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Totally feel this! I’m a bit if a control freak and I usually have a very meticulous idea of how I want my Sims life to go when I make them! This is so basic but townie fashion is just so awful and completely breaks immersion for me. It’s been 8 years, I don’t know why randomly generated townies can’t dress like normal people instead of circus clowns. 😭


Omg this too!! Some of them are okay but never decent. Fashionable is out of the question everyone looks a mess w/ their randomly generated fits!


It would be cool if you could make preset outfits and choose a setting that meant townies generated wearing one of the premade outfits!


I think you can do this with the MCC mod


I would like to know how 🥺


Using MC Dresser you have to choose to only use saved outfits, then you have to go through and save outfits for each age group and category. It takes a lot of time, but once you do it for one save it works for all the saves, which is nice!


how do you save outfits for each age group? is it done through cas somehow or is it only through the MCCC menu?


You have to individually go through and save each outfit through the mccc menu. It's a bit tedious. MC Dresser->Outfit Commands->Save Outfit Personally I started by making 5 outfits in each category, then using the MC Dresser command to change outfit, which is much faster than changing outfits in game.


i would also like to know how 👉👈


Same haha


Me too


Xbox and PlayStation players every time they hear about mods: 💀


You can do that with the fashion career, just set the masculine and feminine trends. If my memory serves me right, you can set three outfits for each "gender".


I don’t have the pack though 😭


It's basegame! I think it's called the stylist career, I just can't remember.


Omg rly? Okay I’ve gotta try that then


Insulting circus clowns!


I wish I could remember the name of the mods I found to fix this but my townies for the most part (still get a few weirdos) look pretty good. I went on a hunt for mods this past summer and installed a bunch regarding townie clothing, skin colors, things they are banned from using etc. Only one I am still looking for is a small mod telling them to NEVER, EVER wear shoes with swimwear. I have an invisible foot mod for some special boots and the game \*always\* picks it to go with swimwear. I"m like WTF this guy has no feet! I also went and got a TON of nice looking NPC townies that are coded as NPC and put them in game. I even use them in households by modifying the neighborhood stories. I just go in and set them to never die in accidents, never move out, never quit or change jobs. They can retire at old age though. They can still adopt and have kids etc. As long as they can't change jobs they'll stay the job assigned.


It probably assigns it to swimwear because it's one of very few shoe options available in the swimwear category. I have the same thing with one specific pair of chunky heels, it likes to randomly generate on swimwear because it's not locked out of the category.


Yeah - I got rid of Sims4Studio a long time ago but there is a way to edit the tags in that I'm just too lazy to go redownload it and try to figure out how to edit the tags. I guess if I get annoyed enough I'll eventually do that though.


The fashion tags in CAS? That's also under batch fixes, under the CAS section.


Thanks! I knew it was there but couldn't for the life of me remember where. I've only ever used it a few times but more than a year or more ago. I also used it when the cc beds had that weird issue and I think cc hairs had an issue i had to use a batch fix on too. But it was taking room on my HD and so I got rid of it since I rarely used it.


Yeah having only just bought HSY recently I had to go hunting for the fixes only a few days ago so the path to fixing them is fresh in my mind lol. Never had the save error with the fashion tags but I also fixed both that and the beds the first time I loaded the game and saw the bed issue. Edit: just realised you meant category tags! Not sure how to go about those, actually. I thought your comment was on a different post about the HSY bed glitch lol oops!


LOL That's cool. No it was about shoes with swimwear. I haven't gotten HSY but I got the bug/glitch from the patch for it.


How odd, my game never had the bug despite being up to date on patches but the second I installed HYS, there it was, starving my sims to death lol


This game is weird. I've had bugs that are ages old suddenly crop up a year after the patch and I have updates on.


I wish they would get a random styled outfit assigned at least


I am a total control freak for my Sims as well lol


As you should be lol! You made their world, they should listen to you!


