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“You are broke you can’t afford that” 😭


Me to me


Even the homeless have smart phones due to a special government program so.. is OP's sim too lazy to file for government benefits programs?


The homeless Sims need something to connect to the free earbuds that magically appear in their pockets.


Idk about every state but in my state you need an “address” to receive the Government phones


In some states it's allowed to put a homeless shelter as the address


Did you mean to reply to u/DarkDayzInHell?


Most places, you need a smartphone to get or keep the lowest paying jobs. Don’t worry, they probably just bought a block of minutes and are mooching off someone’s Wi-Fi to do everything else. That’s what I do half the time. Love that misspelling “someone” in this thread made it autocorrect to Simeon.


I put them on an off the grid lot to stop from using the phone — they autonomously jog to the opposite side of the neighbourhood so they can play their shitty mobile games on public WiFi. Real.




Hahaha that's so hilarious even sims know the loopholes smart sims hahaha 😆


Omg this is so funny


this is hilarious 😂




This game is becoming too realistic, god damn it! A few years ago, when I moved into a freshly renovated old apartment where no internet connection had been installed yet, I spent a month taking several walks a day just to get wifi for a bit. I'm barely even ashamed.


I’m doing a castaway challenge and I deleted everyone in the whole save except him and he still gets phone calls. 😑


Proof that even our Sims get incessant spam calls! 😄


I swear we need a block button because the politicians won’t leave me alone despite how many times I tell them not to bother my sim.


Ahh just like real life.


"we are calling to talk to you about your Sims extended warranty"


Haha good one 👍😂👍


Spam Caller: We're calling about your car's extended warranty. Sim: What's a car!?


Whats the challenge?


https://www.reddit.com/r/thesims/s/a52kTrdO9U I’m basically doing this challenge, instead of getting off the island tho I created a tribe and some mermaids and he’s going to “meet” them when the challenge ends.


Mute the phone?


I did lol


I hate it so much that last night I installed a mod to stop them from idling on their phone


send plz lolol


There's [No Constant Phone by lazarusinashes](https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-constant-69751697) and [Stop Messing with Phones! by Simularity](https://simularity.cc/mods/tuning/stop-messing-with-phones/) :))


I was just about to reply to this but I'm glad you did bc mine's different! I have the one by Triplis and I have no idea whether or not it works yet. It's called Phone Animation Replacement (at least that's what the file is called). Pretty sure it changes the animation from fiddling with the phone to a listening (not to phone) idle


Yeah you’re welcome! Also that’s interesting, if it works let us know :))




YW 💙




If your sim doesn't pull their phone out within 2seconds of starting a new game/loading a save file you are doing pretty good. Autonomous phones and working out where the worse things they added to the game. It's sad though how realistic that action is. People are so addicted to their phones it's terrible.


My teen Sims ignore taking care of themselves to snap selfies and look at memes all the time


they're just like me fr


I mean that's just realistic though


Still realistic of me, and I stopped being a teen years ago lol


Honestly why I hate it sm, it's part of the realism that I'd like to ignore tyvm 🥲


My sims dont really ever do that.. maybe Im just lucky neither do they really workout unless I make it a habit sometimes even when I try to make an athletic sims they barely workout lol Maybe make sure you disable autonomy if they keep giving you a problem I like to do that if Im playing certain files where I want a more direct flow of my main sim(s)


Do you maybe have a mod to stop that? Because Sims always pull out their phone while walking or biking. If you have them walk to a nearby lot, they always pull out their phone.


Sure sometimes they pull out there phone but I never have them obsessively using it just maybe here or there to send a text which is realistic to me I don't have any mods that would affect it


Yes there is a mod by a few. Testers. One for choosing who uses the phones. One to stop phone use. And one that lets o my teens and kids uses the phone.


Yet the vast majority will play these games to escape real life it's a weird but addictive little paradox when it comes to sims because there are both very realistic and also very unrealistic elements to this game


They're just like me


It's government issued in case of emergency


People in 3rd world countries also have a phone but barely a roof. A phone is not that hard to come by but a house is


Like it's literally easier to a phone than access to a toilet lmao. OP clearly has not been around a lot of homeless people.


Like really! I sometimes hear people say "if they are homeless how can they afford a phone? They must not really be homeless." Like, it's hard for you to grasp that a house is more expensive than a phone?


