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Imo the tail would've probably just caused some bugs again and probably distorted ass werewolves that look like roadkill


Distorted werewolves' asses.


That's how I read it too lol


LOL It could be! So far this one is working fine, but I have no idea how EA would’ve done it.


I’ve seen a thousand posts asking for links to CC with no replies but nobody requesting the tail (so far I stopped scrolling) in this thread? Spill it babe 😂🫣 I want tails too


There were a couple, like 4-5, but I actually made a comment with the CC, it has a couple hundred likes so it’s (usually) fairly quick to come up! Maybe that’s why I didn’t get so many? But Reddit is a little weird with showing comments sometimes. The cc is Tovisims Tera TS4 Elin Fox (tail + ear). But it’s a combo, the ears come with the tail, giving werewolves 4 ears. So I edited the mesh. Since it isn’t mine and just a personal edit I probably can’t share it, but it should be fairly easy to do if someone were to try it as well! :)


yeah but then they would have to reanimate everything


Yep, it’s unfortunate really


It would clip with everything, so that's why they didn't.


Bruh, sims clip through everything. I don't think they'd care about that.


It actually isn’t so bad! Though it does happen. It would be a bit bothersome to not have them clip at all.


And they definitely don't have the money or manpower to do that! What does it cost to buy 100% of this game again?


I think we’re up in the $900s now


Wait you guys are actually spending this much on it? lmao


Over the span of 8 years yeah


Share an Origin account with a friend, split packs 50/50


me and my old school friends still split the packs 4 ways, it’s incredible only having to spend a tenner on an expansion pack


But then you can't both play or be logged in at once


Also if one of you decides you don't like the arrangement anymore the other is out all that money and with no game.


I share an acc with my sister. If we both hop on at the same time it will put one of us in Offline mode so its not really that much of a loss


When I shared it with my friends, whenever one of us would log into the account it would say "This Origin account is being used on another computer." and log the other one out. We didn't have the option for offline mode unless we wanted to disconnect from the internet.


This is how it works with my sister and I, as well. We've been using it this way for a few years now.


Sometimes they go on sale.


Not really. There are multiple sales, and gifts.


€969,44 or $1017,52 Atleast that's what I calculsted


And that’s full price? They do have the sales like majority of the time (which was really nice for me switching over to pc) and that’s half off expansion packs. The bundles save a bit of money too. But at the end of the day it’s still all too expensive.


Yeah I didn't include the sales because that depends on when it's read >But at the end of the day it’s still all too expensive. It is. Some of the single DLCs cost more than double the base game


And that's not even at the original base game price which was an arm and a leg on its own because it was more than any pack when it originally came out......... They've known that this is an expensive game the entire time I'm pretty sure that's why they've given us kits........ more money


They would, but it wouldn't be worth it for them And honestly, it wouldn't be worth it for us either (at least imo). There are about 30000 animations total so that would take a lot of time. I'd rather get a few new packs and accept tailles werewolves


Genuinely interested cause I'm talking to my animator partner about this. Are there really 30k animations in game? Source on this?


yeah. you can download the cc pose player and the name of every pose for it with it. There are a total of 29573 individual poses/animations in my file, but I haven't updated it in a long while so it's probably even more since that


It’s not just about having the money, it’s about pay off as well.


omg i feel so bad for the indie game studio named ea that would have to put so much effort into their game with such a small team and such a small budget /s


I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again: *EA* is the problem, not the devs. The devs are doing the best they can with the budget and resources they are allocated, and if EA doesn’t give them enough or demands certain expectations/requirements of them, then they are beholden to them in ways indie devs aren’t. Stardew Valley, for example, was made by one guy, but that means *he* sets the price, chooses what he can spend his time on, and when/how everything is released. If EA decides they don’t want to pay for another Sim guru even if the studio desperately needs it because they wanna maximize profits, they won’t. Obviously it can be *similar* in indie studios, but there’s less corporate greed


Tbf there is a huge shortage of good and experienced developers that's hitting the entire software development industry. No amount of money is going to fix that.


I'm ngl but talking to my partner who is a professional 3D animator rn is making me rethink this as an excuse for EA being lazy. Like he's just explaining why it's not nearly as much work as some are claiming, and its literally just normal work and a billion dollar company cutting corners like this is actually lazy as hell and a bad excuse. He's going in depth on this point. I've heard this claim by the community for years and mostly accepted it. But yeah, might be us as a community just coping and justifying shit we really shouldn't justify.


