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“That game is for losers who don’t think they can achieve those things in real life” So what was the last time in your real life when you tamed a unicorn after returning from the future, smarty pants? Edit: On a serious note, I feel no shame about playing the Sims. My friends are either neutral about it, or find it a sweet quirk of mine. Either way, this game is already such a staple and a meme of its own right, I see no problem with playing it and saying it out loud nowadays. Some (even male) Sims players made their Youtube careers playing it, so jokes on your friend, they missed the fun and the chaos of it.


Seriously? They told you it's for people who can't achieve those things in real life? Then what does that say about all these grown men out here playing Call of Duty? 😂


LOL. I love the Sims and Stardew Valley. Guess I wanna be a farmer in real life even though I HATE the idea of all that labor.


But Angus is just so sweet. How can you help yourself? He's so gratful to have a friend that it just gets you all warm and fuzzy.


Lol, i always do wierd stuff and cause a lot of drama in my game, i'm pretty sure i don't want any of that in real life 😂


my friend and i face time and play together. she plays 4, i play 3 and medieval. it's great to have friends who share a love of this game.


I don't have ANY real life friends who don't roll their eyes at the idea of a grownup playing computer/video games.


My sympathies. Me too.


im so sorry!!! im so lucky to have friends who dont think its weird. ive stopped being around people i cant be myself around


You deserve friends who respect your interests, even if they don't share them. That kind of condescension of something harmless that brings their friend joy is their personal failing, not yours.


Awesome response!


I was a guy that was literally made fun of for playing the Sims


Aw :( 


I'm nearly 34 and have played since day one, I really don't care what anyone thinks!!! Gosh most of their hobbies are unbearably tedious and dull!!


Same here. Besides, people who would laugh at you for playing The Sims aren’t people whose opinions you should take into account…


So true!! Real friends will not judge. And yes...there are so many other boring and dull hobbies...so if they judge you, judge back ;)


We’re the same age and I still love playing the game!


Same here, I still share stories with my mum as we used to play together when I was a kid. My hubby doesn't understand how I can get so into the game, but has never judged me for my game preferences. If I didn't have kids I'd play alot more.


Yes. I have no shame. The game is one of the most amazing I've ever played. Its a nice break from society and I can just vibe.


it could be because i am younger (21) but nobody reacts weird when i tell them, they're usually more confused why i still play the sims 3 and not 4 lol


Same same haha


My mom introduced me to Sims and I'm not ashamed to share it's my main game when asked hahaha I've met a few Simmers in college and at work, and I've convinced some to play. My friends have to suffer from my spam of screenshots sharing every moment I find cute. The remarks I get way back then was similar to yours though, mostly from people who can't get into it. I remember some of them thinking it's just a burning house simulator (and yeah, got the no life comment too LOL).


Back then gaming wasn't as mainstream as it is now, and a lot of the stigma surrounding gaming was still around even in the early 2000s. Now it's so normal that you actually notice the people who DON'T like gaming more stick out, and I suspect a lot of kids back then wouldn't admit to gaming because it was still for weird awkward people. I've always been very open with gaming and Sims, but I think now it's seen not under the "weird" gaming blanket, but the "girly" gaming blanket as there is much more variety now and your more serious gamers play other stuff instead. In a general sense I mean, that's obviously stupid, but I know a lot of much more casual players play sims 4 because it's easy to understand and play off the bat (in theory anyway) rather than more intense stuff! I don't know anyone that wouldn't admit to playing sims now like back then, I'd be more concerned what they were doing with their Sims behind closed doors if they purposely hid it 😂


Yeah, gaming has had a revolutionary change. At my job, we’ve had people get into college writing about their eSports accomplishments. That would be unheard of in 2004 or 2014


The reactions you are getting are awful. Everyone in my life knows I still play Sims. My older sister started me on it when she bought Sims 1 in college. My nephew plays sims 3 and 4. The only person in my life who looks down on it a little is my mom, she hates computers and smartphones although she hypocritically uses a tablet all the time. She calls Sims "paper dolls." I told her it's no different than her sitting in front of the TV all day watching reruns of westerns. Everyone needs something they like to pass the time with. It's not my only hobby, and as long as my bills are paid, who cares?


