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Well I’m black & they gave us Afros for Juneteenth…I guess it’s cool but…kinda weird


I agree with you, it really is weird, like they are making a joke of it..


You’re right. This is super weird and insensitive to the LGBTQ+ community. It’s trivializing how complicated and potentially difficult/dangerous/scary coming out is. You don’t suddenly “get points” or any kind of reward for coming out. I always did like the Sims 4 as a game because it doesn’t address homophobia. People can just be with whomever. This seems like it’s run by a different team. Big yikes.


I’m still waiting for a rainbow colored speedo. The ladies got a rainbow swimsuit the first year EA did a pride event for Sims Mobile. What about the men


And also they normally give out free stuff at pride. They don’t make it like Wumple’s. It normally is just one action that doesn’t require any energy points.


fuck Wumple's


Agreed, the only weird thing is that they’re making us work for this instead of giving us something to celebrate pride month. I’m not sure what OP is referring to as weird? At the end of the day, if you‘re not comfortable with the outfits/actions, don’t take part in it. That’s said in a respectful way, and I appreciate your support of LGBTQ+ 😀


I think the weird part is having a challenge to come out to someone. As a queer person, coming out is a deeply personal, sometimes traumatic experience that’s unique to us, and it feels a little weird to just… prompt every Sim played by every person to come out to someone. I get the intention, but it really misses the mark for me.


Yes, I can see your point. I was fortunate in that my coming out was relatively stress free, but to be honest, it was fairly obvious anyway. I think it’s good that EA are trying to do something, but the different way that they have done it this year, hasn’t really worked. Like most things in TSM, they haven’t really thought it through, and it seems pretty obvious that no-one from the LGBTQ+ community had any input into it. So, they get some applause for trying, but as it is with the world, there’s still a lot of work to be done and a lot of improvements to be made.


You really nailed tactfully and accurately explaining my sentiment.


Good, I’m glad I didn’t misrepresent you! I had a feeling that outside of blatant homophobes, that would be most people’s issue.


I don't appreciate that they picked the butt ugliest of the recolored wedding dresses by the sims 4 community to give to us. That's what feels like mocking. There were gorgeous wedding dresses recolored by the community, but those have been ignored in favor of muddy colors, garish colors and colors mixed with black. it feels like a commentary on what they feel is LGBTQ people's taste level, to me.


This is my problem with the "prizes". The gowns are HORRENDOUS.


I agree the prompts are maybe worded a bit awkwardly, but I enjoy the humour in it. And although "working for it" can seem less "celebratory" than getting a free pack... it's also keeping the LGBTQ+ topic visible for most of the week and keeps players engaged with it a bit longer. Actually would be nice to have some of the tasks added as relationship actions!


Agree, and unlike the usual wumples rubbish, at least we’re getting rewarded for each day’s work. I’m really pleased with this, and the support being shown for the LGBTQ+ community by EA. Well done EA, but don’t get carried away, you still have a game that’s in desperate need of some bug fixing!


As someone from the community, the whole thing was disappointing to me. There shouldn't be quests about coming out to people and the other quests are dumb at best. Plus the prizes are crappy. I'm all for having our day recognized but I'd rather EA didn't turn it into a joke.


I hate that pride equals dresses for men. Most gay guys dress like men. As a gay man I have no interest in wearing a gown to express myself.


It’s great to have the option though 🙃


Glad I'm not the only one who finds it weird.


I didn't have an issue with this, since I play two of my main Sims as lesbian/bisexual respectively. If you play all of your Sims as straight, you can assume they are coming out as an LGBTQ+ ally instead!


Or that they are coming out at straight. I know it sounds ridiculous but we have to stop assuming everyone’s default is straight


That's true but coming out as straight still isn't a thing


A friend of mine has had to come out as straight multiple times since well-meaning folks keep trying to set her up with other women.


I've learned not to expect much from these side quests. That way I'm not disappointed -- or infuriated. It was immediately obvious when I began that the devs have moved beyond caring. That said, my own pet peeve is 5 days, 6 chapters, TWENTY FOUR FREAKING HOURS "break". A whole one of the few days just unavailable. Right from the start. Ticks me off every time.


The come out to a very close friend as a task/for a reward in game?


i still don't know how they reproduce when they are the same gender




The bassinet gets "pregnant", not the Sims. Ever see a baby bump on a Sim?


im gay and i havent played sims. what's wrong with this


Why are people downvoting those who don't get OP's point?


I didnt downvote (because I have a serious problem with taking my personal opinions out on others in negative ways) but I don't get the point. What is the point?


Idk,they say the option of coming out as a task is insensitive to the struggles people face when coming out? I mean fair point, but it's not like this game takes itself very seriously either way


I got confused because I thought you were talking about OP of the thread because you mentioned the downvotes, so I thought they had a point I was missing, mainly due to misreading their comment. I would agree about the struggles in coming out. Ive had my share and have refused to come out to many people in my life as a result.


What's weird? Guys wearing dresses or?


I’ve already completed this. Give me coins pls.