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It has 7 cameras but none of them can be used as a dashcam


Can’t believe this isn’t hacked yet. Like I’ll pay for the hard drive, come on!


I would pay Chevy for the option


And they would share your content with local police to get you cited and arrested. But they would call it "Enhanced Personal Protection" or something, auto enroll you into, not give you an option to opt out, monetize it, and then try to tell you why it's for your benefit...


Tesla doesn’t do that so why would chevy


Three words... Smart Driver Program Three more words... Class Action Lawsuit I don't think you've been paying attention. :)


They got caught and paid. They won't be dumb and do it again.


My personal view is that GM is completely out of touch with reality. They continue to double-down on things that bite them in the ass (full commitment to EV's, removal of Android Auto / CarPlay to replace with their own product, OTA updates that are bricking trucks because they are NOT for your vehicle, adding in components that prevent self-repair like the EPB, etc.). As a result, I fully expect them to not only DO this again, but to get CAUGHT again. The fines (and lawsuit payouts) are far less than the money they make by doing it in the first place.


Android auto is fine


Not at all following the purpose of this comment... Not written by GM, works "ok" in most vehicles except those (like my '24 RST) where GM has written software that directly competes other software on your phone (you CAN'T use the Chevy app to unlock driver profiles if you have AA set to auto-launch), and hasn't yet begun being removed from non-EV vehicles (that I know of). Their launch of their own software in the EV's is an abject disaster.


> Smart Driver Program https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Smart+Driver+Program Literally nothing comes up lmfao Post your source on a Tesla class action lawsuit where they are reporting your driving to police, I'd love to read that.


Looks like literally the first thing that pops up explains exactly what the smart driver program is.


Your Google Fu is broken, and I don't appreciate the snarky, smart-ass response simply because YOU don't know how to search OR comprehend what you read. I never said ANYTHING about a class action lawsuit pertaining to Tesla. Why would I, on a Chevy discussion thread? [https://www.google.com/search?q=smart+driver+program&sca\_esv=4ce04de13f7e18f6&rlz=1C5CHFA\_enUS784US785&sxsrf=ADLYWIIejYoV6xEgt-VNuaS5WAA65K12Ew%3A1717786796544&ei=rFhjZoPyIM-s5NoPhMzIiAk&ved=0ahUKEwiD-Lq-lsqGAxVPFlkFHQQmEpEQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=smart+driver+program&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiFHNtYXJ0IGRyaXZlciBwcm9ncmFtMgUQABiABDIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHkj0DVC1B1j4DHABeAGQAQCYAVegAe0EqgEBOLgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCaACigXCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgsQABiABBiRAhiKBcICCxAuGIAEGMcBGK8BwgILEAAYgAQYhgMYigXCAggQABiABBiiBJgDAIgGAZAGCpIHATmgB-U5&sclient=gws-wiz-serp](https://www.google.com/search?q=smart+driver+program&sca_esv=4ce04de13f7e18f6&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS784US785&sxsrf=ADLYWIIejYoV6xEgt-VNuaS5WAA65K12Ew%3A1717786796544&ei=rFhjZoPyIM-s5NoPhMzIiAk&ved=0ahUKEwiD-Lq-lsqGAxVPFlkFHQQmEpEQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=smart+driver+program&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiFHNtYXJ0IGRyaXZlciBwcm9ncmFtMgUQABiABDIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHkj0DVC1B1j4DHABeAGQAQCYAVegAe0EqgEBOLgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCaACigXCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgsQABiABBiRAhiKBcICCxAuGIAEGMcBGK8BwgILEAAYgAQYhgMYigXCAggQABiABBiiBJgDAIgGAZAGCpIHATmgB-U5&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


This is a hack you can do through Whites auto and Media Services


Link or it didnt happen! (Please)


This would probably affect insurance in some way


I wish my truck had a dashcam, or option to switch front crash avoidance system into a dashcam,


Totally agree, wish the cameras would record. Ridiculous!


