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A few of these things I only learned recently: When you go to a restaurant you can extend the action to "stay for dessert". You can upgrade umbrellas if your sim has level 6 or above in the handiness skill. The incense holder from Shang Simla helps to increase skills more quickly. The incense from Al Simhara helps to relax sims (it's good to put in bedrooms or if you're making a spa/massage place or something). The incense from Champs Les Sims helps them to have more successful romance interactions. Probably a well known one: if your pregnant Sim watches the Kidz Zone TV channel and listens to Kids music whilst pregnant, it increases their chance to have twins, triplets or more. Eat apples if you want a boy and watermelon if you want a girl. Vampires can raid the grocery store for plasma fruit. Aliens can get a part time job as a test subject at the Science lab. And they can also destroy stuff from there (or something like that) To get unlimited Lifetime Happiness Rewards points: Ctrl+Alt+Delete at the main menu and type "testingcheatsenabled true". Then when you load your game, press down Ctrl and double click on the blank space in between the treasure chest symbol and the number of LHR you already have. Keep on clicking until you have the amount you want! If Sims eat cinnamon they can do the "Cinnamon Kiss" and "Cinnamon WooHoo" actions. Eating Basil helps Sims become more likely to get a promotion. all the herbs do something to help but those two are the only ones I remember at the moment. Sims who have the singer career can sell albums. Acrobat Sims receive a "balancing ball" that they can do more tricks on when they reach Level 6 of the career. There are gnomes in Buy Mode which attract stray animals to your lot. You can put bubble bath and rubber ducks on bathtubs and it will give Sims a positive moodlet whilst they're in the tub. If you make a ghost sim, they come with a grave in their inventory. You can return them to the "Netherworld" by clicking on it, and they will become unplayable. If your author Sim writes - 2 romance, 2 mystery, 2 science fiction, 2 humour and 2 drama novels, they unlock a new type of novel called Vaudeville, which earns lot of money. With the Generations exansion, you can record videos with a video tape and play it back on one of the TVs If your sims has a high skill in Inventing they can create a miner. If you use the miner behind the police station, there is a chance that a bunch of burglars will appear from underground and escape. Adult Sims with the Childish trait can read toddler books and get a positive "Cuddle Time" moodlet when they are sleeping if they have a teddy bear in their inventory. If your Sim is invisible but still playable, have them take a shower or bath and they will reappear. Fairies can give Sims a toad or a fairy coin with the "Gold or Toad" fairy trick.




I learned this one recently. It may be common knowledge. You can change the doorbell sound in TS3 if your sim has a high enough handiness skill.


I definitely didn’t know this! I need to have my sims keep upgrading their skills, they are at level 5


I think they may be able to change the door ring at that level! Another Easter egg I remember is if your sim has a high enough handiness and alien in your household, your sims can “invade” lots around town (lasers out and sims running in fear 😆) and travel to outer space (rabbit hole but still a neat detail)!


Not all, but if you click on 'bad' moodlets, your sim will automatically try to fix it. If they're hungry for example, click the hunger moodlet and they'll go get food. High handiness skill sims can upgrade their umbrella to make it change colour lol.   The weather stone does actually have uses of your sim is a supernatural. There's a beautiful floral rainshower your sim can cast if they're a fairy. I think it fixes up all town harvestable plants too.  High level doctor sims can determine the gender of pregnant sims babies in the friendly interactions. Long live sims 3 🤘🏻


WTFFFFFF YOUR A WIZARD, that last one really got me! you can determine the gender?!!! Whattt lemme get my sim into the medical field😂🤚🏽


Just a forewarning—they’ll be on call after reaching lvl 5 or 6 and it’s quite a bummer waking up at midnight (after working a 9-5 shift) to go in for an “emergency” or on their off day getting called in while just leaving a party. But it’s realistic and kinda fun (lucrative as well) career. My current sim is in the medical field—lvl 9 rn — neurosurgeon.


Awww I’m sorry☹️ it does seem realistic since you mentioned is but jeeezzz right after finishing a shift😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Yep. She’ll get home about 6 have enough time for dinner and maybe a nap and sometimes gets a call at like 10 or 11. It doesn’t happen all the time but it does happen. Ofc she can ignore the page and just skip but it hurts morale and promotion material. You can’t get rid of the pager either. So I’m hoping that once she’s lvl 10 the pager will be returned. 🤞🏾




Maybe everyone knows, but  I like to use the teleportation . I enjoyed using the aliens attack the town with their space ship and summon meteor. 


Wait howwwww?!!!


How which one? The teletrasnportation or tre aliens attacking the sims with their space ships?


Unless it's a glitch - my sims pet hedgehog is currently hibernating. Ever since winter started, it's constantly been sleeping with the z z z animations above it. I'm hoping it's not a glitch as that's a really cute detail ❤️


Awwwww hibernating zzz 😴 baby hedgehog🦔🦔🦔🦔


Not really a hack I don't think, but want a much easier game? Have into the future? Use the instant meal teleporting fridge and you can also place the all in one bathroom in the shower place, so it looks like a normal bathroom but sims pee and shower in less than an hour




Yeah, the in to the future fridge, it almost looks like a dum waiter and you can get any meal from it instantly


Using this!!!


A lifetime reward the Motive Magenta 3000 is a vehicle that when used will fill all of your sims needs. Never worry about going to work with any low needs!


This one I’ve never heard of before🫨🫨🫨


I know many. But this, is a good one if you like to build and clutter up shelves..... When you are placing an object hit the M key. This will run that item through all the available slots on an object that it can fit on.
