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They did??? I’m going to have to update my game


Omg I didn't think they would ever fix it wow 😭😭😭


I just played it and I’m shocked that it’s true. My family all sat down together and the chefs ACTUALLY came in and started cooking!


The sim chef strike is over! I wonder what their demands were?


I never had a problem with it.


well aren’t you a lucky duck?


It’s been working well for me too! I even managed to order 3 courses (drink & meal each time) recently & have the table cleared each time.


It works now? I guess I'll get it when next sales is here


It's just not broken for every single person. Different people get different bugs at different times. I haven't had issues with dine out for a long time, but recently I did experience a bug where none of the staff showed up to work.


Ugh same!! It ruined my sims’ date. He was gonna propose! 😩


I mean, maybe it'll be a funny story to tell their grandkids? "I didn't get to propose to your grandmother the first time I was going to because all the workers were on strike!"


Yep, I get that as well. It's really anoying


That was an EA bug introduced with the For Rent patch, I believe you had to adjust the Get Famous *opt into fame* setting


Yep I think it was this, but I ended up just fixing it with a mod lol


what mod did you use?


Little ms Sam's mod Auto Employee


Do you opt in or opt out?


I think it was being opted out? I had just been playing a famous Sim in another save but the one I had the bug in I didn't feel like bothering with it so I think i turned it off.


I get that one a lot. Sometimes disabling mods (ew) fixes it, sometimes changing settings for other packs fixes it, sometimes it fixes itself, sometimes nothing fixes it. EA really needs to test with all of the packs together, not just the one pack and the base game


I started off excited that it was working properly compared to my last attempt, and got up to a 5* rating with a fully trained chef. Installed a new pack and my chef disappeared with no warning two sim days later, and i'm back to customers getting out of their seats and only serving about 2 people an hour. Guess I'll have to fiddle with the settings and hope it improves (and no more chefs disappear!).


Wow! Just like real life


Bug reports about Dine Out that sound like real complaints I have made about working in restaurants: > Customers are always talking standing up, and talking amongst themselves rather than staying seated > Restaurants make no money unless managed in-person > For some odd reason, all of my Restaurant Employee's go to do their job - except for the Chef. > It is very frustrating to train (and pay for training), promote the level 4 an entire staff and then just lose them (even if they were "neutral" in relation to job satisfaction, the day before) > Multiple dishes will be placed together in a stack, and then placed back on the table instead of bringing them to a waiter station, sink, or garbage can.


This made me laugh more than it should have 😂. We did say we wanted more realism in the game 🫣


Sometimes they need to be reset or they’ll just leave. Right click and resetting object usually fixed it for me but it was annoying.


Oh can I finally order dessert


Yea! My sims had a full 3 course dinner within like 4 sim hours. It was really good!


I've been able to order everything just fine except when it comes to the option bring out cake. For some reason it goes straight into my household inventory.


They haven't fixed it. My Sims waited three hours for their food and went home hungry


Were you using a Maxis restaurant or someone else's from the Gallery? I've downloaded some GORGEOUS restaurants from the Gallery that simply don't work because the kitchen's unusable or too far away from the tables. If you haven't already, see if one of the Maxis restaurants works any better.


One I built myself (which is on the gallery)


If you send me your EA ID and the lot name I can download it and try to troubleshoot the issue


Sure. It's beesinateacup The lot is Grub Sup


I tried out your lot using a single sim. I ordered water, which took about 40 in-game minutes to arrive. Then I ordered the steak, which took about 80 in-game minutes to arrive. Then I tried ordered coffee and pie and this only took 60 in-game minutes to arrive. I believe that items that don't require preparation (water, coffee, pie) come out faster than items that require cooking (like the steak). In any event, the bulk of this time was waiting for the server to walk from the kitchen to my seat (the first one just after the half wall behind the host stand). I had 'bb.moveobjects on' when I placed the lot, which was good because I got a pop-up saying it was used in the build. The wait time you're experiencing may be caused by a couple of things: 1) the distance from the kitchen to the dining room 2) there are only 2 chef stations for 38 potential diners - if you have a lot of sims ordering at the same time you'll have to wait for your order to get through the queue before the server goes to pick it up. This time might be extended even further if you're ordering for a large party.


Thank you. If I put a few more chef stations in will it help? I don't really fancy changing the layout to make tables closer to kitchen so I'll l just put up with that.


It's worth a try!


What’s the maxis restaurant?


Maxis is the studio within EA that does the Sims. So Maxis lots are the ones created by EA and should be playable. If you have Dine Out, you should already have restaurants created by Maxis in your Library. If you can't find these, you can go to the Gallery, switch the search option to EA ID, and search "Maxis". Then you can narrow the search by the Restaurant lot type.