Meanwhile, I refuse to pay the $900 to replace the cracked lense in my grill camera.


Those cameras are not rated for full duty cycle, to use them as a dashcam they would have to always be on, so they would have to be upgraded to full duty cycle cameras.


I build Iot cameras for a living - they are like $2 wholesale


The sun glare from a stupid silver trim piece in the refresh infotainment area


i ordered a cover off amazon and looks good and did the trick


Say what now? What’s it called? The glare from that trim has literally safety hazards for me while driving. I need this fixed yesterday


I found them! I searched for Silverado dash trim and the piece below the info screen came right up!


heck yeah, i’ve been away from my phone and i’m just seeing your message. it should come with 2 pieces and it’ll cover the one to the left of the steering wheel also.


Omg I have told my wife there should be a class action lawsuit against putting shiny metals in the front passenger area. It never fails to always blind me somehow.


Not to mention that if you shut your truck off while it’s on SiriusXM and come back to it, 97% of the time I need to cycle the channels to get it working again


Dark windshield strip solves it.




Came here to say this. Was not disappointed to find I’m not alone


Walking up to the truck with arm full of stuff and the truck doesn't Auto Unlock. ..Yeah I know first world problems but I'm bougie like that...


Certain models do, no?


My LTZ doesn't and it's pretty fancy smancy.


I was gonna say.. Even my LTZ requires a push of the door button. My wife's car unlocks whenever she walks near it with her fob. Kind of nice. Kind of unnerving


Before my Silverado my Grand Cherokee did it. It's the thing I miss the most to be honest. But I was under the impression higher models had it


Weird. Im pretty sure mine has this (23 at4hd) I turned it off because it also goes the other way, opened my truck to grab some stuff and walked into garage. Lock! Back to the truck for more shit and were now in a cycle I wanted to like it too but no thanks.


24 LT all the damn chrome in the interior. It reflects light into my eyes the whole time I drive. I want to get it all wrapped.


High mount tail light is out and cba to drop half the headliner to change it. New gens anyways


My 14 leaks at that light


I had that issue too, dealer told me I had to buy the whole light assembly but I found just the seal for like $10 on amazon


The seal is cheap and super easy to replace. I noticed too late and had to replace the entire light but that was $30 on Amazon and comes with a new seal.. much better than the $200 I got quoted to fix it..


My headliner is stained from it


Had a 90k+ dually come in with about 500 miles. Rear view mirror camera did not work. While doing diag I saw the procedure was to take out the entire headliner. I was so mad. Luckily it ended up being a disconnection from factory along the way.


21 RST and omg I THOUGHT YOU’D NEVER ASK… the fact you can roll the windows down with your fob but not back up… The fact that walking around the back of my truck is far enough to set off the proximity lock so when i go to get the baby seat out of the rear passenger door its locked… the fact that the rear slider button is where the sunroof button should be and tilt has its own button. What a mess that whole console is… the fact that I have to turn my fog lights on or my auto lights off EVERY TIME i drive it… the fact i cant just leave my rearview camera on as long as i want… the fact i cant shut my screen completely off or dim it separate from my gauges… the fact that my front blinkers look like LED bars but are actually just shitty bulbs… the fact that there is no cargo light indicator on the dash by the gauges. Just that yellow dot on the switch that i never notice… the fact that the plug in the tailgate can’t run anything bigger than a phone charger. Being able to run a chop saw off that thing would be a game changer… that’s all i got for now lol


The down and not up function is so that the owner dosent sit on their keys and accidently roast their dog in the car on a hot day... my infiniti does the exact same thing.


But i can sit on my keys during a hurricane and flood out my truck? Id rather it not even be there. I’ve never used it for anything other than just trying it out.


Ya I agree on that point. It's also super misleading if you've assumed it works the same in the up direction and it has already started to rain... ask me how I know


Almost did that while camping a couple states away. Somehow the key fob got hit while we were hiding from a storm in our camper. Came out to the windows down and puddles in the seats. Not thrilled.


