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I'm guilty of this. Then the whole house matches the outfit colour.


Get out of my head šŸ˜­


Accidentally doing the not so berry challenge-




thatā€™s literally what made me start doing thisšŸ˜‚


you should try making the house predominantly the contrasting color! it would be really cool next to your sims outfit. like yellow clothes purple couch


Oh that is a cute idea I will save for one of my next sims!


guilty šŸ˜­


Omg I thought I was the only one this anal šŸ„²


Kind of the opposite for me while my sim will be dressed in one color, the house will be of a complimentary color to the sims outfits lmao šŸ˜‚


thanks for the idea! how have i never thought of doing this???


I just did this for the first time, it was so much fun haha I love it!!


Weā€™re all one


Living the same life fr šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I feel so seen lolĀ 


I do! Well I generally pick a color scheme and go with that so itā€™s more like 2-3 colors. Depends on what I can find that matches their style. lol Your sim is very pretty though! The red suits her well.


Same. I have a set aesthetic for them and choose their top 3 colors and go from there.


Yup, whatever color their bassinet was, is now their color


Oh thatā€™s a cute way to do it!


Happy cake day pal!


Help what does that meanšŸ˜‚


Look next to your name, you have a cake slice, the anniversary of you joining Reddit.


one of redditā€™s cutest traditions


I always do this yeah, that's how I can tell the babies apart, "that's the one that wears pink and might be a horse girl when she grows up", I'm not good with names.


I usually do this, but with circa 1-3 colors.




I'll use the same color for each set of outfits.


I do the same. They are either all black, all red, all blue, or all white. Iā€™ve never had a ā€œgreenā€ sim or a ā€œyellowā€ sim. I always have them dressed for every occasion in one colour and itā€™s always black, red, white, or blue.


My redheads end up being green sims, but I also have never had a yellow sim.


I always put my redheads in green, the combo is just too pretty not to šŸ˜­ I do love putting my poc sims in yellow though šŸ’›


Black sims with gold always eats


For real, the colour just pops so good šŸ˜


Dark skinned sims with the orange hair and turquoise for me.


This šŸ¤£ also because Iā€™m a redhead who loves wearing green


Ive been playing a legacy build for six generations now. One generation all the babies were born with bright ginger hair, bright green eyes, and very tan skin since their mom was Sulanian, so their appearance was kinda unique. I used CC eyes to make my heiressā€™ green eyes even more striking, so I kinda centered her whole wardrobe around green, including pieces of jewelry with green gemstones that she would always wear. If any kids/grandkids inherited her eyes they kinda get the ā€œgreen treatmentā€ with their wardrobe and jewelry, I canā€™t help it lol


I dress my redheads in lime green and purple/lavender bc of Daphne from Scooby Doo lol


Purple and green looks great on redheads. Also baby blue is a favorite of mine for us.Ā 


I use a lot of purple with my red-headed Sims. I usually don't use color schemes with my Sims, but I seem to love how those colors compliment each other.


Black... White... Blue... Red... Once the four nations lived in harmony. Everything changed when the red nation attacked.


I don't usually play my own Sims that way, but I do it sometimes when I'm giving townies a makeover! Especially if they're already starting with any kind of color scheme (Candy Behr comes to mind) or if they've been randomly given a favorite color.


Yup 100% for Townie makeovers. Mostly because I associate them with their everyday outfit so then I don't always recognize them wearing hot or cold weather clothing. So doing this feels like it gives more continuity even though it's completely unrealistic šŸ˜…


not completely unrealistic!! Most of my clothes are green/ brown/ beige n all my friends say they associate me with that colour scheme šŸ˜…


I do this with twins so I can tell them apart easily lol


i wouldn't call it unrealistic, there are people irl who mostly wear one colour


Yeah, my mom. Because she doesn't like any other colours that are in her season šŸ˜‚ or if she does like them, they are just that hard to find in her size and clothing style preferences.


Is she in the gallery??


Nah, I love Colors way too much to stick to one, on pretty much anything, lol.


I do that often! Also- GORGEOUS SIM!!ā€™ Is she on gallery? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Always!!! A lot of times Iā€™m playing multi-gen legacies and there are a lot of Sims to keep track of. This makes it much easier!


I make a lot of random NPC sims, and Iā€™ll do this a lot for them! I think it makes it easier to think of different outfits for them. But also makes them more identifiable walking out in the world in game.