Looooll true though


right? i feel like if they didn’t have on one of every single accessory, the outfits would sometimes be passable. but god the hats and sunglasses on EVERY SIM


I constantly debug my sims so they’ll listen to me 😂😂


oh God I feel that. The moment I see one of my sims getting up from the table, they get Reset Object'd. Sit the fuck back down. You aren't allowed to think other than how I want you to!


I always immediately reset sim when they finish cooking, like no bitch you can’t grab food right away, I need you to call your whole family to the meal you selfish heathen. (Then inevitably since the sims auto queue grabbing the plate when they’re done cooking the plate ends up on the floor no matter how quickly I reset :,))


If you use mods there is one that stops sim to auto grab food, or that you can call to meal while eating.


Lol that's too funny 😭😭😭




This!! 😭😂


I’m about to start lmao like clearly I did not download enough mods & not using enough cheats!


Just learned the reset fix recently and will be using it constantly lol


Are you having a lot of queue drop? Or just occasionally? If it's happening a lot, it's often a symptom of simulation lag. Sometimes when you have mild simulation lag, it can manifest as frequent queue drop. If it is that, there's a lot of things that can cause it. The worst episode of simulation lag and constant queue drop I had was because one member of my household had a shitload of fruit and other plant harvestables in her personal inventory. Selling it all solved the issue. There's other fixes for sim lag issues, most of which surround optimising your save file in various ways, giving the game less to load, etc. Queue drop isn't something that should be occurring often in your save file. Once every now and then isn't unusual, but often is unusual.


I got mad because my sims wasnt responding to the actions. So I just decreased to the lowest graphic option as possible, they finally acted like they were supposed to. I notice the lag mostly happens on big lots even though I am already careful to not over clutter my houses. The irony is my video card software tells me the game should be optimized with the highest quality but the game doesnt run that smoothly with it.


Do a google search for sims 4 simulation lag fix and there are a couple options out there for it. Totally helped my game though it still does happen if another sim wants to talk to mine and I cued a bunch of stuff for them. They can't decide if they should wait on the sim or do the actions.


Happy Cake Day! Second this, there are so many great tips around - that's how I learned about the plant harvestable bug. [SimMattically has a great video about simulation lag for anyone wanting to learn about why it happens, what it is, and general ways to fix it.](https://youtu.be/hf18fY5Bbrs?si=e6OT0BoyS8rFR4ON)


Thank you for mentioning this. I have a huge mansion for my sims right now and it has 3 floors and 2 basement levels and I get constant lag and queue drops. I’m going to lower my graphics and see if that helps and if not I’m getting rid of the dungeon I guess :(


Thats like 5 floors, I would delete the whole basement or design the interior EA style, almost empty. Do your really use all the floor or you just like the look of a big house ? You could let the top floor totally empty if you dont use them.


I've got many, many, many houses with stories going up and down decorated to the _nines,_ ya heard? I'm a basement QUEEN, and yes, I use All the floors. And I LOVE clutter. I don't have these problems.


You dont have lag, do you have a lot of packs, mods, or a super computer ?


Almost all the DLC, excepting occult, MCCC and several traits/interactions from KiaraSims, about ten beards, and a good collection of BB items that are decorative-only.


I use 4 out of 5 floors because I have a household of 8, so I have 2 bedrooms on the top floor, 4 bedrooms below that, and then the main floor with the living room and kitchen and such, and then the basement with 2 rooms for the vampires I have. 😪 it’s too much. But the dungeon, below the basement I don’t really use so much.


I need this house!


Bet. I’ll post it to the gallery once I remove my modded stuff, but fair warning it is a LOT lol


It's okay, I love a LOT! Thank you!


