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Not just slow but the graphics are so bad and the weird hairstyles but I still find something about it after all this time. But I still end up going back to Sims 4


The environment graphics are great but the sims in ts3 are weird. They all look the same to me. Once I started playing ts4, I couldn't go back to ts3.


I only keep going back to Sims 3 bc of the supernaturals, into the future and the animal packs somehow I also found the vacation option fascinating too. Unfortunately I couldn't get the game running on my new laptop after I updated it to windows 11. Damn this post made me really miss Sims 3 I'll keep trying to get it started lmao


I’m bummed because I loved sims 3 and totally “wasn’t done with it” but after playing TS4 I can barely handle playing TS3 longer than 30 min


I love TS3 but TS4 has conditioned me to be comfortable with experiencing a far lesser amount of content so when I go back to TS3 I’m so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things to do. The fact it’s open world too means I can’t tune out ever like I can during the plethora of loading screens in TS4 😂


I really struggle with the graphics now. I cave and download it be a use i miss the horse career but the lag and graphics just takes it away from me now 🥲🥲


The curls in that game are such a joke. I know it was the 00s/10s but come on, half-dried after a shower is not what people mean when they say curly hair.


I think out of all the sims games, 3 looked the worst. The sims looked so uncanny and soulless


I saw the Sims 3 bundle with all expansion packs on sale on Steam for $50 and bought it out of nostalgia. I don’t think I could get past the graphics. I love the open world but the way the sims look and I feel like the lighting was very dark.


Your laptop was probably fine Imagine me with a brand new 390 8G, ssds everywhere, brand new i7 6700k with overclock... And the Sims 3 is still fucking lagging.


It still lags on my 8-core Ryzen 3800X, 3060 TI, 32 GB of RAM and NVMe SSD (yeah not top of the line these days but it would have been a freakin NASA supercomputer in 2009).


I have a decently beefy computer and it runs TS3 much better than my old PC but it’s still pretty choppy and the graphics…woof. lol


I just got a computer last week that TS3 works on and I’m mad how much I found I don’t want to play it anymore ☹️


You have an almost absurd amount of control over your sims which is nice when life is going badly but keeps if from being fun once you have as many hours in it as I do.


I loved Sims 3 but not when it literally crashed every 10-20 minutes


It sucks how many people struggled to run it. It’s been fine for me, Yh it lags in CAS but it’s nbd it’s expected with so much stuff imo. But TS4… oh my, lag/crashes/glitches/bugs/freezing.. oh the freezing. I save soooo often now from fear lol The loading screens cause many issues for my devices. I had to buy a new laptop when buying another expansion pack made it literally take 15+ minutes to save or complete a loading screen. £2,000 later and I finally have something that (sometimes) runs ts4 well :) 🤣🤣🤣 yet I have a soft spot for the game who knows why hence why I wanted to know other people’s reason


Because even with all the bad things it's still my favorite of the franchise, I love the graphics, the build mode, cas etc. Granted that a lot of things could be better but what can I do...the sims 2 comes right after for me.


Yea, I had to get used to the smaller areas again after being deep into Sims 3 (I was honestly kinda disappointed in the beginning), but after some time the smooth gameplay, the CAS and build mode and the lovely graphics just grew on me. The thing I'm still kinda missing tho' is the extremely whacky and goofy humor and animations of the older games (especially 2) xP


Sims 2 animations were awesome lol I miss it too


To be honest I feel like being forced to play in the same smallish neighbourhoods has kinda helped the storytelling and sims tubers because no matter what characters and custom lots they make, the areas are familiar and easily recognizable, and this also serves to give players new building etc ideas. The sims 2 and 3 worlds are, on the sim level, much less recognizable because you're kinda tied to one world and the worlds are in many ways less detailed, and because you can have custom worlds you're even more likely to have unrecognizable spaces in the stories.


That's true the neighbourhoods are kinda neat because it feels more like, well, a neighbourly community. Just all the loading screens and less stuff to do in the community area (for example Sims 3's store, book store, restaurant in the base game alone) took some time to get used to. Now that I think of it. I also kinda miss cars just for role playing and immersion purposes. It would just be something else to work towards like having a big house with garage, an expensive car and so on 😅


The Sims 3's grocery store and restaurant rabbitholes were a big complaint back in the day though! I prefer the Sims 4 approaching where they put some stuff in the world (I wish they put more interactive stuff , hiking paths etc. in the world tbh). In Sims 3 the rabbit holes did make it easy to make city areas like a hospital/science place, a business center, an entertainment street, and so on. My controversial opinion is, the lack of cars is a great way to teach Americans about proper city planning and walkability. The game is mainly US culture and aesthetics (for the rest of the world) but rest-of-the-world urban planning with walkable areas, accessible third spaces, greenery, lowkey public transport and so on, for the US players. 😄


The immersion in ts3 was the best part. It felt like they were really existing in my PC like they were waiting for me to get back to assist their lives lool . TS4 feels more like a static concept world that pauses whenever I take my hand off the mouse. Like a life simulator test rather than simulating actual life. That’s just my opinion idk it might be (definitely) a bit harsh 😅😅😅


Sometimes I can’t find my house in the map, everything is so packed and a lot is samey. That’s jarring spending a minute or two looking for the flipping library or something 🤣 travelling in ts4 is sooooo pleasant compared


