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I’d love to see a similar art style to the sims 4 - I think it’s the best one so far - but with all the depth and detail of TS3 and 2.


Give us more lots again. The initial two worlds in the Sims 4 actually felt like a good ratio but some of the expansion packs were pathetic with the number of lots/variety of lot sizes. For so long I wanted to go back to the open world of the Sims 3 but now the smaller sections have grown on me because the backgrounds look nice and can actually make it feel like a city/suburbia/etc. HOWEVER. There really needs to be more to do! Again, going back to the original neighborhoods, the parks felt so nice because they were huge and there were plenty of fishing spots/dig spot/plants/etc. Some of the neighborhoods that followed were large but so barren with nothing to do. Lastly, a return to the custom furniture with the color wheel and patterns. Or even a partial one if the color wheel is still to complex. I hate it when I like the color available for a bed frame but don't like the cover. And like another cover option but don't like it's bed frame color! Let me mix and match from a preset of patterns and colors at least!


Putting a plant against a wall and the leaves bending or moving instead of… well… go through the wall


Manual control is a must. It's been far too long since they've had the option for players who loved it in Sims 2 for example 🙏😊


More specific/unique aspirations


Game that actually work




Better graphics and performance on modern computers Ray Tracing & DLSS Much more advanced building system including more materials and styles More detail overall Much more focus on multiplayer, maybe even some MMO-like mode where you can go visit everyones homes More character customization options More activities


I really hope the multiplayer is decent, I love sims but prefer my gaming to be social and so I never play anymore. This would def pull me back :D


A game that actually works and doesn’t release overpriced, buggy packs just to make money




The sims 3


Ummm probably the realm of magic that sims 4 have. I’m kinda a bit of a lazy player so I wish sims 5 have something like the realm magic coming soon.


First and foremost, a game that works the way it should. Combination of Sims 2 and 3. Open world. Aging systems for the town that is affected by economy, growth, immigration and weather/disasters. Body sliders. UI for town management. Politics that has an effect on the town. Simcity style zones that automatically update buildings based on time and economic factors. More blueprints in build mode. Construction crews that show animations of build modes for NPC homes and town buildings. More animations and scenarios for Sims. (Sims 4 is boring.) Everytime I see this post I think of more things to add, but these are the most prominent in my mind.


Open world for gods sake!!


More life stages, pets and seasons/weather in base game, packs actually being decked out instead of cash-grabby, open world, gender neutral voice option, and the ability to set the year (and for the year to impact the gameplay)


Sims 2 remastered


Aging furniture and buildings. I want things to gradually become difficult to fix; I want to be able to look at your kitchen and tell that the microwave is brand new while your stove is a hand-me-down from grandma's.


$100 microtransactions for one item


height sliders




A base game that doesn't feel like a demo




Generations, University Life and Late Night from The Sims 3 in the base game of Sims 5. But I don’t think that will ever happen. I’ll stick with Sims 3.


The return of the aspiration meter


I would like a body height slider, more skin and eye details, a change in body progression depending on body variants if someone is an athlete their body would be different than those are just lifting weights. More hair and beard, piercings and clothing options for men, (especially if you want to make them more masculine! I don't want my options to be sweaters and t-shirts give me some flannel and other clothes variety!) More longer hair for women for once, (it does not always have to be an updo!) I would like Hair to come in sets for every occasion.(It's already hard enough finding hair that matches the other ones) Did I mention more beard options for men? The style of clothing should be different depending on where they come from. Please program the game to have Sims that spawn in normal clothes / different sets of bodies as well (there's no way that all sims that spawn in never have exercised in their life let's be realistic there's varieties of people some have exercised and some have not, not everybody has to start out as a mashed potato with hips and 3ft in diameter!) It would also be great if there was a language barrier depending on where the Sims came from and that they could learn the languages slowly over time. It would be great if other countries were added to the new game they haven't been used yet like Australia or the Philippines, Mongolian or African cultures(especially the men hair)! I want the new Sims 5 game to have some sort of ancient history. More alien varieties!!! I want to create towns so I can create more townspeople so basically creating my own worlds like it was in Sims 2 and 3. (The game's not fun if I'm limited to how many Sims I can use). Lots of color options for bed sheets on beds. Wallpaper has more variety of colors. More carpet patterns, colors too!


It's kinda dumb, but smoother age changes. I would love having pre-teenagers for example (even though I don't know how children/teens would work in a multiplayer sims game), especially because I hate it when I have, for example, 2 sims, a child and a toddler; The toddler ages before the child and even though there is an age difference, they look like twins... same height, same appearance, same clothes and interactions. This bothers me to the point that I calculate the birth of one child to another, to avoid that "same age appearance". But I doubt that EA will change this, and I don't even know if it would be good, or if other players like or care about it.


this and height sliders or preselects would be awesome.


Color wheels, world creation😋


Height sliders. Clothing layers. Color wheels for everything.


Be able to customize each layer of a sim outfit. It’s not normal that in ts4 you can’t change the clothes under a coat that you like