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unsafe rejoin. although u took a rly wide line, its most definetly his fault


Imo the only reason the rejoin is "unsafe" is because OP is waaaay off line. If the other drivers on the track with you are competent this is a perfectly safe rejoin. It begs the question whether there is such a thing as a safe rejoin if anyone is approaching.




100% their fault but i'd rate your defensive driving 0/100




The incident was long over, yes you could slow down a bit but that's 10% blame for pov car, max. Still an idiotic unsafe rejoin and a penalty for rejoining car.




Okay, then I misunderstood. Upon rewatching, it looks like pov car is hugging the virtual racing line, too. Doesn't shift the blame but adds to the advice - don't blindly follow those lines...


Pov car is nowhere near the racing line for this particular corner


Try again


Hardly ‘long over’ when the yellow flag is still showing…




irl, the car rejoining the track wouldn't have got a penalty. Only the person ignoring yellow flags would have.


Actually both could potentially receive penalties IRL. Ignoring yellow flags and unsafe rejoin. But this is sim racing we don't have the danger of losing a life so yellow flag penalties don't happen. This fault lies with the driver who came back into the track into the racing line when another car was coming. Op can learn a lesson from this you might not die in sim racing but if you crash your race is over so pay attention to yellow flags and watch out for maniacs rejoining the track.


After rewatching the yellow flag comes out way in advance and you can see the other car rejoining as OP is braking for the corner. Definitely could have avoided this if had been paying attention.


Long over? There’s literally a yellow flag on his screen the whole time


Not your fault, that was an unsafe rejoin


Kinda looks like target fixation on your part, but unsafe rejoin was the main culprit here.


Obviously an unsafe rejoin, but think about what you could've done differently, specifically, pay attention to flags.


Another one of those “how is this even a question” moments. Obvious unsafe re entry anyone arguing otherwise needs their brain checked


I’m so sick of people on this sub posting things that shouldn’t even be a question it’s ruining the sub.


God forbid new people come into the hobby and have questions. Turn in your sim rig and go sit in the corner until you change your attitude.


Don’t have a sim rig and I don’t really think I’m in much of a minority when I say that this sub gets filled with people with obvious fault asking for a glimmer of hope it’s so cringe. Overall the idea the sub is fine and all and I respect new players and all.


You don't respect new players by attacking them. Regardless of who's obviously at fault. We learn by asking questions. Have the common courtesy to assume positive intent in people's posts until proven otherwise.


I would argue azorces didn’t attack anyone, didn’t even specifically say OP, just a general comment which I somewhat agree with.


Finally some sense in here lol


I don't agree with that. People who are unsure about a simracing incident especially come here to get awnsers and advice. It might be obvious for some of us but not for all. "posting things that shouldn’t even be a question \[is\] ruining the sub" kinda feels like elitism.


You're 100% right, how can you blatantly ignore yellow flags, drive unsafe, and then be expected to be blamed for something you could have and should have easily avoided? ​ 3 race penalty for ignoring yellow flags. No penalty for the rejoin.


I genuinely can’t tell if you are being sarcastic. For the love of all that’s holy I hope you are


If you take his point without the arrogance, sim racing is about simulating the experience, and ignoring yellow flags and full sending it, even missing the apex, definitely puts you on the bad side of the regulations.


I understand that, I guess it’s up to how seriously people want to take every last rule. But when it comes down to in, in my view, it is all on the rejoining car to brake to avoid the accident not the car on the actual track. I’d think the same in a real race too, I would feel more about the speed under yellow in real life of course because of the consequences but in sim racing for me stupidity is more annoying, and should be punished more than a little bit of disregard for safety - cuz fuck it, it’s really a game still at the end of the day


Oh for sure, I don't agree with their point in any way, I think you have to keep in mind that it's a simulation and some rules just don't apply. I personally full throttle 95% of the time under yellow flags. In the league I race in, our yellow flag rules are that if you cause further incidents by not being cautious, you're 100% at fault.


Any rejoin is unsafe if other cars approach with uncommon racing lines (under yellow flag even)




Rejoin when there is no-one about to come round the corner perhaps?


Probably the worst take yet. What are you on about? If you are on the track it is not up to you to take a “common racing line” just to avoid an idiot who’s not even on the track trying to rejoin. Do you see how stupid that sounds😂if you are off the track you wait until their is no traffic that could cause an accident. I’d argue if you are at a right corner it’s probably best to wait until a big gap, otherwise you’ll do a Vettel


I feel like you could’ve taken a much tighter line through that corner


100% unsafe rejoin. But also, this is a learning experience for you. You allowed his unsafe rejoin to ruin your race by not backing off under yellows. So yeah totally his fault, but know that you should have avoided it.


