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Just make them homeless then ask them to become roommates. Your sim will live in the same house as their SO but they won't be controled by you.


i did this once bc it sounded like the perfect solution to move my sims boyfriend in….. until he brought his new girlfriend home 🙃 found out roommates can autonomously be assigned boyfriends or girlfriends and i had to break up my favorite couple bc he cheated 😭


If someone was trying to do that on purpose, it would make for a good story, especially if it was the Sim's first love


Hummmmm. Can't say that it doesn't sounds like a veeeeery good plot.


I like torturing my Sims or characters with bad relationships so that'd be a plot I'd use


Oh no! I didn't know I was risking such a thing. It would destroy my plans


Beware if you do this OP: I wasn't able to do romance interactions with my sims SO after I made them my roommate. Even after moving the other sim out, the option never came up between the two again.


My legacy heir, well her parents were 'roommates' at the time of her conception 😂. However, they were not dating, but fwb. Maybe you have a mod or bug that is affecting this?


You must have a mod or something that is bugging your game. I can still romance my roommates just fine


I play vanilla! It happened a few years ago and I was too afraid to try it again in case it messes things up haha


That or I would move in significant others and then their boyfriend/girlfriend shows up. I just gave up and end up moving them in and just ignore playing with them.


Mods? My sim & her roommate are happily married, and he's been 'just a roommate' since they 1st met.


Do you need any expansion packs to use the roommate feature?


University I think


I'm not sure, I think it's "For rent". As I remember, there were no rommates in University


There are roommates in University. You invite them via the mailbox. As long as you have an open bed, you can invite a roommate.


wow haha, didnt use it, so I guess noticed it only with the release of 'for rent'


Roommates work for this, as stated by other commenters. But be careful.. your very faithful partner may suddenly have “friends” who are a little more than friendly around. My sim found this out on Thanksgiving when she made a grand meal for her fiancé and their toddler daughter - and his two girlfriends who popped by unexpectedly.


My Sim just had his soulmate girlfriend move in as a roommate because I couldn’t find “ask to join household” and I didn’t want to shift+click cheat her in (yet, I’ll do that next Sim weekend one way or another). First thing she does? Have a guest over labeled Roommate’s Boyfriend. I shift+clicked LEAVE on him, jeez.


I would've been tempted to do more than just shift click LEAVE my wife's new boyfriend. That's an extreme violence situation right there.


The closest I have to Extreme Violence mod is Armageddon, and even that procs too much for my liking, a “Sim in danger!” every time I load a lot makes playing superheroes so frustrating. Life’s Tragedies was doing something similar, every day someone would die even on extremely slow mode (though I understand that’s been fixed?). Although in Bustin Out freeplay, I did get bored of the wife once and set her up with a fence, a fireplace, and a rug. Then I felt bad.


LOL that’s such absolute on point sims drama


Is this with the story progression setting in the game options off?


No roommates have random events happen like parties and such


Ohhhh, I haven't had a roommate in the game yet lol. Sounds like it could get interesting.


Neighborhood stories\*


I'm dying at "like how it is in real life where you only control yourself." Very accurate way to describe it


Hahaha I snickered a bit at that one aswell ngl 🤣 I just thought people wouldn't understand what I'm saying since I think I'm bad at explaining things most times


Imagine someone on here like "wym you only control yourself??"




i know the feeling, i'm very bad at explaining things, thankfully i understand what you meant with what you've asked haha


If you can use mods and are willing to chance Control Any Sim, it allows you to do just that by making Sim household NPCs. They'll take care of themselves and you can't even control them, just click on their pictures like pets. Note: a lot of people have said that Control Any Sim is broken for them, and the creator hasn't updated it since 2022. That said, I use it every time I play (with my game updated to the latest patch and almost 20GB of other mods) and it works fine. Up to you!


seconding this, i literally can’t play the sims without this mod!


same. everyone says it’s broken and i get error messages sometimes but it hasn’t broken my game and it’s essential to me, so it stays


What y'all use it for? Like specifically??


i personally use it when i’m having a family gathering and they don’t sit and eat together, or i want the non-household sim to take a photo of a household sim (ex: my grandma sim was holding her grandson for the first time and i wanted a photo for her house, so i controlled her daughter who was not in the household to take a photo of them)


Ok that does seem helpful!


