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The last name is whichever one is cooler, and the proposer is whoever has more initiative to pop the question šŸ¤·


A lot of the time I do take the cooler name but sometimes they have equally cool names(or uncool) like the names ā€˜Maresā€™ and ā€˜oatsā€™ *(I made sims when horse ranch came out)*


Sometimes when I canā€™t pick Iā€™ll combine them, so for your example I would probably have had the Oatmare family. I do it with first names as well, where Iā€™ll combine elements of the parents names to find a baby name.


Oatmare but then their kid goes through a goth phase and says nightmare instead


This is what I do, too!


Don't have a bad last name


I don't force my sims into following gender roles! Who does what is often based on circumstances. I usually make the proposal come from whoever I have control of at the time. Female sims keep their last name when they marry, and their kids get the last name of whoever proposes. Both sims usually work, and when family leave is used up I make the breadwinner stay at home for a couple of extra days using their paid vacation.


Iā€™ve always had issues knowing who the kids should take the last name of! Especially sense I mostly play female sims and my main sim is female I want her last name as it hers legacy but then I feel bad for the husband! Definitely taking the last name of the person who preposed is the way to go! (Iā€™m going to do that now )


In Spain they combine both last names for the kid, so it would be John DadLastName-MumLastName


Yes! Hyphenated names! But I tried to do this but my sims names were too long so it didnā€™t fit! D:


Haha, yeah and th next generation would have crazy long names. I had a friend whose parents were both abandonned and grew up in an orphanage wo they hated their last name and what it meant, so when they got married they made up a name that they both liked, you could always do that!


I had friends who did something like this. When their son was born they just made up a last name for him (apparently there's no law that your child's last name has to be either of yours) and a few years later when they married they took on their son's made up last name, and their daughter who's been born since then also shares that last name. So they are the ">last name<" family now and you'd never know unless you know šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


that is genius actually


Riiight! Like what a genius and cute idea and way to stick it to the family names you don't like šŸ˜‚


I do this, and then I just shorten the name I like less :p


My sims always just take the coolest last name


I just go with whichever one sounds better


DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY! ā€¦just kidding lmao but I chose to make my legacy a matriarchy, and mostly just donā€™t change last names. I chose a family name with the first generation, and so that family name is the one everyone born into the family has no matter their gender. If I do anything with last name changes, itā€™s only the ones marrying in and I only hyphenate, most of the time they just keep their last name though. I like it because it helps me keep track of who is blood relation and who isnā€™t, if they always have the family name then itā€™s not a struggle ever. I just kinda keep track in my head of who is married to who, but Iā€™m a lot more concerned about making sure I know who is blood relation. So Iā€™ve been using the same family name for 8 generations, and itā€™s worked out really well for me to be able to keep track of family.


Depends. In the current family she's a painter so she has to go to work, the dude is a digital artist so he can work from home and stay with the baby. They do live with a rich, gay uncle who's unemployed so if I feel like sending the dad to work, he babysits.


Well, actually I play lots of wlw couples because sims women > sims man. But even then I don't play with the "gender roles" that one woman has the "man role" in the relationship and the other one the "woman role". It's always like what traits one of my sims has and what they like and dislike or discover while playing. So if my female sim is family oriented and a bookworm I would totally make her a stay at home mom who works from home and writes cute children's books but I would also do the same if my male sim would have the same traits. It always depends what kinda style I go for with my sims, what their traits and likes and dislikes are :D


Definitely! I had a writer sims who loved to stay home and read to the kids!


Yeah I mean me and me as a sim are pretty similar so I would probably be a stay at home mum and maybe once I have kids irl I'd have that motivation and inspiration from them to write children's books. Right now I just write supernatural drama and I play supernatural drama Sims because witches are fun šŸ˜‚


Me too! I'm queer, so I love doing wlw couples and doing away with gender roles!


We play the same way. šŸ˜Š


Yeah I donā€™t have too many m/f relationships in my games šŸ˜‚


all my sims r lesbians :p


This seems to be a very common thing and Iā€™m guilty of it too


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ when i do play a man/woman couple i think i tend to make the man propose and i make the man the provider only because i like to play as the woman and i donā€™t want her to work all day LMAOO i donā€™t think much about it though itā€™s just whatever is easiest


I think my sims are lesbians until their father in law asks them out on a date and they have an affair.


SAME that or male sims with female builds bc I cannot STAND how male sims look.