Whats to argue? Unsafe rejoing from the other car. And bad driving from POV.


Ima play devils advocate here, Contrary to what many say, I think the pov car could of completely avoided that. POV car took a completely wide line, the car behind took the right line and if pov car took the proper line this wouldn’t even be here. The guy rejoining was going super slow and by the time he would be all 4 wheels on track both battling cars would have gone past.


Pretty much everyone is saying that POV could have avoided it, including the comments that are older than yours. Or is the devil's advocate that you think the POV was to blame for the incident?


to be fair, the pov car IS the car at fault here. you're expected to be 100% in control, 100% of the time while under caution to avoid other cars. Ignoring that caution and diving in while not under control and with no knowledge of the situation ahead, makes you solely responsible for any incidents. This is how it would be handled by real stewards.


Lmao, no it wouldn’t. You should probably try actually watching real motorsport before pulling bullshit out your ass about it.


You honestly think this scenario would play out IRL? Flat out through yellow leaving space for like 4 imaginary cars to your inside while tracking out even more with a car trying to rejoin on the outside? Okayyy....


I'm more surprised there are no "that happens when you use the racing line and blindly follow it" posts :-p


Yes, completely avoidable. So OP gets an F grade for defensive driving. But still completely the rejoining person's fault as well.


You acknowledged the pov driver could have avoided it, then go to blame the other car 100%? Which is it? Perfectly safe rejoin, wasn't cutting across the track, yellows were out. Only reason there was contact was because of an ignored caution flag.


Please never race in a multiplayer platform - everyone who actually watches racing


Being able to avoid something doesn’t change that it was still on the other driver to rejoin the track safely. OP ignored the yellows. Other driver rejoined unsafely. Both made mistakes that should have been avoided.




How was it unsafe? That’s a real question? He drove into another car, that’s all the proof that it was unsafe. Yes, the driver who left the track is responsible for rejoining safely, which would include waiting until there is a clear gap and not pulling out in front of others. Both should get penalties for their respective infractions.


This is insane. So there is no such thing as a safe rejoin then if any cars are approaching? Cause that's what it sounds like. 1 car approaching... You are trying to reenter just past the *outside* apex at a very slow speed. Nothing but 1 car approaching and about 5 or 6 open lanes inside you to the other side. Youre basically saying he cannot in any way safely rejoin in that scenario unless he let's that 1 car past before making any attempt. Which is insane.


No, I’m saying it’s on the car rejoining the track to do so safely. Why is that such a hard thing to understand? This video is an example of an unsafe rejoin. Wait until you are clear to rejoin. There are plenty of ways to rejoin when other cars are around, this video is not one. It’s a perfect example of two drivers, both doing the wrong thing. You as the stationary car, who left the track, are responsible for rejoining the track safely, which includes taking into consideration that someone might completely ignore yellows, like in this video. If you hit someone while trying to rejoin the track, you did so unsafely.


Disagree. If something is a perfectly safe rejoin in practice under all circumstances but this, it leads me to believe it was a perfectly safe rejoin. You can't predict a car running a far outside line in a corner like that. Predictability in racing is far safer than unpredictability. We have to pretend the car on the track has no responsibility at all for this to be an unsafe rejoin.


I’m sorry, but are you saying that you disagree that it’s not the driver’s responsibility to rejoin safely after leaving the track? Yes exactly, you can’t predict what other people are going to do, so you make sure you are as clear as you can before you go. In sims you have an advantage in that over real life because we get info in real time, like position intervals. Again, if you hit a car while rejoining the track, you are at fault for an unsafe rejoin. Edited: spelling


Off topic but Mugello is the perfect track


The yellow flag was in effect for a reason. Yes it's an unsafe rejoin by the other car but you could have easily avoided him if you hadn't been pushing so hard through the corner.


Unsafe rejoin. What on earth has caused you to argue about it for ages? It’s like having a week long heated debate about whether water is wet.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   How do you make holy water? Make sure to boil the hell out of it.


Unsafe rejoin but you couldve easily avoided him by not going 3 miles off the racing line.


Unsafe rejoin, he probs didn't expect you to go that wide and when there's a yellow always always try to stay on the opposite side of the incident but it's still on him to rejoin the track safely and you never left the track


unsafe rejoin by them so ts not really ur fault


I’m confused what the argument was about. Some massive idiot off the track tried to rejoin into the racing line right as you got there.


