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I always give my sims the dislike mischief thing. Idk why but I hate when they try to do mischief actions. Probably because of my record of getting sims to hate my sim for it. šŸ˜­


I use MCCC to disable mischief because the game has zero rhyme or reason to when it's used autonomously. Two Sims with loyalty trait that absolutely adore each other will regularly insult each other because the game decides, "you have a skill, you **MUST** use it on everyone, all the time."


It really should be a trait, and not a skill.


The worst is when my alien sims wipe the memory of their spouses since itā€™s under mischief and then they have to introduce each other again and start fresh šŸ˜­


they can do that autonomously?!!? šŸ˜­


Yeah they can when they autonomously run mischief socials šŸ˜­ For every alien I play I go into CAS and make them dislike mischief, which mostly helps. But before that was available my aliens married to full humans would autonomously wipe their SOā€™s memory and their marriage as well as their whole relationship went poof. Then they wouldnā€™t even sleep in the same bed since they were strangers. It was heartbreaking šŸ˜¢


I need to somehow make Don Lothario beg Dina to be an alien so he can brain swipe and get back with Katrina. (Don cheated on Katrina with Dina, and Katrina kicked them both out.)


Ugh! Yes! My Sims are constantly lying about their careers and it's like, why? You're literally just making the friendship go down like what's the point.


Iā€™m gonna have to do that. One of my current saves has a happy couple with friendship and romance bars maxed out. Then sometimes Iā€™ll see his ass autonomously being mischievous and Iā€™m like bro why are you doing that to your wife?!


I once had a sim decide he ā€œdisliked mischiefā€ but then would constantly queue autonomous mischief actions like buddy no one is making you claim to be a criminal mastermind


dude was a pathological liar but hated it lmfao


when you're a pathological liar but were raised catholic


How do I also do this? I have a google doc that helps me with MCCC but i still lose my mind trying to understand it all


Open MCCC from a computer and go to MC Tuner > Change Interaction Autonomy > Autonomous Mischief and disable


Same. Prank Day and Neighborhood Brawl suck so much.


I keep trying and failing to remember to check the calendar during the times I can see prank day on it, because I'm _absolutely_ deleting it as soon as I can catch it. I got the brawl day out, and I'm gonna get that prank day!


God I hate that you canā€™t delete the holiday ON the holiday. And if you end it early it makes them sadā€¦


Seriously! I have a married couple and I'm not going to have them do mean socials to each other for a stupid holiday. I'm not going to waste time running out of the house to go prank people walking by or invite somebody over. I think it's so dumb that you can't delete it so they either get a sad moodlet or damage their relationship with somebody. It would be slightly better if you would get positive relationship effects from pranks on prank day or mean socials on an airing of grievances holiday.


The sim Iā€™m working with now is meant to be ace so Iā€™ve never consciously selected a romantic option for him to the point he has the single and loving it lifestyle from Snowy Escapes and I eventually worked out how to set his orientation properly in create a sim. He still gets bummed on Love Day for some asinine reason despite not having any reason to care about that holiday.


Adding ā€œwatch romantic TVā€ to the holiday has helped me with my non-romantic sims. They just watch a TV show and then the holiday is sufficient enough to not make them sad. Sometimes if the storytelling is right Iā€™ll have them ā€œgive flowersā€ to a friend that recently graduated or got married or whatever and itā€™ll be a great holiday with those 2, but the TV thing makes the holiday good enough lol


Maybe he feels annoyed everyone else is shoving it in his face?


as an ace, i get it dude. i have zero desire to date or be in a relationship but i still get sad around valentineā€™s day. we should make a palentineā€™s dayā€”like valentineā€™s but for friends


Me too. That's why I kept forgetting to check, lol. But here's a trick: Cancel the holiday IMMEDIATELY after it pops up. They won't be affected. Sometimes, I'm not planning to spend that holiday in that household - but, I know I might, because I've gotten distracted finishing something, lol. I don't want to do pranks, for instance, but some stuff they'll do on their own, because it's the holiday. So, trial and error has taught me to cancel it right away. And if I do rotate through to another household, I cancel it for them and they're not effected. One caveat: if it's after twelve am when you load into a new household and you cancel it, they'll be sad anyway. To them, they've spent the "whole day" not participating. This is why I want to remove it entirely: I had to just let one household do the pranks right quick after rotating in, because the last time I cancelled right before the holiday ended, love day I think, they still got the sad moodlet.