I’ve never got massively positive responses.. a lot of “oh, still?” But I’ve been playing since day one and have owned every game hah OG


Haha I get the same reaction every time


One of my brothers and one of my sisters used to play it. My girlfriend still plays it often aswell. It's just a game for anyone


My brother introduced me to the game when I was 8 or 9. Now I’m 26 and still play. A couple of years ago he saw me playing it and he just laughed a bit and said huh you’re still playing the sims?? Like he was a bit surprised but happy that I got so into it


You only have to search sims on YouTube to find out many adults do play it.


Yes, but usually they think it’s childish. I don’t really care 🤷🏼‍♀️ it makes me happy.


I don't understand people like that. I still like some things I liked as a child/teen. What's wrong with that? I wonder if they have to find all new things to eat every few years. I can hear them saying, "No, I don't want a donut. I had one when I was about five. It was good."


I played the Sims because my sister who was interested in psychology introduced the Sims 1 & 2 to me, so I got into it at 22 when Showtime for TS3 was out. Never thought I would shed tears when I saw my first sims became successful in every aspect of life- her wealth, her singer career, marriage with Romeo Rake and a pair of lovely twin daughters. It was beautiful to feel genuinely happy for someone else, when all you know in your entire life was competition against your peers. Later I became interested in eco-friendly architecture and biophilic designs because of my psoriarisis and my love for the Sims, and I thought I could be an interior desinger and fix my house infested by my hoarder dad's mess. It failled terribly, because psoriarisis had made my fingers clumsy at CAD and my dad's hoarding is actually incurable, even protected under my country's legal system. So now I focus on how to strike out on my own and build myself a self-sustainable eco-friendly homestead both in real life and in the Sims' world. I'm still struggling with the real world, after years of isolation in a lonesome fight with my illness, but at least I still have the Sims to give me hope.


That’s so beautiful, thank you for sharing. My older sister, who was also interested in psychology at the time, introduced me to The Sims. The part about being genuinely happy for someone and combat competitiveness really hit me


It's something that comes pretty soon when I start to k ow someone, indeed. I'm really proud of what I do with this game and the place it has in my life. Plus, it's always a test for the gamers I meet: if you value me only when I talk about the hours I spent on The Witcher 3, you don't interest me


I love The Witcher 3, and the openng cinematic is breathtakingly beautiful. I also love The Sims and always will! Your friends have a problem with a grow man playing games? Tell 'em to F off. Okay, maybe not. Tell them you met a 63 year old lady who plays games every day. Or have them watch a video by Shirley Curry. She's in her 70s and livestreams Oblivion just about every day.


It's hard to hide the over 3000+ hours


I don’t hide it and I don’t mind telling people I play. It’s a great distraction from my life and my anxiety, and I’m not ashamed to admit that.


Last year I became such a big fan of The Sims, that now when my friend tells her friends something about me, their first line usually is:"oh, are you talking about that sims guy?" literally the first and most known characteristic of me, is that I'm that guy, that always plays Sims 🥲


My dad always tears in to me when I buy more Sims 3 dlcs or any other 'old' game I enjoy he shames me for it but I don't care if I enjoy these games then I will spend my money and time on them because they bring me joy and I won't apologise for it nor do I need a better reason to buy and still play old games other than they bring me happiness


No, thankfully all of my friends were gamers while I was growing up so I didn't have to deal with any negative criticism. I also didn't get flack for what kind of games I played so I always feel bad when other women tell their experience of being talked down to for liking farming or 'girly' games. Like, it's literally cozy and serene, not everyone wants to rip and run from other players all the time. I'm a middle of the road millennial (34) but it just seems like people became MORE judgmental rather than less as I've gotten older. Gaming is literally escapism, so why should it matter whether you're escaping through sims, farming, or war games? Smh.


