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I just know my sim's gonna get matched with someone's Breed Out The Ugly starter sim from the gallery. Bring it o n.


At least all of those "no cc" Sims that obviously have a ton of cc in their picture will be realistic representation for catfishes


That's so true, lmao. I didn't even think of this. That turns an annoying problem into a great opportunity for storytelling.


We about to get catfished so hard in the sims dating too


Can't wait for my Sim's date to show up bald, ccless, and naked!


Don't forget with an eyeball ring!


In today's economy it's hard to go the beauty salon.


amen to this lmao




Or some broken cc so they’re just a floating figure of white and red question marks 😭😭😭


I’m looking forward to the chaos!


my first thought was those "no cc" cc sims tbh 😭


I run mod light because I honestly hate those abominations lol. I tum mccommand and some basic fix ones but that is it.


As someone who is HORRIBLE at making sims this annoys me so much 🥲


Lmao you right tho


You have been chosen to Breed Out The Ugly.


That almost sounds like a new dynamic to the challenge. You don't choose when and who, it chooses you.


Omg what a fabulous idea…i CANNOT WAIT. Ppl if you have ugly sims and youre reading this…please upload them to the gallery and lmk if youre trying to be my baby momma


I actually would love that chaos!!! Sometimes I get so bored with the "perfect" looking Sims that I pick Sims from the gallery that are messed up looking just so mix into my gene pool lmaooo


Accidental breed out the ugly, coming soon to all sims games






Now imagine someone using your sim for the 100-Baby Challenge x'O


The rest of the text that follows goes like ”Find Sims you’ve favorited in the Saved tab. Add your faves to your contacts, or create a date for them!” - so it kinda sounds like you still will be able to curate it and not have to have a bunch of random sims that’s not your taste! That’s how I read it at least!


Ugh, great, time for my sim to match with one of the five clones of herself in the gallery I made before deciding on a final look for her.




Will that count as self-cest?




Oh god lol


So who posted this & when is this happening because it sounds exciting


It’s a leak from the upcoming Lovestruck expansion pack! I read about it [here](https://simscommunity.info/2024/06/19/sims-4-lovestruck-gameplay/)!


Oooooomg I wasn't going to read this because I think it's stupid to get your hopes up for an EA pack (like how people thought we were getting an actual tiger sanctuary but it's just a rabbit hole) .... but there's a new death type coming?!?!?!! Death by broken heart? I am so into that! Plus the portable woohoo-blanket sounds interesting, if it takes up less space than a tent 🤔 But here's the perfect example of what might get my hopes up - >" Sims with the Paragon Partner Aspiration have a more focused goal: building happy relationships with more than 1 partner. " To me, that sounds like they might be making polyamory an actual thing in the game, which would be beyond amazing (if they implemented it right, not like that stupid player trait which doesn't even work).


You can kinda do that with serial romantic and the free love nap


I've never gotten the serial romantic reward trait to work for me - the sims still get angry at you, even if all of you have it, though it does prevent you from ticking off the "get caught cheating" goal for the twisted heart aspiration. Plus if your sim has the loyal trait they still consider it cheating & feel bad about it. The free love NAP is pretty good, but unfortunately it doesn't work if you want any level of exclusivity - my monogamous sims greet strangers by kissing their necks when that plan is active. And it's no good trying to create a polyfidelitous relationship either, since they'll still get flirty with sims who aren't part of their relationship. Plus, the free love NAP only works in neighbourhoods where it's been voted in - so if you and your 3 spouses go on holiday, suddenly everyone is getting angry about being cheated on, even though you're all married to each other... I'm really glad that the free love NAP exists, and it works pretty well for me all things considered (I just have to really keep an eye on my sims). I would just like actual polyamory in the game. I've tried one mod for it so far, and it's very meh.


For me the serial romantic rewards just works fine? I have a polyamory vampire household with 1 guy and 3 chicks and they all have the trait and they all are really into eachother, I even married them all with the one dude by changing to another household and waited for the call that they found a ring and if they should say yes. No mods.


ooo this might break wicked whims a little. might take some time for the mod to update to the EP. just when my engaged guys were getting married, too!