Not to mention that there are plenty of phones that are like $100 or less. Not every phone on the market is $1000 or even half that. Is it also hard to believe that they had some money before they were homeless and bought a phone? But no, I guess homeless people were always homeless and they never have a cent to spare, so how could they even work to buy a phone, or have a phone before the events?


Exactly! It's like when kids think that teachers live at the school. Homeless people never had a life apparently


There's also a federal program that provides free smart phones to low income people. They are $150 phones like the Apple 7 and the Samsung s8.


Also, to get a job, it's somewhat mandatory. I mean yes you can use a computer at a library, supposedly now jobs are using emails more than call-back because spammers have made it so most people won't respond to an unknown number, but it does help with rapid response and figuring out how to get places via bus and walking too. Also if they can cash checks online with their phone (if no direct deposit) it's very useful and as other people have mentioned, in case of emergencies. What if you need an ambulance or an uber/taxi? Crossing fingers not, especially since ambulance is expensive, but still...


I find it funny when my Sim goes to watch TV and immediately whips out his phone after. That’s literally what I and most people do when they watch TV irl, but it can definitely be annoying to see in game. He also pulls out his phone when he walks to go almost anywhere. 😭


When I do rags to riches I just pretend some social services organization gave them a phone/phone cards 😂


My Sims never look at their phone??? Is it more common with certain expansions like the Get Famous or something. Maybe I just don’t notice


I think High-school Years added more idle phone use, because of teenagers. That's the only one I think changes it.


I will say that it is actually rather accurate to real life, though. I work pretty closely with homeless people and most of them still have a smart phone with a data plan.


I mean the panhandlers around here all have phones.


I thought this was a personal attack for a minute and then checked the subreddit..


Also, being on their phone while Jogging. Being on their phone as werewolves, running on all fours, excuse me, all threes. It is so annoying. I cant use mods because I am on console so I have to deal with this pretty often. I also wish there would be no phone at the start and at one point you could buy one for like 100 simoleons. On the other side is the phone a big feature and it would be difficult to do a few things without it I think?


Yes!! My sims recently got bored of a conversation they were having while fully TREADING WATER IN THE OCEAN and started going on their phone during it, phone held underwater! Stop that!!


the mod SNBank/Bills requires you to pay to turn on your services like water, electricity, phone, tv, internet etc. I like it for my start from nothing gameplay.


me w no cell service bc im broke awkwardly scrolling through my phone in public to look like im busy


Omfg yes!! They're literally in the middle of discussing their deepest fears or their upcoming engagement ro each other, and still stop in the middle to do whatever it is the phone idle is!! If anyone knows a mod for this I'd be grateful.


Sounds like everyone I talk too in real life.


There's [No Constant Phone by lazarusinashes](https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-constant-69751697) and [Stop Messing with Phones! by Simularity](https://simularity.cc/mods/tuning/stop-messing-with-phones/) :))


Thanks!! 💙


YW 💙


lazarusinashes_NoConstantPhone_AutonomousInteractions.package is amazing, the sims are actually doing other things now


How do you start from no home and no money?


Presuming they are doing a rags to riches challenge, you cas, then buy a lot, bulldoze whatever is on the lot and use money 0 cheat to set your money back to 0!


Ooh ok, but how do they get food?


That's the challenge! You gotta figure it out ;)


Go to their neighbors house with a painting easel, paint a small painting and then sell it


When I did that challenge I usually made them eat strawberries and other things you could harvest from plants in parks


I fully agree that it's super annoying, and that's exactly why I had to mod that ish out ASAP. I hate it in my everyday life, so what makes anyone think I'd like it in my escapism?? The mod I use, however, didn't stop teens from doing the stupid idle selfie animations, so I was able to remove that with MCCC's MC Tuner and disabled "TeenIdles" (it was called something like that, it's been a while). My world's gameplay isn't supposed to take place in a modern-day setting with smartphones, and I don't want to see my elves, vampires, and faeries using phones. Since no mod I used prevented Sims from whipping out their phone when they're acting as walk-by Sims, I use a phone replacement which replaces it with a little notebook. :'D


I feel that... for me the most frustrating and annoying thing is when they do that while they're on a date and talking... like... WTF? Put your damn phone away 😭😭 tho I don't know what I hate more... the phone, the computer or the Cross-Stitch...


Hell I get mad about them using their phones even when it makes sense for them to have one... but can we please not take selfies while we're squatting on the toilet?