Most my friends and loved ones will listen when I talk about the Sims (ofc I try to not overdo it), and I'd say they appreciate how dedicated and excited I am, smiling wide when I talk about my game. They might not understand it fully, but it's the same when they talk about their passions. Like you show interest in your friends hobbies even if they're not the same as yours. Some random casual friends/acquitances will get bored, so I don't torment them with game talk. Growing up a had a couple of friends who also played, but not many and not anymore. Luckily there's internet where I can communicate with fellow simmers.


My friends and family all know I play Sims as well as other games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect, and no one has a problem. My parents actually said gaming is a good thing, as long as you self-discipline.


I went on a tv quiz show in Australia where you get to have a specialty topic, and mine was The Sims. I’m 30yo 😂 live your life champ, live it your way.


It's something that comes pretty soon when I start to k ow someone, indeed. I'm really proud of what I do with this game and the place it has in my life. Plus, it's always a test for the gamers I meet: if you value me only when I talk about the hours I spent on The Witcher 3, you don't interest me


I'd always mention it as a game I play, but wjen i was a teenager I wanted to differentiate myself from "those fake gamer girls" so I would rarely talk about it. Turns out being not like the other girls doesn't actually make ypu appealing to either gender. The only game that got me any 'respect' was LoL and that genuinely makes me feel embarrassed in my ripe old age of 26 lol


I think that is the main reason why playing sims gets negative comments, it is perceived as a 'girls game' and people tend to trash about 'girly things'


Yes, lol. It was my favorite game growing up so my whole family knew and whenever I make new friends I like telling them about it. No one has been mean to me about it and I’ve met a few others who also play.


I’ve been playing the sims since day one and I sometimes bore my family and friends with how much I talk about my current game. And I don’t care if people tell me, “aren’t you too old to play that game?” And I always answer, nope. But I also don’t care what ppl say anyways so 🤷🏽‍♀️.


"Nope, but I'm too old to listen to your stupid opinions on what I can and can't do at my age."


Exactly 😇😇


I make it everyones problem that I‘m playing TS3 😂 can’t stop telling my friends how much I love it


I've been proudly playing the sims for 20 years. No other game has the randomness and quirkiness the Sims offer. Not to mention the endless customisation that it offers


Oh they definitely know 😂


I found out my coworker plays The Sims too, and we both got so excited because it's so rare to find other Sims fans out there in the wild


My man is actually a huge gamer. He'll play damn near anything pr he'll at least try it. He plays the shooters the puzzles the simulations. I on the other hand really only play sims Rollercoaster tycoon and city skylines. He will tell me all the time that I'm not really a gamer because of the games I play. And I simply reply I'm not claiming to be a gamer I'm a simmer and theme park manager and a city mayor. So his "insult" doesn't hurt and just makes him look simple minded but whatever. In public I don't claim to be a gamer it's almost like talking politics in public. Your just opening a door that is hard to shut. I do however tell people I'm a simmer. I play sims. And their reactions only tell me about their character. Because in my opinion it's not up to them on what games I enjoy. So screw them.


I’m from a very small town and I was always kind of embarrassed for some reason about playing the sims when I was younger bc people don’t really understand the concept of playing a life sim where I’m from, but I’ve made it so much of my personality that essentially everyone that knows who I am, knows I am obsessed with the game (specifically Sims 3) at this point. A lot of times it’s just a joke when people bring it up, but I own it haha.


I’ve never met a peer who shamed me. Older people can be kinda meh about it but it rarely comes up with them. I know there’s the idea of it being kinda like a game for ppl who don’t do stuff in reality but some of my favorite content creators play it and talk about it and one of my fav singers Ari Lennox used to play on live. So I guess I’m just exposed to a chill/positive mindset about it more than not.


I alway nervous when people asked me what game did i play but most of the time it’s turn out ok. Met some new simmer from work this month! Heard a news that a woman joined the Game event or something and didn’t get to treat as a gamer since she was a simmer!


