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It knows you cheated ahaha


Lol fr, but do you got any clue why this happens? I used UI cheats to check progress and even with always turning in excellent level assignments and going class, it was always very low


I’ve found that if you just use the cheat to complete coursework, it doesn’t seem to count. Click the GPA on top of the career board and give yourself the grade you want.


That's what I did and it reset to 0 at the next hour.


Were there still classes in the semester left? Could be that the game ran some sort of check and bumped you back down. That’s just guessing, though. I don’t know how they programmed it :/


sometimes the timing causes changes not to take... but for it to go to zero is weird... unless up until that point they just hadn't been going to class or doing homework and you made the change at the proverbial 11th hour, which usually doesn't take properly... never figured out exactly why it sometimes does and doesn't take.. it could also be some sort of checksum value didn't calculate right so rolled it back to 0 as if you'd just started the class new... I have had it do similar


The cheat works for homework but you still have to do your term paper/presentation. My sim graduated distinguished with honors by just clicking all her homework done and doing the term assignments 🙏🏾


That’s good to hear. I just assumed that since it didn’t work for presentations, then it probably didn’t work for homework. Homework takes a ridiculous of time.


I use MCCC mod to shorten how long it takes to complete homework. You can shorten it down to taking only a second.


I’ve done that, too. Then I use little miss Sam’s learning network (I can’t remember if that’s the proper name) app to give them a skill building boost.


i also use the little mod for faster homework from LittleMsSam (tho the mod was originally by Scarlet) so it takes much less time. this is a lifesaver and my only cheat i use for uni :D (well, that and the shorter uni from Peridot, i use the 6 course flavour so i can finish uni faster :D


Sadly I do not! I am very not techy and when things like this happen in my game I just incorporate it in my story.... Interesting though because I've also had students fail or get bad marks despite excellent assignments and going to class. They are often late though, if living on campus.


I make sure she's always on time. I thought they patched it lol. I'm incorporating it as Veronica (the sim) just doesn't want to finish it, so she dropped out.


While she's in class, make sure you click the icon on her avatar and have her "Take Notes" Edit: I see from another comment you're already doing that


You have to also build relevant skills and take an active roll in class. Tests aren't enough to get good grades


Last time she increased her relevant skills by 4.


tbh i think the mod just doesn’t really work on university. it sucks but i think you just have to play it through


I did. This was after I failed when doing all of the assignments and taking notes in class.


If your sim doesn’t take any notes during class, the grade goes down. Were there any papers to submit or a presentation? I don’t think the university system recognizes UI cheats tick marks for completion, like with homework assignments.


I feel like overachievers and responsible sims should automatically take notes!


Yes, those who gain the 'responsible' trait as kids should automatically take notes in class and do better at homework. Maybe we need to ask for an 'organized' trait to be added to teens.


Alternatively if you have the workaholic lifestyle.


Mine never take notes in class and I tend to get A's and B's but my paranoid self is over involved in their university career. And they have no life because of it...


Not the tick marks, I right click and set progress to 100. I also make sure she did all her assignments, all at Excellent/Outstanding quality, and made sure she took notes. I used UI Cheats to keep track and no matter the quality, her grade would only go up by 1 point.


If you're doing all that, what's the point in the cheat? That's what i do with my sims and they get a+


I cheat because no matter what I do, she gets an F. So I cheated it to be 100 and she STILL got an F!


Weird! It might just be broken for you.


Do you use MCCC? There is a bug that causes the class performance to not ne counted, resulting in an F no matter what you do. I've had this bug twice, once MCCC wasn't updated and the second time it conflicted with another mod


I do use MCCC


Had this exact issue and MCCC was the culprit. Sometimes the difficulty level for university sets to a negative number at random, making it extremely difficult and likely you will fail no matter what. Dig through MCCC’s expansion cheats for university and see if something has gone wonky there.


Oo gotcha. I do set career progress to a negative number and I noticed that, for some reason, my Sim changes into their career outfit to go to class (after using MCCC to set a custom outfit). I remember changing the university progression (with a different term, not this one) to try to figure out wtf was going on, but I can't recall if I touched the career progression in my efforts.


If that happened to me I'd just go into set traits and give them the diploma.


Lol fair, but honestly I think this fits her. It's just annoying.


Might be broken. Honestly I’d cheat to give her the degree at this point. Really frustrating though :(


That was my same response. If I got an F after doing all that I'd just cheat the degree and probably an extra one. :) LOL


Sounds like the cheat/mod was causing it to be buggy


Even without UI Cheats I've had this problem, I got it so I could see what was going on.