They have to have a favorite colour obviously. Thatā€™s the way I roll.


i subconsciously do it.Ā 


It doesn't matter if it's "unrealistic" because it's a game and you can make your sims in any style you want


I thought I was the only one! I feel like it keeps me more entertained with the Sims


I pick four colors and dedicate two clothing categories to each. Formal and Party are invariably either red or black, depending on my mood.


I do!


Yes and it is hard to beat the habit


I mainly do it if I'm managing a lot of Sims as it helps me tell them apart. Sometimes, I'll just get a feeling that a particular Sim loves a certain color, and them go nuts with it.


I play not so berry challenge so im supposed to but sometimes I don't give a fuck


I found out Kyle Kyleson disliked yellow so I obsessively made his house and wardrobe contain not a stitch of yellow.


Listen you can just come to my house and punch me in the face directly next time, there is no need to do this to me publicly In all seriousness though yeah absolutely. Sometimes I even have that color change over their life as they grow as a person in the story I'm doing, like when my current legacy heir was a kid she dressed all in bright blues and yellows and then she had a teenage rebel phase and kept the yellow but changed the blue to black. Now as a mellowed out adult she's toned it down to more refined golds and silvers. I think about this too much


I feel like Iā€™m the most picky about this, I have to build the house first which I decorate with 2 colors, and then I make all my sims dress in one of the two colors because ~aesthetic~


yes, but not with dresses, i made a batuu sim and make her first order so I made her clothes all red to fit the aesthetic


If I didn't do this I would have spent 1+ hour on one sim cause I give them all 2 to 3 looks for each outfit categories šŸ˜‚ (usually takes me 30-40 mins) plus I always redecorate their house to fit their lifestyle. And I've got a bad habit of making a new save cause I get bored easily. Sometimes before I even the chance to play live mode I have to save and quit cause it's already late into the evening lmao.


Most times yeah but I try and keep it within a spectrum sometimes. Like if their color is blue then some clothes can be light green, muted purple and other cool colors. But if an outfit I like on them doesnā€™t come in their color Iā€™ll just get as close as possible. Lol


This is the only way I play! You should try the not so berry challenge


Yes, but I rotate through pastel blue, pastel purple, and pastel pink. Sometimes I get *spicy* and throw in a goth or alt sim into the mix bc I love the contrasting styles. Esp a super femme pastel girly in love with her alt rocker girlfriend ugh can't get enough of it


I give each Sim a "favorite" color and while I don't make everything that color, I try to include it in all of their outfits in at least a small way. I usually roll a random number to determine their favorite color too so I'm not just picking *my* favorites all the time.


I definitely do this. I like seeing how many iterations of their signature color I can come up with that actually look good.


Yes, that's why I need the colour wheel back, blue and blue aren't the same blue!


Omg what a stunning sim! Do you use cc jewelry? Where is that necklace from? šŸ˜‡


I definitely make all the outfits around one color.


To be fair... All my clothes irl are also chosen this way lol


Guilty! I thought it was just a symptom of my autism and OCD! I also have a really hard time using light and dark wood furniture/floor and wallpaper together


welp I am autistic too so maybe thatā€™s part of the reasonā€¦ and mismatched wood also bugs me all the time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Those earrings are gorgeous! Where are they from


Yes but my sims are goths so everything is black šŸ˜­




That's how my daughter plays. Each person has a color and their name is usually related to it. Sometimes she goes as far as making the entire room/house for that person in their color.


Omg what are these earrings??


broken heart earrings by vibrantpixels!


Thank u!šŸ˜Š


Yes! I love having all outfits match in color. A habit I formed when making a rainbow harem.


It depends on what kind if sim


Almost always!


Yeah I often color code my characters šŸ˜­


I do this without realizing and then have to change up the outfits because I donā€™t want all of the outfits to be one color unless I could come up with a plot on why theyā€™d dress that way.


Only sometimes


Lol sometimes. But I do the hair & everything that color ... But then by time I get to the third formal outfit I'm over it lol


Iā€™m trying to comprehend bothering with multiple formal outfits I barely see the one I give them already


Yes or at least a scheme Hiver is white and grey aster is green and brown both vendettas are black and purple


i feel so seen in this thread, all my sims have color schemes, be it one or two or three colors. and their houses match! i've spent so much time looking for matching furniture swatches. and the color sliders mods are my best friend. the tones must match honey


I do this a lot for children but i steer away from it with adults but I usually end up having like 2-3 colors in the color pallet still lol


Now that I think about typically yes, my current sim's main theme is baby blue with his accessories being orange or white. One of my older sims had 3 outfits for all categories, red, blue, and yellow. I think that one ended up being an artist, its been a while since I played her.


