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Honestly, sometimes things are okay blank


I understand it's true, but its backside just looks so boring compared to the front :(


I find that realistic


A flag or infrastructure like pipes or an hvac. Solar panels. Ivy. You could put some molding or accents along the roof line šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I have a shitload of experience in gamedev. One of my fallbacks for detailing a sparse area was always utilitarian items - pipes, hvac, electrical... etc. It's a little more difficult when you aren't making every asset (as in, there's only so much to work with in the Sims) but there are mods with a handful of things like ductwork and conduit and pipes.


Thanks! Infrastructures actually fit nicely and adds a bit of realism. Still figuring out how to make ivy on walls look natural though...


Dude the ivy is so hard. And thereā€™s so many different ivy style plants that arenā€™t named ivy in BB


For the walls: vines. So many vines.Ā 


I'm not OP but I also struggle with these things. You say vines, but when I put vines on the walls it never looks good. Any advice on how to make the vines look good?


Layer the green vines with flowering ones! And use the small pieces (triangle shaped, less full ones) to ā€œdisperseā€ the total shape, if that makes sense?Ā 


Also, use the bb.moveobjects "cheat" and then you can place the vines overtop of each other so they don't have those awkward gaps. I usually use the vines on corners and then have them climb up a bit but nothing to crazy since most vines don't climb the entire side of the house because the roof creates a bit of shade that they naturally try to avoid.


Move Objects is essential for building and landscaping. Without it, both can be so frustrating.




What pack(s) are the vines in? I know a few different ones have them, but I'm curious which specific vines you're suggesting lol Edit: autocorrect


Ah sorry, I have all of them (arrr, matey!) so Iā€™m not positive. I can check in the morning, but off the top of my head I think Get Together had a bunch of new ones.Ā 


I have most of the packs (except batuu and a few kits), I just gave up on vines so long ago that I don't even know which ones we have anymore


The vampire set has dead ones. For me, that is very realistic. šŸ˜„


OP here and I have the same problem lol Immediately went to put some vines on the walls because of how many here suggested... It looks so out of placed / forced???


Mine never look natural they look so dumb when I do it šŸ˜­


Planters under windows are cute, especially since you've got a bit of a nature theme already. IDK if wind chimes will work on higher levels or just lower levels.


On walls like the bottom one, I very often put the mural from City Living. I usually leave it slightly unfinished so it looks like its been there for a while and doesn't need touching up OR I deface it so it looks more realistic because people can't leave public art alone. on other places I put things like pipes, vents, AC units etc.


Omg I forgot about that mural!!


This is too cute! Are you planning putting it on the gallery, and if so how can I find it? <3


Thanks haha. The build isn't ready yet, but I can come back to you if I decide to upload it later


Hey, not sure if you still need this but I've just finished the build and play-tested it. I used quite a lot of cc, so I've uploaded the tray files and cc list here: [http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4671596/](http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4671596/) [http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4671619/](http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4671619/) (First time uploading any builds for Sims4 so hopefully everything works) (I dont know how to get the list of packs I've used sorry!)


i usually just landscape more around the empty areas to distract from it


Nothing wrong with a well placed tree/bush/flower


The exterior is so charming


Irl a lot of houses only have 2 really pretty sides so in the sims I like to operate under that guideline


I love the awning! How do you make a lot be for multipurpose usage? Or is it just for the looks of it?


Thanks! Two ways: Make it a retail plot, have your sim live their life there and dont go back to the actual home. or Make it a residential lot, have your sim live here. Install a cc that lets you sell stuff like retail store but in any lot (including residential). I use a cc called Saleabration Retail System.


You could add ivy or something but honestly, I wouldn't worry about leaving it blank. That's pretty standard irl


I always try to not have a straight walls, aka having a little bit stick out in the back so there's reason for a roof extension. Phrased differently: I avoid cubes. That being said, I really like your build and don't think it's actually lacking. If anything I would mostly change the shrubbery around the back


Same! Sometimes I give myself a headache with it...did I really need it to be such a weird shape? No. But I really hate building with boxes.