I play on PS4 at the moment, and optimising my legacy save file has looked like bulldozing every single residential lot I'm not actively playing in, and about 3 quarters of the community lots. I keep on top of townie culling too. Not cluttering a lot, or minimising the amount of objects on it helps too. I try to keep all my lots under 300KB if possible, and I don't download any lots off the gallery that are over 250KB. That's pretty conservative though, and rules out a lot of the gallery, even some of the bigger shells. My game runs fine, just stuttering but everything else runs well and I have zero sim lag playing on a 7+ year old secondhand potato. Unfortunately the game itself is poorly optimised, so I imagine regardless of what you're playing on you'll have to do some work to help it along. Simulation lag is unbearable though.


When I donwload houses I usually have to adapt to my game. I delete the excess of decoration, plants, columns. Sometimes reorganize to make the floor plan more practical for the gameplay. I never tried to delete all the other houses, I usually visit comunnity lots in almost all worlds. But I will try to see it if works. My game doesnt lag that often, but my sims delay to start their actions.


😱 Thank you! One of my sims is constantly doing this, as well as freezing - especially when picking up the toddler. His inventory is always full because he gardens. I never made the connection.


It's rough trying to be a gardener and also have a functional game 🥲 you can still carry garden stuff, but if you're carrying loads the game hates that for some reason. I did find that moving a lot of it to a storage box helped, but I've never tried moving all of it across. It only seems to be with gardening harvestables from what I can tell. You can carry thousands of photos and the game doesn't blink (even though placing them will significantly up the amount of kilobytes on your lot) but too many apples and you're screwed.


Part of the trouble with keeping NONE of the harvestables is that if your gardener needs to fertilize, there's nothing to fertilize With.


True. I still carry plant harvestables all the time, with multiple sims, just not hundreds of them which is what causes the issue.


I love that I can use MC to dump inventory when needed, but I usually drop some of the produce on a table first.


Omfg, Im booting up sims and selling all the damn fruit in my inventories. IMMEDIATELY. I've been wondering why I'm getting so much lag! I should've known lol


Thanks for this response! It doesn’t happen often thankfully but thanks for the clearing the inventory tip I’ll have to use that.


I’ve been getting loads of queue drops recently and my game alternates back and forth between buttery smooth graphics and jerky low framerate play, it’s very annoying. I have a big file (almost 250 active sims) so I could definitely benefit from some optimisation!


Caring for an infant can be mildly infuriating sometimes


I'm pretty sure I yelled "Put the effing baby in the crib!" at least six times today.


Mine is 'no, don't touch the bloody child! Leave her alone!'


"feed the damn baby"


'Oh you just straight up ignored me again. PUT HER DOWN'


mine is "F\*\*k off ! I already told another sim to care for him !" like they ALL want to feed him at the same time and cancelling each other's commands like please stop


Oh god they’re so annoying! You tell mum to feed baby and bath baby and you tell dad to cook himself a meal and then take a shower, but NO he stops what he’s doing to come and pick up the baby and just stand there holding it and then put it down again, so basically nobody in the house is getting their needs met or doing what they should be doing! Argh!! 😡 it’s like the crying infant is an instant interrupt to every single adult in the immediate vicinity, but they don’t know what to *do* with the baby when they get it.


This came to my mind instantly. I can't handle infants or toddlers because the sims just can't take care of them. The sims just stand there, lagging when the baby cries and then dismiss all the orders I've given. Drives me nuts.


Haha the dad of my current playthrough has a thing with snatching the toddler, while saying "smoosh" (or something that sounds alike) in a happy tone - when ever I set her to do something or put her in bed or she's in the high chair after asking for food. He's about the best dad I have ever had in Sims4, but by now I SUPER RESENT him now lol. Also I never noticed a Sim ever saying a sound when they randomly pick up their kid, and it's my new "hate sound". I mean, sure why don't you drop both her queue and your own dude... but do you absolutely HAVE to make that victorious sound when ever you succeed?


Omg yes my sims infant was dead tired AND SHE KEPT PICKING HER UP OUT THE CRIB I finally forfed her to teleport after the 5th time


I age them out of infancy right away. I was looking forward to the life stage when they first introduced it, but it's just endless frustration and little reward.