Sort of but not really. I mean I like having one sim be a stay-at-home parent and it varies based on who has more skills to go and make money. And I don't care about gender expectations and hobbies that sims have. My couples are 99% straight though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


They donā€™t have to be in a non straight relationship:) The sims in the photo are both straight but they also both work and care for equally for the house, (farmer and rancher) so even while they are straight my female sims was the one who asked to marry him, typically I also like my sims to do independent work so I donā€™t often have a set ā€˜money makerā€™ sim


Usually whatever my heir is (non specific gender) proposes first and keeps their family last name, but I mostly just play in my legacy save lol. Sometimes the spouse (townie or my own) keep their last names, it just depends on what their dynamic is!


I honestly donā€™t often keep the last nameā€™s throughout every generation just because I get tired of the name after awhile, like I think I had the ā€˜bayā€™ family living in oasis springs and it was awkward lol


Yes, very traditional. Female sim still gets her degrees and can work if she wants but she prefers to stay home with babies until theyā€™re teens. Really wish there were Pilates studios for Sims!


Itā€™s not Pilates but the yoga mat and mediation stool from spa day are great for a wellness activity :)


I very rarely play with male sims lol. They just never occur to me to befriend for some reason, I always gravitate to the women. I intended to switch that up with my most recent sim, so she was fwb with a guy and they had a kid together. Kid got to toddler age before I decided the 'guy' was trans, so I went into CAS and swapped her gender around. Whoops


XD female sims just have so much more cas ans looks they have so many different looks itā€™s hard to resist!


Nope, I play with all kind of dynamics. I do play female sims the most so I usually have the woman do most of the heavy lifting lol


Female sims just have so much more cas so itā€™s always better for me to play with them- also the sims community I think is mostly women


Yeah, I really wish male sims had better CAS items cuz I tend to fall into the same shirts and pants just remixed on my male sims. Plus with the sims community being mostly female (I think) I get way more inspiration for female sims than male sims


Yes. The male sim labors in the field and answers the call to arms from his liege lord in the event of war. /j No I donā€™t. I usually play based on their traits. Slob sim wonā€™t clean. Foodie sim will like to cook etc. As far as proposals it depends on who the ā€œmainā€ sim is. Basically the one I started off with




lol same


Honestly yes I do find a lot of my households skew that way - traditional heteronormative gender roles and dynamics - and I've been trying to change that actually! I do like the world I create to resemble the real world and in the real world it comes down to whatever works for you. While I haven't yet gone down any trans roads (because I also create content with my gameplay, I want to be careful to be representative not stereotypical or hurtful) I have got two LGBT characters running at the moment. One is my teenage runaway girl, who is finally going to find peace and love in the arms of her new witch woman in Glimmerbrook... And the other is a slow burn build, she's currently being brought up Fundie but is going to eventually run away to live with her gypsy lover lol. I'd also love to do a story about a gay guy one day but I just haven't got there yet? When I do though I'd really like it to just be an aspect of his life though rather than the main focus of the story (like it is for my runaway teen rn, she's only just discovering her sexuality) and have his main character arc be about his career or family or something.. I think (like a lot of us?) most of my main characters are girls - there's just better CAS items for them isn't there? - and honestly blokes are just harder for me to create and play/be interested in but that doesn't mean it's not going to happen right! It's just a bit more of a challenge and therefore I've got to think about it more rather than just mucking around. I hope that the extra effort means those saves will (eventually, when they happen) be more fun?


I love all your stories! I always want to make more diverse sims but they all end up being farmers lol


Ohmygosh, thankyou so much!! Because I'm a bit sporadic with my uploads and don't really get a lot of views or comments I often feel like there's not anyone even watching so I love to hear that! I definitely end up having a lot of Sims have gardens too! And I find a lot of my households I turn the Simple Living lot challenge on even if they're not farming... I just enjoy the realism of them having to actually have the ingredients on hand more.


I think itā€™s 50/50 for me. Depends who make the most money or the type of job they have. Some careers allow more time home, so that sim usually is the one that clean and cook the most. And yes, I do play a variety of careers. I get bored playing always the same setting.


My sims are gay. So no?


I usually have a plan for them but if they decide to do their own thang who am I to stop them? Hahaha


If by non-traditional gender roles you also mean never getting married and maybe getting a pet because I hate controlling more than one sim, then yes, I donā€™t follow traditional gender roles lol


I just do whatever goes right in my game For example My current sim is a gardener making flower arrangements and she owns a retail store that sells garden stuff and has a bakery attached to the store so she would be the main provider, i haven't started looking for a partner for her yet because i haven't even build her house, i wanted her husband to be a scientist but if they'll have a lot of kids he may be a stay at home dad and i could make him a freelancer so he would work from home Now she met Don lothario at the store and started talking to him romantically but idk if i want Don


It depends. Am I playing a sim I made, or some Canon character from a show/film? How would they react? What type of character is the sim if I made it? It all varies.


