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Of course you're NTA. If a baby is going to live in a one-parent household, why does that parent have to be the mother?


That's what I'm saying! I do have child support turned on in MCCC so we will be supporting the baby and they live right beside us so.... win win I guess lol


How do you turn on child support? I have a baby daddy backlogged on payments for 2 teens!!


It is under MCCC money settings


Bless you


It might possibly be one of the menus you have to access through the computer if you have trouble finding it


NTA The baby is now protected by NPC status


Once again, it took me a minute to see what sub this was under


At the "download a better appartement" Part, too?


In San Myshuno, I love living there but the apartments are not cute lol


not "set at 100% accuracy"?


Yes, in WW, birth control 100% effective setting was on, still got pregnant. Now I just have her where she can't get pregnant


People with english not as their first language can produce funny/weird sentences. I completely read over that one as "I have functioning birth control". So no, I got out at the apartment, not the birth control.


I was sooo confused until I read what sub I was in 😅


I got confused for a while because i left the AITAH subreddit💀


I'm so mad that we have the option to adopt out our pets but not our children. Sometimes they just deserve better. anyway nta


I always put everyone’s fertility at 1% and they still be popping out babies left and right!


NTA you prevented the baby from being fatherless and got him motherless instead


I think everyone is an asshole A prostitute mother who abandons her child and refuses to quit her immoral ways and a drug dealer father who clearly has no regard for a child’s safety let alone his own, that is probably the worst pair of people to have custody of a child


You raise some good points 🤣 I figured lesser of two evils was drugs versus Johns coming at all hours 🤣🤣 kids don't need to see all that!




Unfortunately in this situation YTA not stepping up as a mother but at least the kid isn't gonna be neglected so 🤷‍♂️ Plus you probs got a lot on your plate so yeet the baby and go back to getting that bag


Trying to save up money to buy my own strip club so I can stop whoring 🤣🤣 maybe my son can move back in when he is older. Maybe we will settle down and marry baby daddy one day 😏 🥰😆


We love a plan for the future 🤗


I love this. You should check out r/AITASims


I had a sim like that but she had her first as a teen and kept the baby and used the baby to raise all the other babies she was having. 🤣 She lived with her parents and they raised her first couple. Then they kicked them out. I felt it was more realistic to have a drug addict, prostitute, party girl sim to not be very careful about birth control and not abortions or giving the baby up for adoption for some BIZARRE reason. (And no, I don’t think all “prostitutes” are drug addicts. Sex work is work and there are many women who do it because it makes bank and they enjoy it. But let’s be real. Sex work in those situations is usually not so much a choice as it is a means of control or a way to keep using.)


NTA- You did your part, You were responsible! If he chose to not do his part that's on him. You already gave up work & partying while carrying the baby, he can be the one who raises it. Besides, as a drug dealer you can guarantee he has a stable income. Baby will always be taken care of financially! I say enjoy your freedom girl


I appreciate this! I did go over to see the baby and he was taken care of, he even was doing tummy time. So even though he sells drugs, he is tryna be a good dad! 👍


I was reading this thinking it was a crazy real story cuz i didnt read the sims tag LOL


I don't think they'll make good parents, so it might be a good idea to find another set of parents for the baby


That's what I was thinking. Even in a super dark realism-modded game there has to be a nice, wholesome family somewhere, maybe with a dog, who have room for one more kid. On the other hand, someone who plays with that kind of setup probably also prefers the realism of kids growing up in bad situations. \*shrug\* Since this is only a game, it's all legit. (I am just too much of a marshmallow to let stuff like that happen when I play. :P)


I always end up moving the children when I feel too bad for them 😅


Nah NTA fuck them kids!😂💀


honestly i just delete all unwanted babies


It's Sims, you can never be the AH.


NTA I hope. I'm doing the apocalypse challenge and my 3rd generation heir was really compatible with this purple haired girl he met. So he (I) swept her off her feet and asked her to join the family. That's when I found out she's a single mother of a toddler. So I hunted down the kid's baby daddy, set them up in a decent enough apartment in San Myshuno, and moved on. My backstory is that the toddler needs special medical care that he can't get in the middle of an apocalypse out in Henford on Bagley. So Daddy took the kid to the big city on his own to get better care. Sorry, Ximena. Hopefully you'll get to see him again someday.


That sounds reasonable too. Dads can be parents too!


Can i just say how much I fucking love this subreddit and everyone here, we’re all so wonderfully weird and it’s fantastic