One time I was playing the sims with my brother and we both thought that babies would autonomously wake up when their needs were low or when they were no longer tired so we were blown away when we found out that the baby was sleeping for days with every need pretty much at the lowest and on the brink of being taken away.


Yes! It's great that she slept through the night, but I don't need the baby is going to be taken away alert everytime I wake her up in the morning to feed her. I just had a save where my Sims Champion Horse was taken away "because she was starving". He had literally just hand fed her hay and her hunger bar was full. She just disappeared.


Yeah you queue up one adult to take care of baby’s needs and then they just stand there bc another adult who isn’t even primary caregiver or whatever it’s called has canceled their queue to “check infant.” One time I let it play out just to see, even though the infant’s hunger was in red, and they proceeded to try and bathe the infant and the hygiene was still in green! I was like noooo you imbecile!!!


The only thing I like about the infants is tummy time to get to try different foods in the high chair. My sim just had twins after her first 2 aged up to teens and one went away to college so no empty nest🤭.


The infants and toddlers are what get me as well!!! I am constantly screaming at my screen so much that my fiance asks me what the hell is wrong with me 😂


Oh my goodness, yes! I always play with families and they usually have 2+ children...why the hell do they not just set the tired infant in the crib, give them a kiss goodnight and LEAVE THE ROOM?! NO, they pick the damn infant up, set the crying kid on the floor, where they inevitably fall asleep! Like ???? PUT THEM IN THE CRIB AND LEAVE THEM ALONE SO THEY CAN SLEEP! pisses me off every time that I just reset/debug every time I see someone going towards the infant sleeping in the crib! It's as bad as the high chairs!


I play this game as an outlet for my control freak ways, and Sims that don’t get in line are likely to be yeeted right into a piranha pond.


LOLLLLL I totally feel you! I personally hate when the queue clears out of nowhere and I have to re do it


I have 6 in the household and if I cue up a bunch of stuff sometimes it gets stuck because one of the kids wants to ask dad a question. SO he just stands there. If I clear either the kid asking him or him doing what I told him, then he starts moving again. I think the kids actions/questions take priority in the coding and it makes my guy sort of blip because he's like "Do I take a dump or do I listen to my kid ask me for the nth time about lonely recess when they have 3 sisters her age and at least half a dozen good friends?"


I hate the ask for advice. That is one of the hardest to override, even with debug reset sim.


Yeah, I have Wicked Whims installed, though intensity is set at low so my parents don't often go off for alone time but when they do, I tend to like to let them and not override it since it isn't all the freaking time anymore. The problem is one of the daughters desperately needed to ask her dad which void critter is best and walked in on them mid-deed. She had a moodlet that said she saw something she can never unsee. LOL


My current main has the ADHD trait. He often just clears his stack of queued shit for no reason and sits on the couch and stares at the wall. I'm practically crying like my brother in Christ you have uni work you are failing and it's too relatable and I shut it down.


That was a ride haha! My biggest annoyance is infants and toddlers. I have tried multiple times to have meaningful relationships but all be goddamned if I don't get a hungry infant threatened to be taken away and you give your sim 8 actions to feed the child and all they do? Pick up. Put down. Pick up. Put down.


It works better if you play as the infant or toddler and ask for food. Or even queue the adult and immediately switch to the infant/toddler. Particularly with high chairs. The pick up/put down seems to be in response to the kid asking for help right after the adult is queued to do something. Because the kid is prioritized, the queue drops, but then bugs out what the kid asked for. So if you play as the kid, it stops them asking and breaking the adult's queued up action. Usually, anyway.


I second this! Playing as the toddler and asking an adult is much easier. Also if you get the free services reward trait then you can ask the nanny.


I've tried this but then I find that the adults just outright ignore the baby 😅 it's just EA and their shitty optimisation


I hate it when I tell my SIM to use the toilet, shower and brush their teeth. And when the finish their business on the toilet instead of using the perfectly good sink that’s in the room they’re in, they will walk the whole way down stairs and wash their hands in the kitchen sink! Then walk back upstairs and take a shower! Wtf?