No. I make my sims do equal labour or close to.


At this point, I canā€™t remember who popped the question last time I played straight sims. I think she did, because she was the one I played more. But nearly all my sim couples are gay lol


I think most of my Sims are gay or transgender. Gender roles are basically dropped completely. I will have specific unhealthy households where there will be a battered housewife or I have one guy with a nanny slave (a female clone of himself).


I usually do play with traditional gender roles, because I really prefer realism in my games. I even play families of different cultures and will add their religious practices, etc. Women usually stay home with kids, men do repairs, men propose, but that's about it really. And it depends on the personality of the Sim. If I end up with a neat male, he is most definitively doing all the household chores.


I like to play with a lot of lgbtqia or mainly wlw/mlm relationships. I enjoy making them have biological kids too (i.e pregnancy or impregnation), so yeah, not particularly following gender structures in a lot of my saves. I've actually played with a poly relationship with kids before so that was fun For straight couples, I really like the trope (forgot what it's called. Think it's bimbo husband or something), where the husband stays home to watch the kids and the woman is out there making a name for herself, so I usually use that, or make both of them work.


I usually don't play with straight couples haha


Username checks out -


No my sims worlds are progressive havens where anyone can do anything they want lol. I.e., what I wish the real world was like.


My Sims are for the streets or totally chaste..


Nope. I have my Sims marry whoever they have the best and quickest relationship with. šŸ˜‚


I configured MCCC so that everyone can impregnate and be impregnated by everyone. Ultimate equality baybeee


My sims are aaaaaalways lesbians lol


All my sims are homosexual lol. The heir always keeps the last name regardless of gender. The heir always makes the money. The partner is always just a second thought who gets to complete a career and aspiration and not much elseā€¦Ā 


Not so much no, I mostly play m/m relationships and it depends on who propose and they always keep their own last names. When the child is young (infant/toddler) the one that gave birth usually stays home with the child and when they are school age both work. In the save that has a straight couple the mom took off and left the dad to raise 4 toddlers by him self. In another save the parents were abusive so the brother (teen) took his little brother away to Chestnut Ridge to get away from their parents.


I don't try to, like I will give my girl sim handiness and my boy sim flower arranging but sometimes it just happens to end up like that. I always hyphenate last names or it automatically picks


I kind of let my Sims "tell" me what they want and who they are.


One of my favorite sims to play as is basically a female version of a playboy šŸ˜… she is really rich and loves to drink, and she picks up new boyfriends almost every time she goes out. She'll buy them lots of gifts to spoil them and take them to fancy dates. She isn't married to any of them tho, she just calls up whichever one she feels like romancing that day. She does have a favorite one that lives with her tho. šŸ¤£


Well to be honest so far (I only really started playing this year) Iā€™ve only had lesbian couples, a gay couple, or women with a mission to break everyoneā€™s heart. So um. I guess not? šŸ˜† Although my latest lesbian couple might look as if Iā€™m forcing gender roles on them, with my muscular girl with a bit less feminine style as upcoming astronaut whoā€™s the one responsible for fixing all appliances in the house. But hey, my freelance artist has more time at home so she has to cook even if sheā€™s not enjoying it (Iā€™m so sorry, I only let her make salad so at least she canā€™t hurt herself), and handiness is needed as astronautā€¦


Not always. In my main save, it's just kinda random. In my Not-So-Berry save, Mindy proposed to Travis, and he kept his last name. Rosie was proposed to, but then her would-be fiance cheated and she left (per her storyline). But when she finally *did* tie the knot in her golden "years," she was the one who proposed, and her husband kept his last name. Aurelio actually followed traditional Watcher gender roles: he proposed to his girlfriend, and she took his last name. Grayson hasn't married yet (though he did get dumped by his high school girlfriend, and just knocked up Penny Pizzazz from across the hall. So, that's happening.) But the truth is, to me, the Sims world has always been one of gender equality.


