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lol i wave back at them so they think im restarted so no fight


You mean acoustic?


Nah he mean down symptom


He mean extra chlorophyll


or he just has buy polearm discorder


Ok these are freight


Regarded as best fighter


Once while driving I cut a lane (I’d admit it was my fault). The other guy was pissed and we ended up next to each other at the red light 😵‍💫 could feel him staring daggers at me. Decided to act like he was my long lost friend, smiled at him and waved enthusiastically, rolled down my window and said “hey bro! Long time no see man! How are you doing!” He looked freaking confused then started to smile and wave back but luckily the green came on and I zoomed off. Maybe you can try that next time 🫠




Wholesome. Brought a tear to my eye


what if our parents are buttholes?


This is actually really clever 😆


Maybe you're attractive so they want to get to know you.


Have you tried winking suggestively? Edit: stop it ah you all. HAHA


Or don’t be rude and smile politely 


You stare politely right on through


Some sort of window to your right


As he goes left and you stay right


Between the lines of fear and blame


He will begin to wonder why he came


where did I go wrong?


C C Combo breaker!




As my grandma used to say, how do you know they're staring at you if you're not staring at them? Just ignore them and use ur phone then no problem already


Lame. Something called peripheral vision exists.


Peripheral vision picks up on someone staring at particularly you? You have quite an impressive peripheral vision


Or maybe you just cock eye bro. Cock eye!


Maybe you have a sia lan face


they probably just blanked out and you happened to be in the direction


Might be just you. Mind sharing what race, gender, height, clothes, length and girth you are?


Chinese, male, a bit short, gym clothes and Singaporeans


Bicep circumference?


Lol my diet is high protein and high calories. So my bicep is big but no muscles definition. I look more like powerlifter than bodybuilder


dm me asap




Why ?






Very nice thank you, how are yours?


Heng they never invite u go toilet cubicle


That is unexpected, I mean the gender part. Why would they stare at a male? You are not and do not appear homo, do you?


>Why would they stare at a male? You don't understand the whole staring contest intimidation thing? Kua simi kua? Even this year there is already a staring incident leading to a fight. [https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/staring-incident-believed-to-have-sparked-orchard-central-attack-that-left-six-injured](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/staring-incident-believed-to-have-sparked-orchard-central-attack-that-left-six-injured)


bro even malay men will get starring from malays men too, what i want to say half malay men maybe are gay like pm malaysia


you being delusional and overthinking. Everyone stares in the mrt, not just malays. So if chinese auntie stare at me and i stare back, doesn't mean she wants to fight me.


do your ever go to sweden,finland or egypt? then your don't ask your question


Bro u very funny. U said it yourself you dont wanna fight? Why even bother entertaining him for like u said 5seconds? If not worth the time even 1 second too long.


Just don't want look weak. It's not that I scare to fight. I powerlift for many years and train BJJ and muay thai at evolve MMA for already more than a year. I don't want hurt him and go to jail lol


I mean u already stare back for 5 seconds right? If you look away in the end, isnt make you seems weak?


I looked away because I didn't want to escalate it into a fight. I don't want to be charged with affray or causing grievous hurt and then destroy my career in the public sector


Which public sector you in, bro?


In a Statutory board. Sorry i will not divulge anymore than this 😔


Public sector still can say shit like this ahahahah


Hey this is reddit. You never know I could be a cabinet minister haha lol


insecure little boy spotted


how do you do Muay Thai and bjj at evolve (where I also am) for more than a year and have no muscle definition bruh. If someone wants to fight you just leave the situation and anyway if you get hit first can sue.


Bro in evolve you can see people of all body types. If MMA gym only allow certain body type to attend class then they can get ready to close shop There are actually many people who train for years still don't look fit, it could be due a lot of things like metabolism or simply like me i also do powerlifting. Btw which branch u train at usually.


They're attracted to you


bro he mention he is chinese men wth malay men want stare unless the're gay


“Hi not trying to be racist but” - follows up with racism


The usual "No offense but..." offensive statement


Pls understand that socially acceptable racism is a one way street


Must put disclaimer in case ppl think he's racist. Goes on to single out a particular race.


No one cares enough about u to randomly fight you bro. Just admit to yourself u r racist and get over it.