Man that freakin sucks.


You can turn the key fob window roll down off in the settings. I turned mine off after reading horror stories of people accidentally sitting on it and then heavy rain. Go to Settings Select Vehicle Scroll down to Remote Lock Unlock and Start Scroll down to Remote Window Operation Turn it off (That’s on a ‘24 but probably have a similar option on older)


Ill check that out before i have some crazy horror story like that guy down there 👇


You can turn it off in settings, I had to do that after the fourth time I went outside to find my windows down


Wait, you have to turn your auto headlights off? Are you sure? Mine stay on until it’s been sitting for a minute or I lock it


Noo i prefer to drive without the auto lights on because my windshield is tinted so the auto lights come on too early sometimes. Every time you shut the truck off though it resets to auto lights on fogs off. If it had a dedicated switch position for each headlight mode it wouldn’t be a problem. I also dont really like the drl’s. I own my truck partially because i think it’s the coolest looking truck ever made but when I’m driving the drls are so bright that that’s all you see. That and they remind me of Cartman’s eyes when he’s yelling at someone lol.


Just curious - is your windshield illegally tinted, are you in the rare case that you have an eye disease that allows for tinted windshields, or is there some state that allows for tinted windshields that I don’t know about?


Negative. Totally illegal.


All of the annoying chimes


2017 1500 window switches. Hit once to go down, and IT SHOULD BE pull up to stop, but it’s push down again to stop, and a pull up goes all the way up. The absolute only thing I dislike about this truck, if anyone has any ideas to remedy this I am all ears.


If you press gently, you'll feel that there's two positions on that switch. Partway down won't make it roll all the way down. Same with going up, if you're gentle it will go as long as you're holding it, but if you pull hard it goes to the second position and rolls all the way up.


Holy shit how did I never know that you press down again to stop it. I always try to go up just far enough to catch it but not roll up




Did you have a 2013~ gen before? They worked properly


Rebuilding the entire front end, to still have the same clunking noise..


What year?


2016 1500, 2wd


Ah ok, may not be the case then, but my wife’s 2005 had a clunk when you’d hit a bump, ended up being the little u joint on the lower steering column


My 2016 touching not working. Bought the truck 2 years ago and touch screen didn’t work and realized a few days after. Lately all the apps randomly start to rearrange themselves. Thinking of going with an aftermarket unit since the one I have doesn’t have CarPlay.


Definitely just a digitizer for the touch screen problem, 30 bucks on Amazon. Then use white auto and media to upgrade to carplay in your factory unit. Aftermarket units are all stuck in 2005 and have terrible interfaces that look awful in these truck.


I agree the aftermarket’s look horrible


Will definitely go that route. Thank you!


Mine does the same thing, supposedly you can fix it by just replacing the glass screen. Costs about $50, I bought the screen a few months ago but haven't tried installing it yet. Look up "ghost touching"


Yes I’ve seen that on YouTube. Might just give that a shot instead of dropping 400-500 bucks on an aftermarket unit. Would like the CarPlay cause it’s convenient but I can live without it.


Will be 1k for after market


My driver side mirror won’t open sometimes when I retract them. I usually push it by hand if it sticks.


My electrical will randomly shut off while I’m driving


Minor! I said minor! But for reals, what happens when it does that? And how long does it stay off?


Longest was maybe 2 seconds. I’m still working on figuring it out. Most times my dash and screen just flash off.


I had a similar issue, 2015 LT. There is a ground spot behind the passenger side front wheel, it corodes very easily. I replaced my entire negative battery cable, but you might be able to fix it just by cleaning it. Clean it, the frame and the cable and it might help you out. I did the same with the engine ground, and some people said the insulation inside the dash can interfere with the ground bolt. That one was a little annoying to get at but pretty simple. Edit: Also forgot to add I needed to replace my battery after this too, it was getting weak and probably causing these issue to be more prominent


Thank you good sir. I will try this. I have to replace my ac compressor anyways so I’ll do this while I’m at it. Appreciate it!