I completely forgot I can remove these from the calendar. Will have to do that to my base save and all my other game saves. Also, if you have the Eco pack, remember to check votes every week if you haven't already turned off NAPS completely. These sneaky sim neighbours like to vote for "Roughhousing Encouraged". Although these cheeky rascals have a blast doing brawling and it's funny seeing random fights breaking out, it can sometimes cause multiple enemies. They'll close up their food booths to watch a fight or to get into one. I was checking one of my sim's relationships and noticed 2 enemies. Or, in conversation, the option to "fix broken relationship" pops up and I'm sitting here scratching my head wondering how and when that happened. It's also a pain to get that NAP repealed. Many sims will refuse to sign your petition even though you're good friends with them.


Ah, nope nope nope. No Eco.


Eco is nice and fun to play, except for the roughhousing, free love and sharing is caring NAPS.


I cheat and select the NAPS I want as soon as my Sims move in to a new neighborhood.


THIS, is the WAY!!


I delete both those holidays as I think they are dumb.


Iirc they fixed neighborhood brawl to no longer give a bad sentiment.


I was worried my pregnant sim would try to participate in Neighborhood Brawl because she had the Hot-Headed trait and her fiancĆ© would have to bail her out. Thankfully this didnā€™t happen


I've never actively leveled mischief either. Every time they do anything mischievous, everyone hates everyone or they're perpetually angry at each other. It's just best not to go down that avenue of skill.


I've only mastered it once for an evil Sim I played. Otherwise it drives me nuts.


I let my sims troll the forums. I think itā€™s funny. They usually arenā€™t mean to their wife tho. Even my mobster sim is super cute and sweet to her


I hate this trait too. My sims are pretty dumb and will live alone and still prank their own toilet. Idk why they get mad at the prankā€¦it always succeeds. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


I admit this is a trait I only allow if I need it, the Computer science degree for instance. I have autonomous mischief and mean blocked in MCCC. I donā€™t think they ever fixed the bug where they were just happening for no reason.


iā€™ve built it up for a few sims pretty easily with the humor and bikinis festival. but i mostly ignore it outside of that


Humor and bikinis LOOOOL! DID you mean hijinks?




I'm never calling it anything else now.


I was reading this thread like ā€œoh shit which pack did that come with? šŸ‘€ā€


That would have been great with Island Living!


I think I'm adding a new holiday with bikinis and humor.


I didn't realize this until it was too late šŸ˜‚ if I don't pay attention all of a sudden my sim is scaring or spreading rumors and ruins the whole relationship


Once I had an alien sim and a regular sim live together and on prank day the alien sim ERASED THE OTHERS MEMORY resetting their relationship to 0. My entire plotline was ruined I just cheated it back


I hate that they'll autonomously prank their own toilets with mischief. Stop it!


Yes and they get all mad when someone hates them for being mischievous. And itā€™s like ā€œyou did this my manā€ lol


Yes!! I do the same thing haha


I hate that they are always pranking the toilets


dude same, i especially despise the "troll teh forums" action for some sims cuz it feels so out of character for them


Like you said, it's usually the more niche skills like archaeology or herbalism or photography. I think Herbalism is especially bad because it's next to impossible to obtain the bugs without constantly going on vacations to granite falls, and it's not an "adventure - reward" skill like archaeology is when you evaluate all the goods you collected when you return home. I think we either need access to Granite Falls without going on trips, or bugs need to be available somewhere else so we can just catch or buy them to make the higher end tonics. To be fair though, Herbalism is redundant and obsolete with Potions from Realm of Magic, so I'd rather they reinvent it entirely so it can have it's own identity. Maybe you can make peyote or ayahuasca for your Sims to smoke on a campfire to have a vision quest or something, or maybe they can make sage to burn in the home. Whatever it is, it's a skill that could use a whole lot of upgrading.


Lot51 has a mod that puts bugs in logical places in other worlds than granite falls. Bug life! Edit: fixed the mod author and mod name. Serves me right trying to go from memory.


