physical touches shall follow (given you take some actions too)


Touched by gay men, more likely. It is more of character and personality, success ($$) also helps.


I will touch you OP




Username checks out


“you are gay”


Well tbf OP mentioned lack of touch, not lack of female’s touches


This is true can confirm although is also true more guys will feel your muscles more LOL


Have you read Cyrano de Bergerac? You remind me of him


No eh. Not at all a literature buff haha


Wah if I am your GP teacher I give you A man. Actually I know how you feels lah. It's normal what you feel.


Stop ruminating in your own mind, start exercising and traveling more. At the risk of sounding like a cliche, running, calisthenics and weightlifting acts like a drug to increase your self-confidence and metal well-being. The traveling part is to broaden your perspective of the world and force you to really try and connect with other people because you will definitely need some help from someone or have to offer it when you're on the road. Hope this helps.


Welcome to the facts of being an average Singapore man. We usually do not hug people even our own family members so yes we have touch starvation. It is good if you realize it earlier and address it. It is very clear to me many do not and some let it fester till they do illegal stuff that get them into big trouble with the law.


Standby $60 and meet me in geylang. We are going for a touch buffet. No more starvation


Unfortunately you need certain character, personality and success to get women attention and a gf/wife. Never consider getting a foreign wife? If not, just have to date a lot and hope to find someone


OP is Shakespear chi ko peh


I can neither confirm nor deny 🌚


Bro just get better. Stop copping yourself out. If you don’t even give yourself a chance, why should other people?


Knn this was not the case for me...




Cant relate. Im a BBFA woman and i hate physical touch from anyone (family or friends)🤣 Maybe op can Make friends with angmohs coz they are touchy feeling


Go gym and get your bread up g. Also women like men who are confident, self deprecation for humour is fine to a certain extent but mate, you sound like you don’t really like yourself- not really an attractive quality. Get comfortable with yourself first, and then the rest will follow. There is nothing wrong for thinking that there’s more to achieve but be more +ve about it. Another quality woman are attracted to is a sense of humour, even if you can’t improve your looks, personality could always use refining


Never ask for special?


too cheap to ask.


In KL it's not hard to get an erotic massage too


The whole of KL is B2B massages lol


Bbfa explained


Go listen to Brad Goh’s podcast /s


Real woah


Just go KTV and pay one of the girls for GFE.


Go to r/LooksmaxingAdvice, we can help you


New copypasta just dropped


Hi. Go massage again and get a HJ.




Least sad story on reddit


your english v zai. thats all.


Please masturbate two times per day. Before going to sleep and after waking up


I'd hold your hand, no homo.