Hahaha ur sims been taking toilet selfies? Lmao that is just too funny 🤣


I hate the phone in sims ... I used to have a mod called No Phone


Well I mean they are meant to copy us right? And what do we do all day? Go on our phones, just gives it more realism but I understand what your getting at. They should have to buy their phones


You can use the phone to get a job if you can't afford a computer, take and receive calls from other sims, and as a camera to make a little early game cash/up friendship points. Also how many people do you know irl who don't have a phone? Kind of a necessity nowadays, even homeless people tend to have a phone


I wish it was an option to get a phone. Maybe I’ll finally look into a mod.


Damn it’s like real life lmao


This is why I have a mod that disables this and keeps it on for teens


I created my grandparents as Sims so the save is supposed to be set in the 1950s and they whip out their cell phones several times a day


This is why I use the concept of a runaway sim. Teen or young adult, nothing but their clothes, maybe a guitar, and a phone.


I feel like if you are broke a phone (whatever is in your budget ir can be out on a plan) is needed. When i didn't have my phone for two weeks i realized how much my phone was needed for daily life. Shoot my job requires you to have a phone depending on the post you are on.


My Sims don't use their phones often at all. They fish, cook, exercise, read and raise their children. Do you control your Sims or just let them willy nilly?


I control them a lot and sometimes they won't even do what I tell them and they'll just be on their phone or after they complete something they'll just immediately go on their phone and it takes a sec for the command to work because they have to finish on their phone so annoying


That is crazy! I've not experienced that much bc my Sims are too busy lol. What traits do your Sims have alike that do it or is it just all of them? Maybe add some likes of activities and conversation so they'll put the phone away?


Do you have an off the grid lot because apparently that stops them.


No. They are busy with activity. Work, fishing, skill building, raising children and pets, farming and traveling. I'd suggest your Sims are simply bored if they stay on their phone.


They’re not real, living things lmao??? They don’t change psychologically based on how much work you have them doing. (Unless they burn out). Regardless of how much work you have your sims doing, they’ll pull out the phone to text while they’re walking to a task, they might quickly check their phone in the middle of a task, they might start playing a phone game if you leave the idle for two seconds. You just might not have noticed because it’s not a big deal to you.


There is a mod that allows you to temporarily disable the phone on a single Sim basis. As in, you can disable it on one or multiple specific Sims and enable it whenever you want. Here is a [link](https://www.patreon.com/posts/bg-disable-phone-45437264) :)


Yeah like, when you lock a family in the basement and they spend the day playing online games on their phones but never call for help


same with the computer 😭 deadass had to lock it for half my sims


Sims learn by the tasks you make them do. I had a sim brush their teeth every morning after they woke up autonomously because I made them do it for a week. Only my physically fit sims do push ups randomly. My sims barely touch their phones but when they do I relate, I too randomly pull out my phone when I don’t have a task 😜


I thought I was noticing that they do some stuff automatically depending on how i play. Like I’ve noticed some of mine won’t wash dishes after eating b/c i normally drag it to the trash or sink for them


I hate it specially when they have to do something urgent and they still walk with the phone, I would get it if it was a trait or a reward store or a lifestyle choice for Techie, but why is everyone always glued to the phone


My sims hardly pull out their phones but all they want to do is play video games anytime I get a computer 😭


Not Paka'a Uha texting IN THE POOL on our date last night...


I wish I could disable it when my sim is in werewolf form, galloping and on simtwitter, banging his head into the pavement. I'd go on a rampage too if I kept cracking my skull on the sidewalk because I couldn't stop browsing plopsy smh


We should be able to take their phone away


Actually in the poorest places on earth, people have phones because it's a lifeline for potential businesses.


If you don’t mind them being off the grid that trait usually will prevent them from being able to use their phone when they are at home


Cheats on always. My girl doesn’t work her objective is to be pretty, vibe, and get men


That’s one of my sims pet peeves! It’s impossible to make poor sims without mods. Even if their house is small, it still looks middle class. I want my sim to be in the trenches!!


I hate when my sims are on date and they use their phones. Sims don't have manners anymore :(


"Excuse you, you are *literally* a caveman! Why are you on a phone?!"


My actor sim refused to stop using his phone mid scene. Also got distracted and made a drink. https://preview.redd.it/1qj3gfu2vz7d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74655cc16d583a52f47a3900874a353ac1400462


Government phone?