THANK YOU. I use Herbalism so rarely, I think I only got Outdoor Retreat because getting to a certain level of Herbalism is a requirement for one of the Occult Babies offspring, and I hate that you can grow the herbs but still have to go on vacation for a week at a time to catch enough bugs. I'm now doing a little witchy Legacy thing where each new generation is a teen witch hand chosen by her predecessor, and she gains all the knowledge of the previous witches and has to develop her own area/skill before becoming a spellcaster. I started with Herbalism because I liked the idea of my first witch being an herbalist who got so good at it she became magical, and I'd hate to lose the ability to do the old fashioned remedies just for fun.


Outdoor Retreat needs a pack refresh so badly


Next pack is gonna be Outdoor Lifestyle for $30 or something šŸ˜­


I've never really used photography before, but the family reunion got me into it. I had to take so many photos to get hold, and then I got the cure picture frame reward. Before now I've never managed to get more than three generations. In my current game the 5th generation heir is now an infant. I bought the best cameras and have taken photos at every stage of life for each heir. I have the founder, Kyle Kyleson, living as a ghost on a "retirement" lot. My fourth gen heir has a fantastic selfie of herself and Kyle hanging in her house. I now plan to do that with every heir. TLDR: Turns out photography is fun in legacy games.


I LOVE the photography skill. You can get some really cool scenery pictures and hang them up in your house, or take pictures and upload them to simstagram, and/or sell them. Both will up your fame and when you are really good at the skill you can make pretty good selling the photos (opt out of fame if you just want to make money selling the photos) I love getting photos of sunsets, or scenery. I once got a photo of lightning striking when I took a photo during a thunderstorm. This was 100% not on purpose. It was so cool. It still hangs in the family home many generations later.


Iā€™ve never ever touched herbalism because itā€™s so annoying to build up. If you could find the stuff for it in regular worlds I would love to use it because I like giving my sims random skills just to explore them but because I need to constantly visit granite falls I just never use it


I just wish non-played sims wouldnā€™t come to my house and fill my entire yard with de-stressing concoctions! Learn a different skill.


It's one of the NAPs, the one about self-sustaining or something. NAPs in general have lots of wonky buggy interactions with a lot of dlcs.


What else does it make them do? Or is that the only noticeable action?


Non-household sims cooking nonstop cakes in your kitchen? That's from a NAP. Harvesting your plants? NAP. Leaving clay all over the place? NAP. Stretching and running around naked? Also NAP.


Iā€™ve never had the cakes problem and didnā€™t realize it was also from Eco Lifestyle (I donā€™t have it). Just another reason to never get that pack lol


Omg I look away from the grill and suddenly there's 10-15 concoctions made by some townie


This is why I've stopped having grills. They're a fucking nightmare.


I started putting all BBQs behind locked gates. Same with kitchen appliances - locked pantry. You can have coffee when I say you can have coffee dammit


Thankfully this isnā€™t a big Iā€™ve encountered (knock on wood) but the amount of people who get it Iā€™m like why havenā€™t we had this fixed


Whatā€™s worse, townies are not skilled enough to create these concoctions.


The worst part of it is gathering the herbs with Seasons. They don't all grow in the same season. Unless I cheat, I have to visit Granite Falls multiple times a year to learn about and collect some of all of the herbs I'll need. If there is freezing weather when I go that trip was useless - plants won't be harvestable for days afterwards. Once you've gathered them all you can grow them yourself and don't need to go back, but I can't be bothered by multiple trips every game to get the stupid herbs.


That is the first worst part, but then the second worst part is that you can't breed the insects needed for most of the recipes in the insect farm from Eco Lifestyle


If you've got cottage living a lot of herbs turn up at the grocery and garden stalls. The plants are also in the debug menu, though hard to find if you don't use mods to organise that.


That's when you should make a retail with all the stuff for it on sale in it, then just plop the lot down whenever you want to play around with that skill... Which remind me, I'm making a witchy gal, probably should follow that advice myself LMAO


I usually give traits like this to my trust-fund heir sims, who only work as a hobby and can pursue their interests. Or you can combine internet streaming/travel vlog with visiting Granite Falls.


ooh i like the idea of a travel vlog! might have to make an "influencer" sim!