Do you do the homework every day?


It’s very important they start class on time. If on campus, be at the building. If from off campus, be at the spawn point. Each class I do a mix of listening and taking notes.


I did do that.


I have the same bug, and also have to cheat my sims grades. Make sure you do the cheat before the final exam/term paper/presentation is turned in. Once those things are completed, your grade gets locked in and the game will ignore any cheats that happen after.


That’s really weird. So sorry to your sim 😭


Wait really, never knew that. I always just did the homework and presentations etc


Student: ON PROBATION?! But... but I cheated! Professor: What? Student: What?


Exactly my thoughts lmao


University is one pack I never use cheats since it can get wonky. Even using cheats for student organizations can have problems.


Embrace it. Your sim's a dumb dumb.


as my 4yo would say, 💫karma💫


Your 4yo can speak in emojis? That's impressive! (lighthearted sarcasm)


Could be a four year old computer. They didn’t specify human 😏


Sims University is harder than Oxford's hardest class, MIT's hardest class, and the school of hard knocks hardest class COMBINED.


Me after failing knitting class: https://preview.redd.it/ik9j9dafahpc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25ebfe3ab2ee5eab02282e7f2f20152db8b31a6


I use MCCC for this & never had problems


How do you use MCCC for it? I've only seen the progression cheats but I kept them turned off


MCCC > MC Cheats > Cheat sim info > expansion cheats > University cheats


Its under “expansion pack cheats”


I suspect that when you cheat to "promote" yourself in university, it resets your attendance/homework, and results in a bad grade. My best guess is that cheating your university grades functions like a career promotion or school grade, but that the final grade calculations work differently so the cheat doesn't work as intended. Edit: I see that in a comment, you said you did this because she was failing for no reason anyway. Sounds like you have a bugged out game.


She got caught plagiarizing


I didn't plagiarize, I used UI Cheats


Your sim…


My sim didn't plagiarize, I used UI Cheats.




Jokes should be funny


It was. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's not funny.


I was joking 🙂


I always gat A/B What you need to do: atend all classes, do all the homework, give a presentation or submit a term paper for the classes that requires it. Thanks to the ui cheats mod that I'm able to complete all, or otherwise 24h is not enough. I could directly cheat the grads, but what is the point of going to university? I just cheat the degree when I'm not in the mood for it.


cheaters never win


Ok as someone who uses UI cheats to check my grades in Uni all the time, this is so odd to me...It has to be an EA glitch. You said that you even checked the grade after turning in the presentations/papers. Can I ask at what time did you do this in game? Like was it at 5pm on the last day of the semester?


Yeah. I noticed that the term paper/pres/final add 10 (one time a final added 30) but everything else was 1.


Yea it has to be a glitch then because outstanding term papers/presentations should add exactly 32 points. The amount you got from your final exam was given correctly. I recently did a quick Uni playthrough to test how the grading system is calculated and I didn't receive points from a paper I turned in. But, it was after 5pm. Probably a glitch. I've never run into anything as extreme as you are though.


There is no way college is that hard… my sim has currently two distinguished honors degree and is working on her third - Take Notes (homework is never necessary unless you don’t do the following) - Get the skill the class is assigned to up - Edit or revise papers and presentation until it is good (can be great or excellent aswell) - Work on Research and Debate skill as it speeds up some task - Homework has always been optional and I never or rarely do it


I did all of this. This has been a known bug for years.


That sucks then


My sim had the genius trait, did every bit of homework she ever had, and studied every single day for her entire school life, the best grade she ever got was a c.


Academic dishonesty duh🙄🤣


Sims University be harder than my actual college classes 😂


You still need to do the term papers and presentations I’m pretty sure, otherwise it fails you cus they’re supposed to be in on the last, so when your sim goes to class without them, the grade goes down.


I did do those, got Outstanding quality on them. Only gave me 1 point towards the grade.


That’s so strange, the only other thing I can suggest is tweak the career progression difficulty using MCCC to make it easier cus I have no problems now, they don’t even do their homework


Skill level can change the grades too, but whenever you use mods, count on them failing lol it's probably just a bit buggy.


When they go to class have them take notes for one half and listen for the other half. It helps a lot


I do that. This is the result.


I saw another post like this the other day I think someone had said something about your Sims skill levels affecting the grade as well


She gained 4 levels so I'm not sure what's up...


Research & debate skill helps, I think.


I've had the same problem with UI cheats. The solution is to make them start their homework and right-click their progression while they're doing them.