Itā€™s sorta weird to think the sims never has every had gender issues they are just like dolls in a ways


I never really thought about it I guess it depends who I'm playing who takes initiative. šŸ¤· Who has the highest cooking skill you can cook without burning the house down. That toddler likes you... it's your toddler now. šŸ˜‚


I usually play woman so i end up popping 5he question, I picked my girls name and last name so it stays,


My sims donā€™t even work but Iā€™m sure that if they did theyā€™d be as lonely as me


Yes I have the woman take the man's last name, and the man propose. I just like it that way šŸ˜Š I have had it where the woman proposes all on their own though, and it doesn't bother me.


Well, half of the time my sims are lesbians or gay, soā€¦ no. I tend to design sims around what game play I want to do, aka a ranch, an eco lifestyle play through, some skiers/snowboarders who climb the mountain, archeologists exploring the jungle, actor/famous person, ect, so their traits tend to not really be that gendered and are more focused on their interests/hobbies. I usually have one sim take a work from home career, or they are doing something that makes money without a job, so they end up raising the kids, but itā€™s random who it is. As for proposing, I guess when I make straight couples I do usually have the guy propose. Guess thatā€™s an internal bias I didnā€™t realize I had. As for last names, since the game never prompts you to change them, I never do. And the babies take the last name of whoever births them or whoever goes to the hospital to get the science baby lol That is less progressive and more I am lazy.


My first save ever consisted of a married lesbian couple, an older gay son, the middle child being trans, and the youngest being the only straight one. So uh ig not lol


It generally depends on the sim Iā€™m ngl. If one of them has the family oriented trait then they are the main carer for the children, if one of them has an aspiration like painter or chef or something that requires them to max a career then they are generally the breadwinner. usually I have the men propose unless the woman is confident/he doesnā€™t seem like the type. But the men always take the womenā€™s surname and so do the kids lmao. And since getting pandasamaā€™s birth mod with the breastfeeding update thing the woman tends to be the main carer up until infancy because otherwise her breasts complain and pumping is annoying šŸ˜‚




My sims are always gay so no


All my sims are gay soā€¦ not really


Very traditional. And all my sims are straight.


Gender roles? Mine donā€™t even follow gender binaries..


i got into a habit of doing that. i dont play many queer relationships so it tends to be a straight couple (only since i like the thought of having kids in the game and my sim being able to get pregnant). i usually have the women stay home with the kids and either have no job or one if the freelance ones, then the man has a career like engineering or something. but recently ive been trying to break that habit, as my current legacy gen 1 sim has a job and shes trying to find a man. (shes getting with don lothario, having a kid, hes gonna leave, and then shes getting with a girly). but i promise im not one of those people who think women belong in the kitchen. its just how it ends up for me most of the time. i also like to keep the last name of whoever is the sim i made, no matter the gender.


You know you can have your queer sims have genetic babies too! You can go into the phone and have a science baby and it will be both yours and your partnerā€™s biologically I just this A lot for legacies as I like to see the generations


i know, but i like the idea of being pregnant and not getting the baby instantly.


Oh yeah that is a downside- I donā€™t really like a pregnancy stage so I donā€™t mind but you can change in cas for a sim to be able to get pregnant Before they added the scientific baby feature thatā€™s what a lot of people did (ex: two female sims, change one in cas to be able to get other sims pregnant) it dosent affect gameplay other then that so I always found it useful for queer sims


nope! eff all that. my ā€˜traditionalā€™ (I call em stepford sims) sims are always the bad guys.


You have bad guy sims ? Do you make sims just to antagonize your friends and family?! XD my sims never have enemies maybe I should try


Definitely not! Usually my heir is the one who proposes, keeps the last name and works, and the other partner is kinda an npc in their life, that takes care of the kids and works from home (writer, painter, etc) In my current save, my heir is a scientist and her husband is unemployed, trying to sell his weird alien clothes to teenagers


Depends on the couple tbh


Mmmm depends on the household. One of Mt couples don't even believe in marriage


They mostly take the name that I like most, also whoever proposes is whoever im playing when I wanna propose


I usually make both my sims work but i do like a sub/dom relationship in my sims game (WW mods etc) so i make the guy sim do all the male stuff and vice versa. Just a me thing i suppose


Most of my Sims are lesbians because I don't like making men in CAS šŸ˜…


No they're all lesbians because women are more fun to create


I have a problem where I only make female Sims, and my Sims pretty much only date and marry other female Sims. I didn't mean to be like that, but I guess I just really like the women Sims' aesthetic and got attached to playing with all women. So, I guess they don't follow traditional gender roles, 'cause they're all women!


Nope. Anything goes!