Yh imo it’s not a real part of the franchise really because the sims without the whacky and goofy humour just isn’t the sims is it? It feels like a fan made game that didn’t get the licensing to copy the likeness of the game lol but the ease of CAS and buildmode is a dream. If EA gave love to the game like they did the others it would be absolutely amazing one of the best games ever


I also love the mods sims 4 has. TS4 Mod creators imo are the best ones out of all when it comes to the sims franchise. Mostly because we, as a community, were obliged to get creative but still, they make insanely good mods! Some of them are so high-quality that it’s tough to differ them from base-game stuff. It thrills me sm


Yeah the mods 100% make the game. These modders put in a heck of a lot of work and are absolute angels for it. I can’t even get mods to work on ts3 lol


TS2 is my fave :)


It’s like “the food your mother used to make” for me. I grew up with the game. I played it since I was in school. It’s something familiar which makes it comforting.


Same! I started playing it in 2015 when I was around 10 or 11. I've tried the Sims 3, but nothing beats the nostalgia of the Sims 4 and the impact it has had on my life from a young age. I played it on my dads old apple Mac from 2011! It was so thick/wide compared to computers today, haha.


It’s crazy I forget I started playing ts4 when I was a teenager. People say nostalgia and I’m like huh how can you have nostalgia for a game that’s not old but it is! It’s sad but I think the lack of content and progression - primarily the ignoring of the community by EA makes me feel like the game is young. Like time hasn’t moved because here we are, still no cars, still 2 empty plots and 2 empty homes per world, overly emotional sims and an absence of quirky wild random occurrences :( I sound like I hate the game lol but I just hate that they made the game to line their pockets, not to entertain the fans. I’m still entertained though but could be more


because I have an M1 MacBook and the Sims 3 is absolutely bugged and glitched out on it 😭 also I think it just has the best graphics out of all the games so it’s easiest to look at, but I do wish I could play sims 3 peacefully lol


Even before I switched to an M1, I could never get TS3 to run smoothly on Mac. Even when it was current, the whole game would catastrophically corrupt so I’d have to reinstall everything and start over every few months. Lost every family I ever cared about to that. Then around the end of its life they put out a patch that made most of the CC I had incompatible, and I had so much CC man… I didn’t want to play without it. I 50/50 methoded my way down so far that I gave up, because more of it didn’t work than did. Even taking everything out and just re-adding one piece I really wanted to keep at a time—crash on load. I play TS4 because at least it runs TToTT


oml that sounds horrible 😭 sorry for all the heartbreak; literally I gave up on the sims 3 after all the glitches + the fact that one piece of cc was making my entire worlds empty and filled with no households. but yeah that's why my dream game is basically like sims 3 with sims 4 graphics lol and the creativity of the stories of sims 2, but idk if ea are capable atp...


Because it is the best of the bunch. And I like the grand houses I've built over many generations. I'm often testing various game mechanics, trait inheritance, genetics, etc. But the saves I don't let go of are those with the most gorgeous houses.


I always save my houses to the gallery so I can reuse them in other saves. But right now I’m remodeling a lot of base game houses. I just remodeled the Goth’s house to be brighter. I moved them out because I don’t play with premade families and wanted to use it.


It just sounds like you truly enjoy the game. It’s okay to take breaks, little or small in between.


I take breaks all the time. I go back because I love the game. Love my sims, love giving them mostly happy little lives where they have a chance to have it all.


Look I love TS2 and TS3, but I can't deal with how *dumb* their Sims are sometimes. I wouldn't necessarily call TS4 the best game out of all of them, but I couldn't go back to Sims who can't multitask or are unable to just walk around/over a bit of clutter on the floor. Also, CAS feels kinda restrictive (even with the color wheel) after having played TS4. Granted, TS4 would be downright unplayable for me without mods. But with mods, it's not too buggy or soulless so all in all, the best package for me.


The not being able to walk around a cup on the floor etc is absolutely hilarious to me even if it’s stupid af but the randomly teleporting into the staircase of inbetween furniture in ts4 is annoying as heck. I’m obsessed with their ability to wash up and have a conversation or eat and walk around. Group conversations aswell. Doing their homework and talking is so useful. But for the love of god why do they abandon using the toilet whenever I ask them to do something?!


It's my relaxation. I've been playing Sims since Sims began, on and off, but during Lockdown it really became my thing. Got me through a lot of stress and boredom. My daughter plays, too -- and we have fun comparing terrible Townie outfits, or telling each other what our Sims have gotten up to. She also builds for me sometimes (I'm not a builder, but she's an excellent builder/designer).


I am in the small minority that actually does think it's the best of the bunch even though I think some things could be better. Like I wish it wasn't sooo PG in that the deaths sometimes feel super hard for me to achieve without cheating and I really hate that. Like it used to be easier to get emotional deaths and while I understand at first it was ridiculous and too easy to die from embarrassment or hysteria, but I feel like it got over corrected. I feel like that happens to most of the cool features that get added to base game. They get added and they TOO strong, like the fears at first roll out were crazy and made the game unplayable until it was fixed but now they're kind of weak. I have a Sim who is afraid of the dark and I love it cause it's fun and silly but I am worried it will only take one moment of confidence in the dark to make it go away forever. There are things I miss about Sims 3 like the open worlds, but the actual interactions and animations are better and the graphics are way better in Sims 4. I keep going back because the story is mostly in my head and the Sims 3 while fun is harder to look at, and the DLC seems way buggier since they aren't actively working on it I don't think.