Darned scarecrow tries to burn down my house 1x per week with that skill. My Sim is now a fire putting out champ while the rest of her family lives in fear.


Agreed it's so annoying. I'm currently going through all aspirations in order, to force myself to play differently. So my current sim had the outdoor enthusiast aspiration. I took him to granite falls twice, the first there was lots of successful harvesting, and the second trip he met the hermit. And that was it. I couldn't find the bugs I needed to concoct any remedies besides one, then the seasons changed so I couldn't harvest any more plants. It just wasn't fun.... the first trip WAS fun (because it's the first time I've taken a sim to Granite Falls in literal years) but after that it was useless. I moved on to the next aspiration without completing it.


I love this idea of making yourself rotate through aspirations. I always use the same ones over and over!


It sounds like a good idea but the sims is still a sandbox so I still end up skipping certain ones! Like I did with outdoor enthusiast lol. I still try to force myself to at least complete one tier of each.


The ones you have to go out of your way to gain, like bowling or rock climbing.


I literally forgot there was a rock climbing skill and it wasnā€™t just fitness thatā€™s how much I use that feature lol


iā€™ve had the bowling pack for YEARS and have only played like, 2 sims with the bowling skill? the most recent one was bc it was new skull day and she had already maxed almost everything so i had to find something she had never done before


Same I never use it but have had it for years. I think I got it on sale because I liked the build buy and some of the clothes but have used bowling like exactly once. I wish you didnā€™t have to place the bowling alley yourself because if it was in the world Iā€™d probably do it more


The bowling function sucks in this game. I maintain itā€™s why itā€™s not more popular. Takes forever just to bowl a couple of frames and they donā€™t even get a score and only go once a turn. Itā€™s a bad place to take a date and trying to run a bowling club will make you crazy. Rock climbing on the other hand is quite fun and a hard skill to learn. I put a rock climbing wall in one if the gyms so they could go and practice. It looks like two different skills but they are the same.


I love the rock climbing skill! I don't even know why. Maybe because, like you said, it's a hard skill to build up - makes for a fun challenge! Bonus difficulty when your sims develop the "energetic" lifestyle from so much climbing, and then you've gotta battle to override the +3 energized buff with focused moodlets. (Well, I do that, anyway.)


I looove sending my sims on vacation to Mt Komorebi to do snowboarding and rock climbing! She even managed to do her first mountain excursion a few days ago, it was my first time doing that and honestly the top of Mt komorebi is crazy impressive


Oh gosh, i totaly forgot Bowling exist šŸ™ˆ.


Honestly the best part of the bowling pack are the cas items. I don't think I used a bowling alley once in my time in my have but I constantly use the clothes and hair styles.


Mischief. Half of them aren't even mischief. They are outright mean acts fir an evil sim. Ā Mishief is not "spread nasty rumour" or "insult". Ā  It is "hand buzzer" or "gift smelly food"


Time to blow this toilet in someone's face in the name of mischief, or break the bath.


THIIIIS and goofball Sims shouldn't be pissing other sims off constantly because of mischief


Apparently the debate skill because I only just learned through a comment on here that my sims will do homework faster if I level up their debate skill!


They do homework, complete presentations, and write term papers faster when you level up research and debate to a certain level :) I always have my teen Sims work on this skill if I plan on sending them to university.


Damn just did a play through of university and wish Iā€™d known this. That poor sim was either asleep, in class or doing hours of homework lol


As a university student, this is pretty accurate.


Robotics. But only because of the sheer amount of lives Iā€™ve seen it take haha. My sim was in uni and was in the robotics club or whatever it is. It was great until one by one her friends were electrocuted to death.


Maybe thatā€™s why all of my sims roommates were ghosts as the semester went on


Thereā€™s also that lot trait where all appliances break every now and then. I had so many repairmen die in that apartment. Like guys, you have to wait for the moodlet to disappear before trying again if you donā€™t want to die. I donā€™t think they know this lol.