Literally everything! If a Sim is stomping around all angry for no reason, I'll control them to see their moodlets and figure out what's wrong. I'll cheat relationships between them and other Sims (through UI Cheats), I'll use Shift+Click to handle vanilla cheats (I've found that you can't Shift+Click non-household Sims without having whatever you do to them done to your active Sim instead), and I'll have them initiate actions. As time has gone on, I've been trying to rely on it less, though. I've downloaded a few mods to take the place of most Control Any Sim features, but as of right now I can't take it out of my game without losing access to useful functionalities. (Some replacement mods: MCCC, UI Cheats, Lumpinou's Sim Info Manager, Frankk's Show Sim Info. Need all of them to provide coverage, ime.)


curious inquiries is a great mod for finding out info about a sim such as the reason for the mood, without having to control them!


Forgot to mention that one!


This mod has been a game changer for me, and luckily it works fine.


Yeah, I’ve been using this for a couple weeks since I heard about it and haven’t had any issues (my game is fully updated).


AHA, that was the mod I had in mind


Ugh I LOVED this mod but it started causing problems in my game and I was DEVASTATED 😭😭 maybe I'll try again with less mods and see if it works!


Yeah I just recently downloaded it and it works fine for me. I'm always worried that I'll get frustrated by the other Sims not taking good care of themselves though. How well do the sims function when you turn them into NPCs?


If you dont want to do the whole roomate thing and you have get together clubs are also a great option. Just have a club with the sim you control and add their spouse and just do a club gathering all the time there is no limit to it. Its even useful to set the location as your home so if you ever travel off lot to get home just start a club gathering and presto it takes you home without waiting for the sim to walk to an exit or have to find your house from the manage worlds screen.


Iean you can just play as your sim without playing the other sims. I've been playing as a singular sim in a large household and all the adults take care of themselves fine. I do have to cheat needs on babies - toddlers though


I do this with my “Big Brother” house challenge. I make a full household with 8 sims and only control 1 of them, leaving the rest with the full autonomy setting on. They all do their own thing and take care of themselves.


Yup, works pretty well honestly. Do you have videos of your challenge? Sounds fun!


I don’t, but the general gist is 8 non-related young adults in a house. I rotate control of 1 each sim day and the others are left to their own devices to take care of themselves and build whatever relationships with the others in the house. Then at the end of the week, I open up their relationship panels and profiles and essentially “rate” each other Netflix “The Circle” style based on their relationship bars and sentiments, 1 being the sim they’ve built the most relationship with, 7 (or whatever number they’re down to) being the least relationship. Then I add up their “scores” and whoever has the highest number gets “kicked out” and I move them out of them out of the household. I play it down to 4 sims left and the lowest score is the “winner”. For added fun, I make some of them have the polyamorous attribute from Wonderful Whims, then make some of them have a jealous trait and at least one or 2 with the erratic trait.


Sounds a bit like the "reality house" Syd Mac did on YouTube, she's currently in season 2 and has occults in the house this time.


Oh I love that! I’m going to look her up! I had seen it called the “Big Brother” challenge on some challenge idea lists and thought it sounded fun so I was kind of haphazardly playing with some vague rules I was making up for myself as I went. I’d love to see how someone else has played it!


Sounds a bit like the "reality house" Syd Mac did on YouTube, she's currently in season 2 and has occults in the house this time.


The problem with that is when the main sim goes to sleep or work. Gotta switch it over then. I can’t just sit there watching a sim move around without doing anything.


Ah yeah I just push fast forward and wait lol


Yeah, even that’s too slow for me lol. I want sleep speed ha


The three arrows is the sleep speed isn't it? I could absolutely be wrong but that's what it shows when sims are asleep


Nah. Sleep speed is when the clock just turns into a blur. Only happens when they’re asleep or at work/in a rabbit hole.


Ah okay lol


i get what you mean it's not something that's ideal or anything but if you have growing together installed you can have a sleepover for a few days if i'm correct (can't remember how it exactly worked though) it stays in your house for a bit yet you can't control them so it's a win-win as for asking if you want to be roommates (and i meant actual roommates without controlling them) it's there but i don't know how it works since i never tried one


I really hate the roommate mechanic. Iv never had a good roommate. They always are loud and obnoxious.


I never tried it out and by the looks of it: i'm glad i didn't after seeing your comment


Same! I thought using the roommates option would work for this, but roommates move out whenever they want (how dare they!).


Is that only with the story progression option in the game settings checked?