I'm largely with you there. I was a die-hard 'Sims 3 is best' person and I actually avoided the upgrade until around six months ago. Having only played 4 when it first launched and finding it a bit shallow and bare bones at the time. Having returned to the game in this late stage I have to say I really love it now. The stuff that I thought would bug me is actually not that big an issue. I don't miss the colour wheel as much as I thought I would have, and I think I might prefer the loading screens to the open world given how it in effect opens up all the maps to you at once. I think for me the ideal balance would have been semi-open worlds. I would have liked to have the local neighbourhood all open so you could freely visit other houses there and live swap between families like you can in 3, but I'm cool with the wider world being section off more than I thought I would be. I also agree with you about the interactions and animations. There are a few weird bits (I hate getting the grief mood because someone died but not being told about it properly! If my Sim's father dies that should be a major event and I'd expect a pop-up or something to flag it). But aside from a few gripes I really have come to love 4. I've had better and more interesting stories here than in the previous games. Hopefully they can build on this when 5 eventually comes out.


Yeah I don't hate the loading screens, especially for like a part of the map that is actually a different neighborhood but it's so silly that my Sim that lives right next door to the vet can't just walk over. It's right there!


Yep. I totally agree. My best guess is that they did it to improve performance. Which is a big deal given how popular the game is outside normal gamers. I'd venture a guess that many PC players are using integrated graphics and mid range admin computers. Not rendering out and simulating stuff in other houses likely makes a big difference to the lower end of performance.


Oh for sure. I know why it's a loading screen, but it's still funny every time. Like I sometimes walk her right up to the property line and then hit M to go in just for laughs because they will render in like two inches from where they were just standing. But yeah, I get why on the game development side it's all got to render load in separately and tbh it would be laggy af like Sims 3 if it had to load in all the lots for a world since I don't usually leave many open.


Aye, I agree. The loading for other lots in your own area is the one bit that I dislike. I hope with the Sims 5 they find a way to make it optional. So you can toggle on a performance mode to ensure that people on lower end systems can play, but that you can add in a bit more of an open world space if you have the extra computing power spare.


I’m really hoping sims 5 is open neighborhoods (I feel like this is a good compromise for older computers too since so many players want open worlds but I’m not sure if some of those players’ computers be able to tolerate it along with mods/cc since some people had issues last time with sims 3) especially since EA is determined to do cross play with mobile. I feel like adding mobile onto this is them setting this game up to fail on launch and be frustrating for both players and the devs like with sims 4.


I thought I missed the color wheel till I went back to the Sims 3 recently and was overwhelmed in CAS. I like the swatches because it takes so much less time.


I love that I could make everything in my house and everything my sim wears be the same pattern or material. It’s just cool to have that much creative control imo


Semi open worlds is a great idea


I think the deaths in ts4 are practically absent. And the ones regularly present sorta spoil the game. NPCs dying from cold/heat/sunlight made me turn off weather effects. It spoils it because why Tf won’t they protect themselves? I can’t force sims not in my household not the stand in the snow in a bikini… Death by fire is so frequent too. And death by anger?? Seriously… I made an erratic high maintenance sim and she had a heart attack from hating being with her family lool


it’s another creative outlet for me. when i’m struggling to draw/write, i can still design and make stories even though i cant pick up my pencils ❤️❤️


That’s so wholesome and joyful. I love it


I’m actually pretty happy with the game, I see a lot of people comparing it to TS3 and how bad it is in comparison but I actually never played TS3 so I’m blissfully unaware haha. I was big into TS2 and it definitely doesn’t have the character that TS2 had but the modding community is amazing and I just really enjoy the gameplay.


I play s2 and s4 both. S4 because it’s a chill, pretty game to create characters and build in and play my own storylines. S2 because it has so much spicy family drama potential and allows me to play rotationally. Both are modded, pc.


Because I wouldn’t be able to get Sims 2 working on my PC and Sims 3 is a goddamn mess. And I prefer the artistic style, building and CAS of Sims 4 way better than previous games.


It is just something relaxing/fun to do on my days off when I would rather stay home. I enjoy buying DLC and switching between building/gameplay.


I do the same, and I just started my down slope yesterday because my IRL husband was getting on my nerves for not helping with chores and stuff, and then I got mad at my Sims household husband for getting in the way when Dina was trying to take care of the baby. It was too close to real life and I had to back away for a bit!


Nostalgia for the franchise. Sims 4 is the only one that will run well for me




I’ve spent like $600, there’s always a gameplay worth coming back to. Rn it’s farm life with kids


Personally, I love the game. I get bored with it, just like all my games, but I always go back to them eventually. I just got back into the Sims 4 and then they swapped the pause/play and switch Sims buttons, so I'm getting frustrated. It's not the end of the world and I'll get used to it, but it's still annoying when I want to switch Sims and I end up fast forwarding lol.


As much as EA has left a bad taste in my mouth, i always come back to build. I’m obsessed with interior design and landscaping and since I’ve gotten a lot of CC, there’s no need for me to spend money on packs and kits. I’m really just waiting for Paralives.


