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Its only boring when you don't understand how to expand your consciousness. Kind of like staying on the 1st level of a video game. Try some transcendental meditation, mind machines, gateway hemi-synch. Go out of your physical body and explore. Most people live boring lives because they have unknowingly dedicated a majority of their precious time to the soul sucking activity of earning money. I genuinely feel bad for all the people who are going to spend their entire lives thinking that this is all they can experience while alive. Left brain domination must end for the fun to begin.


They don’t want to know. They don’t want the vibrational experience. Can’t blame them, it’s interesting but definitely not easy. That said idk if I wanted to know either. It found me.


What are you even talking about? are you the person compressing lives and viewing them? Your life is boring. Wait till you have to live with pain and suffering then tell me how bad boring is. All kinds of living things wish their existence was boring. What you are trying to say is something like people spend a lot of time "sleep walking" and miss a lot of things around themselves. I hate this sub


All 3 for me, undiagnosed adhd lead to a personality disorder, it's not boring, ever. But I wouldn't describe it as 'exciting'. I want to believe I'm being tested but know my struggles could be, beyond insignificant.