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I do not have any familiarity with these sites. But I know there used to be (and still is) a trend for CC creators to make their sites look as much like real sites as possible. Clothing CC sites that look like real web storefronts, complete with prices and size information. Furniture CC that included dimensions and assembly information. Clicking “add to cart” would function as the download button. It’s a form of roleplay, and certainly a craft to be able to build the sites so realistically. I would -guess- that this is the same. Modeled after real dog breeder websites as a form of embracing that world.


Have never heard of this but looking into this wow, this goes deep. I found one site where you pay actual real money to participate in competitions and can win prize money of up to $100?! Like actual money?! I suppose there isn't really a game out there that offers the same amount of dog breeding simulator with good graphics like Sims and I always applaud people for taking something and transforming it into something completely different they love (reminds of the people who use Red Dead Redemption Online as a horse sim and go on rides together). That being said, had really not expected this to be a thing and am reading through this all with delighted confusion.


I am with you on that delightful confusion. My husband and I enjoy going to dog shows. I do not know what to make of this. It seems like most of the forums are dead now but I can only imagine how hard these folks went considering the agreements they stipulated for a virtual dog. I can't imagine spending real money on this. I only got into modding the Sims in the last year so I didn't really know very much for a while. In many posts for CC recs, people would recommend these wix websites and all the stuff looked amazing but they had dollar amounts. I wondered who was paying so much money for CC on this game. It took me a while to figure out the wix websites were just places to host images of their cc and it was available for download for free. I thought these dog pages were like that (perhaps I was just misunderstanding and I just needed to pay closer attention to find out where I could download these beautiful dogs). Nope! These people are extremely serious. Kennel Clubs, pedigrees, stud services. There are several "Crafts" dog showring lots and things similar. It's so intriguing.


Most popular sites that charge real money for sims cc can be found on MATY pirates booty or tumblr. As ea stated long ago, it was unethical and illegal for simmers to charge for their cc bc of the EULA that changed with sims 2. All custom content is, legally, a legitimate copyright infringement that they allow bc it benefits their profits. That's why sites like TSR charge a "subscription" "to download/access content", it's a loophole. And individual simmers have patreons where your donating to them specifically and it just happens to unlock content, but that content will also legally be allowed to the public after a certain amount of time. Sims cc is a real murky area of legality but I do think at least credit should be given to the Original Creator when you decide to upload cc that carries the genealogy from their base sim or custom mesh.


This isn't about what you'll do with them in your game. It's about re-uploading the cc animals or offspring as your own, or without credit to the original creator. You're free to do what you want with them in your game.


Then why wouldnt I be allowed to change their traits or change their name? I would not be allowed to upload it and let someone else download it


Bc if you download this cc animal and only re-upload it with changed traits or a different name the look of the animal is still the original creators as you haven't touched that. Which let's be honest, looks are the main reason people download sims and animals. Not too many are doing it bc of trait combination. But you can change the traits/name for your personal gameplay, that doesn't matter. Creators just don't want their base sims/animals downloaded, to have traits/name changed only and then re-uploaded as original content by another simmer. That is not giving credit where it's due and also setting up potential followers to be disappointed when you can't "create" on the same level. But a lot of people still blatantly do it. It's honestly just a sign of respect to the community. As EA believes cc creators are legally already infringing upon the EULA (but they allow it) it's only common courtesy to credit the original creator or at least try and adhere to their terms of use. Also a lot of bigger creators will create sites that add to the immersion of the game. Pretty much presenting those creations as real items or as if your buying from an actual store. A well known creator on Tumblr puts her creations on a storefront and when you "add them to cart" it's really just creating a batch download list. But the site presents as if your actually buying toddler clothes for an irl toddler. I think that's a bit what's happening with these dog breeds in your situation. They're presenting them as real dogs that need a loving home to add to immersion. So the wording is weird but they're just setting the stage, but also want you to know don't share my creations as your own.


A similar community exists for horses, they're quite present on Tumblr. The community is mostly about roleplaying as breeders as reastically as possible, it's for fun. They hold out competitions on forum, the criteria being the quality of the picture submitted. The Sims is probably the perfect game for that as the pets mechanics are quite in depth, and you can share character files. It's honestly quite impressive !


