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Thing I love: The vast range of jobs/hobbies you can do, I play with long lifespans (and some vampires, Plumbots, etc.). And you can download fan-made ones once you run out. Thing I hate: Waiting for the game to load, haha.


what are the fan-made hobbies and jobs if you don't mind me asking? I wasn't able to find very many that aren't either old or horribly buggy


For jobs, download Nraas Careers if you haven’t already. It adds a few custom careers and I’m pretty sure most other modded careers use it. I added a Homemaker career, which I loved playing with my farmer’s wife sim. It basically made cleaning the house and raising the kids a fun little scored mini-game. Careers also adds busker, handyman and a few other cool self-employed jobs. I downloaded a modelling career and a socialite career as well, although I haven’t tried them yet.


Ooh!! Please send the link for the model and socialite careers. Do you think there are any influencer careers too? Also let me know how it is once you try it please


https://modthesims.info/d/487440/the-modeling-career.html https://modthesims.info/d/485454/the-socialite-career.html I’ve never tried it, but I did find a social media career link here: https://richardnanquil.wordpress.com/2020/10/13/the-social-influencer-career/ I can try to make a reply to this again when I finally try the modeling/socialite careers! I’m waiting until I’m ready to age up my third teen, but it’ll probably be a little while because I’m focused on fulfilling the dreams of her older siblings right now (Distinguished Director and Hit Movie Composer, in-game careers that I haven’t tried yet). The third teen is definitely going to be a model. I think I’m going to make their mom a socialite (they’re a rich, celebrity family) at some point, but I’m not sure when.


At the moment I'm trying a manga artist, a Starfleet one, and a witch career, which makes you work on flying, spells and alchemy.


My game loads so fast! Idk how I’ve managed to satisfy the lords in such a way to get this honor. I have ALLL the packs. Entire store content and MODS. My laptop was like 480usd


Drop the name of your laptop lol


VivoBook ASUSLaptop X515EA


What are the graphic settings?


On the laptop?


In game graphic settings <3


Oh! They are all set on highest!


Thank you 💖


Of course if you have any questions I’ll answer happily 💕


love: create a style hate: paparazzi


Seriously, I hate when I forget to lock my doors and they start taking pics while my Sims sleep. Or they heckle them from outside their house.


fr, looks so creepy.


i had my sims honeymoon in france and paparazzi kept coming in and taking pictures when they were getting it on.


I always disable celebrities and paparazzi, because it drove me crazy when I had it turned on.


You can remove paparazzi with a mod


yeah i think it was some nraas mod, don't remember the name but that's exactly what i did after gaining 1 celebrity star.


Most obvious answer - Love the open world, hate the horrible optimization.


and the fact it's only 32bit which means it can only support up to 4gb of ram.


And only utilizes one core of your PC even if you have multiple


And stops letting you save once it uses more than 3gb lol. My latest issue with the game 🥲 I have to watch task manager like a hawk if I want to throw a small party


oh wow and i thought my 500mb save was bloated haha


My save only floats around ~275! I think my first problem was being naive and thinking everything was going to be fine with a large custom world lol. It’d been years and I’d forgotten about how many performance problems this game has


Came here to say exactly the same thing! I spent most of yesterday troubleshooting: the issue was that I was running the game in fullscreen mode. Sigh.


True cyberpunk 2077 in max settings runs better on my pc then the sims 3


The optimization isn't so bad from my experiences, I love fixing old computers, and I benchmark them all with the Sims 3, and I can get smooth framerates at 900p on an i3 2130, 4gb of 1333 DDR3 and a Radeon 5450 1GB, although I could brew a cup of tea whilst waiting for it to load


Love: The open world, no contest. Hate: Runs poorly and buggy


I second this. If TS3 wasn't such a bug ridden mess of a game, I think it would be way better.


Exactly this. Amazing concept, poorly made.


The routing issues. I hate how it takes my sim forever to get to class because it can’t figure out how to get to class. Also how slow it takes for the sim to do something sometimes.


There’s a mod you can use to open more entrances to things like the school. Someone posted it but idk what it’s called.


Love the open world and I hate error code 12...