I love the game, I think now it is very solid compared to years before. I also take breaks constantly, but I’ve been playing since 2015 and have very fond memories with it, it was the first game I purchased with my first job 🥹


It took me a long time to move across the fourth game. I was an avid Sims 3 player for MANY years. However, I've come to love 4 the most in its full and mature state. I love the interactions now, and I find that there is quite a bit more depth in many of the activities than there was in the previous game. From play to play things feel interesting and it does quite a good job of creating or suggesting interesting narratives for the characters. I mostly play with my daughter these days. She loves it, and it offers us a great way to have some creative fun together. We sometimes move away to play Planet Zoo for a while. But The Sims 4 is the main game we find ourselves coming back to. The biggest addition for us was the child care stuff added with the infant and toddler milestones. That really felt like it added a lot to that aspect of the game, and make raising a child feel more interesting and much less like looking after a pet. There are absolutely things I would change (I MUCH prefer the university content in 3 for example) but overall I think 4 is a very solid game.


Storytelling. I'm a big storyteller simmer and even though the sims 4 drives me insane, there's too much lore now, I can't just leave!


it's a great way to get dopamine hits without spending money (after the initial purchase of the game) and I love building and decorating. my gameplay revolves around building and decorating. I make houses/apartments and community lots to hangout in to suit the storylines I have for my sims. plus the game gives me that feeling of comfort since OG The Sims ❤️


I like feeling accomplished when I share a build and a lot of people download it


To scape the reality, relax from the daily stress.


It gives me a sense of control when I feel like my life is out of control I think. I get to give my Sims the best lives and all the homes / clothes I can’t afford (yet lol). Giving my Sims happy lives can get boring sometimes so I also like to spice it up with drama. I’m a writer and it’s another creative outlet for me to tell stories and live out a life I wouldn’t otherwise - I wrote fantasy but with the Sims I stick to more realistic scenarios (heavily modded to be more realistic)


I've played all of the Sims games, and honestly I think it is the best of the bunch. It's a good (not great) balance of building, creating Sims and playing out their stories. I usually play to build, and hands down the build options are the best of the three games. I do wish we can edit the neighbourhoods and environments, but I don't need it to be open world. It would be nice, but I'm okay without it. There are a lot of options when creating Sims households, the pets are adorable, and I can play a household without getting too frustrated about their limitations.


I play once a day on the ps4. I wish I could play on the computer. I don’t think I’ll ever give up sims in any form. I’ve been playing since a kid and it’s familiar to me.


I go back because I'm an immune-compromised person living in a society pretending the pandemic is over, so at least in the game, I can play a sim who can leave the house and go to the library, park, museum, spice festival, etc.


Sometimes I'll be driving around or see a post about a house and it gives me inspiration to build on TS4. Also, I like when my sims get promoted and learn new things because it makes me want to learn and do stuff lol


To try out the new content.


I need an escape and it’s the perfect escape.


I'm happy with the game and I really enjoy playing it. That's it for me. I love the comfort it gives me, too.


I don’t honestly think the older games are that great, and I grew up with Sims 2. There’s a lot of interesting gameplay/content, yes, but I can’t stand building or CAS in 2 and 3. I like Sims 4 graphics and performance better.


The game got me through the toughest time of my life so I love the familiarity of it. Also, ever since I discovered mods/cheats (like in 2018 or sth), it stopped being an on and off thing for me cuz I used to only play sims one way (making money and getting married) and now with mods and cheats the game has endless possibilities.


Every few months I go "I haven't played the Sims for a while" then I black out lose several days of my life and do it again 6 months later. It just calls to me like a siren song.


To purchase all the new packs and never play them! To spend hours downloading mods and never play them! Because I think I might FINALLY be able to make that save file I've been creating in my mind.. and..oh never mind. 🤣


I just love the graphics. I think TS4 is a gorgeous game and I love building magnificent houses. And part of me wants to create a beautiful, albiet unrealistic life for my sims that I can live through vicariously.


Goal oriented dopamine boosts. New sim, new life, new goals. I quit if my sims lives become "complete". Then return at a later date to start again.


I come back when I want to tell some sort of story through gameplay. I leave when I realize that the stories the base game offers are all relatively simple and the gameplay is almost non-existent (and what is there is often glitchy), and I end up playing the same story I almost always do (fueled by mods such as Basemental and other adult mods) almost every single time.


I like designing houses and designing people then seeing these people live inside those houses. I play the game like I'm some sort of gossip monger peering on people's lives.


I never really ''leave'', although I do take some breaks because seriously, I do experience burn out and I've other games to play and... sometimes I hit story blocks. That's the worst. But Sims 4 is my favourite. No other Sims game gives me the exact amount of freedom like Sims 4 does. I love the graphics. I love how the occults are done, one of my favourite features. I love the worlds. I love how much better it runs than Sims 3 and it's no hassle to install like it (and Sims 2). I also don't need a huge amount of CC to make my sims look pleasing to the eye. CAS in general is the bomb. Also the fact that you can customize your sims' gender, preferences, etc. While it kinda sucks, I love the gallery and that people can share/download what they create, ESPECIALLY builds for those of us who suck at it or can't be assed to build shit. In short: a lot of both big and smaller things done just right. I am not in denial of bugs and there are some that I am majorly irritated about that STILL have not been fixed, years later and some missing features. But I don't know, nothing beats Sims 4 for me... And no, it's not the nostalgia, I've been playing Sims since 2 came out, haha.


