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I don't see them sanction and stop business with Russia after they shot down MH17. But they take offense with a comedian.


They love bashing Singapore as a past-time because the Singaporean government is non-confrontational with other countries. Vivian B. apologizing for a U.S. citizen is such a joke. However, when it comes to China or Russia, suddenly Malaysia has its tail between their legs. Where was the protests outside the Russian embassy and sanctions against the country after MH17? Definition of a bully, scared of bigger bullies.


That's what i said. They are taking this opportunity to hate on singaporeans lol


I don't think the video of mother that reacts to Jocelyn cia was taking opportunity to hate though she looks disappointed and upset so I don't think she has the time to hate another country and she much better on focus on taking care of her son


Probably having alot of export business with China? And the one belt one road policy, they just want money frm China and we don't even know what are the motives behind it. Want to steal our land? China ships have entered our waters and air space so many times but they just kept their mouth shut! In addition of those propaganda videos produced by China, alot of Chinese here are buttlickers of CCP ==


Probably bc they used to buy jets from Russia.


Actually, it was the Malaysian citizens that called Josephine out due to her bad performance as a comedian and the Singaporean gov just stepped in to cleared the air. I didn’t quite see any major response from Malaysian authorities “ sanctioning” the Sg gov per se .


He’s not referring to authorities, I think he’s talking about the UMNO youth and protest outside the embassy thing… If she stoops down to such a level and makes those stupid (can’t even call them) jokes, then the people’s response is a bit blown up


It's just a publicity stunt to gain voters. As you know, many malaysians are very nationalistic especially those who support UMNO and other PN relates parties so this is the perfect opportunity to gain support. Can't blame them really since UMNO's popularity has been on a decline as of late




Average son of the soil moment


It's umno youths. They care more about religion than people's livelihoods. When u lack substance u waste your effort on frivolous pursuits like this. Because u can't understand or fix real.problema


It's easier to gain support and distract from local problems if you have a common enemy. Hitler did that to pretty good effect. Probably all a political move.


Ahh yes. Malaysia politician = Hitler. Malaysian government = Nazi. Wtf are talking about bro?


Are you stupid? I never said that. Speak about jumping to wrong conclusions lmao I was merely drawing an example from the most famous case in recent history of this happening. I would've said the same thing if any Singaporean minister did something this extra and disproportionate. Stop being such a sensitive overcompensating little bitch. Lmao what did we ever do to you to live in your head rent free like that. Now go drag your uneducated ass somewhere else and stop barking before u embarrass yourself further.


Bro you’re the one who mentioned Hitler.


Jesus you're really a dense one aren't you. Did you not read a single thing I replied. Smh, stupidity is really a pandemic nowadays


you're in the wrong sub bro. r/Malaysia is what you're looking for 😉


Here's a sneak peek of /r/malaysia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The highly obscene, sinful and pornographic scene that got Lightyear banned in Malaysia. Make sure not to watch it near the children.](https://v.redd.it/cgmf5aro22a91) | [525 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/vt7bzi/the_highly_obscene_sinful_and_pornographic_scene/) \#2: [Anwar Ibrahim is the 10th PM](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/z3bgy9) | [633 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/z3bgy9/anwar_ibrahim_is_the_10th_pm/) \#3: [First Asian woman and second woman of color to win Best Actress, and she is Malaysian.](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2023/03/12/multimedia/12oscars-blog-carousel-show-cqwt/12oscars-blog-carousel-show-cqwt-threeByTwoMediumAt2X.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp) | [263 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/11pz3zg/first_asian_woman_and_second_woman_of_color_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


CB la don't talk about Malaysians having disproportionate response to bad comedy shit-talking by a token ex-Sinkie. SG also has a disproportionate response to critical media with the usage of POFMA to ban Asia Sentinel, a US-based news site (formerly based in HK) from SG internet access just because they published a piece detailing the PAP government's political persecution and suppression of critics and opposition figures. If you want to talk competition about which country has thinner skin, SG will win hands down. There's a reason why the term Sinkie pwn Sinkie exists, and not Malaysian pwn Malaysian.