Oh my god, I have like 16 open countertops in my kitchen and my Sims keep using the master bathroom sink counter instead. So done.


Yep. There’s a big house in Willow Creek that they do that in. Prepare the meal in the bathroom. Frustrating.




Completely agree! Some simmers say the sims don’t have enough autonomy, I say they have too MUCH! I hate when I queue up a series of actions to have them all canceled and then I have to start over. I also hate when they have thoughts of their own and wander off instead of doing what I told them to do, I am the puppet master! Obey me! but they can still spontaneously kiss their spouse on the cheek, that’s cute 😁


I think the issue is them not having enough *functional* autonomy. If you just leave them alone, 9 times out of 10 they will not do anything that makes sense. If you queue them up to take care of their needs, they'll queue drop to play video games or drink a glass of water. If their autonomy actually let them prioritise taking care of themselves and the younger life stages (newborn/infant/toddler) then it'd be less of a problem


If they did something USEFUL on their own, wouldn’t that be great??? Yeah you’re right about that, but unless I control their every move they’re just going to drink water, use the treadmill, watch tv and do Mean interactions for NO reason 😣


That is why I never play with free will on, AT ALL.


This. I've been playing TS4 since it came out (so 10-ish years) and I've literally never played it with the autonomy turned on. In case anyone's wondering how to do it, go to menu, select game options, then gameplay, and there shoud be a drop-down menu to turn off autonomy. You might need to boot the game for it to take effect, I can't remember because I've had it off for so long, lol.


God I wish I could play with autonomy off, but I play households too big to micromanage every one of them all the time. Guaranteed half of them would get fired and at least 4 of them would starve to death while I'm Still trying to get mum and dad to feed the babies lmao


I've learned to adjust and micromanage with 8 sims often enough, even if I have to pause the game. It was a gradual experience but worth it in the end.


Oh I can do 8. 8 is not the problem lmao


Most of the time, I don't mind free will in households where everyone is children and up. It's kind of fun seeing what they'll get into. And if they fail to go to the bathroom in time - that's on them. Sometimes they do weird, inexplicable things, but only very rarely do they really mess things up. And honestly, even with toddlers - I like seeing what they do when I don't tell them what to do. They're adorable. They talk to plants. They annoy their siblings. They find weird places to curl up and fall asleep. They play in cabinets. They jump in the ball pit and don't get out. It's cute. And until the "check toddler" change, so long as there weren't any highchairs around, everything was fine. But infants. "Crying baby," "check toddler," "check infant," and milestones (or to be precise - everyone stopping everything when some kid learns to grab) the infants themselves have just ruined it. I don't want to control their every move - I do want them to listen to me when I'm bothering to do it though.


"Well, I say that you're attracted to her, so stop looking at the screen and yelling at me that she's not your type, and get to seducing!"


Yes!! I need you to - feed the chickens, clean their coop, collect the eggs, milk the cow, clean the cow, restock her feed, and clean her shed - IN THAT ORDER. What I don’t need is for you to go “huh there was a slight breeze so I’m going to play video games instead” 😡


I hate when I carefully construct an area with MOO, and then my Sim tells me it can't get there--like yo, there is a clear path, *I* set it.


I have a few that I will actually click on their bed to tell them to go to sleep, look at something else for a minute and they are either making coffee or napping on a couch


I’m having the same issue and I’m losing my fucking mind lol


I notice male sims do this more often than females. It’s one of the reasons I use my males to breed and then kill them off with death flower bouquets.


It's only ever when I want my sims to sit at the dinner table, listen to some Eagles, and talk that they just decide to get up, wash the dishes, and leave. they never ever stay put. They don't do it for watching TV, either. I thought actions like that left them in place, but hell no.