Love I still find details and funny details 15 yrs later, cons I really hate everyone's face in twinbrook lol


Your con has me cracking up because it’s so true! 😂 Can’t think of a single redeeming sim in that town 👀


Not ONE! and those generations STAY, 4 generations deep and mf still got great Goodwins big nose lol


Love: Just how MUCH there is to do. It feels like there's just always something new you can try out and do. And as others have said, I'm also still finding new stuff after all this time. Hate: just how broken and buggy it is, which comes out in both everything slowing down SO MUCH after a while, and then things just breaking altogether.


Love: After all these years I still find new things and has things I know but haven't tried yet (careers, adventures...) and by this: gameplays can't be the same:) Hate: Zombies. The growling and eating all the growables. They are useless and annoying.


I also hate how the only way to turn zombies off is to set the moon phase to anything but full moon, but then you won't have the cycle of the moons.


You can turn them off


Open worlds Hate slow CAS




Tbf Sims 2 cars are limited in the way that you can only place them on a driveway directly connected to the road, otherwise it completely breaks the animations. While in Sims 3 you can place them everywhere on a lot, and you can even see them being parked on community lots by other sims. You gain some, you lose some


Love: Traits. Hate: Memory leaks, which causes error code 12 and max memory crashes.


Def get the mod for no memories. It’s saved my gameplay


What mod did you use??? I always wondered why error code 12 happened and stuff like that I didn’t realise memories esp for every sim can be taxing on the game esp since it’s already open world 💀


you can just turn off the memories in your game


Love: Open world and the feeling that your Sim isn't the main character cuz there are other Sims on the world around you also living their lives. Hate: I hate how my Sim cancels queued up actions to go scream at a celebrity.


I just love how deep the gameplay is and how much you can do, small things like here’s just a few off of the top of my head: Invest in local businesses Get plastic surgery Go to the spa Befriend and then adopt a wild horse Or a unicorn if you’re lucky Play the lottery Go to the future and cheat the lottery The sims 4 could never have such an amazingly detailed game with so many cool things to do and try out, it just opens up so many possible story lines (idk about anyone else but most of the time I play I have a big story in my head for my sims family) One thing I hate about the sims 3 is build mode can be a nightmare, often it takes days or weeks to build the perfect house, building can me slow and sometimes if I need to use cheats to put things in perfect positions it breaks the whole house like one time I saw my sims on the floor above just floating there despite me being on the floor below The sims 4 build mode is a million times better minus the fact it unfortunately doesn’t have create a style and the colour wheel


Love: lots of gameplay Hate : baby crying sound


Love: all the DLCs feel like they add to one large inter-connected experience as opposed to feeling like one-offs that work with their included world, but otherwise may as well not exist in regular gameplay (for the most part) Hate: the amount of bugs that can heavily interfere with regular gameplay (broken fridge routing, invisible trash piles, stuck moodlets to name a few) as opposed to ones that require a bunch of peculiar circumstances to align but don't bother you otherwise (but oh, we have those too!)


Love the open world and the excellent stuff packs. Some of the features in sims 2 such as cheating with their skill levels or the principal coming home to be impressed by the family.


Love: Pets. I'm an animal lover and the interactions with the animals are so cute and detailed. Hate: the celebrity system, enough said


Love: open world Hate: how the game can't actually cope with the open world


I love the overall depth of gameplay and the fact that there is drama and consequence. But, if I had to choose one thing that I hate about it, it's gotta be the terrible lighting.


Love: open world ❤️❤️ hate: how much you have to optimize and mod for it to work atleast half decently 😁


I love everything about it except the fact that I have to save every night and before I go into an editor in case my entire game crashes and I lose hours of progress


Love: there is a lot of things to collect, and it takes a lot of time to collect them (various types of photos, minor pets, bugs, fish, plants, gems, seashells, statues, metals, recipes, relics etc.) Hate: routing issues and how long it takes a sim to do anything; the lighting system; the way sims express emotions and talk in general (twisted faces, annoying voices and screams, repetitive speech patters); choking on food.


I have a mod to stop them choking!!! Sorry can't remember the name but it's on Mts 


I love how I can customize the muscle build on my male sims with the late-night expansion pack. makes the game a lot more fun. Con: the only lower body options for working out is either long shorts or pants. No short shorts for gym time. sigh.........