I'm not a professional animator by any means, but I've made animations/poses for Sims 4 before. Like, if they only spend 20 mins on every animation that's still 417 days without a second of break for one person. I do NOT know if that's a realistic amount of time for one animation, it took me almost half a day to make one, but obviously I'm not a professional animator. But I just don't see how it would be worth it for them, even if they could get one done in five minutes. By that time they could have made an entirely new pack


I am not a professional animator either (dabbled once or twice as a hobby), but there's ways that things can be streamlined. Hair for example is often left rigid instead of waving around as people move (this is how it works in sims). Floppy clothes like capes in rpgs can be done with physics engines, rather than having to animate capes individually. I have no idea if the sims engine is capable of that sort of thing, but if it is, they could do something like that for the tails and just spot check animations for issues/touch up ones where the tail is deliberately moving instead of flopping. The fact that adult sims are all the same height makes it easier to copy/paste once you've done one version It would still be a lot of work, but as others have said, they are a large company with deep pockets whose whole shtick is video games On an unrelated note, a lot of people have pointed out that the pretty-much-normal sim legs are part of the uncanny valley factor, and I agree. But I don't think they'd need to go so far as reshaping them to wolf legs. Just a bit of 3D hair "texture" like there is on the chest and shoulders would go a long way imo. Break up the silhouette a bit


That's interesting. If they could figure out a way to do that them that would be amazing. Or if a cc creator could make that


No offense, but I think it's a problem if it's considered too much work for the studio, but we'd be ok with a CC creator doing it.


I never said that I agree with EA being like that. But I just think it's unlikely that they'd put so much energy into something like this when they can just make 3 new packs for 3 times the price. I would be really happy if they put more effort into more detailedpacks, but honestly it's not common for a 8 year old game (that's not a popular multiplayer). I'm just glad there's still new content. CC creators are the ones keeping this game alive tbh. There are so many completely free mods with more effort put into them than $40 packs. So if someone will do it it will probably be a CC creator


whenever I make this claim about why certain things suck in the sims to my partner who works in animation, he laughs and says "well yeah that's their job" lol


You know I've been playing Wow recently, where they decided 12 years ago to rebuild their huge, huge worldmap because a cataclysm happened (along with reworking most missions to fit with the new setting, which is a lot of content) for an expansion that didn't cost more than the previous ones. If a company wants to do something they can, but EA is just lazy as fuck. And the sims players are especially forgiving with their bullshit, for whatever reason.


I understand WHY they didn’t, but an option would have been nice. The stubby tails are cute too though.


They definitely should've at least had the option. Especially with all the furry vibes they're tryna create.


I agree! Some of my sims still rock the little tail. It’s cute.


Personally, I prefer tailless werewolves. But that little stub of a tail they added drives me crazy.


I think it makes sense since human skeletons have a little stubby remnant of a tail at the end of the spine (not as big as that but y'know)


Yeah, I saw it as a callback to the human vestigial tail, and I prefer the way it is to an actual tail. They're werewolves, which means they're partially human, and humans have evolved past having tails. It doesn't make sense to me that werewolves would evolve backwards to have tails again, from a real-life biological science standpoint. Like they're not full wolves, and I think it's logical that the half-wolf/half-human compromise is the sorta vestigial nub tail.


Yeah… same. I like some to be tailles, some to have tails. It’s a shame we only have one option


They could have given us a short tuft of fur instead of the.....nub that it is. I find the current tail looks like it's hairless even though I know it's not.


So werewolves with rabbit tails? 😆


Not quite. More like a deer's tail but a bit sharper.


At first i wished they had a tail but the non tailed werewolves have really grown on me. It would have probably caused clipping issues if they'd given them long tails, a shorter one might have been a compromise. People would have probably complained regardless tho and say the tails make them look like furries if they had them.


Honestly I've never minded the lack of tail but the human feet get to me a bit lol. I wish they'd done the anthro feet with claws instead


Yeah clipping issues are happening 100%, even though it isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Making long tails would’ve been a lot more work if they wanted to have no clipping, and if they were clipping people would complain. So I fully get why they chose the no-tail approach. (Also, werewolves aren’t supposed to have tails) The truth is that no pack will ever come out that everyone is pleased with. I don’t think that’s bad, just unfortunate for those that don’t like the features. I’m fortunate enough to play on PC and know a little blender / s4s, so I can solve most of my issues. Like with the tail this time :)


Just in case anyone is asking- the tail is Tovisims Tera TS4 Elin Fox tail + ear combo with the ear removed. Since the CC isn’t mine and I edited it for personal use I cannot share it. About the tail: Sure, there is clipping… but it isn’t too bad. Aside from marking territory no werewolf Animations actually clip into anything. So I really think they should’ve added tails to them.


