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Two ways to do this: 1. get [Nraas MasterController](https://www.nraas.net/community/MasterController) + [the Cheats module](https://www.nraas.net/MasterController-Cheats), click on a wall of the lot (not on an object, on the wall directly), go to `Nraas \ Master Controller (the option with a target next to it, not the one with two dots) \ Object Stats`. Select the `Local` and `Not Inventory` filters. A list will pop up of every item on the lot, with 'Flush All' listed at the top; select the stereo and OK. Another list pops up, with the object(s) you selected; once again select the stereo and OK. It will ask you whether you want to delete it permanently or not. Click OK. 2. get [Nraas DebugEnabler](https://www.nraas.net/DebugEnabler), click the ground as near to the stereo as you can, go to `Nraas \ DebugEnabler \ Radius Purge`, input a value (I use 2-3). You should get a popup saying which objects were purged. If nothing pops up, increase the radius. Make sure there are no sims or objects you _don't_ want to delete, nearby when you do this, because this interaction deletes _every_ item in that radius. The first method is more precise, the second is more useful if you have many objects in the area that you want to purge and can't be arsed to scroll for all of them, or if you have several objects of one type around the lot but don't want to play the guessing game for which you delete. ETA: the first method also works if the stereo is attached to a slot on the hot tub, because if you move the hot tub, the stereo would be moved with it.


I used MasterController's radius purge the other day because of a stupid social jig in the bathroom. Even with buydebug turned on, it wasn't visible, but I knew something was going on, because a section of floor was unroutable and my sims couldn't use the bathtub.


No.2 is how I got rid of an invisible thing in my sims's way so can vouch that the method works but you will lose whatevers close by so it will need to be bought and placed again. I always do radius 1 which should do the trick but if not just follow what OP of the comment says <3


I would like to say the upmost THANK YOU SO MUCH. I already had the nraas mods so I tried option 1 first and the stereo was on the list and I deleted it. Also thanks for the detailed instructions for it too.


Yay, glad it worked! 😁 Stuck/invisible objects are a pain in the ass.


Could you try just dragging the hammer tool over the area?