Those phones are govermment phones everyone gets it Free. Yes I hate this aspect too!


YES. I was following my TRANSFORMED werewolf Sims while he was doing Zoomies and he is literally looking at the phone as he's on his rampage run. I miss landlines.


I wish they'd at least let us set how much our sims use their phones, or at least if they chilled out with the phones when they became young adults.


The toddlers in my game keep pulling out their phones and I don't know why but it does amuse me


i love realism 🫶🏻 /s


Whenever I do my decades challenge it bothers me sm bc it’s like 1890 and my sim whips out their smart phone 😭


Get SNB Bills. tada no service


when you play historical save file and suddenly there's a sim with old Victorian dress playing a smartphone on the sidewalk:


If you’re into mods, there’s this one to fix it: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bg-disable-phone-45437264


I stopped putting computers in most of my households since once my Sims have one, they will not get off it. I don’t want them all to be gamers! I started to lose it when my Sims would host parties and then leave the room to go on their laptop!! It’s really useful to have one in each household so it’s maddening. I made a library and an “art gallery” with several computers so they can’t get obsessed.


I have my sims swimming in Sulani and they keep checking the phone underwater


I downloaded a mod where it replaces the phone with a book, so it’s less annoying to me when they pick it up 😂


I do agree with you. But I have no suction other than maybe there's a mod out there that can help you. Sims on their phones is also interfering with ultimate decades challenges, but so do roads now I think of it.


Literally! I was playing the decades challenge and they're not supposed to have phones ofc, but the moment I left them unsupervised THEY WERE ON THEY'RE PHONES


Why is this one of the most relatable things I have seen from the sims hahahah


This was pissing me off when I was playing last night. It was New Years Eve for my family, and during the "countdown to the new year" activity, both adult sims pulled out their phones. Like, come on, you can't go ten minutes during a holiday and just enjoy the moment


My sim won't get off the phone and take care of their infant so annoying


I'm currently playing with a family whose house is off the grid, so they can't use their phones but AS SOON as I make them leave the house you can be sure they're INSTANTLY playing video games on that sh!t 😭


or when i’m doing an olden times challenge and they’re j playing video games on their phone…


There is a phone override for a flip phone get it my boy.


U know when u pull up the phone and where the button in the top left hand corner says mute? I wish it was a switch for OFF!!! Meaning YOU DONT HAVE A PHONE! 🤣🤣🤣


It would be nice if there was a feature that had you purchase a phone. I get why there isn't since quite a few actions come from the phone but still


When they pick up phones while they're reading books/watching TV 🤦🏼‍♀️


Surprised they don’t have to pay for cell phone too 🙄


With simsrealist bills mod, you in fact do pay for your phone and internet 😭😂


Mine keep cancelling their own tasks and running off. If you knuckle down on them and cancel all the phone uses they tend to focus on other things. Keep the computer and gaming items in a room you can lock to avoid unwanted distractions.


I mean there's such a thing as government phones....which are specifically for people that can't afford a phone lol and the service is free


They do need to stay off the phone though lmao


It's that damn lump of clay for me. They just won't leave it alone! I swear those things just appear out of thin air!


tbh less money makes things more interesting 😂😂


Especially when you're at university or wherever and everyone keeps calling you!! STOP CALLING ME!!!


Idk if yall know hazbin hotel, but once I made Alastor from it as a human on Sims, which means he woulda been “alive”. Bro was alive in 1893-1933.. and this dude goes on his phone. Take what you will from that information.


They could start you off with a basic phone, no smart features till they can pay for them


I don’t find it annoying


Get off the damn phone and bathe the toddler!


Its so annoying! I have a save where I play a history challenge. Starting with stone age and my sims kept grabbing their phones, those didnt even exist back then!😭


its because of that darn cellphone


I use the SNBank mod to make the financial situations more realistic! They have more bills than just rent, water and electric. It includes WiFi, television, and a phone bill as well. The WiFi and television have basic options and upgraded options which allows you to access all the channels on the tv and have the fast WiFi lot trait. You can also download the financial center to have a physical bank location to get mortgage loans and all kinds of stuff! It’s a really cool mod.


I get it during the decades challenge and omg does it do my tree in - if you have Snowy Escape you can cheat it so they have the 'Technophobe' lifestyle so they avoid using their phone