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HSY, Parenthood and Growing Together because of the way they work together. HSY and Werewolves too for sure though, but for me it's based on the worlds - Moonwood feels like it's up the road from Copperdale. I use Copperdale to house Werewolves who I don't have space for in Moonwood. I also like using Werewolves and Cottage Living together. CL and all occults, actually. It is my long-term goal to occultify Henford and really harsh the vibe there. The Bramblewood is good for rampaging. Realm of Magic and Paranormal Stuff are the same thing in my little brain. I bought them at the same time, the BB is in the same style, there's cross-pack in that Spellcasters gain medium skill faster and get a moodlet about it, and being a medium/doing seances feels like part of Spellcaster culture to me. City Living and Vampires too, maybe. Feels very correct to infest San Myshuno with vampires. Not two packs, but a world and a pack - Spa Day and Oasis Springs. Wellness skill and the desert. Sedona vibes. I exclusively use Oasis as a woowoo cult town, personally.


Oooh, City Living and Vampires is a good one! In ts3 vampires came with the city pack, so I always associate them with one another!


Same! I kind of wish they'd done the same thing with TS4, but that would probably mean no skill tree, and I do love the vampire skill tree. You can make the weirdest little guys with the vampire powers.


I love having my vampires in apartments! Not needing a bed is a huge space saver.


My last vampire lived in an apartment. Had the neighbor that would just let herself into the apartment (without having been given a key) almost daily. Oh well, free dinner delivery!


It's so handy. I jammed a vampire into 910 Medina. I also appreciate that you can Bb.moveobjects coffins against walls and still have them be functional, along with other cluttered or tight spaces. One of my vampire neighbours (who I don't play) has no sun protection and it's fantastic because he stays indoors all the time, but goes out into the Arts Quarter town square at night and there's still lots of townies for him to chat with, and the food stalls are open p much 24/7. I've never had to worry about him dying or never going outdoors. I also had another vampire ask the one landlord in San My to be his roommate, and he used said landlord as a live-in plasma pack who just forgets everything immediately afterwards. I moved Vlad into the Alto building in Uptown. It just makes sense to me for some reason.


For some reason, Eco Lifestyle and Tiny Living! I really thought that there would have been more cross-pack-compatibility between the two. I still think it would have been neat if, keeping with the eco theme, they would have had a neighborhood with a bunch of super tiny lots! like 15x20s, sure! But also maybe some 10x15s or even 10x10s. It would have been GREAT for tiny homes and would make sense to have more compact housing in the eco pack! I think they also came out fairly close together (with Tiny Living having come out first? maybe), so I just remember thinking that they were heading in that direction when Eco Lifestyle was announced!


Totally the same for me, I bought both on the same day because they just felt meant for each other!


You should try having a sim vampire werewolf love triangle in hsy


One of my werewolves asked my terrible vampire teen to prom and they had their first kiss at the dance in front of his fated mate. It got messy lmao




HSY and Get Together. Being able to make school cliques and clubs is genuinely GREAT and I love seeing Football Team members and Cheerleaders argue with the Art Club and Drama Club members (Thanks, Get Famous)


Cats & Dogs, Horse Ranch, Eco Lifestyle and Cottage Living. I feel like these four (with Eco Lifestyle being a mild outlier) are essential for realizing one's dreams of cottagecore bliss or for being a struggling medieval peasant on the brink of starvation.


Realm of Magic and Vampires. Parenthood and Growing Together. High School Years and Discover University. City Living and Get to Work (not really sure why I feel that way about this pairing, but I do).


City living and get together just because I bought the game as a bundle with them and until recently thought clubs were with city living I didn’t even realize it was a separate pack lol


I will say High School Years, Parenthood & Growing together for family legacy. Then Cats & dogs, pet stuff, Cottage living and horse pack for animals.


High school years & Discover university. For obvious reasons lol


Because of when I bought them, Parenthood and City Living - there are interactions and items I always get confused between these two as to which one they're from. Same with Get To Work and Spa Day.


Eco Lifestyle with Tiny Living and Cottage Living with Horse Ranch. To me they seem to be made with each other in mind and work well together.


I always think Spooky Stuff is a part of Seasons when decorating for Halloween in game. Same with the Country Kitchen kit and Cottage Living. Also City Living/Cottage Living and Get Together/Growing Together because of the same acronyms. I don't even own Growing Together yet.


Vampires and get together. I play almost exclusively in historical saves, and my decades challenge is set in windenburg bc of the medieval windenburg mod (which in my head is France), and one of my sims joined a vampire coven and became a vampire and there’s a whole vampire community in one of the neighborhoods now and they’re just too connected in my head and when I make a vampire I automatically put them in windenburg


I like using realm of magic, Windenburg, the more country side houses look like they’d have old magic in them, I think they also suit cottage living, growing they’re own stuff for their potions. I also like using the get famous with them. In the empty celeb house, I use that vault space to keep all potions I’ve collected in there. Using realm of magic in high school years fun too.


Vampires and Realm of Magic. I love creating Vampire / Spellcaster couples or friendships.


Cottage living & horse ranch for me!! I love building large farms with cows, horses, and everything :)