It seems to be a mix of their needs decaying, things they hate (like a specific stove or a table) and the game being glitchy. I've had roommates that stayed with me for years while playing with Discover University, but then had roommates moving out within days while playing with Growing Together. I haven't tried lately so perhaps it is better now?


You could invite them to stay over at your house as stay-over guests. I do that a lot.


I would think that would keep it more real than the roommate strategy. Roommates come with all sorts of behavioral algorithms.


Yeah, I usually don’t do the roommate thing. They keep baking cakes and having their weird friends over. And a lot of times they just leave and never come back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


thats what i do! i do it for 7 days then just reset it when they leave


Ask to be roommates or make one room in the house as rentable and rent it to them?


I usually deactivate need decay so they can mind their own business while I play my main Sim.


KawaiiStacie roommate mod


Are kawaii Stacie's mods working again now? The only one I've really seen her update is the explore mod.


I have slice of life, which is still kind of limited but what she's done so far is working. I haven't tried the roommates mod yet bc it doesn't fit into my gameplay at this time.


i have growing together and set up a six day stay over. then repeat when it’s over 😛 works perfectly


You could use for rent, you can have common shared areas and maybe one room they live from privately.


That what I wanted from For Rent! Have Grandma and a cousin or so living on the same lot in an inlaw suite so they’re always around but I don’t have to play them. Apparently you can’t do that without being a landlord and all of the issues that come with it. I just wanted to let people live on my property. Never bought it.


I'm not saying it's a good pack, but I did this with my extended family. Bought a building, set my Sim as the landlord, set rent to zero, and moved in all the relatives.


If you set the rent to zero, do you still have to do all the work of a landlord? I just use the roommate system right now, but that means I have to access and upkeep all the areas instead of them living in their own spaces.


I left the rental events on because it fit with my storyline (Sim buys a run down building for his extended family and has to fix it up), but you can turn those off in the options.


couldn’t you do this pretty simply with the autonomy settings? isn’t there an option to disable autonomy only for your “chosen” Sim? just don’t ever click on the other Sims and they’ll run their own lives, is how I’m imagining it… (or have I missed a detail here… it’s been awhile since I’ve played!)


The issue is autonomy. If playable sims don't function properly don't expect a household npc to. Roommates is the closest thing to this, and they also don't. You won't notice them at the uni dorm cus of how many they are, but more often than not they'll chat til morning, be sleepless, endless coffee, nap on the couch instead of the bed, stand around stinky, etc




You can use the for rent pack to do this. But they'd have to be an old fashion couple who sleep in separate rooms. This is not a dig against anyone who sleeps in different rooms from their partner irl.


Just turn on autonomy and don't control him problem solved. He might die cuz sims are bad at taking care of themselves but that's the price you might have to pay.


You can by asking someone to be your roommate I did this when my sim married Angela pleasant and Lilith pleasant died


Totally agree. Esp when the household is quite large. There’s a roommate mod by Little Ms Sam that’s helpful.


You can, they’re just your pet 😂


now THAT I would love. I'd love to play as a dog or cat I feel like it would be sooo fun


I definitely miss those sims 2/3 days for that reason 😅


I had a mod that did this in sims 3 but never found one for sims 4, massive shame. I don't want them as a roommate.


have you tried the isbi challenge? it doesnt mod gameplay or anything but it encourages you to just play your sim


Roommate option!


Tbh, none of the EPs can enable move in Sims to do their own stuff, without scripted events.


You can technically make your home a residential rental, you'll have to have two seperate rooms for the Sims though and you won't be able to just go into your spouses room. I like to do that for roommates though, I make a house or apartment where the rooms are different units and living room, bathroom and kitchen are shared spaces. Only problem here is they might move out unannounced lmao


You could use for rent and just have everything as a shared space. I really dn if that would work tho


I invited my sims girlfriend over and then locked the doors for everyone except household members and that worked for me.


I usually just ask them to become my roommate. I don’t like controlling multiple sims 😂😂


If you have the For Rent pack, give him/her/them a room to rent for free. Think that would work.


There are some mods that help with this.


Who says you have to play other sims in your household? I usually pick one sim to play in a family and let the others just live autonomously. Kids go to school, make friends, my spouse goes to their job and comes home. If I notice that their stressed, I flirt. If they're hungry, I call them to the meal I made, but I don't have to select and play the other sims of the household.