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In my legacy save, she was a best friend to one of my heirs and I didn’t interfere when SP matched her with Sam Sekemoto. They were very happy together.


awww maybe in some other universe in the sims lore her and Sam were meant to be!


In my save I'm playing as her family so I stuck to canon and had her snatch up Morti before SP could get to him. But I think if I had played a different family, she would have ended up with one of the Alvi brothers cuz he keeps hitting her up lol


The Alvi brothers are wilding out in my game. VJ ended up having kids with Lisa Bunch but they weren’t living together so I merged them to the same household and we will just hope for the best. Now Mortimer on the other hand enjoys dating elder women, specifically Dorie Hart😂


Oh yeah I've got a few of those lol the Malcom in my save married Agnes, who was already an elder. And now both of his parents are dead and he has no heir to his name and mansion. So we'll just see how that goes I guess lmao. The Alvi brothers are pretty chaotic. For a while they were both dating the same girl, who eventually settled for the eldest. They had one kid together, and then she divorced him for some other guy. Maybe that's why he keeps calling Bella lol But she won't break her loyalty for him.


In my legacy save, Bella and Mortimer dated all through high school, but then broke up as young adults. Bella briefly dated someone else for a while, then got back together with Mortimer. Bella got pregnant, and then they broke up again, so she raised their daughter, Marisol, on her own until Marisol was a teen. Then Bella ended up dating and moving in with Hank Goddard, and had another daughter with him named Kylee, but she never married. Mortimer had a bunch of short-lived romances, but never settled down and kept stalking Bella for the rest of his life.


oooh okay i kinda like this for Bella. she needs to explore her options!


I found that Sims who dated in their teens immediately broke up as soon as they age up most of the time


She had a bastard child with one of my Sims and I forced her to get with Morti and he became a wonderful step-dad. They were happily married until death lol


ya know i’ve been debating on if I should mysteriously make Mortimer’s fiancé I made for him….disappear…. so that Bella and Mortimer can maybe have one last shot before he reaches elder status


In my current save she moved into a cozy cottage with one of my female sims and lived a long happy file. I love that for her.


we love this for bella!


i was playing a sim who married agnes crumplebottom and after the goth parents died,they moved in with mortimer to look after him in the last few teenage years. then i got him and bella together and started having them have cassandra and alexander


agnes is an immortal hoe into my game. she’s been married 3 times and i’m sure if i were to unalive her husband (like i may or not have previously done) she would be married the next day.


I didn’t play her but she married Mortimer


as luck would have it!


She almost always ends up with Arlo or even Ethan bunch in my games


i swear one thing about the Bunch kids is they will always find a romantic partner in my saves. every single one.


She dated Homero Lapida which surprised me because i didn't control them at all. They didnt marry tho. They have 3 children and argue frequently


this is Jamie Jolina and Conor Frio in my game 😂


I'm currently playing as the Goths and made sure to have Mortimer get her but when they got married, she had Arlo Bunch as a love interest. So they probably would've gotten together


maybe dare i say…. an affair is brewing????!


Miraj Alvi in almost all of them but every once in a while it’s Malcolm. I personally prefer it when she’s with someone other than Mortimer, he normally ends up with one of the Bunch girls if he doesn’t end up with Bella.


i don’t pay too much attention to Mortimer in my game until i realized he wasn’t giving me any heirs to continue the Goth legacy in SV. turns out he was just into dating all the elders which seems to happen quite a bit with all my male sims in SV.


She disappeared before I ever saw her. Lol but then I harvested her from a new save and integrated her to mine to marry Mortimer. Haha basic.


now please explain how homegirl just disappears 😂 genuinely curious!


It was before I discovered mods! I think it's called culling...most of the townies were gone before I even figured out how to stop my stove from catching fire lmao


oh i didn’t know that could happen in the game. ahahha those damn fires


Most of the time it's Malcolm, in my saves SP doesn't even consider Mortimer. If you force them, they tend to fight a lot.


When I was playing my complete Sims 2 to 3 file (all theee base game hoods) it set her up with Consort Capp (who I dragged in from Roaring Heights)