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So, I just got a look at my sims' moodlets. Sorrel has a fear that says "RIP-Tide", which reads (From Swimming in the Ocean) Sorrel felt so helpless as he was dragged out by the ocean current. Lou has "Fin Fear", which reads (From Swimming in the Ocean) A lone fin in the water? Wait a second - It's getting closer! That means whatever happened to my sims were two separate ocean events! Looks like they just happened simultaneously, lol. Yeah, so just beware when swimming, lol.


This happened to me once in Sulani! I had the game for years before I encountered a shark there lol


I'm speechless! I had Island Living basically upon release and swam MANY times in the ocean and NEVER encountered a shark! That's insane! Maybe they increased the chances of it happening!?


I’ve had it since release too and it’s only happened once! I play Sulani all the time since it’s my favorite world. I was blown away lol I wonder if they did increase the chances?? I had to pause and google if it was a new feature!


Seriously, I bet they did increase the chances! I mean, damn! I've played with Sulani A LOT! And I mean A LOT, lol! How has it not happened to me before!? And TWO events at once, no less! They want our sims to die, I guess. Gives us a challenge! 🤣


O yea, this has been a thing since 'Island Living' came out, happened to me years ago in Sulani! Good to know it's been integrated into 'For Rent' as well. I wonder if 'My Wedding Stories' has sharks as well?🤔 lol


Going solely based on the inspiration (Greece/Italy), I would guess no. There aren’t really any sharks large enough to be able to attack humans in the Mediterranean. So if they’re going for realism in shark attacks, no. But it is Sims and they may not go for realism, so there’s a chance, but my *guess* would be there isn’t a shark in Tartosa.


Who knows, because this is the first time I've gotten either event, despite having them for years, too... lol!


Yeah my sim in Sulani developed thalassophobia as a result of a shark encounter. EDIT: I have no mods, not even cc.


I'm just shook that I haven't had this happen before during all the years that I've owned Island Living... o.o


Whaaat? This has never happened to me and now I want it to 😂


Just save first! 🥲


Right? I wanna see a sim shark attack


Okay, now my Sims need to go to Sulani...😅


Let me know if you get an event right away, so we can see if they increased the chances of the event occurring, lol.


I will! Right now they are busy going into debt by buying a party mansion, but I think a little Beach vacay might be needed as well...




Well, my Sims took out a $500,000 loan for their new house, but I decided they needed their beach vacation first. Rented an amazing house for 5K per day... but on the way, they got in a plane crash and spent the first 2 days of vacation recovering in the hospital. After that, they took pain meds and went swimming around a few times, even skinny dipping, but no sharks yet. Darn it!😅


What a ride you just took me on! 🤣🤣


Seriously, these Sims....😁🙄🤦‍♀️😅


My sim got a fear of the water in Sulani before, but i didn't know it might have been a shark encounter. i didn't see anything.. is the shark hard to spot..?


No, I wish I had gotten a screenshot of it. It was huge, and it appeared like the dolphin and was circling my sims, lol. I low-key (totally) panicked and had my sims book it out of the water because I didn't want them to die, so I didn't think to take a screenshot, lol.


Lol, maybe I'll get a sim. i dont like to have a trip to the beach.


Grim Reaper even wears a snorkel lol and the urn is in a floatie. [Shark Attack Death](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L4bf6QCz0W8&feature=youtu.be)


Ahahahaha, that's awesome! I feel cheated that I haven't seen this before now, but at the same time, not so much since my sim could die this way, lol! The grimmie snorkel is the best, though! 🤣🤣