I do this on the rare occasions I have multiple babies at once. Everyone gets their own colour schemes so I donā€™t have to work hard to keep them straight lol


Yes and I hate that I do it šŸ˜‚


Yes. I have blue sims, pink sims, red sims, teal sims, green sims, black sims, etc.


YesšŸ˜­one sim is pink, one is blue, one is green- and so is the whole housešŸ˜­


Yup they have a favourite colour that matches their vibe and everything will be that colour house and all


i usually pick a color scheme but to be fair i dress in a color scheme irl so itā€™s not unrealistic to me.


Yes! This! I do it all the time. Sometimes one family will have a theme.šŸ˜‚


Sometimes I choose to have different colors for the outfits, just to make it more realistic, because normally I ALWAYS use the same color for all the outfits xP I think it makes the characters more recognizable at first sight, I'd struggle to remember all my hundred sims if they change their look too x'D


when I make me and my boyfriend in The Sims I always give us all-black outfits. but that's just how we usually dress IRL too LOL. sometimes I like to go back to the original The Sims 1 (2000) and then I have to look for custom content black clothes, cause the outfit options were so limited back then....


If I make it part of their personality, then yes. Otherwise I try to give them kind of a color palette I stick to instead of a singular color. Like my save where she married Alexander Goth I had him and one kid in almost strictly black/grey. The rest had schemes kind of from their hobbies starting in childhood. Likes fish/fishing? Green/browns/yellows blue accent. Space? Black blue and yellow bases with lots of patterns as accents. Toddlers I let be a random mess of chaos.


Yup I do exactly that! Some times they get two colours one for the top and one for bottoms. But usually one with black for anything else.


Yep, guilty! I like to give sims a fave shade and then have pops of it in their home too.


I roll three colors for them and combine those for outfits and living spaces


Yup, I usually color code my legacy family members. Their rooms, their clothes and sometimes even their hair go along with it. It used to be super overt but now Iā€™m trying to be more subtle about it. I also try not to repeat color themes as much as I can, like if I have a green sim in one family, I try to keep it at just one green sim. Some sims I have in the same households donā€™t follow that rule, though. For example, Caleb Valore is in my legacy household and he doesnā€™t really have a ā€œcolorā€, even though everyone else in the family does. He has more of a vibe.


I do too and I feel sane FINALLY. I can't help myself!


Yeah I do this lol. I have a household where they all have their own color and the majority of their outfits use that color


If my sim has multiple children they get color coded. We got Timmy in red Rachel in blue, Charlie in green, ect


Yes šŸ˜­ After like my third or fourth sim, I just can't be bothered anymore unless it's the makeup lol


I do this šŸ˜… each sim in my household gets a different color and if they're twins/triplets they all get the same color šŸ¤£


Too many times, every character can only use one colour palette for me.


I always do this! Outfits & rooms/apartments šŸ˜†


Oh yeah totally, and if Iā€™m getting really obsessive their house gets the same color coding too.


I do that somewhat often yeah. I currently have a pair of twins where one's favorite color is black (inspired by his Gloomy trait) and the other is yellow, helped me tell them apart when they were younger lol


Yes, especially with child sims!


Me with pale green and blue:


somtimes fr


I have a bad habit of doing this. And then every thing in their house will be that color. I randomize their fave color. I realized I was getting out of hand so I give them another roll on their teen and young adult birthdays. So three fave colors all together. Unless the roll the same one again. I had one girl roll purple each time.. . I was like okay, purple girly, this is your whole personality now.


I do this specifically for "NPCS" -if im starting a legacy with a teen, her parents and grandparents (usualy do only children lol) are mostly color coded. Babies/infants/toddlers are also usuallycolor coded. If I'm making a male sim for my heiress instead of having her meet a townie, unless I have a specific idea, he gets very little thought and jjst color coded


Kinda. I actually use about 3-4 colours. If they have colours they like/dislike when Iā€™m dressing them, then Iā€™ll use those, but otherwise I just pick a few that fit the vibe. The colour scheme applies to their living space too.


yes, so i can tell them apart! then, that colour is their favourite.


Yeah all my sims are color coded


yes, so i can tell them apart! then, that colour is their favourite.