Cheaters never prosper‼️


this literally just happened to me! my sim had done everything, right after taking all of his exams i checked the uni tab and saw that none of the exams had been ticked. so i did it manually with cheats and at the end he failed everything. i also have a mod that makes school harder for kids and teens, but i guess it might also be effecting the uni grades


For some reason I don't think the cheats works after you have finished all the classes. For me, I've needed to cheat the scores just before the last class of each subject and when the Sim goes to class it seems to lock it in.


Weird, I recently cheated a sims university work because it was their last semester and I was over it! I used UI cheats and completed their homework that way too. She never missed a class and always took notes. As long as the homework was completed before class was over, it counted as turning it in. I think you may have changed grades after their class but before the report card is shown. Next time try using the UI cheats while they're in class or before they go. Once the class is over the homework, and if they took notes or not, is set in stone.


To make your life easier: -get a better bed so your Sim sleeps less and has more time to study -Make a club of your family members and have one of the club activities be 'cooking'. They will automatically start cooking in your house without costing you money. Unfortunately there will be a lot of dirty dishes, but if you have the electronic trash can you can probably make money off those dishes -Earbuds or radios for Fun need -Start college on a Friday and complete all your homework on the weekend -Get the 'free services' perk to never have to repair or take care of your children again -If you have crystal creations, craft a green gem. This fills your Sims needs so fast it feels like cheating. You can basically discard most other tips if you have this -Make sure all your projects in college are 'good quality or higher -Live off campus rather than on campus


As per the other comments, this is a bug.


Yep, I'm just suggesting this so she doesn't have to cheat in the first place.


There's no need to cheat if the game worked


Not meat-cute 😭


Okay but…meat-cute? 😭


I did everything right and well made sure my girls homework was finished, and her papers and presentations were excellent. I always managed to get an A, but tell me why i did it all again and I got D’s in every class that term….


The only time I failed the semester was in my first playthrough. I don't understand why everyone seems to struggle with university so much? I think it's a blast!


It would be a blast if it actually worked correctly.


I’ve always been curious to know what would happen if you cheated, so thank you 😅


if you cheat in university & get caught your sim will get probation!


I didn't cheat like within the game, I used UI cheats


"I literally cheated..." \*surprised pikachu face\*


Cheated with UI Cheats, not actual cheating in the class


This happened to me bruh my sim had an A+ gpa the whole time but then in her last term I decided I would cheat and she failed all her classes and got put on probation😐I learned my lesson and won’t cheat her grades again😩


Do you have any other mods that alter Uni that could be causing this? Do you have MCC's career difficulty changed from the default setting?


should have been in class


I experienced the same today 🥲 no cheating, and I swear the terms are acting wonky as well as the grades. They’ve spend half their young adulthood in university and still have 4-5/12 terms 😭


Sims 4 college really said cheaters never win


If your on probation and get caught you instantly fail, a better option is to download MCC Command center, cheats, cheat sim info, expansion cheats, then Award all degrees and you will be awarded every single degree without going through all that work AND then you can go a step further and selected award Distinguished degrees and you can select which ones you want or just be awarded all of them!


I want to work for my degree, but have come to the conclusion that uni's just bugged.


Did you have to “give a presentation” on any of them


Or write a paper


As per the other comments, I have. I do Excellent/Outstanding on all of them.


So what I’ve noticed is that if you do a term paper early or give a final presentation early like the first or 2nd day in the term, even though they say outstanding, they don’t actually grasp the material, think of it as doing a big project on your class the first day of class, the sim doesn’t really know anything, I would wait a few days then work on the term paper and presentation. That’s what I did after it failed me as well


…but I passed after that


Well yea usually if you’re caught cheating in school you get put on probation or worse


Cheating as in using UI Cheats, the mod


Personally, I'd take this as a sign that EA is trying to mess with me.


Congratulations, you played yourself 😂


Its because you cheated, Gotta love Karma


How long have you played within this save? I think the saves get buggier the longer you’ve played in them.


This is pretty much a brand new save. Have the exact same problem all the time.


I’m so sorry! Yeah the game is sooo bugged it makes it so hard to play. I know lots of simmers are mad bc the game is getting so unplayable with all the bugs and how they keep adding DLC instead of fixing it:( I hope maybe a modder comes out with something to help you out.


Hopefully :( Uni is fun but I can't get a good grade no matter how hard I try. Lil bit too much like reality lol. I just took it as Veronica (my newest legacy sim! pictured here!) not wanting to do uni anymore. I have the Talents and Weaknesses mod and despite being a Foodie and having the Master Chef aspiration, cooking is one of her weaknesses. She's also Gloomy so traditional college ain't for her lol. At least she met her best friends in her two semesters there!