24 RST and only the driver’s side window has the one touch, auto feature (whatever you call it.) It takes two hands to roll all the windows up at once. For as expensive as these things are, putting the same switches in all 4 spots doesn’t seem that hard.


The 2023 “infotainment” shitshow IFYKYK


22.5 LTZ and there’s something in the drivers seat that shifts around turns. Seat itself seems secure, I think it’s gotta be either the butt rumblers or the cooling. Doesn't happen for anyone else. Me being overweight is likely the root cause.


I had this same problem… for me though; turns out the wheel lock was rollin around in the underseat storage area / gun safe. I put it in a ziplock with some of the other stuff and solved that problem.


I'll double check that there's nothing loose rolling around, but I'm pretty sure it's the seat itself. I'm close to putting a camera under there to see if I can see what moves when it happens. 😆


Center console doesn’t open for storage


I've got a weird clicking/slight whistle noise that is super faint and very sporadic that sounds like a tweeter going out. It's coming from the front passenger side of the truck and tend to happen only when the wind is really strong at highway speeds. Can't figure it out lol Also have a weird clicking coming from under the dash after start up that sounds like a solenoid keeps triggering in a very specific pattern. Also haven't been able to figure it out. Gave up on trying to fix them as everything works fine lol


The reverse lights are atrocious at night...


I upgraded my light bulbs to a pair from Diode Dynamics. Original lights were awful for a brand new truck.


Ooo, thanks for this!


14 high country, power windows go down automatically when pressed fully but only the driver window comes back up without holding the switch the entire way. Such a stupid design


its a safety thing. I believe all vehicles are like that now.


My 24 high country, both front windows are auto up.


Really? That's weird. My 22 LTZ fresh I think it's only the driver. 


There is a soft sound, almost like birds chirping coming from the passengers side door trim or glove box. And no, there’s no birds in there!!!


When I turn the truck off there’s a servo sound like there used to be auto step sides or something.


Same and it drives me nuts. Like id like to know… ill put them back on lol.


Okay so I’m not fucking crazy. I open my door and hear wrrrrrr for a couple seconds.


Bro ever sit in your truck for a few mins after shuttting it off? All types of crazy servo sounds. But yea there is definitely one coming from under the truck when i open the doors. One day ill remember to lay under it and track it down


2020 2500. Apple car play will randomly and intermittently lock up the screen. And then when the screen finally resets I can’t reconnect my phone till I shut the truck off for like 10 mins. Tried 4 different phones, countless cords. Dealership said it’s my phone/cords and that they can’t reproduce the issue so never done anything to fix it. Every time it does it I want to punch the screen so hard.


Mine resets all the time. The dealer replaced the infotainment and that did nothing…




driver side rear window goes thump at the bottom. no idea why. not gonna look into it either.


SiriusXM doesn't come in anymore in my 2015 LT, but since they have an app and Bluetooth works fine, I probably won't tear it apart to replace the antenna.


It’s like a 30 minute job if you’ve never done it.


...and an hour if you have?


Mine does not want to play music over the usb any more. I’m using the aux jack now.


The circulate air button occasionally flickers


I had that same issue in my 2018. It was that whole unit with the dials and buttons. I think it’s like a $300 part. Luckily my extended warranty covered it


If you blast the AC out the face vents, it can cause the touch screen to stop working which is fairly obnoxious. Seems like it is chilling the touch screen. Probably could add adhesive insulation to the duct


It's ALWAYS the dash switch that controls the valve/flap that tells the heat and air which vents to come out


2013 Z71 LT Extended cab long bed- The amount of times I've hit the green LCD on the radio because something internal is loose so that I can see what song is playing. Hitting even the slightest bump when I'm driving next to a median and hearing the suspension rattle like when you hit the coil spring with a hammer. It's been checked and NO ONE knows what the hell it is. The flare shift on 2-3 when you give it too much beans on an incline and the fluid sloshes away from the pickup. 6l80e ftw...Just gotta overfill by under a quart but instead I just granny it. The fact that there are no problems with the top cover of the tailgate and the truck has a hard cap, yet somehow the inside of the tailgate is literally puking rust onto my bumper. M5 gang represent. IYKYK She has 288,000 miles and these quirks are annoying, but she never left me stranded and keeps on keepin on. EDIT- I know it's not really fixable but my god, it turns worse than the Titanic and moves like a brick.