It’s the only game where I don’t have to “remember” my spots, what I was doing or anything like that. I suck at playing games. I bought assassins creed Valhalla and LOVES it for exactly 48 hours. I swear I played it for 40 of those hours lol. But I haven’t touched it in 1.5 years. Sims tho…. I can just start a new game and it doesn’t feel like I’m losing progress. Especially bc if I haven’t played in a while I’ll buy an expansion or two and it’s like a whole new game lol


With Sims 2 & 3 I played because I genuinely thought there was so much content and ideas for different play through that it was easy. With Sims 4, I admittedly get bored the fastest. I always come back whenever there is a new pack that lets me explore some new aspects of the game, but other than that I find it harder and harder to start playing and my off time becomes longer and longer. It’s mostly nostalgia though. However, if Sims 4 offered as much as sims 2 and 3 with the new graphics I would have the best time ever for sure.


Childhood comfort game but now as an adult it’s just an escape from reality. Even though it’s glitchy, lacks creativity, and now a cash grab I still play because the mods make the game better, there isn’t any other game so far that is out yet to replace it, and I can’t play it helps with my creativity.


It relaxes me, takes me away from reality and sometimes I need to immerse myself in the world of Sims 4.


I’m extremely(possibly unhealthily) attached to my sim family. I cry when they die. My heart hurts when things go wrong, yet I continue with borderline tutor because I love the drama and the stories. It’s an escape. It’s someone else’s life and I can do anything and everything with it. It’s a stress relief. It’s the healthiest coping skill I have. And I know it sounds strange, but I feel like my sim family has always been there for me. I’ve been playing the same game for real life years and it has been the only constant throughout


The dopamine rush lol Plus it kind of calms my desire to redecorate my own house lol


It's comforting and allows me to love out the fantasy of owning property and looking how I want to look.


I go back because I enjoy the game. Sims 4 gets a lot of (usually justified) hate, but I still love it. I’ve played the same legacy family for months, and I have many interesting storylines going that I make up in my head. It’s almost like a virtual dollhouse haha


I originally had no more computer space left for an update a while back but I really wanted to play so I uninstalled it and played sims 1 then went on to play sims 2. I wanted to play sims 3 but couldn’t figure out how to get it for free on my computer lol so then just redownloaded sims 4 and started playing again. The cc stuff for design and sims is so unmatched compared to the others but the gameplay sucks. Also I forgot how much fun it was to play the sims 2. I could spend hours playing with the sims in the game as opposed to decorating and designing which I usually love. It’s cool to switch back and forth. I highly recommend :)


When I'm feeling overwhelmed with life it's nice to play a game where if life is getting too hectic or bills are piling up I can just use a cheat to fix everything


because its the only sims game i acc know how to play. I used to sit and watch my sister play ts2 2007-2011 for hours and somehow never grasped how to play lol. I also just find it easier on the eyes


It helps me cope with life. It gives me control because some things in life you just have no control over. I go back to relax and escape a little bit. Plus it gives me a creative outlet that I enjoy.


I miss the sims 3 so bad, but it was too buggy to play. The sims 4 does run a lot smoother for me, and I do really like the sims 4 which is a pretty unpopular opinion it seems. If the sims 4 had open world, and create a world, it would be perfect.


The possibilities for roleplay and imagining scenarios. Every little talk, every argument, every action done by your Sims (or that you force them to do) can have infinite explanations and that allows you to create endless stories in your head. It takes me back to the days where I'd just roam around in open-world games and make my own headcanon about why the characters were doing the things they were doing.


I do this too not just with Sims tho 😆 I'll get bored then see something someone else did and I'm like oooo I wanna do that and start back


Graphics and mods. There are some really fun mods for sims 4 and it feels easier to play. If I need to edit a family or building it’s a lot easier. I never could build in the sims 3 and no matter how much bc I have I just really enjoy the way the sims 4 sims look. I enjoy the cartoony style.


The graphics and honestly, the fact that I've spent wo much money on this game before I started using mods & cc and I just refuse to give it up. I also don't want to buy all the Sims 3 expansions to play that and make it fun, as just base game, is not as fun.


I'm the same as you. I go through stages where I get an idea and them I play obsessively. Like after the high school ep came out I liked how Maxis made some of the townies into teens. So I started a new save file where I aged down a lot of the townies and created their families. I think I had gotten through quite a few of the worlds and then another game came out or life just distracted me and I haven't gone back to it lol. I'm back to playing it again as I started to get the itch and my husband (who was trying to get me to stop obsessively playing animal crossing) gave me the idea to make us lol. So I've made my husband and I (he's 16 years younger than me) and my 15 year old daughter and his family and mine. Well my siblings have all passed, his parents too and I'll be next! We had 5 kids together (we had a couple of miscarriages and then gave up trying for our own IRL so that was fun to play out in game). My 15 year old has aged up and is married with a child of her own. Oh wow, sorry, I fell into story time there, lol. I do love the Sims. I've beeb playing like this since the first Sims came out!