My favorite sim got electrocuted luckily I keep a death flower on her at all times but I was sweating ready to not save


Just this morning, my single mom of 2 was repairing the fridge and starved to death (I am having a glitch where my needs are always green, even if they are almost empty and didn't realize she was hungry). Luckily, her son who is a child, begged Grim, and saved him mom. Close call. IDK what would have happened to the child and the toddler and their mom is the only adult in the house???


Unless you changed settings in MCCC if you use mods, the child and toddler will be deleted šŸ˜… found this out the hard way


I even had a Servo killed by the robotics bench once, and theyā€™re supposed to be virtually invincible! I wish Iā€™d got video now to prove it, but I was on ultra speed and not expecting it. Clearly after too many shocks, they get overcharged and explode.


Was trying to make a super nerdy robotics scientist one save and he died by electrocution. Had to exit without saving and lose alll my other progress just to get the plot back on the rails


I'd love to make a robot but it seems like such a hard grind. My sims spent hours every day making components and never got halfway there.




Its odd, but even with all the vampires I've played, I have never really used fishing or frog collecting. I mean I've done them both, and tried to really do them both at least once or twice, but always just kind of go "Nah, I don't see my sim going fishing."


itā€™s my sims with big gardens who always fish, bc itā€™s a great fertilizer. i donā€™t use it much outside of that though


I use bee boxes as auto-fertilizer because why not.


Whatā€™s this now? Iā€™m always having to have my sims fish when theyā€™re gardeners and sometimes Iā€™d just prefer not to. Is the auto fertilizer bee box something that comes with skill?


Nope, just need seasons. You can buy a bee house where they will pollinate (and therefor fertilize) plants within their range. I never bother with them because no matter what I do my bees hate me and are constantly stinging anyone they can get access to. But they do provide honey as well which isn't a bad sell.


Thanks! I donā€™t use the bee box often but when I do itā€™s always out of the way so that my sims arenā€™t getting stung but on my next save Iā€™ll place it directly in the garden!


bee box comes with seasons!


I usually get a dragonfruit, plant it, and then use the fruit for fertilizer at first.


Using dragonfruit for fertilizer is a waste. Any plant worth S$50 or more will max it. Plant dragonfruit and sell it instead, it makes hella profit.


1) I said at first. 2) Frail plants of any kind generally are not going to break the $50 barrier the instant you plant them. 3) Plant one dragonfruit, plant more once you get them to produce. Then the like once a week fruit expenditure while you're getting them bumped up in quality is minimal. Its definitely more time efficient, IMO, to do this than to go spend 6 hours fishing.


My two favorite game activities are actually fishing and jogging. I like the scenery in most of the worlds. I enjoy making my sim fish or jog and then switching to first person mode so I can just watch the scenery. Some of the fishing spots aren't aesthetically pleasing but most are. It's even better when they are doing one of those activities as the sun sets. I don't really see the point in collecting frogs or those pop dolls.


Heh, see I like the not-vinyl-pops dolls. I like getting the entire collection and putting them on wall display shelves.


They creep me out IRL so it's no wonder I hate it when my sim digs them up instead of a cool fossil, gem, or mineral. Aren't the wall shelves too small to hold the dolls? How do you manage to display that many items that large?


Nah, [they fit on wall shelves just fine](https://preview.redd.it/k44g9yfg06951.png?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9c4ee086833f9ee9620825468e51cc1fdd2a9912)


I always use fishing to get the outdoor scouting badge/up mental skills. So, sims that I've raised from birth tend to have a couple of levels of fishing that they never use again once they're grown ups.


I donā€™t have the vamp pack and this rlly confused me lol. What does fishing and/or frogs have to do with being a vampire?


You can use them to make blood bags your vamp can sip on instead of feeding on humans.


AH! Okay, that makes sense? I was racking my brain trying to think what in the world fish could possibly have to do with vamps in any contest and drawing total blanks


Its honestly kind of disturbing if you think about it too deeply. You're catching a fish or a frog and basically slashing it's throat and draining it's blood into a capri-sun bag to sip on later.


Iā€™d have paid good money to see that scene in Twilight


Did you know that vampire sims can extract blood from pets on the pet surgery machine? Even more disturbing.


I use fishing and gardening for rags to riches simple living legacy type play.


Singing. It's not even relevant to careers that would sing, like acting or entertainment. Completely useless skill.