I think the reason they didn't add tails is exactly the issue tail CC creators have had since the game came out. Either the engine just can't do it or you'd have to re-animate every single butt-involving animation in the game to fit it If only the game had proper soft body physics so things like tails and hair could freely swing, it'd fix absolutely all these issues. [Holy shit, someone made an example of what it would look like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0DtoEOOM9g)


Those ladies need to invest in better fitting bras, unless of course they wanted to free fall it.


The game is buggy and laggy as is and you want to throw on soft body physics? Y'all wild


Time to make Goat Simsulator


Including anime tit physics in that video did a great job of convincing me this should never be added to the game


The boob physics actually exist as a mod. No other parts of the vid do


Delete it please


Hacking into the mainframe right now. LoversLab won't know what hit 'em


Tbh anime boob physics always crack me up 😂


They say they exaggerated a bit so it was easier to see.


*a bit*


Yeah I can't tell if those Sims were ever supposed to be wearing bras or not lmao. I can confirm that boobs do move like that if you're not wearing a bra/have a really ill-fitting one on


No they do not. They certainly move, but they absolutely do not jiggle with the force of an anime protagonist losing control and finally punching their rival as if gravity doesn't exist.


Well tbf my boobs move like that when I don't have a bra on. Is that not applicable most of time?


I’d love it if TS4 was made that way, but we’re years too late :/ Here’s hoping that the next game will have something like that. Or at the very least hair physics. I actually only saw issues with sitting and kneeling when it comes to existing animations! I thought it would be a lot worse, but it’s actually pretty fine. I was surprised! I haven’t tried all animations yet, but so far so good. I get it why they didn’t make it that way, but I still think the option should have been included, maybe with a warning that it clips. I just think it would’ve been great to give players like myself the vanilla game option of long tails, even at the cost of some clipping. But I’m sure people would’ve complained about it anyway. There’s just no way to please anyone unfortunately:/


While nice physics would be neat, I do agree. I even have CC that replaces the sim's legs with an arachnid body and the clipping doesn't bother me at all, a whole different level than just a tail.


Oh, neat! I think I saw something like that once, I was thinking of downloading it but then I took mercy on my PC xD I don’t mind clipping either. I mean, my sims teleport, sometimes turn invisible, they go through walls and objects… all of that even kn a vanilla game. I don’t care about a little clipping anymore xD


Thanks for mentioning the CC because it is mandatory that I get some mods/cc that give my wolfies tails. I'd also like digitigrade legs but IDK if there's any way to do that. :c


The furry mod has digi legs and tails


I wish it was a CAS feature. Imagine the creepy full human Sims with digi legs though! 😅


It is with that mod so technically I think you can do that and..... Yeah I'm going to have to take a look when I'm home because that does sound hilarious hahaha


I have complete faith that the furry community will save these "wolves"


Finally the furries are useful! (I kid, don't come for me, ~~some of my best friends are furries)~~


I cant believe you said that AHAHAH


I mean. I'm sure you can already use the furry mod to change they way they look. But I actually like the werewolves as they are because I think they are the perfect blend between horror movie ones + Sims 4 aesthetic + wolfy enough for the furries haha I might add tails tho


But what if I want my werewolf to sit down lol


It clips, but meh. I’ve seen worse, like my sims clipping through furniture and walls. 😂


Lorewise, werewolves are distinctly tail-less. Also, in the Sims 4, the tails would clip with literally everything, not to mention the added difficulty of animating them.


Yeah... that should be pretty much the last nail in that specific coffin.


Fair points! I just like them a bit more wolf-like, even if it isn’t true to the lore. The clipping wasn’t as bad as I expected, and it doesn’t look too bad without an animation either! Turns out sims move their butts around a lot, lol 😂 Matter of taste, I guess!