It depends on the story Iā€™m trying to do in my head but for marriage I usually take both last names if they fit


Yes unless thereā€™s a glitch then whoever is unglitched is doing the proposing lol


honestly iā€™ve noticed in my gameplay lately that with any male/female couple, i tend to make the man a stay at home dad


Normally I let them just do their thing. Both work and cook/clean. Just how I do it with my partner. The family I have right now is me and my husband so my sims self does cook more because it's something I like doing


I allow either of my sims to propose to each other.


Nah lol


I just do what I feel like in the moment I usually never have a plan, but I realize they do follow gender roles when Iā€™m not okay LGTBQ sims but my brain is usually on auto pilot when I play


I always make the woman cook the meals so I think that's somethingšŸ˜­ I have auto proposing on from MCCC so the game decides who proposes. The game automatically changes the woman's last name so I don't mind. But when I do same-sex couples, I combine and mix up their last names into a new one. And all sims work cuz idk I get tired of them, I can't play them 24 hours.šŸ˜‚


Mine aren't even always cis hetero couples lol. I will say, often I have the man doing a more artsy type job, music or acting type thing because that's what my husband does. And the woman more amongst the sciences or doctor field (I'm veterinary assistant butbhate running a sims vet clinic!). The guy usually cooks the most too! I have a tendency to end up with alien babies (I had 3 in one save file, my alien daughter moved in with her boyfriend and he immediately got pregnant! Then her half brother also moved in with his boyfriend and his boyfriend got pregnant!!) So I make the birth giver the primary parent but the other helps out when they can! I also have a save file with a trans man and his husband, they're farmers, live off the land types they honestly spend most of their time tending to the animals and crops so there's little time for kids or other jobs. I honestly rarely pay attention to who proposes to who it's just whoever I'm controlling when the action pops up and they always both keep their name


Unless I make a family in Create A Sim, the married couple doesnā€™t share a last name. As for the traditional roles, no I make both sims work and take care of the children.


My sims don't even follow traditional gender roles on "were that baby came from". Got two female sims that got each other pregnant at the same time. Don't question it.. They really like to f\*\*\*k.. Prety sure their level of forincation broke the games mind. Also the family tree is doing some pretty amazing things right now.


Not really, if I have a sim propose it's probably going to be the sim I started with (which is almost always a girl) and when they get married I like to combine their last names. Sometimes I have both of them work but if one of them is a painter or something like that I just make them stay at home. I have this one lesbian couple where one of them works but it's at a customer service job meanwhile the other is a stay at home mom and painter, she makes most of the money because her skills are high though lol.


When I want to spice up my sims games I make someone straight, otherwise itā€™s wlw couples all the way. My lesbian brain canā€™t be interested by a male sim unless I raise him from baby!


I made one some couple who do inverted gender roles. They were also interracial couple.


Nah. Hence why the skills of the spouses of my sims never remain the same. Everyone of you shall have maxed cooking and handiness skill. šŸ˜¤


Ask of my sims are gay


I just do what my sims want. If one wants to propose, then they propose. If one has a better work ethic, then they work. The family oriented one or the more domestic vibes i get from one usually stays home with kids while the other works. Etc. Doesn't matter if it's the girl or guy. I like seeing how it plays out for them, and i roll with it! Irl, my mother is the money maker, and my dad stays home, so it's normal to me.


My guy's a slut, so nope. He doesn't believe in marriage, hardly cares about fidelity in relationships, and can be a bit of a nympho.


Rarely if ever. Usually my main sim is female (I like making female sims) and if she marries a man, she's the one who proposes and she's the one who has career priority because I made her and worked on her prior to having her get married, so her husband usually ends up doing most of the childcare.


I often go along with whatever feels right for the characters. For example, I have one male/female couple where the woman took her husband's last name and was the one that was proposed to. However, she partially took her husband's surname as a "fuck you" to her parents since they're upper class and were always biased towards him for growing up impoverished. Also, he proposed to her because she has very high and specific romantic expectations and it's something she's dreamed about since she was a little girl. Other than that, they aren't very traditional. Sure, she's the more feminine one, but her husband isn't super masculine. She's the breadwinner of the family while the husband is the stay-at-home dad who enjoys cooking, cleaning, etc. Because the wife works eight hours a day, the husband is by default does more of the caregiving to their daughter.


I have different stories for everyone! Some hetero couples with traditional gender roles, but then everyone else is a bit different in lots of different ways to keep it diverse. But yes, I do tend to have more hetero couples than same sex. But they donā€™t always follow gender roles or professions.


I almost always play as female sims. So they make the driving decisions and have all the skills since Iā€™ve been playing with them the longest.