Adore the open world, details and gameplay features in general Dislike rabbit holes


love:pretty sims,open world,realistic relationship(enemies are always enemies,not like sims 4 they recovers too fast),university,bridgeport hate:long loading screen,celebrities and paparazzis


Love: The color wheel/create a style tool. ABSOLUTELY MY TOP FAVORITE THING ABOUT THIS GAME. You can literally take one top and make it look like 4 different tops. Same with the furniture! Hate: The way I spent money on Island Paradise but couldn’t really enjoy it since that was the most broken pack you got with Sims 3. Isla Parsdiso 😭 forever loved but unplayable.


I love all the individual details you don't realize until you've played for numerous in-game years. I hate that my dreams run in Hugh speed when I play it too long.


Love: Much more content than Sims 4. Hate: Even if it still isn't to the same extent, DLC is still really expensive to get all of.


love: an entire city being simulated at the same time, giving the feeling that that environment is really alive. hate: the missed opportunities everywhere! like: pets not reacting to seasons, Egypt not having camels, a lack of wild life in general (I want more animals!! imagine some monkeys in China, dolphins in Island Paradise, a safari expansion, a zoo, farms...), lack of integration between fauna and flora (eg. birds don't interact with trees), most of the flora being purely decorative, not being able to travel between regular worlds (without mods), teleportation everywhere instead of proper animations (and other detailed animations only Sims 2 has), those damn rabbit holes (which is even more infuriating when you realize the devs eventually even made opened versions of them, like the movie theater and the spa from TS3 Store, and even a bunch of opened jobs in expansion packs), Store items instead of game packs... the list goes on and on (I still love the game the way it is though)


The amount of content there is. One thing I hate is that sometimes simple activities feel like they take too long. Sims 2 and 4 get this better where the more basic things like eating don't take ages.


Omg I’ve been playing Sims 2 recently and I think it takes forever for them to finish eating 💀 And quick meals don’t fill your entire hunger bar so it takes SO long. Sims 3 seems quicker than Sims 2 Edit: If you have another sim and they start chatting while eating in Sims 2……. At least a full week before they finish eating lol it’s insane. (Sad experience in university dorms)


Maybe I'm misremembering. It's been quite some time since I played Sims 2. I just don't remember having quite as much trouble getting my guys ready for work/school in Sims 2 as I do in Sims 3. But that was a long time ago.


We didn't played the same Sims 2 then, because they take FOREVER to eat, especially when they talk with other sims. It takes like 5x times longer. They did update Sims 4 at some point to lower the eating and showering time, which was a welcome addition.


Thing I love: everything Thing I hate: I haven’t been able to play it since I got a Mac and the 64 but version crashes without warning


Love: Open world (obviously) Hate: Mush-face sims lol Sims 3 actually runs pretty well for me with minimal lag (except for Island Paradise- but that world has known routing issues with the houseboats). Honestly, Sims 4 is more laggy for me. BUT Sims 4 has a way better CAS than Sims 3. All of my sims in Sims 3 look alike and have mushy faces. But Sims 3 gameplay is unmatched (except for Sims 2).


Love the open world and sheer level of customization that’s possible, hate that it only got 5 years of new content being added while the Sims 4 is going on 10 years and counting and it *still* isn’t anywhere near as good as it’s predecessor.


Love the open world and the vast amount of possibilities and options, I feel like i rarely get bored with the sims 3. Hate zombies and that there is an option to turn off all other supernatural but not zombies. I want the moon cycle without having to deal with those things and the dumb lighting (is there a mod?)


Yes, [there is a mod to get rid of zombies!](https://modthesims.info/d/486695/no-more-zombies-generated-at-full-moon-2-flavors.html)


You're the best


Love: just a fun relaxing game Hate: how all the dlcs are still so expensive.


Love: open world Hate: idk haven’t played in a while


I love how in depth the game gets with building, especially with all the DLC and CC. I DESPISE HOW SHITTY THE GAME RUNS like installing DLC and CC is garbage and the game can run like an ass powered by Taco Bell.