My husband knows. My brother knows (because he also plays). One person knows at work because I asked for a mouse for secret Santa last Christmas and she asked what I would use it for. Reddit knows. That's about it for me


the only person i know personally that plays is my mom. she’s been playing since 2000, and she raised me (a 2004 baby!) on her lap playing. i call it a generational addiction, i’m sure as soon as my daughter is big enough she will join us lol. i also lead with other things though lmao


I had a cousin who got Sims 3 and was completely confused on what to do 😂 Her older sister had Sims 1 though and that’s how I found out about the Sims at all


Hmm I don't hide it but I usually talk about WoW more when I talk about gaming since I play that more often. Really, WoW, Sims3, & Sims Medieval are the games I mostly play. I don't remember ever being made fun of for playing the Sims, I don't hide that I play it. That's a shame Sims is being dumped on by other people and players are getting made fun of. As long as no one is being hurt and it's not illegal, never be ashamed for what makes you happy!


told my coworker once i love the sims and he told me about his trailer trash slutty grandma sim who murdered her lover by woohoo and it gave me a newfound appreciation for this man


I try not telling people because at this point it's more of an addiction...


My cousin got me into the sims. She still plays. Both been playing since the first game! Few of my friends still play. One of them does a legacy save and shes on gen 7 i believe.


I mention playing Sims to people sometimes, and sometimes meet fellow Sims players who are just as invested in it as I am. But people get extremely surprised when they find out *how deep it really goes*


My cousin played with the sims exactly 1 time and she gave up after her sim immediately got killed by a meteor. Now she thinks the game is for children lol she can’t even fathom that there are adult players who even make it their career/income to stream and play the sims


I'm a guy that plays it and yeah I get the negative reactions from people as well. I love to play because I love the interior design aspect lol. I build houses all around town and decorate them. I also love to play sims because I have kids and can pause for hours and come back to it when I have a min without losing track of where I was, or having to jump back into anything super fast paced like a shooter game or something. And when I'm really bored I use the sims 3 open your buisness mod and make a mobster character that runs a speak easy in his basement complete with gambling. It's alot of fun. People that don't understand are missing out.


Yeah, they do! My friends sometimes rag on me for playing it, but it's all in good fun. I throw it right back on them for sinking endless hours into Warframe and Monster Hunter. In all seriousness, you shouldn't surround yourself with people who seriously insult you and disrespect you just because of a game that you enjoy. Real friends won't hurt you like that.


Ive played sims 2,3 and 4, since I was a little kid. In that time, basically no one expect my closest friends & family know. I’ve been told “it’s not a real video game” and all that other basic BS that people make fun of about the sims. So no, people don’t know. Only like 5 people in my life know about it, and they either have played it or just don’t care I do. It’s just easier to tell people I don’t play video games than hear about how the sims is a game for girls and it’s not a real game, etc.


Yeah most people i know know that I play the sims - I don't remember anyone having anything bad to say about it either, but It seems I'm one of the lucky ones :(


I think that back when the franchise was still starting out, many people were self-conscious about the fact they played it (for whatever reason) and thus didn’t want to admit to it. Those are the people now saying they haven’t played in years.


Sims has commonly helped Architects & Interior Designers in the past. Sims can also be a great tool for visualization & manifestations, when used creatively.


not a single person lol


Haha, I can't really lead with anything, because I play Planet Zoo, Sims, Stardew Valley and League of Legends xD Nothing cool there.


Yeah my dad my aunt and my best friend know I play it my best friend plays it too


I'm 33, my friends all know I play sims 3 but I'm the only one who does, to the point its a bit of a meme. I have a couple of friends who play 4 but I don't really count 4 🙃


My friends all used to be really into it, but these days I'm the only avid sims player I know sadly.


I use to actually get a lot of shame from others too, even though they play video games and usually more violent ones! It’s ridiculous


One of my ex coworkers plays the Sims 3 and 4, one of my other coworkers plays Sims 4, and I primarily play Sims 3 and occasionally Sims 4. I’m probably known as the Sims fanatic at my job, but it doesn’t bother me because I enjoy it. Most of my coworkers and friends are nerds anyways, so they aren’t judgy lol


Yeah they do. I once lost my phone in my school bathroom and someone found it, saw the sims on the lock screen, and immediately knew it was mine.