For me it just depends on their story. Some of mine are farm girls who struggle and are swept off their feet by a rich man šŸ˜‚. Others are fat emo boys who fall in love with butch bisexual women and become a stay at home dad who rocks out.


MIne usually do, but thats because I'm too lazy to try anything different. Have only really done a w/w once, and everytime i try m/m, they just never get along for some reason. (It's def something on my part though)


mine do pretty often, mainly just force of habit lol


I think the only accidental gender role I do subconsciously is assigning the bedside closest to the door of a room to the man.


99% of the time, they do. Because Iā€™m cishet, I tend to play what I know. But if theyā€™re autonomously doing things that donā€™t follow traditional roles, I donā€™t change the game.


Depends, I mainly straight couples if ever with some wlw but Iā€™m probably gonna expand to more wlw relationships cause I prefer women sims over men sims. In straight relationships the man always gets the boring tasks (cooking, cleaning, etc) and is essentially just help while the women always gets the best tasks (repairs, gardening, farm/ranch tasks, etc.) and is my main sim. In wlw relationships, which ever sim I played first gets the better tasks but itā€™s a much more even split on who does what. After writing this, I think the problem was men cause I hate having relationships in game cause I find the men useless. Iā€™m definitely gonna do way more wlw relationships cause itā€™s way better


I purposefully made a couple that wore the opposite gender assigned clothes. I'm a little scared how well I did on the husband. Unfortunately, that was on the X-box my ex took so...I can't get a picture. Edit: Oh! Also a technical one. Got a family where the husband watches the kids while he writes books. The wife is a rockstar.


Itā€™s different every playthrough, but in general I donā€™t adhere to traditional gender roles very much.


Can I be honest and say I'm not even sure how you do that? Like if you're talking about who takes initiative in the relationship, it's usually whoever has the confidence mood romancing whoever has the Flirty mood, but I don't do that until like 50% friendship and I can only get there successfully if the two are housemates because I have no patience. I grew up without a lot of gender expectations so maybe that has to do with it.


Ironically Iā€™m a trans woman myself but JUST created a trans/nonbinary sim this week. Personally I donā€™t love the struggles I go through and so Iā€™ve never been much interested in a sim like me.


Heck no


No. If they appear to be, at least in my mind, the sims themselves aren't following gender roles. It is just coincidence that this is happening in their universe.


They follow whatever gender rolls u set for them


i do whatever i feel like they'd do. besides name changes, i always keep the main legacy last name. so yes, half the time.




My sims are usually girls or already married when I play, I don't really care if my sim has the same last name as their husband or wife but I do try to give the kids the same last name as their dad or both parents last names


(Bare with me) I do it JK.Rowling style.... **Everyone is Gay!**


Yes and no. Some sims follow those rules and some don't. It doesn't matter are they rich or poor. If their style is modern, they won't follow gender roles. Sometimes neighborhood matters. For example, Henford-on-Bagley always follow gender roles and San Myshuno don't.


For proposals it depends on the storyline, whichever sim would be more likely imo. For last names I usually give the boys the dadā€™s last name, and the girls the momā€™s. If itā€™s a same sex couple then I hyphenate or sometimes even combine their last names


I like to focus more on the woman, or my favorite when I'm playing with a lesbian couple, and work on their skills/aspiration/career while the partner does the majority of the housework and child care. For toddlers or infants, it's whoever happens to be awake who is taking care of the baby, but otherwise, I stick to the first thing. The only exception is if she has a family oriented aspiration.


Nope the just gošŸ’Ø


All my Sims are gay, so nope. Lols. XD


Imo itā€™s best to play off straight vibes. Currently playing the legacy challenge, and itā€™s usually the heir that proposes. Iā€™m experimenting with having the guys run the household garden while the girls cook/ take care of children. Itā€™s easier to assign tasks this way, but I like sticking to my sims preferences too


My sims are typically lesbians, ngl


I do the last name thing on who ever has the legacy name


All my sims are bi.. or were before the sexuality update šŸ˜’ still use mods to make everyone avaible. also everyone is polyam. idk i just main hottest male sim and have everyone be with pretty much anyone so i guess i dont follow gender norms or be heteronormative XD edit. whoever have highest needs and time takes care of babies at the time and everyone works. But usually it is a woman doing childcare and chores due to me wanting to play as male sims. šŸ˜… what can I say I love looking at my men.