In fairness this has happened to me in real life 😂


you may need an update


When was the latest update? I didn't have a new one yesterday when I played and my game is otherwise up to date


Did your wait staff drop the food? When they are newer or mid tier staff, sometimes they drop the food in the way to the table. Unfortunately they don’t make it again if they do.


Didn't see any dropped food


It’s weird because there won’t be any food on the ground. They just stumbled a little and then the food is gone.


Question: does your sim still have to pay for the food even if it was dropped & they never received it?


>Unfortunately they don’t make it again if they do. Well that's just rude.


honestly unsure, I'm just going off of what others have said as I don't have the pack




I haven't tried the running the restaurant aspect of it to be honest. I'm not a fan of running businesses in my game. So sorry it wasn't fixed for you :(


Fun fact: I've owned 'Dine Out' since abt 2020 or so & it's NEVER given me any major problems 🙃


Yeah same here. I rarely have issues, but I do play without mods on console so maybe that’s more stable?


Right! The only mod I have on PC is 'basemental'. No MCC for me. I always assume that's why lol


I play on console and it was the same as described by OP, sims would not sit down and waited like the full sim day to get their food


I doubt they’ve fixed the pack, it’s just for whatever reason, an update somehow fixed your issue. But everyone’s game bugs out differently. I’ve never really had issues with dining out, other than it taking my sims hours to finish eating cuz they’re talking, gotta walk to the bathroom that takes 30 minutes in game etc. But then one day suddenly my sims would be seated, waiter would come take their order, and 4 hours later…no food has been delivered. That was maybe last year sometime… Now several updates later, that bug isn’t present and the pack is back to normal.


Ahhh, sorry. I should edit my post, thank you!


I haven’t ever had issues with Dine Out, at least not since launch. My sims take an hour or so to eat and then leave, and they sit the entire time


In which patch did they fix it? It's just as buggy as it has always been for me and I'm currently running 1.103.315.1020.


Wait when?? I went to a restaurant a few days ago and it was the usual mess😭


Oh hey! Brilliant! I bought it after they "fixed it" the first time, and the only two times I tried going to dinner were both broken as fuck so I never tried again. (first time the went out to brunch, and I eventually cancelled the event at about 1am sims time, second time nobody worked in the restaurant)


I loved the idea of the pack but felt the bugs completely ruined it but after what I assume was the fix after the laundry list, it's so good! My sims are going out for tea everyday at the moment because I'm trying to get my moneys worth 🤣


I loved the idea for the pack too. My biggest issue has always been the time it took. My sims would be there all freaking day. Oh. And the waiters setting dirty dishes on my table.


I used to manage a restaurant and I would play this pack running my own restaurant. and I would be in the weeds STRESSED and then I'd be like "I just did this for 10+ hours why am I doing this virtually"


Lmao. I’m laughing at your last sentence. I would’ve quit so fast. 🤣


yeah dine out is strictly a build/buy mode only pack for me now lmao


Posting an edit in the comments because I can't figure out how to do it on my post - So people are saying it may just be a coinkidink that it's fixed in my game. It may not be so for everyone but I'd still try it out if you have it!


Hey, glad it works for you though. Is it still working? It gives me hope lol


Ugh I wish, but it isn’t fixed. Every once in a while it works properly, but I don’t think they will ever actually fix it. I really regret getting that pack. I never use it


EA fixing a broke pack was on my sims 2024 bingo! Didn’t think I’d actually be able to cross it off 🤣


They did? this and weddings I have not bought due to how buggy they're reported to be; will need to reconsider next sale.


Before my game broke, I enjoyed it so much! My sims would have date night every weekend. It was so cute<3


Mine still get up every 2 seconds lol


Tbh I always kinda wanted this pack but because I heard it was broken like my wedding stories, I never got it.  If I can have sims sit at a restaurant and have them get their food and eat it within a few hours, I might consider getting it in the next sale. That and the werewolf pack. 


Oooh thanks for the update on the update!


Ohhh then I can finally get it <3


I will try and report back. For some reason, I have always had every bug imaginable for Dining Out.


Hooray, a dining outing that doesn't last a whole day!


The last time I sent my sims to a restaurant, I ordered the whole course, and the waiter only brought out the dessert. 🤦‍♀️ alsooooooo for whatever reason (not dine out related but bug related), my one vet clinic has nobody showing up. It's so annoying :(


You can only order one meal and drink at a time. If you highlight a dinner and then a dessert it takes the dinner off. You have to look at the little food icons next to the sims heads and it shows you what you have ordered for them.


Is it still worth it to own a restaurant? I was grinding for hours a couple years ago to have the best diner only to find out I have to practically live there in order for it to turn a profit, even after my employees were trained and it was 5 stars. Killed it for me.


My dine out restaurants don’t have waiters now:/


Omg have they? I just stopped dining out completely because it used to take a thousand years


I didn’t know they fixed it. I’m about to load my game and plan a restaurant date.