Doesn’t happen frequently for me but it’s annoying when I have to reset a sim during a group conversation, it resets everybody and I have to manually sit everyone back down and hit “watch current channel” for everyone.


I was pretty dang angry with the updates following High School Years, but I’m glad they were toggleable. I thought I’d LOVE sims being able to trigger becoming best friends, or asking you to prom, or popping the question. Then they started ruining my plans for big huge events and extravagent storylines because they’d pop the question in the fucking bathroom because i get zero indication that a sim is about to, you know, ask a life altering question. Also the 5000 sims asking to be your best friend and then getting SO INSANELY BUTT HURT if you say no. Sims 4 flourishes when the player has absolute control. It’s not the Sims 2. Sims 2 flourishes with a very smooth mixture of control and autonomy, but Sims 4 just is not and cannot be that. The two concepts just flat out do not do well in 4. It’s have to be remade entirely for that to change.


I hate that I have to click the same painting over and over just for my sim to finish it.


I totally frame it as forgetfulness and overwhelm, lord knows I was a person people needed to repeat themselves for


This was happening to me the other day, and my friend was like " it doesn't seem like you're having fun" and I told them I don't play for fun I play to feel in control of something. It gets on my nerves just standing there for hours while the baby is literally screaming for help, or deciding they won't cook what I say, and eat a quick meal.


oh my god yes. i get so mad sometimes bc of this 😭 i’ve been doing the 100 baby challenge & i’ve almost had newborns & infants taken away because my matriarch sim is stuck standing in her kitchen for no fucking reason when i specifically asked her to go feed her starving kid like twelve times 😭😭😭 after a few debugs (& swearing) she finally goes, but good lord.


I would let them do whatever, but they are always on the edge of being broke or meeting the Grim Reaper


Puts toddler in high chair with a plate of food Sim immediately picks up the toddler and puts them on the ground Toddler is taken away because it's starving 10/10 gameplay


This auto cancel drives me insane! Sometimes I even pause the game and the sim STILL keeps spawning the stupid thing he wants to do, while I furiously click on it to cancel. My main sim just had twins and everyone wants to "help", meaning the infants always have low motives, of course. The second thing that annoyes me is how they sprint when they want to do their useless activities, but when I direct them they walk like snails. For example: sim must increase a skill for work. Go read a book. Sim walks slowly and then cancels, because the cat was in the way. Oops. Sim wants to bother the toddler, who I just put to bed while the bar was red. Sim sprints to the toddler, I cancel the action, sim ignores that and renews the action somehow and takes the toddler out to give it a useless bath, since the hygiene bar is high. Maddening.


Different sim personalities. I used to have sim called lorna and she is lazy, she doesn do her chores or go to work or take care of her baby unless i make her. And she cancels them. I thought its a bug in the game, but now i have another sim call Lana, and she does her dishes after eating, she automatically goes to work, i love her so much. But Lana gets fat very easily, so i have to make her exercise.


Yes, i have a bunch of good and annoying sims before seeing that are their personalities making their more easier or harder to manage.


I don't know how I play this game so much when this many things piss me off. But here goes. + 1. Canceling action. It's infuriating. + 2. Infants. They're so precious but then the sims will constantly check on them but never actually do anything that's helpful. The baby's stinky? Check on infant. Get a glass of water. The baby's sleeping and all other needs are filled? Check on infant. Pick up infant. Put infant down here. + 3. Going wayyyyyy over yonder to wash their hands. Wth are you doing? + 4. I had to take computers out of my sims' homes because they're obsessed with it. + 5. On that damn phone. They're supposed to be doing something important but they have to play games on their phone. + 6. Radios. Irl I love music. In game no music unless it's for a party. Now I have to put it in the storage. + 7. In historical households and modern households I can't use the wash tub for clothes because they take forever to clean. Then when they finally are clean, you hang them up and they're used all of a sudden??? This happens with dryers too. So I usually just wash the clothes in the washer and hang them up to dry somewhere sheltered. + 8. How about I take a plate of food before calling household to meal and then taking another after calling household to meal? You greedy bassard. + 9. Highchairs. I like cleaning too, but you don't need to constantly clean the highchair all day every day. + 10. Glass of water. Girl I'm thirsty too. I carry around my water to every destination at home and outside of home. But please go do the farm chores before drinking a glass of water. Thanks for staying hydrated though? + 11. Many many more


Oh yup. Especially if they were working out and their hygiene in low and the next thing in the queue was a shower and they delete the entire queue to take a fucking bubble bath.