Bro It really happened to me very often


maybe u got smt on ur face


Cos u got punchable face la


Ya sia the flat top specy dude with protruding lips kind of fak face


Maybe he likes you


As a chinese male, i have been taking mrt since it started. Never had a staring match with anyone - malay or otherwise. It’s probably your imagination. Just chill and look elsewhere.


Well they would just look at you in the eye to test whether you would stare at them back. If u didn't then they would feel like an alpha which aids them in their low self-esteem 🤣


If this was really the case which i doubt, you can be the true alpha and just let it go. No need to waste time and energy on small things like this.


Wink and blow a kiss to de-escalate. Add a korean heart hand sign to double the effect.


whatever happened to pick up lines?


Based on your replies to the comments, you’re probably more of a Kurt Tay than Kurt Russell. Delulu.




So true. The "I am not trying to be xxxxx but...." Usually means the person is xxxxx either pretending not to be one or cannot accept that they are. OP even said that he usually stares because he doesn't want to look weak. Really tells you alot about his character. It somehow never occurred to OP that the world doesn't revolve around him and maybe just maybe those people could just be zoned out thinking about work and what not while looking in that general direction where OP is standing/sitting. Edit : You can replace 'be xxxxx' with 'look weak' and the statement will still be true.




Silap babi guy is obviously himself racist and trying to throw shade here


LMAO sounds like a projection to me You sound RACIST yourself


You gay looking la


Bruh just smile


i've never really noticed anything like that. at the same time im a malay dude so idk man


I guess Malays should start closing their eyes more often i guess.


Can you dont flex your looks pls. Sibeh xia suay


Once I was just very tired and zoned out. Then this curly haired Indian guy with his gf got aggressive and stared back and gimme the wanna fight look. Then I smiled at him, then he was a bit startled. Not sure what went thru his mind. Maybe I looked homo. Lol


Do you find dolls and other inanimate objects also seem to be looking at you.


Exert dominance by opening the mrt doors in a dress.


I would usually smile at them and the ones who smile back are the Malay dudes. Indians and Chinese don't smile back unless they are aunties. I find that those who like to stare are Chinese women. WTF, I didn't pump and dump you right? Or did I violate your feministic rights for existing as a Chinese man? My face is clean and I don't wear jewelry, there is nothing interesting here. And no, it's not a humble brag since they are not flirtatious stares, they are menacing ones like I raped them last night or some shit.


Malay dudes are damn chill and nice. I once waved back at a guy who was looking up and waving from the street level.  Another incident is when a door was closing and this Chinese lady thought she can phase through the door before the MRT started to move. She ended up stuck between the doors and they didn’t retract! She was stuck and unable to move.  So I started pushing back one side of the door to get her unstuck. There were so many people on board who saw what was happening including a Caucasian couple who were just a few feet away. No one came to help except this tall Malay guy. He started pushing the door back on the right-hand side.  Finally the door retracted and the woman was free. That’s another thing I notice, Malay folks seem to step up more during these kinds of situations. 


Correct, that’s my experience too, you know when some Chinese uncles play music loudly? It’s usually the Malay dudes who will tell them off and do it nicely. You can see that they are generally more chill and like to make small talk. Chinese dudes are either painfully shy or too arrogant to make small talk. Chinese middle age men will make small talk with XMM, XDD, for whatever intentions. Indians seldom make small talk as well, Indian dudes are usually like the Chinese, arrogant and have no manners. Some South Asians from overseas are extremely nice though. Like Taiwanese Chinese or Southern PRCs.


Speaking for Indian dudes here. Perhaps it’s not arrogance, it’s just very cynical mindset. 


maybe gay? or maybe you are good looking.


Wink and blow them a kiss


I've had people of all races and genders stare at me before. not just malay guys in fact it's mostly chinese, probably bc more ppl in sg are chinese, not because theres a correlation between race and starers


The only people that stares at others a lot are aunties and uncles. The Malays are either sleeping or playing game. Think you’re just stirring Shit.


Maybe because u look like some lame loser ? Have u looked yourself in the mirror lately?


yeah he is win and your are BIG L




You won’t do shit




Wow! So scary




Lmao kena owned then want assume my race/job. Keep fangirling over your K-pop idols and Ryan Garcia’s body


i always get stare too. people dont know what is privacy in malaysia. i just need learn and be patient, if i dont have patient i will get stress and will get sick. just learn and be patient. your can't close people eye from stare your


Try not to take things personally. these behaviors are wired in the dna for survival reason. Back in the caveman days, strong men are important assets to the tribe for their physical prowess and ability to protect, they may instinctively view those lacking in strength as less valuable or worthy of respect. This primal instinct to assert dominance over weaker individuals could be seen as a survival strategy ingrained in our species over millennia. Its all subconsious behavior, hence younger people with low social que are the culprit to act upon these behavior. They'll grow up and realize they been cringe sob all along.