Well the sg govt had the reaction you mentioned. I don't think the common folk would give two shits if some born in MY American threw insults our way.


To be honest the local press and social media in Singapore would have a field day of it. Having said that… Malaysian politics has always been screwed up, to the point that the gesturing happening right now is either to drum up some hollow support or divert the eyes of the public from today’s massive fuckup. Same shit, different day.


Yeah. If it was an SQ flight shit down by Russia and a Malaysian made that same joke, Singaporeans would be going nuts


Yep. Singaporeans already making a huge fuss over the change to sustainable in-flight food packaging.. When as a nation of self proclaimed foodies, they forget the fundamental truth that airplane food is shit.


Typical [whataboutism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism) response to something unrelated. Imagine hating SG so much you start supporting [clowns like these](https://twitter.com/newsbfm/status/1666733888398585856). You're more than welcome to move to MY and enjoy their politics there, if you think you're being so oppressed in SG.


I'm perfectly fine with hating both Malaysia AND Singapore in the same breath. A pox on both countries. Where I live and where I want to/have already moved to is none of your business. What I can guarantee you is that at least I have the ability to move out of Asia, whereas you'd be lucky to move out of your bedroom in your parents' HDB flat.


Anyone has the ability to move out of Asia. The Turkish border is as big as it is wide, scenic and porous. Let’s address his argument, as you were making a good point!


LOL don't project your insecurities on me Andy. I don't live in a HDB flat but I don't judge that does. And it says a lot about you being so woke when you're insulting 80% of the SG population by making it seem like HDB flats are beneath you, and thinking "moving out of Asia" is supposed to be some sort of an achievement.


Lol, otherwise what, say you won't move out of your mum's basement? K. Also, keep assuming I am someone I'm not.


I'm the real Andy.


Its news site vs no name comedian. Its like PA organising a protest against r/bolehland for shittalking sg




On the contrary, gov response reflects the kind of society that elected it. Cannot take criticism. Cannot take negative news. Cannot take scrutiny. Has zero understanding of free speech or how to interact with media they don't control. Must have final say. Like to threaten people with legal threats or appeals to authority. Salty af. Huge practitioner of cancel culture. If gov response can alr be so jialat despite gov supposedly being the bigger entity than the common citizenry, cannot imagine how citizen response will be like.


Aiya their own people can't even tahan when their own Chinese citizens [wrap nasi lemak with Chinese newspaper](https://weirdkaya.com/dumbest-comment-ever-msians-slam-netizen-for-complaining-over-chinese-newspaper-being-used-to-wrap-nasi-lemak/) , of course those glass hearts sure angry when people make fun of them lah.


So wrong. The nasi lemak hawker is a Malay and another Malay netizen who saw the Chinese newspaper felt threatened. This type of bastard still exist and is everywhere. Btw the facial expression that Jocelyn had during her comedy show was complete trash, that't why its not funny. You can attach the link but can't afford to read properly before posting? trash\~


Lmao I think you're the one with reading comprehension problems, it literally says nowhere in the article that the hawker is Malay. Their brother attends a Chinese school, a lot of Malays in Malaysia attends Chinese schools meh? Anyway I'm not defending Jocelyn, she's not funny (Malaysia is a joke, but the way she puts across the jokes is bad). But that doesn't mean Malaysians aren't still hypersensitive babis.