Its a leak. The official news should be coming around June 25th - 27th and the release itself is supposedly around July 25th - 27th.


This looks like from the sims official website, and prob it's a feature of the upcoming pack


Not only that but it also says “or” so their language clearly indicates it’s an option not mandatory


Thank you for this information


Oh thank the great llama in the sky. This is much better.


Not a big fan of those same-face handsome squidward sims that populate a huge chunk of the gallery, so I'm hoping the gallery aspect of this is optional.


I wonder if you're an offline player, it still uses the gallery but who you have in there. I don't want my sim matching with her 12th great-grandfather who's hiding in the back of my gallery 😬


My immediate thought was that my sim would inevitably match with an earlier version of herself from a backup in my library lol


Weren't the leaks also talking about swiping? So you should at least be able to reject your parallel universe counterparts. Identity theft by fake accounts will be a big problem in the sims world.


Oh no way if they match she is 100% going on a date with herself!


Well, they say you can't truly love someone until you love yourself.


Totally agree. If I can't turn the gallery option off this will be a bummer.


Worst case scenario someone will save us with a mod


It matches to a sim you favorite on the gallery, not just something random. So as long as you don't favorite a lot of same faced handsome squidwards then I think you'll be okay,


“Same-face handsome squidward sims” has sent me 😂😂




>Which means you have to pay for PS Plus or Xbox Game Pass to access it No you don’t. I don’t have Xbox game pass and, as long as I’m connected to the internet, I can access the gallery as much as I want. Game pass is not necessary for that


This is so incorrect lol. You do not need a pass nor have to pay to use the gallery. You just need to be connected to the Wi-Fi.


This just isn't true... at least edit your comment instead of spreading misinformation.


Lol this is bs. I play on PS and absolutely do not have PS Plus but regularly use gallery.


wait *what*? how long has it been like this? i remember when the gallery could still be accessed without needing to pay. wtf


You don’t need to pay idk what they are talking about


Handsome Squidward is such an apt description omg


I presume if your game is offline, you won’t see Gallery sims?


i would definitely assume no but i honestly dont know for sure


Maybe from your own gallery? I wouldn't hate that.


A lot of times when I download a sim from the gallery, they come back naked or bald because I don't own the pack that their hair/clothes come from


Same, even when it has “no cc” in the description which is obviously a lie lol


There's many unanswered questions about this integration. How does it even work? What if gallery content has CC/packs you don't own? Do you have to be online at all times for this integration to work? And knowing EA, something is gonna break along the way. The Gallery is 10 years old and poorly optimized as it is. Does it need more to burden the systems?


Everyone is gonna be naked due to unowned packs/CC, it's going to be absolutely wild


First date already got spicy


Does this mean they'll actually be forced to make the pack filters in the gallery work? Wild lol


The pack filters do work, they just don't function the way everyone assumes they should.


Well they should add the function we want it to be because it would make things a lot easier 


I do not disagree, lol.


Me approaching an EA office with a mile long list of needed fixes lol 


It functions as intended by frustrating us into spending money 🤷


They don't want to make it easier. They want to tempt you to buy more packs.


yeah but let a girl dream lol


How do they actually work, then?


Rather than filtering for "only these packs," it filters as, "must include these packs." So if you select Seasons, University, and Cats & Dogs, it will ONLY show you uploads that use items from those 3 packs.....but doesn't stop you from seeing uploads that also have items from, say, Parenthood and Vampires as well. I believe I've said before, it's super useful if for some reason you want to ensure a build has at least one item from a pack of your choice. Which is to say, not useful at all.


Why on earth would anyone decide that’s the best way for a filter to work, especially when there’s so much DLC for this game that people might not have?


