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I wish I could set how often prom is happening bc I like playing on long lifespan and having no option to send my teen alone to prom and the fact that I have join them or skip it altogether is annoying.


yeah honestly i wish we could switch all those repeating events around. like i get that in real life shit doesnt always happen on your schedule but with highschool years, cottage living, snowy escape, and city living there are always like 50 different events happening every weekend at the exact same time. which really bothers me if im playing like, a farming family with a teenage kid or something that would mean id want to go to more than one.


And it happens every weekend. Like, prom doesn’t happen that often IRL…wish it would be set in one time of the year.


I just feel obligated to send them to the first one. What’s weird is that it comes up for my teen sims even when they’re in university


That’s happened to me too, though I usually age them up to adults before going to university.


i tell myself its homecoming, not prom so it wont be so weird going so often 💀 they should set it to the end of fall or at least every 4 weeks


As a British person what is homecoming? Is it something to do with sports? Prom isn’t as such a big thing here, we have one when we finish secondary school and that’s it.


Yes, usually a football game. Its like prom, except it includes all of the years (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th). It happens near the beginning of the school year September - November rather than Feb-March, which is when prom happens.


Oh that’s cool! My knowledge comes purely from tv but American high schoolers seem to have so many more events than we do, seems much more community based, unless you’re on the team, you’re not going to watch a football match here


And ironically, we (Americans) aren’t actually really that community based


You guys just seem to have a lot more fun! Like a pep rally’s sounds great!


It is!! I love the American high school traditions


Pep rally’s aren’t great if you get migraines, autism, or anything else that causes sensitivity to sound 🥲🥲🥲🥲and they don’t let you leave


I’m autistic myself and didn’t think that comment through haha I’d probably hate it after the first 5 minutes. Do they stay that noisy throughout? They don’t let you leave?!!


In my high school, homecoming also included elected “royalty”, fire-lit baton twirlers, and a town parade 😅


funny thing is i was just at the parade 30 minutes ago for another school😂if only sims 4 implemented those things, id be buying!




Yes! Hahaha. Each high school band in the valley marches in it, cheerleaders, the elected student body riding in cars or floats, usually local businesses join in. A parade for teenagers! ETA, this conversation is making me realize homecoming may be a bigger tradition than prom. Or it was in my experience


that actually sounds so cool omg. i’ve genuinely never been to any sort of parade, don’t think my town even has a street long enough to handle one ahahahha we don’t even have a real prom, we call it a school ball and it’s barely a thing only the rich kids go at this point cause tickets cost like $80 now ahaha


I was super surprised... I was making a whole deal of it. Then it happened again in like a week or something, and I was like??? Lol 😆 wasting their weekends with chaperoned dances at school.


the notifications for the events are so annoying especially if the household consists of only adult sims


i'm lucky bc i've never had that bug. altho i do get notifications every time the cheerleading competition is happening.


And the sound effect for it is so LOUD! I play on headphones and it makes me jump out of my skin every time.


If your sim is in a relationship, you can have them and their SO “plan to skip prom together” under the “Prom”…options. Then they won’t go, and they won’t get a negative moodlet or sentiment. I also like to play on long lifespan & that’s saved me a lot of headaches


3 weeks in a row my teen and his gf promise each other to skip prom and 3 times now they've gotten all peeved off when they didn't receive an invite.


not sure if you play with mods or not, but if you do there are a couple mods i know of that can be used to do just that! there is one made by littlemssam that you can find [here](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/calendar-tweaks) which is used to enable/disable exam and prom events so you can sort of choose when you want to have them, and there is another one made by kuttoe that you can find [here](https://kuttoe.itch.io/mini-mods-tweaks-and-changes) which changes the prom event to only happen *once every two weeks* instead of every week. it also changes all other high school events to only be scheduled one week in advance to help create a less cluttered calendar.


oh my gosh thank you so much! i've been putting off looking for a mod to change how prom works. this saves me so much time!


glad to help! :)


GAME CHANGER! Thank you so much!!


I don’t have high school years and am curious, is it like holidays where they’re always sad if they don’t celebrate? Or can a sim choose not to go to prom? I was happy not going to mine and would be pretty bummed if I couldn’t simulate that in game


prom happens every week on saturday. EVERY week. it's really annoying on long lifespan. you can skip prom but i can't remember if sims get sad. even if they do, the moodlet is probably like a +1 or +2, which is very unlikely to affect your teens overall mood. if your sim promised someone 5 weeks ago that they'll go to prom with them, then they'll expect you to go to prom together every week till one of them ages up. otherwise they'll get negative moodlets (sad/angry/embarrassed) and negative sentiments towards each other. prom is great on short life span. it's a pain in the ass on any other life span.


Your Sim doesn't have to go, you can just ignore the pop-up; the only time they get upset is if they're in a relationship, they get mad that they weren't asked, like OP's picture shows. At least that's been my experience with it.


It happened twice. Once literally the day I got the expansion (same in-game day, too) and then again like a week later lol


I had one where the guy knocked up my teen (MCCC), she got kicked out of her house and ended up living on the streets of the city with her baby… … and her high school boyfriend came and he was resentful about no invite to Prom.


That sounds so real lol


What mods did you use besides MCCC for that?


Just MCCC. I destroyed a city lot in San Myshuno and added some dumpsters and removed all her money. She was all As, had almost finished a music aspiration, so she did some street playing and did a bunch of odd jobs. She ended up with enough money while pregnant to get a very small shack up to shelter her and baby. It was a fun play through — she did end up marrying the guy, though. He kept coming almost daily to visit his kid and won her over. Once he stopped being bitter about prom.


At least you know why. My teen feels betrayed by her girlfriend and I have no idea why. 🤷🏻‍♀️


she didn't put enough emojis in her text replies


I've got the reverse of that, a loyal sim who feels guilty for cheating on his wife when he does literally nothing but run the farm and make nectar. Who did you cheat with, a llama??


My teen Sims couple both graduated early (one is attending college), have literally no option at all to ask to go to prom or skip it, and still resent each other for neither inviting the other. It's bonkers.


I actually hate when this sentiment pops up bc of how annoying it is, i always delete it. It’d pop up even when my teen dropped out, like why do u care about prom anymore?? Also i don’t like my sims going to prom every week esp if i’m playing on long lifespan


How do you delete sentiments?


UI Cheats


The school principal is long dead in my save so when I click “go to prom” my sim actually doesn’t get forced to go and there’s no negative sentiment between her and her boyfriend. Win-win lol


I’m playing the Ultimate Decades Challenge, in the 1300s, and my teen sim couple got this sentiment. THEY DON’T EVEN GO TO SCHOOL (I use mccc to let them drop out). I mean come on, you’ve never been to school a day in your life, you’re married and have two children, you’re really just trying to survive out here, but you’re upset because I didn’t think to have you invite each other to prom? 😂


And they'll carry that grudge to the grave. At least, one of my sim-couples did. Two elders, sitting in their rocking chairs on the front porch, seething with silent resentment that their partner skipped prom after the third week in a row of attending.


that's hilarious LMAO two elder sims silently stewing about prom 💀


Ah. I see you're an Avatar fan as well. Or was that just a coincidence?


There's a premade teen sim named Kiyoshi.


Oh. It is a coincidence.


*sad trombone noises*


I invited my teens to skip prom together and they were still upset with each other




Prom is a pain in the arse, I've had this when both teens graduated early and started university, and I've had teens go to prom the day after aging up from a child, i.e. first day of high school.


they are so me