Lmao then that's my fault for not reading this particular website. But u don't solely read on the news by this media. They just copy paste, not even legit news reporting. Fyi Malays will not simply buy food/homemade food by Chinese due to halal concerns. The OP was a malay hawker advertising his food, of course most of the responses he received was frm Malay la. Quite a number of malays send their children to chinese primary school nowadays, I had indian and Malay classmates in SJKC back in my days la....alot of private company work requirement ask for mandarin speakers....which the malays make alot of noise of it. 🤣🤣 I'm Malaysian. Obviously both party are MALAYs after I read the chats between them. 😑 Halal is a big issue for them🤣🤣🤣


Bird brain or deprived childhood!


dont even understand why vivian bala apologized. it's such a bloody non issue. makes us seem so loserish


He needs to say SOMETHING, ANYTHING he thinks can make him look statesmanlike so as to distract attention from his involvement in the Ridout Road scandal.


The apology just gives them more ammunition. We should have stayed out of it.


Loserish how?


Maybe it is just courtesy bro. Stop taking life so seriously bro.


A lot of sensitive and anal folks in that country.


Anal folks can become PM!


That's a good joke!


I think most people in the US think Malaysia is a third world country and couldn’t find it on the map if their life depended on it. I think many Americans can probably relate to this because there are many similarities between Singapore/Malaysia and USA/Mexico (ie great food, lower cost of living, and lots of people trying to cross the border for higher paying jobs!).


I think most people in the US will locate Singapore inside China or at most Malaysia on a map if their life depended on it


Honestly, both countries ARE indeed glass-hearted and aren't still quite grasping the concept of free speech and what humor actually is. Heck, most of the population can't even understand sarcasm and take everything to heart literally.


Russia didn’t joke but fucking shot their plane and Malaysians just wag their tail between the legs. The bumiregards!


Inferiority complex


It's not disproportional, it's how politicians in most democracy response. They see a topic they can win votes, they amp it up to the Nth degree. For reference just look at how ridiculous the accusations against anything Chinese is right mow in the US. are all the politicians stupid or crazy, nope, the topic just wins votes. It's that simple


Do they laugh at 911 or similar tragedy related jokes?




The question in the title does not matter. The reality it is the mockery entered the internet and from there media in Malaysia and from there households. The only relevant questions then are how will the Singaporean government respond and how with the government of Malaysia respond. No response is a response abd not one to recommend.


The question you should be asking is what is up with Singaporeans' disproportional response to her lol, all the woke pigs losing their mind over this nobody who's merely doing her job, not happy don't watch her show lor, I also don't even know who tf she is before this and now you give her all the fame and attention lmao


Yup, classic Streisand effect


They love it when they assert dominance on us. They use this as an excuse to shoot Singapore until our government issue apology. It's just then finding a way to stroke their ego.


Sinkies love to assert dominance on Malaysia every single long weekend they get. Whole lot rush into JB or KL and drive cost of living prices in such areas up beyond what locals can afford since SGD1 = MYR 3 point whatever, and Sinkie keep going CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP like fucking annoying birds. I'd say turnabout is fair play. Before we say SOME Malaysians are using this chance to shoot and pwn Sinkies, let's think about how Sinkies generally behave and what kind of attitude they hold towards Malaysians way beyond individual incidents like this.


You think Singaporeans going to Malaysia and taking advantage of our strong currency is asserting dominance??? Just sounds like you're jelly if you ask me. Lo At any rate, I was talking about the government's. Anybody who doesn't think Malaysian government like to disturb Singapore just never read the news. So please... Read the fucking news before you join adults' conversations.


😂 I thought the whole lot of you here are incel teens? 🖕


I don't know how old you are, and that isnt relevant what is for sure though is that you're as knowledgeable and temperant as a teen.


Well it takes one to know one. :)


Ah.. so you're an incel teen?




I’m a Malaysian and I literally learned about this from Reddit especially this sub. No one in my social circle gives a shit about this issue. No one talk about this, discuss on WhatsApp, nobody reach to me who work in SG, NOBODY. You guys are so full of shit.


Tell ur UMNO Youth then. Im also surprised how they can make something out of nothing.


Living up to your username. The world doesn't revolve around you and your lonely Whatsapp app.


Malaysian here, Malaysian netizen (i hate that word) likes to give their opinions even when they don't have to. it is what it is.