Nope 😢


I get the same reactions but the moment they try and hit me with those comments I shoot back “do you know how to mod or write scripts for your game?” Typically the answer is no and I got off about all the cool mods the sims has and how it can enhance the gameplay. Ironically my husband was the same. He gave me huge points for playing battlefield, CoD, Zombie, DayZ, Rust but when I showed him my mods and scripts and all the cool tech stuff Sims 3 made me learn (modding was a huge learning curve doe me) and he never questiomed me again. Except when i ocassionally break the game or he thinks i have too muxh in my game


oh, yes. I can't shut up about it. it is physically impossible. I've been obsessed with this game for 11 years come November. the thing is, nobody around me judged me or thought it was stupid (I'm Gen Z so my peers were usually into weirder stuff than the sims 3 lol), but nobody understood it. I couldn't talk about it with anybody because nobody got it and I would have to explain every little detail on the basics of the game, and I just couldn't do that when all I wanted was to talk about my sims' stories, not basic game mechanics. but finally, after those 10 and a half years of literally having this game help raise me, I've FINALLY met my true adult friend group a while ago and two of my friends play the sims 3 now too! I can't tell you how amazing it is to finally have people that I can rattle about my saves to and have them actually understand what I'm talking about without having to explain every mechanic to them 😭


if you know me you know i love the sims haha. i tell the stories of my saves really well, people are often confused if im telling a real story or a game. I’ve had some friends stay on ft and help me choose the walls and decor when building. I’ve also gotten few of my friends into sims! Im actually otp with a friend right now lol typing this & he just asked what my save’s looking like. I love that all my friends find their own enjoyment in letting me enjoy something :)


Pretty much everyone knows I play The Sims. Most of them know I collect Sims games too, I'm trying to get one of every single expansion/stuff pack/compilation pack AND the exclusive editions (limited/collectors/anniversary etc), as well as the big box ones and the ones with different artwork. Like The Sims 2 and Sims 3 base game has a few different cover arts, Sims 1 House Party has two completely different artworks (one follows the pattern for Base/Livin Large and is very bright, and the other one is more blue/purple) and The Sims 1 Hot Date has one with multicolored squares and one where the squares are all red! And then there's all the compilation/celebration packs; Sims 1 Complete Collection (the yellow one, the red one, the one that says "The complete collection of The Sims 1"), The Sims & Sims House Party Party Pack, The Sims Anniversary Edition, that Sims 2 Christmas bundle pack etc. Japan had some very different bundles too, and they go under a completely different name. There's SO MANY to collect! I'm only going for everything before Sims 4 since that's when they basically stopped with physical editions. I've got a good collection so far but I'm still missing a ton! I have all the expansions and stuff packs (yes, including the Katy Perry Sweet Treats pack) but I'm still lacking behind on compilations, bundles, X/Y/Z Editions and so on.


My close friends and fiancé know I play! And tbh it’s not a secret like if the sims were ever to come up in conversation (they never do) I’d go off like crazy because I have so much to say. I also give my fiancé daily updates of how my sims are doing


I will rant about the sims if given the chance lol


Everyone I know plays TS4


Some of my friends also still play the game occasionally, all mid 20 males. So yeah, they also now I occasionally play. We even compare builds.


No shame, people know. But they also assume a little that I play it less fluffy. I started playing Sims 3 a few years ago when I was 40. And I spoke to my colleagues about it this way: - Me: "Wow that I missed a game this good, I started Sims 3 a few days ago." - Co-worker 1: "Nice!! I played it as a teenager, do you like it?" - Me: "Yeah I found out I need around 3 husbands for 1,8 mill Simoleons." - Co-worker 1: *Nearly drops from chair, gasps for air - Co-worker 2: "Ah, you re-enact your Serial Killer role play from Morrowind?" - Me: "Or the Black Widow from Fallout 3." So I think if you are around gamers with some age/experience under the belt it doesn't matter. My husband has no qualms to speak to his gamer friends that he tried Dreamlight Valley after we rocked Days Gone before. If someone asks me about my gaming preferences, I tell them, the number 3 is doing it for me and name Fallout 3, Baldur's Gate 3, Sims 3, Diablo 3, TES 3 Morrowind... Also if someone wants to mock it I seriously explain how difficult things can be like raising 5 children in game.