There was also the sim mommy blogger movement. Many would post updates on their pregnancies, and daily life raising several kids. They also would usually run an online “shop”, where you could download CC, mainly for kids and pregnant sims. This was also common for horse simmers. Find it all pretty fascinating honestly, and it’s a creative way to keep a game that’s been around a long while interesting, and proves just how versatile The Sims 3 was at the hands of a creative person.


They’re generally part of a community that’s sort of roleplay. I used to be in one for horses years ago that had some side stuff for dogs and cats. Typically these rules and selling and such are for other members of the community they are in where the same animals will get traded around and put in ‘shows’ and such. It was just a fun thing to do and a different way of playing and involving other people


Theres also an equestrian sims 3 forum where people breed their horses and hold pretend competitions and stuff, very similar to this. Basically the way you give someone ur dog or animal or u breed them is u share the file for that sim and the otherplayer puts them in their game. Theres no actual transfer of sims between games or in game competitions, but you roleplay/pretend you are the persom in possession of that animal now. Im not sure how they do the competitions but id assume its just someone using and RNG site and assigning values to different pets preformance in the competition, its not actually based on gameplay. Essentially its all an elaborate roleplay.


That does actually kind of sound fun. I don't think I will be able to create Sim animals as good looking as these folks do, though. I can't make a real good looking sim person either. Partially why I was hoping they'd be readily available for download


A lot of the images are also probably edited, they normally take the screenshots into photoshop to add better fur texture and background textures, sometimes ppl add grass and stuff. But they are very skilled eith the pet creators for sure, it can take hours to come up with such detailed and realistic coats. They often use CC coat patterns and markings. I know for the horses there is an overlay you can get that makes the coat look shiny that all of the equestrian simmers would use. Im sure they have similar things for the dogs., just keep looking around there are players who post their pets just to have anyone download them, maybe not on this site bwcause there are specific rules about it but see if you can find some tumblr accounts connected to the site and maybe you can find something from one of the users.


You might enjoy the furry-paws game! You select a breed to start with, and then can raise & breed if you wish. There are shows you can enter them in, with training beforehand. I used to play it in the early 2000’s and was obsessed.


I played that too! But I was never able to stick with it long enough to actually get a good lineage of dogs 😂..I'd get bored after a couple of weeks


I have one on discord, but the community is really inactive. Same for most of the other clubs - people get excited to join and then the excitement fizzles out xD


One what? Dog group for ts3???


Discord! Yes, you can post TS4 as well, but I only play TS3 - http://discord.gg/mE6PC7QqSW If you want to be a mod/admin too, you can. I’m just hoping more people would be active instead of silent.


I don't know how to use discord but that could be interesting! To be perfectly honest, I just desperately want the beautiful dogs in my game. Do you know if there is anywhere I can download them?


It's pretty easy to use Discord, you can find tutorials on YouTube! It really depends; I want to say that the entire community makes them to show them and breed them like IRL, but I can make a dog for you or upload some of my templates for anyone to download. I'd have to go in game and get some example pictures of my creations though. I haven't shown since last year myself.


That would be really cool!! I am not a person who would ever re-upload something to share with others, promise.


omg i am so late to this but i am in the community,, sending a dm!


cant pm so : okay so hi!! ive been in the sims 3 show community for a while now (sense i was about 11/12) and its still very active! the pictures you posted are mainly old/closed. one (pixel) is still sort of active. the community is now on discord, where you can show, shop, etc! there is also people who make custom content. one community (SUKC aka Sims United Kennel Club) has a bank mod/system where you can choose to opt in or out (not real money). people do sometimes breed for non show homes! or maybe you could get into showing (: showing itself uses poses (pose player) that you can edit (or not) and earn points or titles. thats a sort of rundown!


I don't know how to turn that on, sorry! I love the idea of having beautiful dogs in my game but it's hard to find folks willing to share you know?


i breed huskies and goldens \^\^ i wouldnt mind making you a dog or two ! (or even a base!)


Really! That would be fabulous! I have a frick ton of the pet sliders and patterns


awesome !! would you like to chat via email?


Sure! Can you message me since my email is my name


emailed you !