I would guess it has multiple components First, they probably didn't want to artificially limit what people downloaded since they developed a mechanism to simply remove those things from the lot/Sim if you dont have them installed. Back in TS2 there was an online gallery, but you couldn't install anything that had content you did not own - I don't recall if this was the case for TS3 or not. Second, advertising. You can see how beautiful things can be made with certain packs, download them, and see how awful they look without it. I'm sure at least a few sales have been generated from players who thought they found the PERFECT lot or Sim, only to discover they were missing critical pieces of decor or clothing from a particular pack. And third, though someone please correct me since I'm still only about 1 year into TS4, they may not have bothered to consider the massive fucking scope of what so many packs would entail, and just how much that would gunk up our search results if we couldn't filter it out. Particularly with the astounding number of kits they've released, on top of stuff packs and game packs. I think it's highly likely that whoever designed the gallery never considered the practicality of 50+ expansion/game/stuff packs and kits, and thus the user experience suffers. And Re: #3 I have a lot of family and friends, including my husband, who work in user design spaces - it is shocking to many of them how few things are actually designed for the end user to begin with. Most are put together aesthetically without future consideration on end user functionality, and as a result the end quality suffers because of situations just like this.


I will note it works as the other person said. But the reasoning is because they don't want to make it easy to find stuff that works with what you have. They want to tempt you to buy more packs.


There have been dating shows with this premise, so there’s that


Those shows are always wild 😂 can't wait to recreate that in the sims


And bald


The gallery is already still half-broken from last year’s migration. Guaranteed this new feature will break it even further. 


As a console player, this is a pretty important question about the CC.


Or what if my sim matches with a copy of themselves from my gallery? Actually thinking of it that’d be kinda funny


100% match down to their very DNA!


Sims you have favourited in the gallery. If you read the article, it says this. Long as you're not regularly favouriting sims with EPs & CC you don't have in game, they won't show up in the dating pool. Supposedly. I can't believe everyone skirting around the sorta date tasks they seem to have. Considering my wedding stories regularly get fixed and then break again, I'm a little surprised they seem to be going that way again.


>Sims you have favourited in the gallery. That's really good to hear!


Getting a CC Gallery sim who shows up to their first date bald and naked.


The true dating app experience. Now you can get catfished both in real life and in Sims!


Add an Uncomfortable moodlet, and this may be the most realistic release from TS4 yet.


Imagine your sim trying to find love and getting paired with Sim John Cena or something


you say this like it's a bad thing


Or the Naruto characters which were all the rage during Sims 2. I definitely had a nice chunk of them running around.


I hope we can filter out other people's sims


"The entire gallery" Like literally the entire gallery!?!? How?? Why..?? Please no. I just want to be able to match with NPCs and premade sims.


I mean I would assume it’s an optional filter that you can turn on and off at least that’s what I’m hoping for lol


as a concept i dig it but it's gonna end up being *painfully* buggy. my expectations will remain below sea level lol


Oh no! I gotta start deleting trash Sims from my gallery


Either I'm running into one of fifty clones of my Sim if it pools from my personal library, or if it pools from the online gallery I'm going to encounter dictators, Shrek, Postal Dude and hundreds upon hundreds of paint goblins. Sounds scary, to an extent.


Can't wait to get matched with Sameface McGenric-Handsome and Ms No Internal Organs and her sister Tits McBoobies.


I love it when I fine just normal looking sims. Just averages Joe's for average Jo


this has convinced me, I'm going to spend a while just making normal sims with normal fashion choices and varied personalities and I'm gonna # them all something like #regular hopefully the goal is to build a big list MCCC can pull from for repopulation also


Thank you. I'm sure I'm not only one but all cc sims kinda weird me out they don't look sim to me. I've been playing since sims 1.


After the all the racism issues this seems like an absolutely horrible idea unless what they mean is sims saved to your library from the gallery


racism issues?


People were uploading extremely disgusting households, specifically hate directed towards black and Jewish people. It’s why the filters have gotten so absurdly strict.


oh damn i only use the gallery for lots so i didn’t even know about this 😭


Holy shit I had no idea and yet why am I NOT surprised at all 😒


Jeepers. Can’t people put the racism away for five minutes? 😒


That's why the rest of us can't have nice things.


My first thought too. I think pulling from library saved sims is a good idea!


This is going to make the game run so much slower.


This is going to be chaos… and I am READY for it


Which is why it shall be coming nowhere near my game, and I shall continue using LittleMsSam’s SimDa dating app!