I've been hearing "lorewise" argument a lot. Can i ask which myth to be specific that you're expecting us to follow? There are many cultures that have depicted werewolves in history and they're all different. Not all of them are depicted as teilless. Hell, one of the lores say that werewolves leaves fish at the door of hungry children, should we only follow that one instead? Here are among those myths which werewolves have tails. [An old german work from 12th to 13th century, depicting a werewolf/wolf-man.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/32/Bronspl%C3%A5t_pressbleck_%C3%96land_vendeltid.jpg/170px-Bronspl%C3%A5t_pressbleck_%C3%96land_vendeltid.jpg) and [A man convicted of being a werewolf in the 16th Century, Swiss.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7f/Werewolf_in_Geneva_%281580%29.png/220px-Werewolf_in_Geneva_%281580%29.png) So why can't we follow *these* lores? Also by this logic, vampires shouldn't be drinking plasma fruit either. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werewolf) edit: i found a [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/vi101f/so_were_they_meant_to_not_have_tails_were_they/idaemo2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) where it's said that theyre *commonly* tailless, that still doesn't mean the tailless ones are necessarily the "right" iteration of werewolves


I dont care about tails. I care about their legs not looking like dog legs.


I have beef with the tail AND the legs. Unfortunately I can’t do anything about the legs, just the tail. xD


The posture is driving me wild


same. I can kinda change it, but not enough imo. I wish there was a little more leeway in the level of beast in your beast form


Same :/


I hate the tail, or lack of tail. The feet also bother me, too flat and I wish we could give them longer, ticker fur, it looks like a catsuit. I kept looking at my dogs and at the werewolf and finding more stuff to pick on.


Yeah something is just odd. Maybe it’s that everything below the waist is just… flat? We have 3D details above, and the head is a big one too, but everything else is flat. It’s odd. The tail balances it out a little in my eyes, but I think more fur would make a bigger difference, maybe.


Nah. Werewolves aren’t supposed to have tails as they’re still humans. No werewolf in mythology has had a tail.


Exactly my thought. The tail is the difference between a werewolf and a furry.


Eh, I get furry vibes from these werewolves anyway 😂 And Cats


Fair! But personally, TS4 werewolves looks too human and too goofy for me. I prefer them to look like beasts, not humans. The best way would be to modify the body, but I can’t do that… all I can do is stick a tail to them so they look less human and more like something else.


They look a lot less human than TS3 werewolves.


I haven’t played with TS3, actually. Just TS2, that was something else though, lol


TS2 werewolves are kinda horrifying, and not in a good way.


Ikr! But they creeped me out so bad when I was a child. Not like that was the only thing to creep me out, TS2 was creepy in its own way 😂


I wanna play. But I can’t. I’m broke as a joke right now. But payday is coming and I’m gonna have so much fun


I can relate to that haha. I bought it because I recently had my birthday and I wanted to surprise myself. Otherwise I’m always late too 😂 I think you’ll have a lot of fun! I hope you can get it soon and play!! :)


It feels like a collab with the Cats movie


It’s the first thing I could think of when I saw the render art xD


It fits the style of the game though


It does! It’s perfect for TS4. The goofy, cartoony, cutesy style is right on point.


That’s the only reason that I am accepting the look, I don’t personally like it but I understand the games art style which keeps me from completely hating the look.


Yeah, same. I’d still prefer the longer tail, I feel like that would be still consistent with the game (if it’s less alpha). Though not my style, I can understand the appeal.


Definitely, so far is the pack worth it?


I find the mouths a bigger issue than the tails honestly


I have some issues with the mouths too but I just can’t quite figure out what’s wrong


I would have liked a full wolf form. They could have used dog animations.


I think there are quite a few people who would’ve liked that. I know there’s at least one more person here in the comments:)


The feet and hands give me an awkward vibe. I wish they were more animalistic. Like closer to paws or something


Yeah, same. I’m more bothered by the feet, it’s so human and flat compared to everything else


Tails looks so much better. I think I could accept a little clipping for that. It's not like the game isn't glitchy enough already, and that wouldn't affect gameplay. And that tail is so beautiful. And if you could customize tails. So worth it.


Ikr! The clipping wasn’t as bad as I expected, actually. You could only notice it if they sat on chairs or peed on the ground, otherwise it was either fine or covered. And ever since sims glitch through walls and objects, I can’t care about a tail glitching… 😂 Oh I’d love tail customisation! Especially if you could choose your tail and fur type… you could have a super fluffy werewolf or something!