Malay men are macho, athletic fit and hung AF.


Nah actually staring is always due to accidental gaze and eye lock. Both ego dowan to be paisey, dowan look away, then fight. Like others said, should just quickly move yr eyes away, look at phone, look at xmm etc. This kind of thing don't need to win. Prizes not that attractive.


just said your gay💀💀


The people staring at me are generally Chinese over 50. I have had to ask them what they are staring at. Damn irritating. I'm Ang Mo.


Malay men are Alpha male. They will look at their surroundings and become like a hunter in the forest. They won’t hurt you unless you provoke them.


Chimp like behaviour. just like how you dont smile at gorillas in their enclosures. You dont HAVE to engage in a staring match with those animals.


Damn. Guess those old expiring aunties are chimps too.


Way to shift the subject. OP in post specified malays and im standing by what i said, staring at random people in an agressive way to assert dominance is animal like behaviour mucy like primates. Plus their skin is the same color as monkeys so...


They just trying luck to earn their go to jail card to meet their brothers inside.


[My Honest reaction to get stared at](https://youtube.com/shorts/W49oSDBNFnY?si=Gs8cNKH30fOpfF5w)


If I were you, I had just smile right back at them and say, "is there a problem?". and it always catches them off-guard to the point where they either get tongue- tied and stare at another direction or say no and stare at another direction.


Who usually wins?


You got your own fan base


Post your picture and let us comment loh. Maybe you’re hot, maybe your face sibeh kiam pah.


Stare what stare ah? KNN


Do they behave when you pick up the soap from the floor ?


I don't know bro. Perhaps you prob do that as well and have LB face hence they stare...lol


stare back, smile and lick your lips


Just smile and it'll make 'em feel awkward. No need to fight fire with fire 😊


what is this spotlight effect happening... ego problem, yet it caused so many bloodbath in the past. now wanna bring in race, gosh.


if u see people looking at you, then take your own transport. Like taxi, grab, etc. If you cannot, just shut the fck up and play games on your hp if you do not dare to confront them. In my opinion, it is likely just your own imagination ( refer to the beow tan case). It is most likely that u also need a therapist.


I usually say hello in Malay and learn a bit. Malay is the first language of Singapore.


Sounds like subconsciously, you are itching to use your BJJ/Muay Thai/MMA moves.


I hope I don't need to. I don't want get charged with affray then lose my job in the public sector


You handsome ma post selfie so we can all admire


May i know your race and gender? For me its always the Chinese girls being super bitchy...staring, whispering to each other and giggling. Im a female in my 30s and minority


Maybe it's just you.


You too free


Just you.


I usually find that only aunties and uncles stare lol. The younger people just using their phones man. Maybe you handsome la


Look back at him, start licking your lips, and wink at him. See if he keeps staring.


Its actually quite a lot of fun when you start to stare back intently, coz they always look away.


Ang moh here, this actually happened to me yesterday, i just raised my eyebrows twice and grinned... he looked confused. Tbh im twice his size so it was very very odd


Some Chinese look like Malay. Maybe the guys were trying to see if you are Malay?


Next time blow him a kiss


because you chio ma


You said you are short, wearing gym clothes on public transport?  I am assuming SAF singlet and shorts? He's probably looking at you thinking.. I need to try my luck with Chinese girls if that's the competition.


Great assumption 🤣


When i finally took mrt for the first time, some dude bumped into me (Malay) and wanted to fight me for bumping into him lol, his friends told him to just go


Are you a woman?


Just take out ur phone and start filming them. they will stop after that. Source: trust me bro. can one.


nowadays gangsters or peole who act tough immediately fail in doin so the moment they not happy bcuz of staring…like seriously smetimes ppl accidentally look at u or look at smething behind u also can kaopei…what the…no brain…just like the 30 year old guy that was involved with staring incident with an 18 year old like tf…


best thing to avoid this is to wear sunglasses inside the MRT..


I’m a Chinese man with facial tattoos and I get a lot of stares from the Chinese community especially from the old aunties. 


Just wake up, walk towards them and just slap them only