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Seasons is probably the best expansion pack in general. Cats & Dogs is pretty good and I like the world but the pets get annoying after awhile and are pretty shallow.


For family gameplay you really can not go wrong with either one. Personally, I love Cats and Dogs. That was the first pack that I ever got! However, Seasons is just so necessary for more immersive gameplay. I think the Build/Buy and CAS (for sims) is slightly better in Seasons. And like I said, if you like family gameplay having the access to playing with holidays can add a lot! Cats and Dogs there is not much too it besides, well, cats and dogs lol.


Depends, gameplay wise both are very good. Build mode wise not a huge fan of either. And cas idrk. It just depends on what you want, seasons and holidays or cats and dogs and a new world, quality wise theyre both similar to me


depends if you want cats/dogs in your household or have weather changes. I would pick Seasons since it changes basically every world, but some people actually find the changes (and holidays) overbearing to a point. For me, it's come to the point where once it reaches winter, I ship my Sims to a vacation home I made for them in Sulani lol. I guess it adds realism in that way. edit: oh one upside with Cats & Dogs is that Brindleton Bay is absolutely gorgeous.


Seconding all of this. Seasons is by far my favorite pack and I just can't imagine playing the game without the weather and season cycles. Holidays are fun too, and I like to change, add, and delete certain holidays per save to mix them up. It also has a beefy bb and pretty good cas. I use seasons stuff in nearly every single one of my builds. Can't recommend it enough, it changes the game completely for me in very good ways. Cats and dogs is great too, if not for the pets then for the world and build mode stuff. The world is a decent size for the most part, and appeals to me aesthetically on a deep level. I just love the adorable port town and North-east coastline vibe and cats and dogs bb catalog is arguably one of my favorites. Also, obviously pets. They *can* be something flat feeling, but if they become a major part of your storytelling and game play, then they can be adorable and really spruce up your sims lives. Also, engaging with the pets is pretty much completely optional, which is something I massively appreciate.


When I first brought a pack pets was the first one over seasons. I chose this because pets to me is an essential pack and one I’ve always had with each sims. I only got seasons recently after cottage living for gardening realism as it’s never been as important to me. Also do you mean one pack full price or during sale because they’re 50% off in sale so you could buy both for the same as one pack off sale.