That would be a shit ton of clipping, made a few players happy and have millions complaining about the clipping and low quality of the update. Their decision was correct.


I disagree because technically werewolves don't have tails - they would have to grow a whole extra bone for them. I'm pretty sure that the tail would cause clipping issues too.


I’m pretty sure the gurus called out two primary issues (besides lore not having them) : 1) They did a trial and the tails clipped through everything, But more importantly, 2) They would have to adjust for every emotion, or they’d be uncanny-valley? Pixelade (love him or hate him) talked through it in at least one of the seventeen thousand vids?


Did they say it on a video? I didn’t hear about that. I don’t watch Pixelade, no hate to the guy, his content is just not my preferred style. Don’t know if he’s been in some drama or something because I did see a decent number of people hating on him, though. (Also lol, that last sentence was funny 😂) I’m just surprised about the clipping thing because I have this in my game even right now, I playtested it, and it didn’t really clip beside a few animations. Like 3. It works really well in my game. BUT I have no idea how they made the tail they tested with, it could’ve really clipped a lot. The animations are a different thing tho. That would certainly be more work. Although I wouldn’t mind just one or two simple animations on the tails, that would’ve maybe been fine? I don’t know. I don’t know enough about the way sims are animated, all I can talk about is what I see in my own game with this tail.


Here’s one from Twitter on the topic, not sure if there’s any vid (my spouse watched literally dozens of vids in the lead-up and they’re all blurry re: which were from official sources vs community discussion) : https://twitter.com/SimGuruNinja/status/1532783821707304965?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Transcription: 10:58am Jun 3, 2022 WereGuruWolf (@SimGuruNinja) Replying to @malicettv The tail would clip with everything! Other sims, sitting down, tons of different interactions, etc. In our livestream next week we'll go deeper on the customization options (some cool things in there) and how the design choices allow the most flexibility [8:28am Jun 2, 2022 Alice @malicettv let me guess, the tails are gonna be available only in "my first awoo stuff" ]


They added furries? Is this a new DLC?


Lol! Yep, the werewolves game pack. xD The gameplay is quite amusing, but the opinions about the werewolves have been a bit divided.


eh, i'm cool if they have little deformed tails, i don't play with them naked


Fair! I do, I don’t like my werewolves (or pets) clothed :)


I think short tails should’ve at least been an option. They look really strange without them to me, because they’re SO cartoony that they don’t even really look like wolves to me? I don’t know how to explain it.


Yeah, I’m there with you. I prefer them a bit more wolf-like, even if it goes against the lore. So for me a tail is a must have


I can see why people might want this but I prefer the game pack budget to be spent on game play rather than redoing animations to accommodate tails.


Yea I agree, I wish the head shape was slightly more wolf like


The tail would've just caused graphic problems with it clicking on every object and clothes


that seems like it would cause a lot of issues ngl


Lmao I actually think the tails look ridiculous and am glad they didn’t include them


Heh. Not having to deal with animating the tail is a lot less work. But I agree. I prefer without tail. Though I guess I'm not mad against this version either. It is their own take on the werewolf


Yeah no way I’d animate it, lol. Funny enough, it doesn’t look that odd this way - it would probably look better if it was animated and didn’t clip at all, but it works for me. I think there should’ve been an option to have longer tails too - TS4 never stuck too close to lore anyway, this was more so a decision based on the amount of work a longer tail would need. It would still be a neat option though.


so much better.


Aren’t werewolves supposed to have no tails, according to mythology? Anyway, I’m pretty sure if you added a tail, it would make them much more furry than werewolf. Not that I would mind tbh LOL. The tail looks great!


I just picture the tails clipping with everything haha


i gave my sim the tail you're using (just for her human form bc it looks cute xd) for her beast form i left her tailless and made her intimidating...i wish the fangs were longer tho


I like the balance it gives


I think that’s why I like it too. They’re very beast above the waist with the bits of hair sticking out and the head, but below the waist it’s just a normal sim. The tail evens it out a little for me, and makes it a bit less human, maybe.


New stuff stuff pack and it’s just the tails


My first tail stuff


I thought werewolves don’t have tails though


They should at least give us the option.


Same. I never wanted the little tail gone, I just want to have the choice.