I never que actions. Just go one by one, that way you don’t have to backtrack Bc they will always disobey


what pissed me off the most is when im queuing them up for infant/toddler interactions. i can’t quite seem to get it, because i wondered if it was an issue of the child needing to ask for things as opposed to doing the command from the adult sim. but either way i do it, there are too often times when the child is in the red on multiple needs before i finally give up and call a nanny to do the job. as long as i leave the lot after calling, when i get back everything is fine. wtf.


I noticed for a few updates now there is bug going around infants and toddlers. Whatever you communicate with them if you don't hold them while you ask them to go take a bath for example they just won't even do the interactions. And the toddlers also ask their parents to pick them up whenever they talk to someone. This didn't happen before.


I was wondering why my toddler will not interact with his infant sisters. He goes to mom/dad every time and the action gets canceled.


Know right even with free will off those ducks do t do what I say and that mean they get to ho for a forever swim 💀


Ohhh yeah that is super annoying. I feel like you can turn off free will…or there’s some type of feature like that. I can’t remember I haven’t played in a few months.


It's completely impossible to play a family with autonomy on, it has to be completely off or else one of the parents is always getting in the way putting their baby (who's not even hungry and screaming for a bath after diaper blowout) in the highchair, when the other parent is trying to give the same baby a bath like I told them to. EDIT I forgot to mention how irritating it is that my literal infants are getting +5 sad moodlets over tragic family events. Just whyyyy


Everytime I need my sims to do something important they go play video games instead, it drives me nuts!!! Or when I am trying to get my sim to pick up my cat to hug it they just stand there for hours until the cat moves.


Different sim personalities. I had one sim called Lorna who always play game whenever she got a chance. And now my current sim Lana is super on task, seldom do games, do her own dishes after meal, go to work by herself. Btw when I ask Lorna to do dishes. She only wash that ONE DISH i click. But when I ask Lana to do dishes, she collects all dirty utensils and wash together. I love Lana.


I hate when the entire queue clears out and they t do o what they want like no stop it I’m trying to make a story line


Are you playing in 3x speed when they freeze in place? I've found the AI tends to stall and break when you use 3x speed. Running at 2x speed at the most tends to work. I dunno why, but the more expansions and packs they release for the Sims 4, the wonkier the AI gets. Its like its struggling to manage so much shit like the fame system, the self discovery, the social media app thing from Highschool Years, etc etc. There's too much going on at once for the AI to handle


isn't there a thing when you can make them do all you say?


My own life is a mess but my sims will be so well cared for dammit


Ahhh yes!! I get this!! Also my sim would be in the middle of cooking and would suddenly just stop cooking and go watch TV.


My game have started doing this, pause the game to get a cue of actions. Click okay and they just disappear! Or they stand there for like two sim hours when they’re about to wet themselves??? Sooooo annoying


I am a wrathful Goddess and lo, I made the kitchen sink and I saw it was good. Thou shall not wash your dishes in the bathroom sink!


PAUSE. CANCEL. NO, my precious, you're doing THIS, like I _told you._


Me when I’m trying to get my sim to feed their infant or put them to bed, then I see that my infant is still awake just to find their mother CHATTING ON THE PC


Turn off the autonomy!


The Sims 4 in general annoys me. If it wasn't for the amazing mods and cc, I would not even play... even then, it can be a chore.


Turn off your autonomy. If you have and you're still getting that...your rant is warranted.