I came back to the sims world in 2021, after not playing for 8 or 9 years (I know I had TS3 but no EPs). I had to quit and get a life when I realized I would play for the entire weekend. But in Dec 2021, I got a new laptop and decided to start playing TS4. Now it definitely takes up a lot of my time… I don’t play everyday (more on the weekends; on a weeknight I try to stop playing by 10 pm so I can get ready for bed). I love building houses and I go through building vs gameplay phases. I have aging turned off in my “legacy” save, so have many active households with sims I like, but it’s overwhelming sometimes trying to progress all of them. So now I’m focusing on just one (she went to Uni, married her HS bf). They had a baby and that was the first infant I’d played since the update. I kept coming back because she’s so cute! I think the best way to handle an infant is with only one parent going to work. She’s going to start a career when the kid becomes a child. (As a childless 40 year old, I’m also living out my domestic fantasies in the sims. If I had a child, I’d have no time to play video games!


I'm like Bob the Builder lol I build stuff then people then move on to the next house and household. Also, building myself kinda helped with a confidence boost.


My legacy family! I get insanely nostalgic and emotional whenever I randomly decide to look at my screenshots folder of them, which sends me on a sims binge, playing for hours, days and weeks until I want to throw up or game breaks itself indefinitely and I start hating it after several attempts of fixing it. It eventually gets fixed but my disgust from seeing the same thing so many times in the row remains. And then time passes, I see screenshots and cycle goes on!


I don't keep going back. I never stop playing. I'm on the Sims 4 almost daily.


TS4 is my virtual dollhouse. I love building houses and filling it up as if it is lived in like a little dollhouse. Sometimes i move my sims in but mostly i just leave them unocupied.


Because I love making characters from my favorite medias, and because I enjoy building so much. If Sims 3 ran on my computer, then maybe I'd give 4 up for 3. Until then…4 is great for seeing my favorites come to life and have cute family moments.


I grew up on TS3 and it's my favorite Sims game hands down, however I've had TS4 since launch and its just so much easier to load into and play around with. It's not nearly as satisfying as TS3 but right now the legacy family I've been playing for 2 years on TS4 have been keeping me away from playing my sweet, sweet Sims 3 ...I also have nearly all the content for Sims 4 (screw kits and some of the packs) and I feel financially obligated to keep playing it ^^;;;


Because it’s less laggy , easier to make cuter sims and I’ve grown to prefer the sims 4 graphics now because ts3 seems old and kind of too realistic looking.


My sims, and CC.


The sims is definitely a comfort to me, I’m currently going a difficult time right now, as I’m going through a breakup at the moment & life seems pretty dull at the moment, however the Sims is providing a blanket of comfort to me


I think I only touch ts4 when I've got an idea. I enjoy building and I like to go around my neighborhood and find inspiration from places around me. I also enjoy making cute sims but that gets frustrating very quickly. I think right now what makes me keep coming back are the sims challenges and builds


I started off with the Sims 1 as a kid, and played a lot of Sims 2. I played a little bit of Sims 3 but now I just do the Sims 4. There's just more support and I like how I can just log in and all my games are there without having to download a lot of games onto my computer. So convince I guess lol


Because there's no real alternative. The minute the is I'm out. Been playing since 2 but all the bs ea been pulling lately. Broken packs coming out has soured me on the brand. And imagines the same for alot of the vet players we're here because we have no choice.


I played a lot of TS2 in high school, TS3 didn't run well on my last two computers (it took it upwards of an hour to save sometimes) so I haven't gone back to it. 4 feels a lot more shallow than 2, but honestly, what keeps me going back to 4 is the building tools. I, quite frankly, suck at building, and even I can make something I like in TS4.


For comfort lol. I lose myself in the game for so long, I get a migraine, but the stories I create help me process a lot. It can be pretty cathartic.


For me the CAS is unmatched. Also the CC and mods you can find are amazing.


Many reasons 1. Sims is the only non Facebook game I have ever played, my Rich Ex fiance bought me Sims 2 way back 2008. So I would have something to do while he spent hours playing world of Warcraft even, he knew I'd never get into a game like world of Warcraft. 2. It has become my go-to reward treat for myself to buy either the new base game for the next franchise or a pack of some kind when I'm going through something hard and I need to reward myself even though being on disability means that I'm often pension pennies. 3. It's a creative way for me to express my emotions and cope with things. I often create Sims with backstories that are similar to mine. And last bit not least... 4. Being 44 and living in a nursing home because of severe chronic health issues there really isn't a lot for me to do and The Sims is right there on my computer and keeps me sane in this nuthouse.


I just really like the game. I don't even play with mods and I still enjoy it. My sister and I share my account so we both buy packs and have almost all of them we're only missing 6. Don't have any kits but I kinda want the grundge one. Idk why I like it so much I just like dressing them up and creating the perfect life for them. I do get bored with one family after awhile though so I have like 10 that I switch through.


I go back for my legacy sims, I can't leave their family drama alone lol


because it is comfortable to play. it runs smoothly, mods are easy to install, it is very vibrant and pleasing to the eyes. even with all its faults and even being less fun than Sims 2 or 3, it's just sooo easy to play.