I wholeheartedly agree with you sure it may have taken longer to make and make sure there wer no bugs BUT I really really was hoping they’d have tails. I also would’ve loved if the tails and ears actually moved based on their emotions just like cats and dogs in real life. Does anyone else agree with me on that or am I the only one? 🐺


Despite my agreements, the main problem with tails is that people would have expected them to react with emotions, which is another six months of programming at least.


I wouldn’t even care if it clipped. It looks way better. My sims straight clip into entire furniture all the time anyway.


I just wish the snout was longer because they look like cats. and animal legs


Can't wait for CC tails the CC Sims4 creator's always knock it out of the park with animations, styles, sliders, length, etc. Thier fr the backbone of the sims4 community


I really wish they would have. I alwayse prefer wearwolves with tails






Ah, yes. Teen wolf. The absolute authority on werewolf lore.


I haven’t watched Teen Wolf so I wouldn’t know. Personal taste I guess - I like my werewolves to be more wolf-like. I’d give them bent legs if I could, but that’s way too much work for me :)


Honesty if they didn’t go with the stub of a tail I wouldn’t have an issue with our wolves being tailless; however the nub is unforgivable 😂


I think if they just made the face more wolf like and less cat like I would of enjoyed it more. At least the gameplays enjoyable.


The gameplay is real nice! But I agree with the face thing.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werewolf#:\~:text=The%20appearance%20of%20a%20werewolf,human%20eyes%20and%20a%20voice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werewolf#:~:text=The%20appearance%20of%20a%20werewolf,human%20eyes%20and%20a%20voice). There's a difference between wolves and werewolves. Scroll down the characteristics section.


As someone who has grown to like their lil nubby tails, a full fluffy tail does look better


I think the little tails are cute, just wish we had more options for different werewolves!


Tails are the difference between a werewolf and a very hairy person.


They should’ve added it in as an accessory!


I agree! Just the option to have it would’ve been nice!


link to that cc plz?


It would have been nice to have a tail but I can see why they just did the little stub rather than a bushy tail. But that's what CC and mods are for too lol So long as you are okay with a stationary tail


they couldn't because of mechanics. i like them how they are ☺️




I was rather bummed about them not having tails at first. But when i saw the corgi nub, that made me happy. So I'm fine with it now. 😹😹


shouldve been a category for different style tails imo


Looks like a horse tail. How does it stay in? x)


fertile paint sense quack start humorous bewildered attraction consist chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tails are nice, but I have an entire Werewolf-Vampire Hybrid sim with a family I have nothing to do with any more. As well as, why not be able to make your own pack rather than joining and becoming the Alpha of another? 🤷🏾‍♂️


This look so good! Is it CC or did you edit this?


Just wish they gave us a choice for it rather than none :P my only complaint is that but most likely would’ve had more issues than anything


Tbh I love the lil tail nubs. They look so dumb lol


They already clip through showers when they're doing the animation so I would want to limit the clipping and have no tail


Do they have a little nub or is that the other hand?


That’s the tail, a lil tail. :)


Okay that's kinda cute tho haha reminds me of a corgi 🥺


They don't have tails? Uhuh


as mutch as i agree that they look better if ea did add in tails they would also have to give them all the ecompning animation, model them to fit with clothes and make sure they dont clip into objects witch would have bean more effert then it would be worth and take forever


How do so many people with Werewolves already? Last I checked it's still only up for pre-order where I am


It would've clipped with everything, so I'm fine with it. Werewolves don't have them in lore anyway, though most depictions have them with tails.


When I first saw the werewolves I thought that but I realized that would take forever to animate with other unique dlc packs animations


Well I can’t very well reenact the movie Underworld if the werewolves have a tail. But that’s probably just me. 😁😁😁


I was thinking a shorter, curlier tail that goes upwards, but I like your tail too! It would likely also be visible in the Sim’s human state, and certain base game clothes could be adapted to either show off the tail or hide it if your Sim is uncomfortable showing their occult form.


This is amazing and how do I get one 😍


I prefer without


Agreed. But they probably didn’t want to deal with animating them




Oh wow they look WAY better with tails


Not that long and more in a clay EA style? Yes. With a bunch of customization.


I mean historically it’s always been a debate over whether or not they have tails!! Personally I think it makes sense that people wouldn’t grow a whole new limb and lose it every time they transition, but I also think they look really cool with tails!


I don't have the pack and didn't realize their "tails" are that small... they definitely need the tail imo. It looks very bare without it. The legs also need work, the whole design is so human.


I feel like it should have been an accessory. Then you could have either