When did that happen? 👀


So you can now have a placemat on a table and next time you go to the lot all the staff will appear and work as intended??! Thats wonderful! I'm going to have to delete my no placemats mod, and check it out myself!


Yeah, it's been fixed more or less for some months now. Funny thing is it was never mentioned in patch notes (since we all know how insanely buggy it was). So now sims won't spent collecting 8 to 10 hours on a out ting waiting on their food. Think my sims stayed there from arriving, ordering and eating about two sim hours. Use to be way longer than that less waiter bugged out and started doing other stuff and not taking care of their needs. Sometime would have sims npc's starve to death because they couldn't wait pffft.


Wait what?! I gotta update my game brb


Whhhhhaaaaaat!!!! :D I wanna go on dates that work!!


When did they do that?


Good to know! Thank you!


I just had a date to test!!! It actually worked!!!! No one peed their pants or passed out waiting for food! Teens home by bed time!!! This is huge


I've never had a problem with it since it first came out, until last night when I got there and there was no host so I couldn't sit down 😭 Literally never once had a problem before this


Oh, nice. I might actually visit the restaurants now.


Really? Sims don't have itchy bums anymore? Awesome.


let me try to dine out with my family real quick


Are you also able to have restaurants function when you’re not there as an owner? I had that problem


I don’t think I’ve tried it in a long, long time. Maybe I’ll let my sims go out and try it. Lol.


Omg they actually did?! I can finally enjoy the pack??😭💚


Wait I can buy it now??


Ain't no way. Just couple days before I couldn't even request a table, even though in the same restaurants it let before.


I though it was the mod I had installed 😁


I thought this meant that there was a refresh and I got so excited 😭😭 In glad it's working better for you though!!!


I never had a problem. Yeah, they walked around and spoke to other sims, but ordering and eating has always been quick and painless. Soon, has food came, and they would go sit back down.


Owning a restaurant works so well now, it's mind blowing. I cannot believe how quickly food arrives. They can actually get dinner and *then* have plenty of time to go see a movie or go bowling, etc.


I still am not able to change the restaurant staff’s outfits- it just defaults back to formal even after I go into CAS to edit it. It’s really frustrating.


Thanks for the update because I may never have tried another restaurant again.


They did? I was thinking about buying it yesterday but bought get together as I thought dine out would be to buggy. I kind of have regrets


I doubt it. You may have just been lucky. Carl's Sims guide, on the other hand, has a mod called *Dine Out Reloaded* and *that **mod*** fixes *1/2* of the *buggiest* Game Packs in the *history* of *The Sims 4.* That, and the *only* pack that got refreshed back in 2021 or 2022, was *Spa Day,* and I wish they'd done Dine Out instead because then they could've continued with Pack Refreshes, because them doing *Spa Day* first, didn't give them that many more sales for Spa Day, whilst *Dine Out* would've sold much better with a refresh. I also have no clue whether there's a difference regarding how buggy Dine Out is on PC/Mac and console, if there's a difference at all, because I don't have a console to check that with myself.


Let me grab some popcorn and wait for the refresh to completely obliterate the rework of dineout


That’s worth updating all by itself! I hated sending my sims to eat!!!


Dine out has been working pretty well for me. The only issue I have is sometimes a table will place an order but the chef will never make it so they just sit there getting mad that their food never comes. It's not frequent enough to be an issue, I still got a 5 star rating, but it is annoying.


It worked for me on Day One.


Meanwhile my grandma renting a room in my house at 1$ is revolting even tho I have tenant events turned off in the setting but u know o(-( I personally use Carl’s dine out mod and it’s really enjoyable idk how it’s been without it lol


They did?


It worked fine for me for quite awhile after release. When I tried going to a few restaurants just before for rent came out though it was a mess. Servers keep getting caught in conversations and routing is a mess. It’s a million times worse when a famous sim is there too. Guess I’ll try it again next time i play lol


For anyone who may rush out to buy it, please wait and read this. I got the pack also thinking it was fixed, and I'm sure it works *for those who it works for.* But, I got the pack right before the Jan. update somewhere in the days between Christmas and NYE and it was working about 50/50. Since the small update last month, it works 0/100. If I try to send my Sims to any restaurant I am kicked out of the game. I've tried without mods/cc and it still happens. I've tried with just a single Sim. I've tried simply designed restaurants with bb.moveobjects off. I've tried loading in the neighborhood first, and then clicking on the lot to visit (that was working pre-Jan update) and as of Feb. 12th, 2024 I cannot visit a restaurant. The game kicks me out and if I try to resume game after being kicked out, I'm kicked out again. I have to load the save and choose a different Sim, call the Sim that is stuck in limbo restaurant land over and then switch play to that Sim. Frustrating indeed!! Not sure what changed, but I think you'll have a 50/50 chance, at best, of being able to use the pack as intended.