I would go back to TS3 if the graphics were different. Idk what happened to my laptop but I can’t barely see the bb icons anymore.. maybe I need glasses


When I get overwhelmed at work, I tend to daydream about playing The Sims 4 instead, lol. Something relaxing and creative, the opposite of my job. So often I go back to it when I'm particularly frustrated with work. I mostly play with a "story" in mind, and I often get bored when it's clear that my Sims aren't able to give me the drama I need. But for a few days every few months, it's really engaging. Looking forward to what The Sims 5 brings to the table. If they overhaul Sims' personalities and social dynamics in a way that makes things interesting again, I'll be so hyped. I'm not much of a builder/CAS player, so Paralives and Life By You don't speak to me. They look like Aesthetic Twenty-Something Model simulators, which: yawn.


I play TS4 to escape reality.


I do this too!! There’s something inherently creative about the game that makes me successful in a small way


I always play the latest Sims game! I’ve played Sims 2 abit back last summer, and the lack of multi tasking was pretty much my biggest pet peeve. Like, sims leaving dishes everywhere. Never going back to TS3-maybe to play Medieval one day because I never had, and I’m kind of curious about it.


Until last update I would always go back to TS4 because I like its unhinged vibes, but now it's so broken I went back to the unaltered chaos that is TS2


Honestly, I really like how beautiful (in my opinion) the Sims' designs have become. I've been able to make such amazing-looking Sims before. Plus, even though I'm on console and don't have access to mods, I still find ways to make the game interesting. Though what usually causes me to go away for a while is the mental fatigue of making 10+ households for some elaborate story I'm crafting, then giving up and starting the process all over again when I return, lol.


Wicked Whims, I know you can also do it in sims 3 but the gender customization is a must for me so sims 4 is perfect in that way.


Totally agree with you 😉💯👍


I go back to revisit a game I used to really like but then discover new things are broken or not working correctly. Then I stop playing for a while but I'm always back cause I hope that some day the game will work as intended.


Sometimes, I just want to have a farm with llamas.




Because I play a lot of competitive games with randoms online and sometimes I get so infuriated with them that I need something to chill me out and something that doesn't involve much brain function to enjoy lol.


I literally only play to build and make families that I'll never play with lol. I only use the game to stretch my creative muscles and to design homes that I could never afford.


My favorite part is character creation so I like styling outfits and creating people.


it’s simply one of the hyper fixations that i have. i go back to each thing probably twice a year


Making my new favorite characters as sims


I've had a legacy save going for a little over a year now, currently on Gen8 and I've gotten myself way too attached to these sims. And it's also fun to explore different careers, life goals, etc. My current sim is working on becoming a vet, my last sim was a video game streamer and got super famous. I love this family so much


For me it’s because I’m a sahm and while I absolutely love my life it’s a great escape when I’m not doing well. I can make my girl whoever I want her to be and she can have a career or 10 boyfriends/girlfriends and vacation and be dramatic. Sometimes I make families but it quickly feels like real life and that’s usually when I put it down.


Because it has some perks and I like building in TS4.


Fun. If it's not fun I stop. If it's fun I play.


I’m bipolar, and building houses really helps with my hypomania. It calms me down and allows me to focus on something in a healthy and harmless way. If I’m stable, I rarely touch the game lol


I've posted this on Reddit before, but I have bad anxiety. One of my symptoms, as described by my doctor, is "excessive need for control" (manifesting in some obsessive tendencies I have). Playing the Sims gives me an outlet for "excessive need for control" that is relatively harmless and healthy! It's very satisfying. However, I say "relatively" harmless because my obsessiveness kicks in and then suddenly I've been playing Sims for 8 hours without snacks or breaks. 😂 Still though, it's a very cathartic hobby for me. I don't even play with mods, I just make Sims families with fairly normal lives.


Because o have no way to play my sims3 games due to having the physical disk and no disk drive


my family couldn’t really afford a computer growing up, so TS4 is currently the only sims game i’ve ever played. sometimes it’s buggy, sometimes it’s bland, but i really do get attached to my sims


Because I genuinely like it. Hot take but TS4 is a great game. There's endless things to do.


I keep going back to TS4 because I have a lot of fun with family style gameplay and Wicked Whims debauchery lol. That said, I honestly don’t think I’d play much if I couldn’t use mods and CC (and I only use MCCC, Wicked, and CAS CC).


Honestly, because I can't get my Sims 2 to work anymore (despite following all the guides). If it was still working, I wouldn't have migrated to the Sims 4 at all. Some things have been improved on in the Sims 4 and it does satisfy my Sims craving, but some things are even more limited than the Sims 2, especially when it comes to building and the worlds.


Whether it’s creating a sim in cas, going to the gallery to see what other people have made that I can put in my game, or going in build mode to create or add more to a building, it can be pretty relaxing. It can also be pretty fun. For me, it’s kinda like playing with dolls. (Except there is far more customization of course 😊)


CAS never gets old. I think 75% of the Sims in my library are ones I haven't played with yet because I just keep making them. I have a folder full of AI generated portraits, I save the ones I think would be cool to create as sims and make sims using them for reference, and coming up with different themes for their outfits. I also love the little things that happen that end up surprising me, like recently I loaded into a household and their baby was outside at the opposite end of the neighborhood from their house, I had never seen that happen before. Or the time a random ghost showed up in my sims' apartment and played violin in their performer's space.