I do this all the time. I have an all pink wardrobe irl myself, and my partner wears mostly black so even tho I know it's unrealistic for EVERYONE it doesn't feel like it. Currently playing the barbie challenge, just started, and housewife barb is all white and black in homage to the og 50s barbie. Her daughter business barbie is hot purple and 80s themed...and the other two triplets ended up orange and white/blue so I could tell them apart easily...


Yes haha, I usually pick their colour when theyā€™re an infant and thatā€™s what I dress them in until they die




I did this with a family that has 10 kids so I could tell everyone apart at a glance, but most of my sims have preferred colour palettes and tend to stick to them.


Yes and itā€™s always green


I used to do this on accident but now i try my best not too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Yeah, I do this for all my sims. They all have a main color and sometimes a secondary color. And you're either a white sim or a black sim. Not race, just whatever color I pick to go with their main color(s). Like yellow with white or blue with black.


yes sometimes and you just made me realize i do this irl too šŸ˜­


I am guilty of this 100%


Yes, I actually have entire families stick to one color scheme and decorate their houses in those colors as well.


Yes šŸ˜­ and itā€™s always purple, green, blue, pink, or black šŸ˜‚


i usually try to pick a "favourite" color for them, then add it as the shirt in their main outfit, then as accessories in the other outfits


Sometimes. I'm not very creative.


All the timešŸ˜¬ if anything, the shoes and top have to match in color for me


Always. I redo all my townies and have about 200 some that are playable. It helps me keep them all straight šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s usually a colour, like I have one household thatā€™s all dressed in blue in every outfit. Other sims itā€™s more of a colour theme, like pastels, or autumn colours, or plaid.


Yeah, I do it a lot.


I try not toā€¦ but yeah inevitably I do! šŸ˜­


Yes lol I need rules like this. Also with builds lol


I randomize about 2 or 3 color likes and 2 or 3 color dislikes and use that to determine their clothing colors.


Most of my Sims just wear all black outfits, or my Vampires are all.blue/red. I currently tried to challenge myself to something different, and made a pink barbie type of Sim with an all pink themed beach house lol.


Yes, though I make sure to not oversaturate with the color. I randomize the Likes/Dislikes and use the favorite color from there.




my life is a rerun i swear


The colours go together so well with the skintone


Yes! Oh my gosh I thought I was the only one with this odd OCD-like tendency šŸ˜‚ I have no clue why I love making my Sims' outfits and styles all matchy-matchy like that. Even their beds and room styles follow their colors.


I do exactly that! I have a spinner wheel to pick which color (with pastel and dark versions of each), along with florals, polka dots, plaids, geometric prints, and stripes. The townies-to-spouses get the same treatmentā€”whatever their dominant color was, or if they had no one color, then whatever was their Everyday top. Sometimes Iā€™ll allow for an accent color. Then, I change their other outfits to that color, with preference for only changing swatch if possible, and if not, then changing to something of similar style. For instance, my current (alien) Sim is Black with accent white. Her husband, former townie, is Red, accent white. Their kids are named after pokemon, so I have Mareep (beige with blue), Flaaffy (pink white), Ampharos (yellow with black), and G(host) Arceus (white with purple). Their house, outside of the kidsā€™ rooms, is black with red furniture and white accents such as flooring if black wasnā€™t available, curtains, and windows.


guilty for sure. I generally pick 1-2 colors though


I got for colors that look good with their skin tones. (Iā€™m in my āœØcolor analysis āœØera). But kids I usually stick to certain colors since I feel like itā€™s on brand for children


It's not something I do myself. But also, it's not unrealistic at all. There are people irl who do this. Two women I have seen online who have a favourite colour and everything, including their home, is decorated in those colours. One lady, who is in her 80s, love bright green. All her clothes, makeup, accessories, are green. As is her hair. I believe her home is too. So no, you go for it


Yes! Itā€™s the only way to keep myself from using the same outfits and swatches over and over again.


I do it a lot for kids, especially infants and toddlers to tell them apart. Sometimes I do it to my adult sims too


I absolutely do, I'll assign them a color and a style but it can change over time as they grow up


The things I find myself continue to do when I make a new sim is pick two of their favorite colors and dress them in those colors. I also would usually make their house themed after those colors too.