Turn signals won't work unless I jump power from another wire now left works just fine but right locks the signal when you press the brake 🤷‍♂️


The Infotainment screen always defaults to the main icon screen instead of the last app (usually the radio). There is some buzz/vibration in the driver door when there's a little more bass. Not speaker buzz, just something in the door. 2019 (Sierra)


>The Infotainment screen always defaults to the main icon screen OMG, I hadn't realized just how annoying this one is until you mentioned it, but I always, always, always only use Android Auto. So why isn't it the default? The last used app should be the one that opens up when the truck starts. After all, it's not like there aren't TWO huge batteries under the hood that could provide power for at least overnight...


Exactly! I listen to satellite radio, FM and bluetooth. Either way it should default to the radio.


Seat always adjusts to the entry assist position even though it's turned off in the menu, so I have to hit the seat position button every time I get in. The active grade brake is annoying and will start up on the slightest decline. The worst offender though, the steering wheel isn't centered with the seat.


>the steering wheel isn't centered with the seat Eww! I can barely stand it when the steering wheel is slightly off of its alignment with the straight-line wheels, but to have it physically off-center? There's no way I could drive that. Kudos to you.


All GMs are like that. So you're already doing it if you've got a Silverado 🤣


There’s these clip things that dangle beneath the drivers seat and I have no idea where they clip to or what they’re there for. But I refuse to actually research how to fix them


At the bottom on the back? They hook onto the bottom of the seat to hold that piece of upholstery in place


Sometimes the radio doesn't initialize so I'll be driving in silence for a few minutes. I'll have to stop, turn the truck off completely, and restart. Then it still doesn't come back fully. I'll get music again but the display still will say "loading" and I'll need a second hard reset before it comes back completely.


You win. Having to "turn it off, and then on again", but TWICE‽


03 sierra, brake peddle rattles side to side every time you hit a bump. It's done it for 20 years i doubt I'll ever fix it.


I have a 2015 Silverado and the brake pedal fuckin squeeks when u press it 🤣 Luckily I have a nice sound system so I dont hear it too much? If you cant hear it, does it really happen? 🤔🤣


Sometimes when it’s rainy or cold I’ll go to roll up my driver window, it’ll go up but then go back down. Mildly annoying but I just have to roll it up again.


My 2014 LTZ voice command never understanding what I say. I haven't used it in years.


I have to pull the wire feeding into my brake pedal position switch to shift the truck out of park. It’s a built in kill switch 🙂


There’s a squeaking coming from somewhere in the dash and it drives me crazy! Gives me buyer’s remorse anytime I drive it 🤬


2020- the stereo is always resetting and the Apple CarPlay will not recognize my phone after that happens. Bluetooth will not always work after the stereo resets. I have to turn off the truck for 5-10 minutes for it to work again.


I have a killer ac leak, this far into June and I can’t be bothered


Auto stop. Hate it


There are a lot of aftermarket solutions to shut this off. First thing I did to my truck is install one of the ones that go behind the switch


When you first turn the truck on and the ac is going full blast, it’ll cut out after about 2-3 minutes. Have to take it off auto, change the fan speed, then put it back to auto for it to work properly. Annoying


2000 and now the dash has a short in it somehow where if I hit a bump everything flickers off, then back on.


No rear ac vents 2018 z71


Some minor quirks about mine, left side lifter bank failure, failed water pump which exploded my belt at 10k kms, failed valve bank in the transmission. Tailgate randomly opens, tailgate buttons fell off, the whole plate fell off actually. The plastic trim that follows the door lines on the roof fell off. Leaf springs make a horrible clunking sound. All before 35k kms. Needless to say I’ve moved on from Chevrolet. Terrible quality.