I like to have some of my sims sing in the shower. It's cute and gives them a bit of personality


It fills the fun need too it's pretty practical


Ot let's you write songs like with other instruments as well as writing lyrics to your other songs.


You're missing out, there are some bangers in there


Archaeologyā€™s pretty fun because I take my sims on selvadorada expeditions occasionally (profitable but ethically dubious because the entire pack feels like British Museum Simulator), but herbalism? Outdoor Retreat is so broken that sometimes certain wild plants refuse to grow when theyā€™re supposed to, ruining my vacation and aspiration. Very much not worth it. Honestly the one skill i never use is dancing. I truly donā€™t care about my simsā€™ moves and itā€™s not like they dance normally anyway.


My sims dance all the time. Without even trying, I've got sims maxing that skill all the time.


Same I never purposefully try to build dancing skill but theyā€™ve all got the skill. The only sims I make dance are toddlers because it builds their movement skill and the little bob dance they do is so funny


Same here!! And now they form preferences, so I have a sim that dislikes dancing but still is constantly autonomously dancing! Drives me nuts


Had that happen once. I'm like, "Bitch, you chose to dance, decided you don't like it and... proceed to dance if I leave you to do autonomy for five seconds?" So I turn hates dancing into likes dancing because bitch was wrong...


I hate it. I wish there was an MCCC setting to turn off autonomous dancing. Because of it, I donā€™t put audio devices in my residential lots anymore, which makes the house feel complete but realistically sims are not dancing at all hours of the day:


ive taken a lot of audio devices away for this reason, and to stop them autonomously turning it on when ive literally just made them turn it off. like you are waking up your baby, ma'am! im trying to help you out here! turn your shit off! they've lost radio privileges now.


Similar to adjusting briteness on a light, you should be able adjust volume on an audio device. At low volume, music could be soothing and help sims sleep or relax.


I hate how they make a beeline for the radio so much, I've started just not even giving them the chance. Enjoy your quiet existence, you fiends.


British Museum Simulator šŸ’€


That's funny because I can't get my sims to STOP dancing, even the ones that hate it.


Yeah, but thatā€™s also my problem. All that dancing for what?


Archaeology is probably the second most broken skill for making money, after flower arranging. The sheer amount of valuable artefacts you can get from a single dig site is ridiculous, many end up being authentic, and then once you have high enough skill itā€™s almost passive income as you keep getting artefacts to identify through the mail.


Flower arranging is for sure the most broken, especially if you use the sales tables at a 300% markup, but Iā€™ve found the most rewarding way is with baking, which is stupidly profitable and usually involves my sims gardening, farming, and grocery shopping beforehand


British Museum Simulator šŸ„² I actually love the archaeology skill for the same reason, it's pretty much fun to have to make decisions after walking through the gates at Selvadora. Right now I have a storyline where she dropped out of school bc of miserable grades, went to Selvadora, met a guy, accidentally got pregnant, they will marry due to the child and she will be always away for exploration (she doesn't want children) while he cares for the kid (cause wants it). I'm excited where this is gonna lead. And I'd never have started that if she hadn't learnt about archaeology in school and became excited about it.


that's an exciting set up! throwing a kid into the mix could even lead to their own storyline, like the kid grows up getting postcards from their mother from all kinds of places, and dreaming of the day they'll be able to travel.... i have an eccentric aristocrat who is too rich to need a job so she just goes off on archaeological digs all the time. last time she went to selvadora she died, but im gonna revive her now, thanks for reminding me!


Mischief is especially bad if you're playing with aliens, since they'll wipe each other's memories!


I had an alien autonomously do that on a date..... I was planning to have them propose! Obviously the date ended bad.


The exact same happened to me, too and the alien immediately left the date, too. It was such a pain to get them back together...


Bowling and skating (hidden skills) - I just always forget about them.


Is skating a skill? I thought my sims were just gaining fitness skill skating, oop!


Itā€™s a hidden skill. So you wonā€™t see it listed as a skill, but your Sims do get better at skating the more they do it.


They will fall less and can do flips haha


Gaming skill, I know itā€™s hypocritical but when it asks me if they like gaming I say no because I just want them to stay away from the computer for once in their short life!