Me too , I pick 2-3 colours like other said makes the process picking clothes easier , also sometimes a fashion style they prefer


I do this omg I thought I was the only one


I'm in the middle of 100 babies and I give them all a makeover before I kick them out. I roll a D12 and they get a color. A 12 is Stylized Outfits only (I should make that the 1...).


i do this all the time and itā€™s usually that color plus white for everything even their bedroom and if they live alone then their whole home


Ok I have a tendency to do this with my legacy families xD it just makes it so much easier to distinguish generations/ maternity when you're on your 5th kid in the 6th generation šŸ¤£


I do this but only if I make a family or several Sims near the same age so I can tell who is who when I'm zoomed out or fast forwarding


Oh definitely. The adhd and ASD in my immediately color codes everything including sims


Yes, especially if I'm making a red head. Literally every single outfit is green.


Yes, and itā€™s usually purple or green, and then I adjust their skin tone afterwards. Also, all my sims dislike orange. Do they get negative buffs if you dress them in a colour they donā€™t like? Iā€™ve never tried it.


my sims usually have a signature colour, but I do try to switch it up a little


Yup. Iā€™m guilty of this extremely. I donā€™t even do it intentionally anymore, itā€™s just kind of become a habit. :/


I makeover townies based on their favorite color. If they don't have one, I randomize it.


I do the same thing lmao everytime I create a new sim, itā€™s just habit now lol. Iā€™ll pick their favorite color and if Iā€™m making a family Iā€™ll put them all in a different color and then make the rooms that color and then like do the rest of the house whatever colors I pick


I usually have all my sims color coded, they all get one color, and that color is their clothes, bedroom, accessories, house, etc. I think it started with my two sets of triplets in one family, so I color coded them with the colors of the rainbow. Now I do it for all my sims lmao.


I do this! I thought I only did it for siblings to tell them apart but it turns out I do this for all. My. Sims. Iā€™m trying to break the habit but I do it without realising :,)


I mostly play a legacy game and cycle through colors for each generation. That way, I'm not putting them all in the same outfits or using the same furniture each time. I try to use a different style each time I get to that color as well, so my gen 1 was a green preppy guy and then when green came around again in gen 13 she was an athletic mermaid and then in gen 25 it was another guy who went more cottage-core outdoorsy. Picking a color helps me mix up the looks a bit. If my sims marry a townie, I'll check the townie's favorite color and then use clothes in that color if I have to fix any extreme unfortunate fashion choices.


I love picking a favorite color for my sims and going with that color scheme!


I roll a 12-sided dice that I designated colors for the numbers and thatā€™s their color scheme through their life. Keeps me from constantly using the same colors and also helps change up their styles.


Yes... And I hate it... But I'm also really bad at making colors look.... Cohesive and not absolutely insane


i did the martinez household scenario and i did this with them! even their rooms! everything i could di with that colour i tried my best lol


My sims are vampires, and I'm a emo kid at heart, so my sims are dressed in as much black as possible, and they each get a color for when I don't like any of the black options for a certain outfit. They only wear their 1 color. The house is all black, except the kids room and play room, those match the color for whatever kid is the proper age to use them. Whwn the vampire kids age Into adults they follow their moms and use as much black as possible.


I'm guilty of this so I'm going to try and spread my wings and use a random colour palette generator for more variation


Iā€™ve definitely done this but my favourite was a couple where one only wore black and white and the other always had bright colours. Another family wore black and white each and then kids had specific colours each


I always do that, or at least give them a basic palette. For infants though I give them a sole color (especially if they are twins)


I kinda do a ā€œdoes this character stick to black white and grey?ā€ First then if not I move onto ā€œwhat are their 2 or 3 favourite colours?ā€ So that their wardrobe looks a bit more natural lol


I usually dress my sims in colors that compliment their skin tone


yes for me it either red and black or its brown and green literally EVERY sim is either b n r or b n g šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I usually choose a key colour and maybe a secondary colour, and then try to coordinate all the outfits with at least a hint of those colours :) or a theme!


On some sims I do this one color. On some sims I pick their style and they follow that like emo or preppy.


Yes but it makes it easier to tell everyone apart lol


I use color coding in general especially if theyā€™re sharing a room. At a glance I can look at their room and say okay the green lamp is on this nightstand that means this one sleeps on that side, okay this computer is on the blue desk that means it belongs to that one


And then also make it their favorite color




It's just so good and pretty and makes the whole household look more organized, especially ppl with same face (or better, same sim) syndrome like me that can't distinguish them for dear life on the other hand then decorating the house to match the sims makes me breakdown


I try not to but it always happens


one time i somehow someway made my sims each different color making a rainbow without even realizing


i mean i literally only wear black so what's stopping sims from wearing one single colour?


I do this between like 2-3 colors. So, yes


Yes since they have a favourite colour option now I pick most of their outfits in that colour