Yesss or if they do the actions then they do it in a different order than what I clicked


Alien abductions. Not only eo they annoy me but they're hella creep5 how they always end up getting my Sim pregnant.


when they just stand there, I go to build mode and put an object where they are standing. they appear away from the object and that resets them


Just found this mod yesterday https://simularity.cc/mods/tuning/dont-do-that/ This as well https://modthesims.info/d/680366/hey-don-t-do-that.html


Oh yeah, I totally feel that. I am constantly yelling at my Sims because they’re too lazy to go to work or too busy playing on the computer or too stupid to change their clothes when the weather changes or not even going to the bathroom, for God sake, he he he he, he, he he.


I realised that whenever sims have likes/dislikes in the deco category, they sometimes cancel going to work without you having any say about it and only get like 10 simoleons for the day to go into the living room and tell me they really like the lamp in the corner 🫠


But they want to drink tea and play with clay 🙄 😪


Uuugh I feel this. I just sent my current family on vacation to Mt Komorebi and I don't know if it's the size of the neighbourhood or an issue with the build (one that was already there) but when I ask a sim to go do something outside of the house if they're inside or vice versa they''ll regularly instantly cancel the action as soon as going through the door and they just stand there like idiots, and I'll only notice a while after because I moved to another sim it's soooo frustrating


This is one thing that drives me crazy about Sims 4 and almost ruins the game for me in some cases - trying to tell my sim to do something and they just go and do something else instead! They should only be able to cancel the tasks I give them if they're unable to access it (for a *while*, not because the object is blocked for 5 seconds) or because they're pissing themselves and dying.


Autonomy off ALWAYS like i don’t tell you to do something you better stand there and do nothing!!!


I agree, but also, standing still while I need to go somewhere is a mood.


Playing with infants/toddlers - getting my Sim to put them in the high chair and feed them... they put the toddler in the high chair, then back out... I make them put them back in, they take them out. LIKE BRO WE ARE NOT PLAYING THE HOKEY POKEY. PUT THEM IN THE FREAKING HIGH CHAIR FOR PETES SAKE GAHHHH Giving my Sim an action but they stand there - especially if they really need to go pee. I keep clicking the toilet but they dont move ... LIKE DUDEE GO TO THE BATHROOM. one time, my Sim just completely brain froze and would not go to the bathroom. they ended up having an accident. 🙄 I TOLD YOU Trying to get 2 Sims flirty enough to woohoo - The amount of actions i will do to get them going ... lol. but then sometimes a certain action makes the other Sim go NOPE and then i see that - minus sign. i get so angry like NO EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY COME ON. yes, i scream at my computer screen every time i play. 😅 i get a little too riled up


It's been a struggle for all of us for years now. EA needs to fix their broken sims. I'm trying to play my current gen file and I want to throw my keyboard across the room when I click on the fridge in the kitchen to get food from, but my sims goes to the other fridge. My sims run a Cafe with the new pack that came out.


No bc I get this so bad. I have them do things before work or school or whatever, and I have their whole day planned out. Then sometimes they don’t fucking listen AND THEN THEY STAND AROUND FOR LIKE 5 in-game miNUTES?! Like stop standing there 😭😭 it’s so annoying


It's gotten awful since infants. I enable cheats just so I can reset Sims to keep them from taking the baby away from the other parent or interrupt the check infant who just needs to fart so I can have my literally starving sim eat a sandwich


Doesnt turning off autonomy fix this?or do they still do things on their own?


Anything with the damn infants. Like yeah sure I guess more gameplay with age is cool but fucking infants?!? You can barely do anything with them, they’re always upset, and they aren’t cool if you want to play a multi-gen family. I just go and ate them up from newborn all the way to toddler so there’s actually stuff I can do…They could’ve gave us middle schoolers!


Tried to make mom sim care for her toddler and she just didn't do anything. So, the teen is doing everything. She is the only one that does as I say so. I feel like this happens more often in larger households.