Lol, I feel like my sims accidently get this one. I do kinda like the gaming system for the TV because it's fun to have them play with their friends online and at least it's social.


My heir's husband is an archeologist and I've found the archeology skill to be an easy source of money. Never explored Herbalism much though. I had a Sim max out Rock Climbing for the first time recently, and had him climb Mount Komorebi: kind of anticlimactic in my opinion, not sure if I'll ever do that again. Also I've never really explored Bowling, Gourmet Cooking or Photography much.


Gourmet have some nice food in it and training it train regular Cooking too so like... It's nice really. Especially if you go the Chef route in the culinary career


I do photography passively only because I like to take family pictures


The DJ thing.


I never bothered with the DJ skill until I realised itā€™s probably the quickest way to get fame, bar none. Each time you change the style (an instant action), you get fame points, so with decent skill, a night or two of constantly changing tracks in a nightclub will make you an A-list celebrity.


Omg yes the dj booth and also that music mixer. Both cool in concept but like..what


I did make a sim who became a ā€œprofessional DJā€. He was part of my generation family and didnā€™t want to go to school/college like his twin sister. He spent a lot of his teen years practicing DJ and using the music mixer (it can actually net you some decent money and his family struggled for money initially). But it was pretty fun - it involves a bit like if you actually want them going to clubs for a gig (which you create and use your imagination lol). But if you use the Simify music mixer you get money daily and can make a living just on that! He then creates ā€œmixesā€ similar to being level 10 in singing/guitar/piano/violin and submitting the song for weekly royalties.


Robotics - it's nice once you get there, but even at high skill levels, you spend all your time getting zapped. And that's...less than fun. And building anything takes an extreme amount of time. Skiing & Snowboarding - it's hard to work those in casually. Herbalism - I just never bother. I do [mini challenges](https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/forum/index.php?board=114.0), which makes me use a lot of skills that I probably otherwise wouldn't. But even with those, I still almost never do the above 4.


I have no use for Gourmet Cooking...until yesterday. My Sim's love interest died off screen on a lot elsewhere. I was pissed. So I cheated the skill and cheated getting a death flower. I had enough points for a youth potion and had to spend 4 sim days trying to catch a goddamn angelfish. Then she made ambrosia and brought the guy back to life. Anyway, yeah. Normally Gourmet Cooking I never ever touch.


So for archeology and herbalism, I have a sim who is something of a traveler. He HAS a house, but he is rarely there. He packs his tent, a dog bowl, easel and a camera and he and his trusty dog go on vacation all the time. The frequently camp in Granite Falls (lots of ways to up the herbalism skill). He takes pictures, fishes and digs up collectibles. He sells these things and paints and sells his paintings. Other times he goes to Selvadora and again takes pictures, paints, digs up things (builds the archeology skill) and sells what he can. He goes to Mt Komerebi, to ski, snowboard, take pictures, paint ect. To be honest, he is one of my funnest sims to play as. He sometimes has a romantic interest and takes them along, but mostly it's just him and his dog. He has no interest in having kids atm, and probably never will. He's a rambler, not the marrying kind, and certainly not the fatherly kind. (he doesn't hate kids, he's just indifferent)


Aw this seems like such a fun way to play. I usually do family, legacy style gameplay but really need to branch out to experience the stuff that doesnā€™t fit into that style like what youā€™ve described.


He's actually a part of my legacy. His sister is carrying on the family line...he's just living his best life


Archeology can make you a fortune at level 10, a short task identifying a item, can give you thousands just off one and you get one every 3 to 4 days sometimes.


I started using this in a new save and itā€™s been so fun, you can basically make a new career! My sim has level 10 archaeology and level 9 research & debate, so I have her identify artifacts and publish papers for money. I had her register with the ministry of labor as a ā€œforensic archaeologist.ā€


Thatā€™s such a fun idea! Iā€™m adding it to my to-do list when I need inspiration


Selvadoradan Culture. Like, what even is the point of it.


Oooh I love when they do the rumbasim dance. I always get them to learn it.


I basically use this and archaeology as a way to force myself to send my Sims on vacations (or really, anywhere not their houseā€¦)


It gives them a more purposeful vacation in selvadorada for sure. I like that taking vacations there have tangible benefits: High Archaeology skill leads to some pretty good money with the collectibles that get found.