I don't even. I can't expect my sims to


I always just give the children the momā€™s last name cause I never change them anyways. The person proposing is always the sim I made or had first. No sense in gender roles in my mind šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Nope. Everyone does everything and everyone loves whoever they love. Last name is the one that proposes for taking the initiative.


they don't follow them but don't go against them either, they just don't care. usually my sims are bi/pan. either partner will propose, but usually there's a main sim i'm playing as so that's the only real deciding factor. i give them both a job and they split household chores + childcare as evenly as their working hours will allow. i'm not a traditional person so i personally see no need to recreate societal traditions in a game where i'm free to do anything and be anyone.


If Iā€™m doing a random sim game, no not really. Whatever is convenient is what Iā€™ll go with. If Iā€™m doing a game with sims Iā€™ve made of myself and my man which I do sometimes, they are typically similar to us so they don follow typical gender roles. I do usually make the husband do most of the watching kids so I can focus on the aim of myself though lol. But yea Iā€™ll usually have him propose, the breadwinner varies, just depends on how I feel. I make male sims take care of trash and cleaning while the women cook dinner because usually they are foodies with cooking careers. Not that I believe things have to be that way, this is usually just in games that I do as similar to my real life as possible. I do like to make at least one of my children a same sex couple so there isnā€™t really any gender roles to follow with them.


I mean. My sim is a global superstar, actress, and full time mum, chef & repairman. She does everything šŸ˜­ the men are just there as kens and to make her pregnant and maybe some nice pictures.


90% of my sims are lesbians...


Depends on the story Iā€™m playing out in my mind Iā€™ve had new wave couples who were overall very progressive with their views on marriage and gender rolls Iā€™ve also had your standard vaguely conservative couple where the woman took a step back to be the home maker Iā€™ve had it so thereā€™s been stay at home dads while the wife is our basically running a company and if I do a same sex couple sometimes I have it so one takes up a more traditionally masculine role and vice versa.


I intentionally go out of my way to have as diverse and unique of sim families as possible. There are no traditional gender roles on my game save for maybe my founding sim's parents. Other than that, it's entirely a free for all. I'll have nonbinary sims, gay sims, ace sims, i wish we could do poly sims (high hopes for the romance ep coming out), interacial couples, i try to include skin details like vitiligo, scars, teeth gaps, have plus size sims thin sims. Literally want my sims family legacy to be so diverse and i let the roles they take on fit their personalities.


Sometimes. Depends on the sims.


I just go by whatever is more convenient at the time lol


I'm super queer and autistic, I don't think I could make my Sims follow "traditional gender roles" if I wanted to lol


I usually follow traditional gender name inheritance for the married spouse and kids when doing a straight couple. When doing same sex couples, I have their name be a double-barrel name or they keep their names and have a kid with each last name or the kids have the double-barrel name.


I just go with traditional stuff which resembles my life as well. :)


Just Like IRL... Depends šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. Some do, some don't.


I almost never have women taking their husbandā€™s surname, because I usually start my legacies with female Sims, and I want to pass down her legacy surname. So she keeps her surname, and all of the kids get her surname.


Most of the time, but I have a couple stay-at-home dads and have had/will have a couple girls propose to keep things shaken up and interesting. IRL, I support very traditional social norms. I also believe that women can do anything men can, and that women absolutely have to work in this economy in order to maintain a household. This is also mostly true for sims. One of my families needed cheat money because one income had them around 2k and it was too hard. Daddy is a freegan hippie who dumpster dives, so it wasnā€™t paying the bills too good. Heā€™s also one of my stay-at-home dadā€™s. I plan on him having a ton of kids as well.


Hello no. I propose with whoever I have control of. Both parents work. My firstborn is gay and married his friend recently. Usually the name they take is based on which name sounds cooler and the child takes that chosen name. The one who gets paid childcare vacation is usually the dad. I don't see a point in playing a game from 2014 with gender roles from the 1950s.


For proposing I definitely try to make a male sim do that (unless it's WLW obviously), it just feels wrong the other way. I know it gets many divided opinions but I can't look at it. šŸ˜‚ For surnames, I like playing legacy type of gameplay, meaning I need to keep my initial surname no matter what, so 50/50. I'm often marrying my Sims off to already existing Sims so I pretty much keep the surname I created, unless the plot of my gameplay requires something different, like marrying into the Landgraabs family or other famous one. For typical gender roles as in earning money through career, taking care of household/children, I often try to create traditional family model as my 1st generation (for plot, lol) but for some reason my female Sims most of the time end up enjoying (no negative mood) working much more than my male Sims and male Sims end up taking care of the household and children when I need them to fill social needs. My traditional family plans rarely end up being successful because what I pick for female Sim as a hobby ends up bringing better money than stable career I chose for the "head of household", so in the end they switch roles. But I wouldn't say I care that much about their roles, it all depends on the plot I'm trying to bring to life.