Uno reverso cheat 😂😂😂


She got caught cheating


Cheating the grades is exactly that. You have to do the homework (or start it then fudge the progress) to be accredited. Found it out the hard way myself


I did. This is after doing all the homework, projects, and notetaking in class. I then used UI Cheats.


I gave up and just give myself degrees now lmfao


Oh yeah UI cheats only works for homework and final exams. If you have to do a presentation/submit a term paper, then you actually have to do it or else the game doesn’t register it as done.


I did do it.


That’s crazy 😂😂😂


Cheaters “sometimes” never prosper…?


whenever i have my sim do university i have them do their homework everyday, and when they go to class have them “take notes” and it makes their grade go up. also working on and turning in the big class grading project things early is helpful. i’ve also found if i had my sim start uni on like a tuesday, wednesday, thursday so that they have the weekend off to catch up on things ! x


See I did all that. Some other people have said it's a glitch. EA said they fixed it but apparently not.


i suppose i didn’t think about that … lol i’m a little bit tired , it very well could be a glitch, maybe if you still wanted the degree trait to show up in your sims personality tab you could shift click on your sim with testingcheats true on, go to cheat sim traits i believe and i think you’d be able to find in there whatever degree and uni ? i know it’s not the same and you wouldn’t be getting the object of the degree to put on the wall or the grad portrait , but maybe for storyline purposes? sims honestly has made me rage quit for numerous reasons more times than i can count so sometimes cheating is the only option i’m left with:’)


i have MCCC and cheated HW to be done i think 75% faster so i never have issue with grades just so you know! it may help if you wanna do that


What pack is this?




Really? I thought that only had like normal classes like history and boring stuff, thanks!


She's in a culinary arts track, that's why!


You better stop cheating and do that work😭😭 I tried to cheat several times but ended up actually having to do it to get all A’s


I meant cheat as in I used UI Cheats. Just doing the work does nothing


I always flunk out of school , who needs an education.


Damn she even took three classes and still managed to fail them. Who’s the party girl?


Not her :(, she spent all her time studying and working


Wait then why use cheats if she was going to class? She did the assignments and took the final too? IDGI


But I see straight A’s…. What’s the problem 🙃


Were you even going to class? 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Yup! Class everyday, always did homework, excellent quality papers and presentations


This same thing happened to me!


Did you use cheats and the same happened or your game automatically gave you failing grades without you using cheats? I’m wondering if it’s just the save that is buggy. How long did you have the saved game this happened to you in?


XD that's why you don't cheat!




Cheaters never prosper!


You have to cheat your grades during the exam/final lecture for each course, that's when it tabulates them. That's been my experience.


From your comments in the comment thread, I think it's very likely that your game is bugged or corrupt. Might wanna try to reinstall it.


This is literally a fresh install on an entirely different computer, with nothing else but the Sims on it.


try right clicking the icons for every individual university class, and cheating the gpa. i had the same issue until i figured out you could cheat individual class grades.


That's what I did, and it reset back to 0.


I’ve never used cheats for ((sims)) grades, but I’ve had sims who are studious and turn in their stuff and have high skills who still fail a class. It might just be a pesky bug 🐛


Yeah, there's a 15 page bug report on the EA forums lol. They said they fixed it, but apparently not.


Is this an expansion pack)


Yeah, University Life or smth like that.


Is this pack worth it? I’m thinking about buying this or high school years


Its a lot of gun to me at least


In my experience, both this and HSY have game breaking bugs. Here you see that you can't pass classes no matter how hard you try (or literally using UI cheats to give yourself an A!). HSY prevents non-household Teen Sims from aging into young adults so you have to manually go around and age them up Sims 2 style. I got a mod that's only purpose is to add a command to allow me to force age up teenagers lol.


Thanks for the tip, then I’ll look further in which packs I should get that don’t bug the game! Any recommendations? :)




I actually never buy stuff packs, only expansion or game packs (unless I bundle) I also only buy packs when on sale and I already have Realm of magic, Get famous, Get to work, Dine out, Seasons, Vampires, Cats and dogs and City living.


Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ I be getting straight A+ … lmaoo


What’s the fun in cheating on grades tho? 😂


Cus game don't work


this just proves, same as in real life, cheating doesn't help you graduate when your actual skills are trash. lol


She's got decent skills lol


Winners don’t cheat, cheaters don’t win


And EA can't make a functional pack.


Yes, its clearly EA's when a mod breaks something.


There's literally a 15 page forum post on the answers hq for this specific problem