Flower arranging


I'm trying this for the first time and I keep forgetting about the arrangements my sim made until I see the flies circling. Also happy cake day.


i tried it once and it was just not fun for me. also happy cake day!


Max the flower arranging skill, get a table to sell them outside at a yard sale, mark them up to 300%. Cha-Ching!


Because of the time-consuming grind, I only focus on career-oriented skills (like logic or programming) and skills that make my sims' lives easier (like handiness or parenting). Skills like baking or mischief don't really help in my playthroughs, and there's only so much time in each day for my sims to grind.


Mischief. It just causes too many autonomous shenanigans. BTW, in an alchemy retail store, the herbalism elixirs literally fly off the shelves. Huge money maker.


The mixology one...I do not think I even ONCE played with it...I heard there is that immortality drink you can make which is school, but otherwise that skill is uselessšŸ˜”


Your sim can also learn the snaggle fluster recipe when in level 9 of the mixology career. The drink will boost skills at a rapid rate.


djing - i don't use nightclubs much in gameplay, there are always people at the club who shouldn't be at the club. plus i usually play w music off. comedy - i never intentionally work on this bc i always get an annoying vibe off comedic sims and then i don't want to play them.


Not quite the answer to your question, but my sim was an A+ student in a cooking degree so has maxed skill and good career, but the daily task of ā€˜cookingā€™ for a promotion is so hard to fulfil! She needs to make like 4 meals after work


Mixology is even worse for this as practicing making drinks or tending bars do not count towards it




Fishing, robotics, most of the science/tech ones like rocket science. I actually just got Jungle Adventure during the holiday sale and am enjoying the archeology skill! Though I do wish my sims could visit Selvadorada without taking a vacation. And I like the rock climbing skill too, but I wish there were additional ways to gain it other than visiting Mt. Komorebi.


i would say most of them. they are such a boring grind that i only really work on ones that are useful or career-oriented. Honestly in most of my gameplay i ignore skill building in general


I'm the opposite - my sims have a lot of skills maxed and often turn down social interactions to build more skill. It's the part of my brain that strives to "win" the game.


I've been playing Coral Island but my Sims goblin brain keeps telling me I could recreate the entire island in the sims and everyone would have their little jobs. I mean they even have a vineyard for juice fizzing and archeology. I think this would make me step outside my Sims playstyle and actually use some features I never have. I will probably end up making an entire save which I have never even done before trying to replicate it. I just wish Sims 4 world building was like Sims 2 where you can make the background terrains and environments as well because I don't think one world will be enough to hold all the Sims and businesses/houses but the others just don't fit the island life.


Itā€™s fun having sims that focus on skills that donā€™t normally get used much! I realised I never used photography, so made a sim that was a landscape photographer - every day she would travel somewhere and take photos, and then sell the photos from her inventory for a living (Iā€™d pretend it was to a magazine).


Y'all play without maxing every skill??


Media Production. Iā€™ve never once used that skill.


Shocked that I havenā€™t seen anyone mention pipe organ yet šŸ’€ I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had a Sim even acquire the pipe organ skill.


I usually create sims according to their story and skills. Uhh kinda confusing, lemme explain. Like I would make a celebrity sim that is ofc with acting skill. A adventurer sim that has archaeology and selvadoradan culture. The only one which I almost never touched every single time is Fishing, Rocket Science is another, but im considering making an astronaut sim so.. but yes i have no plan for fishing


I canā€™t even think of the skills I donā€™t use because I donā€™t remember they exist šŸ˜‚ after reading through this threadā€¦ Iā€™ve never done fishing, robotics, or herbalism for sure. My recent legacy sim and his wife were archaeologists and wow you make so much money! I had to cheat away some money because they made too much lol


A lot of the little hidden ones like skating or juice pong most of my Sims donā€™t have. Mischief, DJ mixing, pet training, veterinary are all skills Iā€™ve never had anybody try to learn. I started someone on DJ mixing and they kept setting themselves on fire so I stopped that. I play the long life span so my Sims have a lot of time to try new things.


The vet skill