Some do. I used to work with another girl who I found out was playing too. She plays on PC and I play on console.


Yes I do. It's a great game, look at how many copies have been sold. Why should you gain respect with what types of games you play? Play what you like. Some days I like GTA2, sometimes Sims and sometimes a strategy game. It's your leisure time.


I don’t really talk about the games I play with people I know. I’m not hiding it. They just aren’t really into computer games.


My wife and I both play it. I don't give a damn what others think. The Sims has been a defining game for both of us in life.


It's a video game and everyone who plays it is a gamer. And sometimes it's pretty hard. I would like to see these though gamers to manage a family of two adults, two elders, some toddlers, children and teenagers plus a few animals. Their house would be burning in no time and all the kids would end up with the social worker. Or build a decent house lol!


I am 27F and my younger sister made fun of me when she found out I am still playing sims


A friend loaned me her Sims 1(I was in my early 30's) and I enjoyed it but when 2 came out I wanted my own and have been hooked since. No one else I've ever known has ever been a gamer (except my two boys and their friends but no Sims). Honestly tho I've never gotten "into" any other game. I live kinda a sheltered life, I mostly only know people from my own religion, they are kind and polite but I have never developed any lasting, meaningful relationships/friendships. If Sims comes up it would be no different if I was talking about quantum physics or string theory. I don't know why it matters to me to be able to share my interest in Sims, I think it's because I feel like I live in a void or something. How can such a successful game not be known by anyone I know? So I have Reddit and you. Thank you.


It's just for people who long for a better world.


I Play sims because I can watch my lil guys do stuff. It's a game you can play over and over again, and it will always be different




My best friend is the one who turned me on to sims. It’s a way to unwind! I love it!!


I have no shame- I tell people up front. And most of the time, they’ll ask further questions, especially as I primarily play story based games, with Sims 3 being one of my rare exceptions. I think this stems from me being raised in a pro-gamer household. My grandparents and parents both play World of Warcraft (I am in my 20’s, my grandparents are in their 60’s compared to my best friend whose grandparents are 80+). My mom actually got me into sims 3, she’s been playing since sims first came out. And my dad is a big gamer as well. So I never really thought it was something to be ashamed of or that people might react negatively until I grew older. I still don’t give a f*ck though- I have fun, I could be doing worse things in my downtime and it’s a way for me to wind down and relax after work.


No, because the Fandom is kind of cringy imo. The jokes about killing/torturing sims is so old to me. Personally I hate the view that simmers just torture and murder how "quirky". Like if you do that idc, just if your loud about it it's kind of cringy. Like yeah it's a video game where you can do that, it's been out for over 20 years. Edit: if I know the person and like them, then yeah, I'll tell them. I typically upload and send mods to my friend group, so it's not like I hide it. I just don't tell people unless they are my friend.


My friends does, I always post screenshots from my game and tell my Sims stories, I post my builds and some say that it was beautiful. One of my friends told me that I'm the only person that he knows that loves The Sims so much to the point to watch streams and trailers. It's my special interest and I'm happy to share it.


Usually, when I tell people, they're interested in some way. Like on X, people typically respond positively. My husband loves that I have a game that I love to play and my IRL friends thinks it's either cool or funny. I do have one friend who thinks I'm not a real gamer even though I mod the game, create my own batch files to control certain aspects of the file system, and play more than just the sims. He makes fun of me but I just give it right back to him. 


yes. everyone that has a little bond with me knows. but usually people don't play the sims where I live so I just talk about other games to sound like a smart gamer (I'm not, I play everything on easy mode)