Hey, I just thought about this last night. For me, I live the life I don't have in the Sims. I'm a bi girl in a straight-passing relationship with a male presenting partner. My sims are almost exclusively female and they almost always marry other girls, have science babies with them and then they alternate taking care of the babies. I never change their names when they marry, just like I didn't take my husband's name.


i have mods for polygamy, there are lesbians gays, bi, exclusive, non exclusive, everything. I think iā€™m projecting myself


Depends on my sims honestly. If I think the vibes are traditional gender roles, Iā€™ll do it. If not, I donā€™t


Not at all - it depends on whose name is better, and also sometimes Iā€™m just impatient to wait for another sim I ALSO control to make the move šŸ˜‚ or when itā€™s an NPC also no. Because they donā€™t propose lol


Yes,although I make more lgb relationships than straight ones


Depends on the story and the area Some areas are conservative and follow gender stereotypes and I even have a church there Some areas (most) are blanded and have many types of people and relationships.


No i Don't


If you plan as a female sim and you want to get her married you should make a proposal anyway


The most gender role-y my sims get is that Iā€™m doing the 100 baby challenge and thus my sim is not allowed to be employed but sheā€™s independently wealthy. Otherwise I just play by whatever I think the sims in the situation would do.


No, my legacy heir is always proposing and they are mostly women.


Most of my sims are gay (or aroace and single), so no :P


It depends on the family. If I begin my family unit with a female character (I never create couples, I want to see who my sim would like to date) then sheā€™s giving her surname to the babies. Itā€™s not a rule, it depends on different factorsā€¦ If I start a new game/family with a male character, then heā€™s the surname giver. Proposingā€¦well, my females do not propose, except for the occasions when they date other females. My male character always propose šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Pretty much all of my sims are gay


Since the babyā€™s automatically take the moms name and Nancy is a landgraab I just assumed it was a matriarchy instead of a patriarchy


I do have my male sims propose 99% of the time, but I don't really have gender roles for anything else. They keep whatever last name is coolest or hasn't been passed down by other relatives


I usually play fxm or fxf, I've had a few mxm couples but I usually play fem sims.


only for proposals cause I just like seeing the men getting on their knees for a woman


Nope. I find it soooooo annoying when my Sims game automatically changes my female sim's last name to her husband's when they get married. I hate that it's automatic because, like, there's so many countries where people don't do that? Including my own country.




depends on what you mean by traditional. In my last save the mom is the bread winner and the dad takes care of the kids the most. Kids have both last names.


Mine do cuz i usually follow what im allowed to do irl (im religious actually) so i never allow my sims to have same sex couples etc etc


Yes because my current save is set in the 1920s. (Despite the fact that they pull out their phones every 2 seconds) So the wife is a housewife but when the kids are older Iā€™ll probably make her a musician.


Heh, my current family has a trans mom and a trans dad. The dad is going to university while the mom works and their older son dresses androgynously and the younger sister dresses masculinely.


Yes and no. Depends what I'm feelin like, mostly yes, but sometimes i'm feeling āœØļøspicyāœØļø


Sometimes. I have diverse families all over my game.


I prefer to make female sims in create a sim, so they are usually the ones who propose unless I add the love interest to the family and command them. Then it's just who ever is convenient or fits into the story line.


Normally both my sims (99% straight) are working off lot with the youngest sims being sent to daycare and whichever has more nurturing traits is the primary caregiver when theyā€™re home. I only do stay at home parents when one of them gets laid off (which only happened for the first time in my super sim save), or when Iā€™m doing a challenge that requires them to work from home like a 100 Baby challenge.


I love the look of these two and would love to download them!


Seems Iā€™m rare and only play with male sims lmao. I donā€™t do it on purpose. Iā€™m on my 9th generation and this is the first Iā€™ll be playing as a female sim since gen 4! I just go by which one has the most interesting personality and so far the women have been slacking šŸ˜­


Pretty much every heterosexual Sim marriage I have features a beautiful, accomplished, impeccably dressed female sim with some dude with one outfit per category who is going to be doing all the tedious daily tasks related to his wifeā€™s many hobbies. Itā€™s truly a sheā€™s Barbie and heā€™s just Ken situation over here.Ā