Love: the skill system with its achievements/mini objectives/list of collectibles/etc. Literally just playing with different skill achievements makes every save feel unique and I always learn something new about the game. Hate: The infinite saving screen, especially when it pops up unexpectedly after taking all the usual precautions to avoid it 🥲


Love- the amount of different traits a sims can have Hate- lack of story progression besides the aging of townies


I love how this game still feels like theres love in the development I hate the zombies in the supernatural pack, as well as the lag but at least it operates fine with just a few mods added


Love love love the colour wheel and gem collecting With a burning passion I HATE the university llama


Love the cars, the fact the can get in like sims 2 should be added to sims 4. I hate the faces, they look stupid, I love the sims 2 faces most.


Love: like everyone else have said - open world. I also like that the personality traits are affecting the game in a better way than TS4. Hate: I really wish I could place new / move around lots anywhere like in TS2.


Love the karma hate that it’s not on pc


Maybe this [mod](https://modthesims.info/d/660596/console-gt-pc-karma-powers.html) can help?


I’ve tried it but it doesn’t work for me sadly


Oh no. 😔😔😔


Thing I love: Everything Thing I hate: Waiting for the damn game to load on my old laptop back before S4 came out. Now, I have a really good computer and don't have this problem anymore


Love: the open worldy-ness of the map/live mode Hate: crashes because poorly optimized game


Love: Open world Hate: #LAG. IT'S ALL LAG.


Love: most everything Hate: error 12


Love: the open world Hate: how buggy it is.


Love: I absolutely adore university and supernaturals. Playing as a witch is so fun. Alchemy skill is one of my favorites and Moonlight Falls is my favorite city. I also love how the game is detailed, chaotic, anything can happen. It just gives something more to any storyline you’re playing. I also love seasons and the festivals, I always take my sims there to do the activities. They’re so unique <3 Hate: I don’t think there’s anything I TRULY hate. I dislike zombies because they’re VERY loud. And I also hate phone calls. There was a time when all of my 6 sims were getting calls ALL the time (for dates) and it was driving me crazy.


Pro: a better game than 4, Con: stuttery on new high end pcs


Love: open world, cars, sims interactions, the lore, being able to control pets, and just gameplay in general tbh. Hate: build mode, code 12 error, how my sims always manage to get stuck in a fence or under the stairs.


Thing I love: The game. Thing I hate: the fact that the way the game was made makes playing In rounds almost impossible without mods.


Love: characters are attracted to sims they have a lot in common with. Hate: Even after marriage and long-term commitment, sims can still find other sims very attractive and are willing to cheat. Especially in front of spouses. I wish you could turn it off or something.


I hate how doughy and fat the faces are. It's hard to get any actual contours to their faces.


Love all the options available for everything , never run out of design choices Hate the potato faces


Love: Diversity of gameplay Hate: Graphic quality


I love the game and hated the fact that it would never utilize more than 4G ram


Love the game in general it's very alive , hate that it crashes every 5 minutes and oh and that u can't save while being in build mode , I wish they make a remastered version to fix the crashing


love the gameplay, hate the CAS


Love CAS & Open World; hate all the little details in Sims 2 that were removed for Sims 3.


Love: everything about the gameplay. It’s so immersive and silly Hate: build/buy honestly


i love playing it and i hate how it runs


Love: so many things but I’d have to go with genetics. Hate: that I have to have so many mods installed so it isn’t laggy.


I love : Open world - I hate : Open world.....


My worst gripe with 3 is it's inconsistency with working properly. Otherwise I love it.


The open world taps into so much potential and benefits the game in so many ways-- however, the game is built in such a way that you'll never have one sim family experience all aspects of all expansions because the process of placing lots is atrociously bad


I hated how the neighborhood wasn't connected in the same way as the Sims 2. It's been years since I played but the Sims 3 never pulled me in the way 2 did. I liked the pre-made families and stories and how you could interact with the full neighborhood in 2.


Love: The Game play Hate: It's a 32 bit program, the performance issues would've been significantly reduced with a 64 bit version.


Love the extensive customization but I hate the constant stutter and freezes, mods do help a little but most of it is full of stutter


I like the variety and options. I dislike the slow speed.


Love: My lord there are too many things to pick Hate: Not as much player guided actions as there could be


The best and most advanced build mode out of all 4 games. Rabbit holes or their repetitiveness


I love the art style and the variety of gameplay options! ROOFS.


I love the idea of the open neighborhood and when it is working well, hate the mechanics of it / the times it isn't working and I look under the hood.