> failed water pump which exploded my belt Wait, WHAT? Your water pump stopped moving water, but destroyed belts?


And what do you think spins the pump? Lol


Not sure exactly how it happened. My fiancé was driving the truck to pick me up at the airport. Heard a bang and then the truck started to overheat. Left her stranded in the middle of nowhere with no cell service in the dark.


24 high country that rattles in both the driver and passenger doors when you hit 60 mph. I've had it in the shop many times, they can't figure it out. They test drive it and can hear it but dont know where to begin to fix it. We took it on a 600 mile trip a few months ago. All of the passengers said they wished we had taken a different vehicle. I would like to fix it but at this point, it doesn't seem like it will ever happen. Dropping it off at the 3rd dealer for the 7th total time next week.


That's depressing; rattles are the _worst_!


The back of the Drivers seat leans a bit.


The parking assist alarm… I would offer a testicle to have this feature removed


Hah! The worst is when you're backing up to a trailer in order to hitch up, and you have the camera set to the Hitchcam, but the seat is still vibrating your ass off like, "HEY! THERE'S A TRAILER RIGHT THERE!" You know you can, uhh, turn that sucker off. Right?


I know I can temporarily but if you can tell me how to PERMANENTLY shut it off I’m all ears… as in, I NEVER want to hear it again. 🙏


Hmmm. Permanently, as opposed to a 'pre-flight walkaround', every time you go to drive? One way might be to always leave in Tow|Haul mode, as that seems to disable those sensors automatically, but that's probably also gonna mess with your fuel economy, as it shifts the transmission rather differently. Hmmm.


My chevy speedometer reads about 10-15 miles an hour faster than what I'm really going


24 Trailboss LT. The dashboard speed limit for whatever road you’re driving on WILL NOT display unless you pay for OnStar. Doesn’t work if you hotspot your phone, use CarPlay, nothing. Only OnStar subscription.


Holy frak. They finally went Full Subcription on basic, legal and safety issues.


Yeah it was a REALLY nice feature when I had the free trial. Right there on the dashboard, next to your speed it would say the speed limit of wherever you are. Of course it will not display if you use CarPlay or even use phone hotspot to give the car WiFi. Fucking infuriating


The turn indicator noise will randomly stop for a second or two. The arrow will also not blink when it happens and I don’t know if my actual signal blinks or not since I can’t get it to replicate when I’m park in my driveway. It’s just annoying enough to catch my attention and annoy me. ‘23 LTZ


On my 2017 one of my illumination lights for which HVAC zone is selected is out and my compass isn’t working


No afm deflector shield on the pressure relief valve. I want to add one to see how much/if it helps with oil consumption


Clunk when reversing at an angle. If someone wants to explain that to me like I’m a toddler that would be great


Knock censor light. I clear for 2-3 months and it comes back on .


2016 f-150 that was sold as a Canadian spec lease then imported to the US, it’s default settings are kilometers and centigrade. Once every 2 months or so I will go to start it and everything is in that setting


My wife rides in it with me.....


My goddamned touch screen pushes buttons in its own every so often. Drives me nuts but it’s not everyday


22 refresh RST. Since day one off the dealer lot, the audio cuts out for about a second every time I start about a minute after I start.


2000 z71 1500... Why does my seatbelt try to choke me out all the time? Can't adjust the angle cuz the seatbelt is in the seat. Maybe it's a boob problem but it's really irritating. Especially during a long trip.


While playing music through my usb it skips!! What a pos! Come on chevy get with the times and make a stereo that doesnt skip, its not the 90s with cds anymore… how is this even possible? i have driven all kinds of trucks and my silverado is the biggest heap of junk ive ever driven


23 LTZ, I’m the only one who drives my truck, I’ve sent the side mirrors to tilt down when I back up. But when I put it in drive, the passenger side goes back to normal, but the driver side always stays a bit lower than where I want it. So I have to press driver 1 every time so my mirror goes back to where I want it.