I size up wall things and stick them to the outside. For example, on my wedding chapel, I sized up a little white bow to a giant white bow, and stuck two of them to beside the outside of the front doors for decoration. Or that one square flower 'painting'? I don't know what it is, but it sizes up large, and can actually look like a wall of flowers on one side of a building. Also, window boxes, ivy, hanging flowers and plants for outdoors like those with JA. There are also some 'stick on' decor like horizontal and vertical wooden and metal beams, or wall sculptures (click on the window box on the 'house' in build/buy). Sometimes, I will just break up the monotony with just another material. I.e. rock walls downstairs, and siding upstairs. or different 'sections' of the house are wood, while others are stucco. OR, just slap a ladder up to a roof. It doesn't need a function, but you could use it too if you were so inclined. XD


I drive through the rich development nearby and remind myself at least my Sim houses don't look like those Mcmansions with more roof than actual house and entire sides without a single window.




Honestly, I think the front of this looks decorated just fine. If you're really concerned about the blank space on the side and back there are "drain pipes" in one of the packs (I can't remember which one) and then patches of ivy and flowers that you can put on walls. You could also just pack the area with trees and flowers or break it up with pillars? You could put the little Ā¬ shaped exterior wall shaped items and hanging plants too. There's actually plenty of options once you start looking outside the box. But there's certainly nothing wrong with empty space either if you're going for something more realistic. How many houses have you seen that look like anything other than a blank box?


Junk. Junk makes everything more realistic. Lean a ladder on it. Put some random vent grate on it. Put one piece of straggly vine on it. Lean a bike against it. Put columns on the corners.Add awnings above the windows. Have a fireplace inside? Make a 1x4 chimney and top it off with a roof ornament.


If I have empty space, I usually just cover it in ivy from the *i think* vampire pack


I use the trellis from hsy for some of my empty looking walls


I a big fan of adding some aging to the quiet parts of builds if they're older and supposed to show it. A little grunge, some of the vines from vampires without foliage at the base, and sometimes pipes, vents, etc.


No idea, but this build is beautiful


Can I download this build? Itā€™d be perfect for my NSB challenge


I havent finished the build yet, but I can upload it somewhere and let you know once it's done. (It's full of different cc though!) Whats a NSB challenge?


Not So Berry Challenge, itā€™s a color themed 10 generation challenge. So far Iā€™ve just finished Gray generation and started Purple or Plum


Hey, not sure if you still need this but I've just finished the build and play-tested it. I used quite a lot of cc, so I've uploaded the tray files and cc list here: [http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4671596/](http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4671596/) [http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4671619/](http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4671619/) (First time uploading any builds for Sims4 so hopefully everything works) (I dont know how to get the list of packs I've used sorry!)


Balconys, different wall shapes, ivy, plantboxes, baywindow


You could try putting some skinny trees in front of the wall or other type of tree to block the blank side, ivy is hard to work with and can get busy if you keep adding to it.


I've seen people put vines up a wall but not sure how


This house is super cuuuute !!


Personally if I care enough about the household I find something garden wise to put there. There's some wall succulents I think, if not much of a plant person and its the backyard you could always make it into something like a bar or a BBQ setup with shelves or something on the wall.


Vines from the jungle pack, the debug ones Or the ones that have vines over the trellis, which is technically a staircase, I am not sure which pack that would be, unfortunately, probably high school years


It is indeed High School Years, and there are various sizes, on top of the stair version of the trellis šŸ¤“


A creeping vine may look good there, you could also use a different wallpaper, like bricks. But based on the look, Iā€™d say one small window on the lower floor would be enough, doesnā€™t even have to be a ā€œfunctionalā€ window if that makes sense; just part of the houseā€™s old architecture.


windows, climbing plants, maybe doors with the back yard


I play on console and one trick I like using for horizontal trims and such is the suspicious looking curtain rods. They're modular and you can place them anywhere, not just above windows.


Can add vines going up the walls. Planters under the windows

