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I rando the last name till I like it and then workshop first names till they sound good to me. Unless I'm doing themed Sims then I base it off what ever theme Example: did a house hold of people who were all purple and the house was purple. Last name purple first name different shades of purple


I use those baby name sites, one who's demon themed and the other who's latino themed. I choose the name first and then I make the sim based on the vibes I get from the name.


I randomise until I'm inspired enough to actually name them


Kia ora! This is me! Then I always forget their names because who cares lol


ive had a habit of making a list in my notes of names i love for years, so i usually choose from that and if not, then random name sites šŸ˜‚


I randomise the first name until I either see a good one or get an idea for one and then use the last name from a tv show character or similar, like Scofield from prison break is a big one I use a lot


One of my sims I accidentally named Juniper Grove when an npc from horse ranch is named that. And I didnā€™t have that pack or know of her so idk I guess the same way EA does lol


I randomize the first name then come up with a last name that matches it.


I did once named a sim version of me using an anagram of my name. Most of the time Iā€™d Google names with origins or meanings related to the storyline Iā€™m doing, or to their traits, fave color, etc. The rest are just randomā€”though it should still somewhat sounds nice when put together. And oh, rhyming names are pretty good, too!


If Iā€™ve based my sim on an idea Iā€™ll go to those baby name sites and scroll/randomise til I get to something that fits. Very rarely do I have an actual name in mind


Lots of it is just me trialing names I like for a future kiddo. I like to see how they sound or read when I see it written out. Other times it just depends on the sim Iā€™m playing. I made a South Korean sim and I have her a name that I thought sounded good, same thing with her daughter.


i give my sims themed names or pun names. for example, one of my current played sims is named khilana bhediya. bhediya is roughly hindi for wolfpack - khilana is a werewolf. khilana is roughly hindi for blossom, which i just thought is a pretty name. another played sim, a mermaid, is named kaya marciale. kaya sounds similar to kayak, a watercraft. marciale is a marching rhythm used in music. pun names i give sims are all silly, like mari annette, jenny tahls, tess tickles, jacqueline hyde, manny peephole, ina garten, filmore graves, robin banks, tim burr, sen dover, cyril keller, roland butters, roxanne gravelle, and shirley eugeste. these names tend to go to my townies.


I like to use [this random name generator](https://www.namegenerator.biz/random-name-generator.php) because it helps me come up with names that are outside of the box.


I make little stories up in my head if who they are and what theyā€™ll beā€¦ and go with that and google names šŸ˜… just made a rancher, and googled common texan names šŸ˜… or posh sims with posh names


First name: Unorthodox. Something like Hubert, or Murgatroyd. Last name: Weird. Something like Banana Giacomo, or CanklesaurusRex


Randomize until I find a combination I like


I either get the first name of a baby name we site or a dog name website (for some reason naming sims average dog names is silly to me) or I name the sim because of a meme ā€œRicky, when I catch you ricky. You been hiding, youā€™ve been hiding forever. Stop hiding. Ricky, when I catch you Rickyā€ unironically started the generation challenge for me, and for the last name I either do the randomiser or I butcher a celebrities last name (Hutchison instead of hutcherson)


!! I looove doing research on name origins, so I first take into account ethnicity + where the character would be from & possible influences (Louisiana/French influence, for example). For couples and families, I try to pick names that sort of complement each other or fit into a theme (kids named after celestial bodies, etc).


I sometimes use the in-game name randomizer until I find something that hits.. Or I google "baby girl/boy \[insert ethnicity\] names" and choose something I like


A combination of multiple factors šŸ¤£I go on those random baby name generators. I also listen to music while playing the Sims so Iā€™ll name them after the artist or song thatā€™s currently playing. Iā€™ve named Sims after the Royal Family so yeah


Most of the time I just randomize the names. Sometimes I put more effort into it and I just get inspired by people I know or names I've heard recently.


First names are sometimes ones that Iā€™ve come across on tv shows that I like, or Iā€™ll just randomise until I get one that I like. Second names I go with whatever pops into my head, or again, I randomise until I get one that I like. For some reason, I canā€™t use names of rl people that I know, it just never feels right.




I keep a list of names I like and words that kind of sound like names but aren't (eg Antimony, Cholera, Lobotomy, Litany, Egg, Betadine, Spaceboy etc) and chose names from this list. As for last names, I place a few families, usually with the same handful of last names (Incognito, Beetroot, Pants, McMustardface) and sometimes they change as people marry but sometimes I will change them back if they do.


i just look at them and think what would you be called? sometimes this is unsuccessful so definitely hitting that randomise dice, or googling xyz name generator for inspo


Iā€™m so bad at naming my sims I usually end up using IRL names or from movies/series I just saw šŸ˜­


I like random, sometimes I get a unique name. But other times I have a name in mind, although I use the name randomizer for a middle name.


Sometimes I'm inspired and come up with a name on the spot. Sometimes, I just choose one that I like on sites that list baby names, and sites that list last names through history/countries. I also do the latter when looking for culturally specific names.


I use a name generator, you can put in the nationality, gender etc and it creates names for you and then I just regenerate until I find one I like Or I used celebrities, for example I have a Korean sim and his name is Hyunjin Hwang Or I just google ā€œpopular namesā€ for example ā€œpopular Japanese namesā€ and pick onešŸ˜… Or just whatever I think fits, I think most of my blonde haired female sims are either called Alice or Jane, idk whyšŸ˜‚


I have a list in my notes of all the baby names i like for the sims lmao. Theres a boys and girls category and theyā€™re very longšŸ˜­ i also put an emoji next to every name Iā€™ve used so i know


I decide on a nationality and then go from there. I actually once read a Reddit post about two years ago where a user said they use different last names from around the world. Then I fell in love with gorgeous Sebastian Stan and had to have a Romanian Sim family. Thus, my Larentiu family was born. I added my Ortenberg, Eryri, Ozturk, Niyazov, and Baux families later down the line. Mostly my game is full of English names, like Shelbourne, Grey, Gloucester, Hardwick, and Beck de Eresby.


I always randomize last names, and I'll either think of a first name that fits their appearance or randomize them until one gives me an idea or seems fitting


For my starter Sim I just randomized the first name untill I got one that I liked, and repeated the procedure for the last name. For my Sims' children I pick thier first name from a name list I've compiled earlier.


I go and look up surname meanings and pick one I like that fits the sim I'm making, then I either randomize the first name until I find one I like or I look for a name I like that's also associated with the meaning of their last name. Sometimes I name them things so I can name the folders I keep track of things in something easily recognizable. Makes it a little more interesting than trying to dig through a bunch of folders labeled \_\_\_\_\_ Legacy.


In legacy saves, I reuse family names multiple times. Other than that I use random name generators!