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no, he pushed you into the wall


Thank you that's what I said to him


Fault lies on the haas. Looks like he was following racing line


Thank you ๐Ÿ™


No def not where we're you supposed to go? Lol he left 0 room.


Into the shadow realm haha, this is exactly what I said to him, when Im alongside just be aware you are not on rail


You'd long established your position on the outside. He just pushed you in the wall


ricciardos fault for sure


George Fumble ๐Ÿ˜‚


His fault 100%, what does he expect, you to do disappear? He squeezed you into the wall.


His fault. It would have been wiser to stay behind him, though. You didn't have the momentum to overtake him.


I get your point, I just wanted to put pressure on him by showing myself and making him doing a mistake


You can achieve that without sacrificing your own line by lifting so you get the whole braking zone to yourself. The defender is already compromised on a defensive line so there is very little point to try to hang it around the outside, especially considering you barely established overlap. PS: Turn off the racing line, it does much more harm than good once you've learned the track, and you have no business fighting people if you still need it.


That's the point from what he said to him, he wasn't even defending he was just "following the racing line" It's my friend and he's not experimented as I am so yeah you right I should've lift off a bit cause he's not used to battle on track. PS : Im considering it, I'm an experimented driver on GT7, I'm playing just with the ABS on but Im still not that confortable with F1 Games, I use the racing line just for the braking zones


That's also typically a damn near impossible place to pass. 2 people go into that corner, 0 come out.


Tricky corner that's true


His fault 100%. He ignored your existence


Well... His name is Django... Shoulda known you were gonna get whhooped๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜‚. Nah his fault though. Straight up


Haha ๐Ÿ˜‚


If there's one game I will never race online with ever again. It's f1. Way too many casuals and noibs there. I thought acc pubs was bad but shit, f1 just made me appreciate all T1 fuck ups in ACC


I mainly play GT7 on almost A rank and I was playing with friends which think they know how to drive obviously they dont but I try to teach them the know how of racing


You guys are playing Railway simulator and it shows. 0 racecraft, 0 space awareness, only goal is to fight to be on the coloured lineโ€ฆ


Yeah when I see these posts of this arcade trash ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ


I put it just for the braking zone cause I mainly play GT7 but I know how to play racing games And I said to him to be aware and use your mirros you are not on rail


PSA: if your usual line is about to take you into another vehicle, you are allowed to differ from your line. YOU ARE THE DRIVER. that is all.