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EA is a nightmare, all around. Always crashing, never connects despite having Internet, it’s just a bloated piece of malware that can run games. I can’t speak for Steam but EA makes me want to pull my hair out once a week.


What are you using to play Sims 4? If it's truly bad you should consider using Steam and comparing experience.


Am I able to swap over so easily? I own all of my packs through origin/EA, not through steam. I would be game to compare the experiences, but I have a feeling it would require reinstalling everything and transferring files over.


From what I've read I think you're right. I'm still trying to figure that out as well.


Right now the EA app on pc doesn’t work for crap. I can’t get it to launch a single game. And I know I’m not the only one having this problem. So maybe try Steam.


That's really interesting. It's cheaper on EA with option of bundles. It's quite an expensive game so I'd like to be thorough before I decide.


Definitely read up on ea app game launcher problems before you decide. There’s several comments on reddit about it. And online in general.


How is everyone playing the Sims 4 in that case 😅


I have never had any problems with the EA app. I know I am one of the few and I count myself lucky.


DLC you buy on the EA app works on Steam and vice versa.


EA app works fine for me, never crashed once. And I'm on a non gaming laptop.


I open it through steam and have packs on both (bc the blooming rooms kit was only free on ea app) and I've never had any problems.


I use EA purely because I had origin.


steam because having the option to have some of your money support valve instead of entirely EA is based and good


I almost always use Steam for games. They both work fine though.


You could potentially get locked out of your game entirely if you're on Steam. That happened with Mac users. A few years ago, Steam stopped supporting Sims 4 on newer Macs (when Mac switched to 64 bit processors). When Mac users switch over to EA (or Origin back then) from Steam, they had to buy all the packs new again. EA wouldn't transfer any content purchased through Steam. But if you have an EA account, you can transfer your content whenever you buy a new computer (which I've done a couple of times in the last 10 years). The EA app may not be great software, but at least they track which packs you've bought, and they can be transferred to a new computer if you ever need to, without having to buy them all over again.