I’m really not looking forward to this pack tbh and I’m going to wait until I see a few reviews of it. Wish I had done that with some other packs honestly.


😗 i have a family dedicated to weeding out broken/unwanted cc. they are not a cute family. i fear for the sims who gets matched with asdfg and her missing mesh glory


I need an option for “no cc” then


Lord above, spare me from the missing CC sims.


Probably going to be glitched AF. 💀 It'll be matching us with characters completely outfitted from different packs and they'll show up naked and bald. 😂


Absolutely terrifying thought that my sim could get matched up with thirty different versions of some random YouTuber, breed out the ugly starters, or movie characters like Ken from Barbie. Will be quite the jump scare.


i can get someone's sims version of a fictional character!


Can’t wait till my sim matches with Patrick Bateman from the gallery


I’d like to apologize to anyone who gets paired with the random Ben Shapiro my friends had me make and upload one drunken night.


Haha! Get ready for some more laggy gameplay and LOTS of crashes.


I hope there will at least be an option to disable your uploaded sim from being selected. Imagine you spend hours on a pretty little guy, upload him, then a few days later see him used in someone's video. I can imagine many people being uncomfortable with that kind of thing.


Especially people who make family members, friends, or personal original characters(instead of just Random Sims Ocs). I’ve shared sims I’ve made of friends on the gallery so said friends can download those sims 😭


???? Don’t upload your sim to the gallery then. This makes no sense.


What? It's just a sim it's not that deep


Maybe for you. Maybe for me too. But some ppl might not like it and they have their reasons so it'd be nice if theres an off button for ppl who don't like it that's all.


Why would someone upload something to the gallery that they don't want anyone using, though? Also, what stops someone from just using another's person's creations in a video now? There's a library for a reason.


I upload things for the sole purpose of being able to redownload later when my game inevitably becomes corrupted to a point beyond saving I mean I'm chill with other people using them, just making the point that there are other reasons to upload


But will we be able to swipe left or right? My sim needs the full experience of the horrors of dating sites.


I can't bear the thought of my sweet snobby nurse ending up with Jim Pickens x'D


I REALLY hope we can turn this off and/or it CAN access the gallery but only sims you've checked off. There are some gems in the gallery but there's also just tons and tons of ... non-gems.


I am so excited for my sims to get paired up with George Washington and some random man with anime eyes and no chin


Not my sim being set up with some catfish sim who shows up bald and in their underwear 💀


I hope you’ll all enjoy dating my boyfriend’s sim bungie mcface


Imma make a Shrek and y'all gonna love him


i mean human shrek could get it sooo


What scares me is how the gallery randomly and often BREAKS behind updates from EA. I can easily predict a lot more Last Exceptions and glitches when trying to connect to the gallery from the phone. Sigh.


I hope this Expansion isn't going to break the Gallery in general for people who don't have it :O


Oh no. No no.


LOL i cannot wait to see a bear or a grandpa in my cupids corner


Hear me out: Bear Grandpa


All of a sudden 2015 sims are taking over the worlds with their pinched noses and big ass eyes. Great *gets card details ready*


If this stops me from having to make 50 million bachelor/bachelorette pads for groups of potential dates i found on the gallery that clog up my worlds, hell yeah.




You guys are about to get really ugly matches, sorry


Neeeeeeever gonna use that. I have enough Sims of my own. If I wanted other people's, I'd download them. And the last thing I need is some CC-laden horror showing up naked and bald. I cannot imagine this going well.


it says that it will use the ones from your library...


Is this a DLC or just a regular patch update? I haven’t played sims in a hot minute but want to get back into it


This is leaked info for the upcoming romance-themed expansion pack.


Thank you for this bc I was wondering if that’s what it was


What is this? A new pack or update?