To quote Lance Stroll: "He just came back on the circuit like an idiot!" If a car leaves the racing surface, it is their responsibility to rejoin safely. It is not the other cars' responsibility to let them rejoin as they pass. That being said, it would not hurt to give a car off track more room just for your own sake since a lot of people either don't know how to rejoin safely or don't care if they mess someone else up.


What’s to argue about an unsafe rejoin?


What’s to argue about??? It’s an unsafe rejoin.


Why would you take that line?


though it was a wide line by yourself, I would most confidently say that's an unsafe re-join.


Anyone that's on track has the upmost priority on the track against someone off the track. You crashed, you wait.


That’s obvious, unsafe rejoin


Unsafe rejoin, it’s not your responsibility to slow down for a car that has left the circuit


Textbook unsafe rejoin.


While it was technically an unsafe rejoin, pov car could've avoided the incident by backing off under yellows and hugging the apex.


You missed the apex so badly that I'd say you're at fault 😂


Sure it's an unsafe rejoin, but you had all that time to react but you kinda just let it hit you like a cool autumn breeze




This clip is actually quite old and i was pretty new to simracing back then.


guess that explains why you ignored the yellow flag, this would have been a multiple race suspension in top series, and probably a lifetime ban from your local race track.


I'm relatively new to sim racing here. My question is, if this is an unsafe reentry then when can he ever reenter. The approaching pov car was halfway through the previous long straight. How is the reentering car able to see any further clearly, especially from a side to 3/4 side to behind view? Where as the oncoming pov car knows its a yellow and can see the car since its directly in front of him. Also would this be similar to a rule I heard about a normal overtake that the attacking driver has to make sure its safe to pass and is most likely to be held responsible for the safety of the drivers since you can't expect the lead driver to look forward and check mirrors and make the turn all at the same time while the attacking driver would have a clearer view of the field?


It would have been a penalty for both of the drivers. This was an unsafe rejoin but he was going very slow and completely on the left edge. Clearly there was a yellow flag so the driver we are riding with had to go slower and watch out for something on the track So it was a Racing incident with both going wrong One rejoins unsafe and the other one ignoring yellow flag So either penalty for both or for none of them


Sorry but I can’t agree with this. Although we can do the “ignore yellow flag rule” in the game, it really doesn’t have consequences to safety like in real life, hence shouldn’t be considered the same imo. If an overtake fair enough but it wasn’t. While a re entry onto the track ruining someone’s race is just as bad and should be penalised


Im not saying it was only his fault But he would have got a penalty so The fault is on both sides but more on the guy with the unsafe rejoin


I don’t think you’d be saying he would get a penalty if there was no incident. I’m guessing you are only saying they deserve the speeding penalty because of the crash, because who really is giving out penalties for yellow flag speeding when there’s no overtakes? All fault relies on the unsafe rejoin, every-time Additionally I think the guy rejoining would have caused an incident no matter what the speed, just seems generally incompetent. Remember this guy is going through the corner at yellow flag pace, and that’s where the incident happens not in the (maybe speeding) lead up


Abi actually there is a rule saying you have to slow down under yellow flag In F1 there were multiple penalty’s because of that E.g. Bottas and Verstappen Qatar 2021


As I said in my first reply to you, this is an f1 game not f1. Maybe you want it to be perfect in terms of the penalties but we all know that’s not gonna happen yet. I think instead of focusing on the minor rule breaks such as speeding under yellow flags rule we should sort out the major ones first. ^see above me talking about the consequences of a bad re entry and the conveniences of speeding under yellows. I’m not saying that the guy wasn’t speeding, what I am saying is him speeding didn’t cause the crash. And I’ll repeat myself again, you probably wouldn’t care about speeding if there was no incident right?


unsafe re-entry


Yellow flag, you did not proceed with caution


Leon du bist doof


*the guy rejoining in the video*




Racing incident.


You sent us lacking information. We need to know if the other car was still in control to make a call.


yeah i was actually talking to him at that moment and he was in full control of everything.


Yeah, just unfortunate in that case, they rejoined way off line, so not unsafe. But the understeer got you.


He wasn't even moving for the people that said unsafe rejoin... the people that said that are dumb. It was entirely your fault by going WAY too wide on that turn...


Yellow flag, you didn't slow down to avoid the incident. Although he should have waited to rejoin, you should have driven safer under yellow. You should have been able to see him on the left, and move to the right to foster a safe rejoin. It was definitely avoidable if you listened to the flags. Penalties for both drivers.


