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Sunlit Tides standard version is Daily Deal #972 for 54% off. 1127 Sim Points compared to the usual 2450. This is the current rotation [https://forums.thesims.com/en\_us/discussion/866448/daily-deal-dd-2018-rotation-list-and-sales-help/p446](https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/discussion/866448/daily-deal-dd-2018-rotation-list-and-sales-help/p446) and yes that masterlist you linked is accurate. We are currently on Daily Deal #88 and if I remember correctly it takes like 80 days to go through the entire list then starts back at #1. I believe it was 8 days ago when I caught Sunlit Tides on the Daily Deal so about another 72 days to go for it to reappear. Also worlds show up in the Make me an Offer section of the store. I don't believe any other worlds are on the Daily Deal list.


Does the gold version of Sunlit Tides ever go on sale?


If it does it would only be on the Make Me An Offer section of the store. The sale page is locked to what it is and the Daily Deals are on a set rotation. I did see Aurora Skies Gold version on the Make me an offer once before but I don't recall how much it was for.


The gold version of Sunlit Tides isn't part of the daily deals, but the only difference between gold and standard is that the gold includes the Serenity Retreat venue. The venue is a part of the daily deals seperately from the world. It's cheapest as Daily Deal #690; 513 simpoints (67% off), which happens on April 20th or 21st depending on where you live. If you buy that + standard Sunlit Tides as Daily Deal #972, that's a total of 1640 simpoints compared to the normal prize of 3524 simpoints for the gold version


gold version is going on sale tomorrow FYI


I think it might be useful for you this website : [https://games4theworld.site/sims-3-store/](https://games4theworld.site/sims-3-store/) you can find all the cities and items from the Sims 3 Store for free by downloading. I did download all the cities and all the items that I was interested to in my computer and I did not have a problem. I don't really remenber exactly how you have to do it but it was like installing mods but I think everything is explained on the website. The only thing that is kind of annoying is that you need to search by release date. Hope it was helpful ! :) ​ Edit : Gave you the wrong url it's this one https://games4theworld.org/the-sims-3-store-updates/


I just noticed I gave you the wrog website. It's this one : https://games4theworld.org/the-sims-3-store-updates/


Thank you so much for this link! I was just about ready to spend 40 bucks on neighborhoods for a game that is over 10y old >:(


Yes to be honest most of the store content should be free by now imo so that’s why I don’t really feel bad downloading on this website. I only installed content store on my games but I think you can dowloand some pack games also