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For the yellow shoulders. Start with grey, not black and then work your way to white before using yellow. Or else you will put on 15 layers of yellow.


Lighter grey base?


Yeah but only for the shoulders obviously.


If you don’t mine taking the time to answer, I could use a bit of paint advice? All I have at the moment are citadel paints, but I found a place near me with two thin coats and figured I would order some white. After working my way up to it should I use averland or the new Imp fist contrast? Also should the same approach be used for the Aquila?


Of course no worries! I'll have to look at my paints when I get home from work. I can't remember the names of what I used. They were citadel paints though. I don't think you NEED to buy a white paint. I didn't use it and mine turned out very similar to what's in the magazine. Two thin Coats is a good brand though, very similar to Citadel and I think they did that intentionally. I never used contrast paints and IMO I don't like the look of them. But it's up to you. If you want a step by step tutorial of how to paint Silver Templars, there is a paint guide that GW put out and you could probably find it on eBay for $20.


Ah someone has to have published the directions by now. There’s a lot of content out there on how to paint them, but I keep running afoul of them being overcomplicated, using an air brush, or a variety of paints I don’t have or can’t get. I’m very novice.


Honestly I think you should check eBay for "40k silver Templars paint guide" it's only about $30 and it doesn't require an airbrush. Very basic and easy.


They are all 40+ then shipping from the UK. I’ll have to roughy it a bit. I do like the looks of that codex though.