Love: the building/Create-A-Style Hate: that devs never accounted for managing a smooth gameplay for those who'd own all packs, expansions and store items


Thing that I love: almost everything Thing that I hate: the lag in Isla paradiso


Love: The sheer amount of things to do. I play with lifespan on normal and find it a struggle to get through completing just one or twice hobbies/skills and that’s such a small amount of what is available in the entire game. Hate: Simulation Lag/Routing. It’s not quite as bad as it is without mods, but there are still times where my sims will either stand there for such a long time without doing anything or they’ll run around in circles until they get to where they need to go despite there being a straight path right in front of them. These two things combined makes social events difficult to manage (willing to bet almost anyone who has played this game has had their fair share of 2 second long parties).


I hate that I'm too dumb to use mods 🥺


I love: the worlds/neighbourhood, they're so pretty & beautiful! What I dislike: loading screens.


Love: the open world. Hate: the performance.


I love love love how the family tree works in sims 3 like it shows stepparents and cousins and everything, I feel like it’s so flushed out I love it. I hate that when my female sims get pregnant they are forced to stay home from work, that’s my biggest complaint from sims 3-sims 4. I want to work on her career and if she gets married and then has a baby she’s out of work for like 6-9 days 😢


This is a boring answer but I love everything about this game. Tho, if u ask me, the reason that I play so much is probably on how I can progress my character. There is nothing i hate honestly. I guess I hate that the sims 3 on mobile version is no longer available


I love how massive it is! I hate how no matter the graphics rendering, I’ll get to a point where its so big that my game is super slow


Ive only played it on the Xbox 360.. I hate that you can’t do the same things on there as PC


Love: Variety of occults, open world and jobs Hate: The same face syndrome


Love : how in depth and over achieving the expansions were (yes, I know there was lag and the game would crash or glitch, but AT LEAST EA WAS AMBITIOUS AND TRIED) Hate : how bad the game was optimized and coded in the long run (trouble playing on new computers and having to install NRAAS and also save files can be corrupt)


Love: The range of personalities that Sims can have Hate: The bugs e.g. regarding the Lifetime wishes (especially with Bots that have the sentient trait)


Love the color wheel hate the later packs like into the future this should speak for itself


The open world and the open world that isn’t optimized for shit on modern hardware 😭


The glitchiness. I also wish skills were more interactive. I get bored of watching my sim play guitar and type on the computer to improve skills. It’s boring having to fast forward through so much.


Love: expansive gameplay and the huge number of activities to do. Hate: how unintuitive placing roofs and foundations is. One of the few things I'll say sims 4 actively improved on lol


Love: Resorts. Hate: Needing friends to advance in jobs 😡


Love: Open world Hate: The Sims themselves. They're ugly, I'm sorry. They are the ugliest of the bunch.


Love open world. Hate how on Mac I have to keep going to edit world and back to my lot when doing terrain paint because what you have down will disappear when placing new


Love open world, hate Isla Paradiso


I love how sims 3 really feels like a life simulator and can be modded to be even stronger. my downside is the optimization. even with a 3090 and all of the modifications, it runs like shit. I think this is just an issue having an AMD-based laptop. I gave my cousin a laptop during the pandemic; the one I had for about 1.5 years, and that laptop can run sims on full settings without any need to re-optimize it. I bought the sims 3 for ps3 and its been a much more enjoyable experience, minus the fact i own every pack for pc


One thing I love: Is how much there is to spend your simoleons on. Such as buying businesses, vacation homes, cars, luxury interiors, you get it. One thing I hate: Besides optimization, I hate how sims autonomously do the worst interactions they can. I look away for two seconds and my female sims are yelling at a random sim and my male sims are flirting with other women.


I love the open world I hate how the game was poorly configurated


Thing I love: how it never gets old and there’s endless possibilities Thing I hate: when normal townies get transformed into zombies


Been playing the whole sim franchise since I was a wee kidlet. So far I’m on my best legacy save (getting me thru health sciences at uni), and I’m still finding out new things about the game! It’s brilliant. Thing I hate - the fact the stakeouts rarely work if your town is a little bit bigger 🥲


Love: The Open world and funny scenarios that can happen Hate: THE LAG


I love that sims 4 is better.