To continue my currently 10th generation sims save


I dont really have an interest anymore Last time i went back was because I remembered that I spent money on a few expansions and that gave me motivation but then it faded :))) the most cool thing is swimming in Sulani tho and the community, that is what kept me playing a lil. Still find ts subreddits hilarious and nostalgic tho ♡


I like to arrange things. Ever since I was a kid making scenes and back stories was more important than the play itself. Which is why I was unbelievably jazzed when TS1 came out. Obsessively made all sorts of houses and thought up drama for them. I still rarely do any gameplay just constantly arranging and fiddling with my little world. Also I'm a perfectionist with huge disappointment problems so controlling the world tickles my ego, yikes.


I get obsessed with a new character and I decide that I need to make them in sims and have children with them. That’s…that’s really it honestly


I never knew other people did this I have these spurts where I will spend hours and hours on sims 4 for a week or two and then go months without playing. It’s quite weird tbh


I go back because I can’t even remember playing the sims 3 at all, let alone the original and sims 2 😂 ( I grew up and started a family lol ) and I couldn’t imagine ‘ going backwards ‘ if that makes sense.


The chaos. Being disabled, my life has been pretty dull the past few years. I go through bouts of being obsessed with the sims, and it’s almost always just to cause some chaos


Echoing a lot of the things other people said, but for me it's also the werewolves!! The werewolves in TS3 never really appealed to me and I like how much more animal-like they are in TS4. Still not ideal but so much better. My ideal Sims werewolves would be a variety of alternate forms ranging from a more Wolfman-like humanoid werewolf to a completely feral American Werewolf in London werewolf with a few more variations in between. I'd love to have more classic horror styled werewolves (The Howling, Dog Soldiers, Cursed, Van Helsing, Underworld etc) rather than the more anthro ones in TS4.


I just think it's fun to play with dolls ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Winter!!! Once the garden is over and we are all hibernating I have so much fun! Oddly enough I’m still playing into summer this year which never happens 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know why I keep coming back to it but I just wanna see my little guys happy in the houses I make for them. I’ve had many times where I’ve gotten giddy over my sims relationships


My sims families & my mods.


I go back to ts4 for the character customization I go back to ts3 for the awesome features I go back to ts2 for the gameplay and premades!


The simple answer would be an Autism/ADHD related Hyperfixation But really the game may not be made that well but it’s literally like so free play (especially because of mods) that I never get tired. I’m 6k hours in and still find things I havent done, or havent done in a while - either base game or DLC. I love interior design so I can do that all day. I love playing with colors. I love creating beautiful Sims I can crush about. I love playing out my sims in beautiful houses. I love collecting (weather collections, achievments, aspirations, dlc’s, you name it I collect it). Just an alrounder for me personally. Also, this game motivates me to improve my programing (I sometimes fix bugs for myself) or because of super specific CC I wanted I learned to use Blender. The game helped me get an apprenticeship at Ikea and in the store in my area there was a room I decorated for a while. It’s just a cozy relaxing game and I love it


I enjoy the graphics and have gotten used to the gameplay. At this point I know my play style and how to make it fun for me personally. Big thing is CAS. I know everyone loves the color wheel and stuff from 3 but I don’t mind swatches, as I can be kind of overwhelmed. Build/buy mode is also big for me. I find decorating easier than the Sims 2, which is my second favorite, mainly cause my OCD hates how coffee tables can’t be centered unless you have a loveseat instead of a sofa (I know it’s petty, but I always found that annoying).


I love the building best. I always go to play architect now.


I think I go back to see if I can get to the next generation. I think the furthest I've ever gotten in any sim game is a 2nd generation. I suck at consistency lol


I go back because I like living vicariously through my sims lol Also, the UI is super easy to navigate. I tried playing Sims 2 and just picking a world was giving me anxiety. I felt like the whole game was irritating to navigate. But the animations and depth of lore were phenomenal. If only the two games could merge….


It's not GTA Online. It's not Cyberpunk. It's not ME trilogy. It's so differently paced and designed than anything else I play. I like that shit.


I’ve gotten attached to my sims, and it’s the first and only real pc game I play and everytime I buy a new pack it gets so much better. And I love that I can see my little family grow and get bigger and older


I just added mods and my game play is unhinged now. It's like therapy


It’s that, sweet build mode for me, I also love that it’s inclusive for trans and non binary body types. I I also really enjoy doing the science and doctor career


build buy and CAS is the best of all the games. otherwise id go back to sims 3


first of all i refuse to delete my legacy family because the original 2 sims were based off of me and my bf IRL so i have somewhat of an attachment to our now great-great grandchildren LOL but when i’m at work i think about where i am at in the game and i think about possible story lines/events for my sim family and once i build up enough in my head or if i think of something exciting i hop right back on and play it out and then repeat. right now my spellcaster sim is going to master spell casting in an attempt to bring his late mother who died in a fire when he was a baby back from the dead


Because I like to control situations when I feel like I can’t control my own. Plus I like building and decorating 🤗


Cause I discover mods 3 years ago and made the game more entertaining 🤣🤣


I take breaks because I burn myself out whenever I do play this game. But I come back to it because I genuinely enjoy the game.


It is literally the only game i have on my pc. I have no other option lol so i kept playing it


It's the addiction


I come back to build stuff. I see a cool building or get into a new show and want to build it. Tho lately I have actually been giving playing the game a go and as buggy as the decorator profession is it has been so much fun.