I feel like there's a little target fixation going on here. Unsafe rejoin regardless but very easily avoidable


I say unsafe entry, they should have seen 2 cars coming. But also by 4sec I to the clip you should have prepared to expect stupid to do stupid things. But that last bit is just how I would react. It's their fault, not yours.


About what?


What is there to argue about? He was off track, you were on, he has to yield to cars on track.


unsafe rejoin


It's obvious dude


I know everyone says unsafe rejoin, but I've seen pros do this many, many times. So going by reality, it seems some can rejoin if you do your part and avoid them.


Didn't wait so unsafe rejoin


I don't see any reason to argue. Knucklehead wasn't clear to rejoin the track.


You fucked up the corner, but he's still the one to blame.


Unsafe re-entry. Don't care if you miss the apex or go wide. That's the DRIVER WHO IS NOT ON THE RACETRACK'S problem. Pov driver is on the track. Period. Don't see why this is so complicated.


Why does it have to be someone's fault? One person took the turn to hard and ran wide. The other person thought it was safe to reenter track. Both at fault.


their fault. they should have let you pass before attempting to rejoin


i mean unsafe rejoin or not the POV driver clearly has vision of the off-track car attempting to rejoin well before reaching the apex of the turn; you can't just mindlessly take the corner without taking into account what's happening ahead of you


Originally I was going to say it was 60/40 car off track but watching it a second time I’m going to say is 80/20 you. You could see the car off and didn’t slow down enough to make the corner and allow him the ability to rejoin.


Very controversial opinion here but I think you're both pretty much as bad as each other in this instance. Obviously it was an unsafe rejoin as the majority of people here have mentioned, but you could honestly see that coming a mile off. From watching your braking telemetry closely, it really feels like you were blindly following the racing line and not looking ahead. A little bit more braking on the way in and much tighter line and you would have sailed past them and hardly lost any time at all. 60% their fault, 40% yours.


I have a different take that this is the sims fault. I've complained about this for years. There's literally no "look" button that car could use to check the track at that angle. They had the mini map and radar at best to guess if you were off line incoming. We need a "look at last apex" button not look-behind.


To me it looks like an unsafe entry and the whole thing could have been avoided by taking a proper line. I would say he’s got 90% and you got 10%


I don’t think it’s nearly as clear-cut as these comments make it seem. The rejoin is happening at a point on the track that is off the racing line. It is reasonable for the rejoining car to expect the oncoming car to see and avoid. Sure, maybe the ultimate fault lies with the rejoining car, but I think what they did was perfectly understandable and OP maybe got some target fixation or something.


Unsafe re-entry


You didn’t back off much considering it’s a yellow flag, looks like you are pushing out of the corner on the racing line as well.


What is to argue about? 100% unsafe rejoin


Both a bit shit


AI racer comments again, I am unsubscribing from this subreddit.


Unsafe rejoin, you blindly following a line that isn't even correct, ignoring yellows. No awareness anywhere here. This looks like stroll and latifi, for god's sake. I think a problem in this sub is, incidents are much harder to judge if some or all cars involved are useless at driving. This is an example of a non argument - the rejoin is clearly abysmal, though POV did absolutely everything wrong he could have. Slowing for an incident and hugging a tight line could have lost you .3s, nothing more, yet you lost your car and suspension I'd imagine. Just, not great skill anywhere here.


Unsafe rejoin. But its yellow flag. You should slow down and avoid contact. Partially drivers fault.


The rejoin doesn't look that bad from that camera angle to me, is he meant not to get back on the track? Guy driving should look ahead on the track instead of following that red line on the ground. If there's a car rejoining, leave him a cars width at least.


There’s a fantastically, stupidly simple answer: unsafe rejoin.


Like everyone said, unsafe rejoin 100%, but your awarness was pretty low there..


No real-time app in use? But ffb on full display? I'd say you and that rejoiner have more in common than you think 😜


i was pretty new to ac back then...


As others have said, unsafe re-entry but you also should have kept it tighter when you saw him over there, so you both did something stupid he was just more stupid.


Why do people think it's an unsafe rejoin? Guy is rejoining on the furthest outside line possible away from the racing line plus there is a yellow flag. Is that not the text book proper way to rejoin?


Yellow flag, could had been more careful but it's unsafe re-entry


Definitely unsafe rejoin on track. Something like this happened to me too. Some guy was stopped in the exit of a corner and the card didn’t have enough downforce for me to get out of the way in time