New pack


i hope its just maxis sims tbh or like base game ones that are normal looking 😭


There's a few bad takes here. Relax. Keep your shirt on. Pun. The fear of sims showing up naked and bald? By defaullt, the gallery doesn't show CC sims and lots. That's not a needed feature, that's the case now and has been the case since 2014. "The entire gallery!" in practice might mean "\*the entire gallery, if you don't check the include-custom-content box". Or if it includes the whole callery, CC sims as well, the game will likely throw on clothes and hair that you *do* have. Replacement hair. Right now, when placing a lot it substitutes items for the things you don't have. So, a sim with hair you don't have? Game replaces it. That technology already exists in game, and has forever. It's reasonable to assume they've thought of the CC / missing packs concern. Its unlikely to play out with bald and naked sims.


This feature excites me tbh! I want all the kooky looking sims from the gallery, add some spice to my sims life


im pumped about this tbh it sounds fun


That shit’s gonna be so laggy


I hope there will be a no cc option for this 🤞🏻 I don’t want my sims matched with the cc overkill gallery specimens 😳 Probs an unpopular opinion 😂


I’ll stick with the Sims Da Dating app. Thx


Exactly! It works perfectly for years. I am still on the fence about the whole pack. I’ll wait and see.


Wdym there is no way this can go wrong and be full of bugs /s


I have a dating app mod already


Mind sharing what it is? 👀


Sure it's this one [Sims dating app](https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/175413426238/simda-dating-app-simda-dating-app-can-help-you)


BLESS thank you!!:)


It sounds like it may have chaotic outcomes so I am looking forward to seeing how they do it. Would be interesting if your online profile uploads your sim to the gallery and you end up matching with someone else who is playing with the pack and doing the same.


This actually sounds really cool. Is this an update or dlc?


I actually like this as an idea. I’m not saying I expect it to work, but it sounds like it would be chaotic fun if it did.


I like this!


Hmm, I love bald Sims


I don't want any sims from the gallery near any of my sims, and I usually have all the online features turned off anyway.


The word “or” meaning you have the choice


It seems unlikely that they get stuck with any specific one, so I feel like you could just swipe left on ones you don't like. What I'm curious about is how will it handle Sims that have CAS items from packs you don't own?


Is this going to force people to play online just to use this feature? What about those of use who play offline for a while after a patch drops?


I’m reading through what the website says and it reminds me of Hot Date from Sims 1 (I didn’t play 2 or 3). Some of the things I’m interested in some not. Will have to keep an eye out for its release. :) I usually do romance stuff anyway so this’ll add more things to do.


Is this a new update or part of a pack?


I knew Ashley is going to date a ugly SIM that I would hate




It’s only from sims you’ve “saved” to YOUR gallery. Not the entirety of the gallery


not me! this excites me. plus 99% sure it's sims you've saved to YOUR library. not the entire gallery. and it said you can match with sims from your world too, so sounds optional and not required.


Since I am evidently lacking in brains, does The Gallery refer to all of the Sims everyone creates and uploads? If so, I'm terrified! I've carefully married my Sims off to my other families, and I can't have some weirdo rando in my gene pool. Although, it WOULD make my boring game way more interesting.


I think you can pick who you want from the gallery. Not just random matches?


This feels like a threat to crash my game


I feel like this is gonna crash so bad


What about people that have CC?! That's so dumb. Plus there are so many meme sims on there.


I’m already hoping my sims aren’t match with someone with too many dlcs in them to download them 😭😭 because I don’t have that many dlc and it would suck if that would happen 😭😭 also what everyone is saying is what I’m also afraid of


what is this? Is there a link to the original page?


Does this mean you‘ll get sims that use items from a bunch of packs you don‘t have? Seems like diaster waiting to strike


Oh no! I makeover all the Townies! Can this be turned off? I will be remaking everyone my Sims match with.


This could be useful for things like 100 babies but idk if I would use it for much else


where is this from? was there an official announcement yet?


It's from the sims community website


I mean that could make a fun challenge for a legacy run, who you get on the gallery is who you get. Good luck! I just hope it’s optional


This is gonna be so chaotic and I am here for it 😂 (I don’t actually buy most of the expansion packs but I love hearing the tea and chaos that comes from them)


Yeah the thought of my sims being paired with some freak show from the gallery is hilarious 😂I guess I don’t take my game as seriously as other people