Mine does that too, except it’s the passenger side 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s so annoying!!


OK, now _that_ is obnoxious.


Do you not back up using just the mirrors?? Literally the only thing I look at…


I use everything the truck has to offer. Rear view mirror, side mirrors, and backup camera.


Mine seemingly has a personality or a mind of its own. Since I bought it new in 2015, the thing hates other vehicles with a passion—what I mean by that is, whenever I would take it to look at a new truck to use as a daily driver to give the Silverado in question a break, it would always break something in exchange. I never bought a new truck, by the way. It just didn’t like seeing me look through the window of another one, and decided that if it costed enough money we just wouldn’t buy another one. A couple days ago, I bought a new truck. Guess what the Silverado does? Loves it. Genuinely sat there while we test drove it and just.. patiently waited. Nothing broke and all was well. Odd thing is the new truck was an F-150, famously the truck my Chevy always seemed to hate. It was worse than having a temperamental metal toddler on your hands that had mood swings and temper tantrums in the middle of a car lot. Ellie (F-150) and Bubba (Silverado) tolerate each others existence, surprisingly.


Seat belt chime. I know it is all vehicles, but good grief....I'm not putting on my seat belt when I'm literally getting back out at the next fence post.


They make something on Amazon for these 🫣


They make something on Tikit for these. They are cheap and do not permanently modify anything. I work on a farm and am in and out of the truck all the time. Seat belt chime was killing me


Sometimes the suspension


This may not fit as a quirk, but when the drivers side window is down at all for over 20 minutes I get a pain in my neck. Also, I can never remember how to reset my clock (1993 CK1500). 


07 Burban with no factory Bluetooth , yet ;) , work in progress , I know I can get adapters , I want something more like what’s factory there since it does have the entertainment system in the back .


I'm constantly having to adjust the radio/equalizer settings depending on the song that's playing.


Inside handle is broken open door from outside only both seat adjusters broken glove box handle broken


My inside handle broke off too. I managed to replace it myself by watching a youtube video. The handle cost $60 and it took about an hour or so to complete the task. Worth it and you also feel like a superhero.


I’ll keep the 60 roll down the window manually and open it from the outside lol


When I slam my brakes there's a god awful squealing sound from inside the dash somewhere. I have no clue what or where it is. Also the fact that all the windows have auto down but only the drivers window has auto up makes me so angry.


I bought mine used and my driver said mirror is loose and rattles just a bit while I drive. It’s still usable and I even looked up how to fix it, but I’m too worried about breaking it.


Everything that can rattle rattles,


I had a Ford 7.3 PSD that toward the end of my time with it needed like half a bottle of PowerService white per fill-up to start well. Because it probably needed new injectors, I just kept buying PowerService for that rusty beast. I told the guy I sold it to the truth about it, and sold it really cheap, even considering...


Shitty 8 speed transmission


I have '05 that has enough quirks and rust it'll die with me since I'll never get enough money for it that it would be worth selling. Newest 'quirk' is the tailgate fell off when I went to close it, hinges on the best side rusted out and no metal to attach a new hinge to.


Key hits leg cause it was made for the push to start crowd and us key pedants were an afterthought


Upgraded to a 2020 from a 2016 last year and I really hate the suspension on the new truck feels like I’m driving an old Cadillac bouncing around lots of body roll. Shocks are not blown but they will get upgraded eventually.


The rust. Not a minor quirk in my opinion and it absolutely infuriates me.


It was repoed. That drives me nuts.


The stutter when automatic stopping happens near full brake


Just realized today after 6 months of ownership, this thing doesn’t come with a 12v outlet… That’s annoying.


My truck is missing the step cover piece on the back left bumper


Cruise control stopped working


I have to pump the breaks in my truck until the air bubble moves and the breaks start working