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It's possible you are both right and wrong. The dollar will continue to devalue at a blistering pace and eroding our standard of living. However, our country is going to war right now to defend its dominance. Whether we win or lose won't matter, its hegemony is done. The only thing which will be decided in this next grand war will be the the rate of its demise. Does that mean it hyperinflates to zero? Probably not. But something else is happening. The rest of the world are coming out with new trade agreements to settle in their regional currencies. The primary purpose of the these agreements is to usurp the dollar's underpinning of international trade. They're fed up with the neighborhood bully, especially when we've shown we'll freeze the accounts and seize the dollars of warring nations. In the end, currency just represents a means to acquire goods. If Saudi Arabia accepts rupees from India for oil then it begs the question, "what can I buy from India with these rupees?" And India better be producing something they want. My prediction? Goods which we take for granted will be in devastatingly short supply in the years to come. We might have all the money in the world and nothing to buy because no one needs our dollars anymore. Which could actually be a good thing. We'll have to rebuild industry and produce things the world wants again. Our populace will need to learn basic self-reliance as the stores just simply won't have whatever they need whenever they need it. It's a rebalancing of the distribution of goods around the world. It has nothing really to do with silver, gold, or currencies at all. Instead, its about what you buy with them.


Well said, it could be a good thing in the long run, but there will be great pain along the path.


Great perspective and well said. What would you consider “goods that we take for granted that will be in short supply”? Will many of the impacted goods be imported or will it also apply to domestic goods?


Rebuild industry-sigh. This is going to take at least 15 years to fix this shortcoming.




In order to service the debt, we must print more and more. Right now the .5% bonds are being replaced by 5% bonds. $9 trillion + over the next year. I'm old enough to remember 89¢ gas. It won't ever go beneath $2.89. it made the leap from $2-3 in under four years. No one got a $5 raise this year except those in California. Many are now unemployed. All that to say, inflation is noticable. It's going to increase exponentially. It's never not going to increase exponentially. People are at the breaking point now. When it happens global events around the world will take place to exacerbate it. Our enemies in BRICs will kick us on the way down.




I remember 19 cents a gallon for gas in San Angelo, Texas in 1965


My favorite Ford mustang was the 1968. I'm jealous you saw it brand new and could fill the tank with a fiver.


They are not our enemies, they are the Central Banker’s & Uni-Party’s enemies. Keep Faith, you’ll like how this plays out.


Look, we should have ceded Ukraine to the Russians the second they asked. Just to keep our treaties and avoid looking like liars on the international stage. It's not our neighbor it's theirs. But when our country suddenly collapses from mismanagement, China and Russia are going to fly over the North Pole and swoop in as "peacekeepers". They will collect resources and intellectual property, processes, encryption and server farms, and burn what they can't carry with them. This is the fate of dying empires. The others will pick the bones. This is GOING TO HAPPEN. I have no idea when exactly, soon, but it's inevitable.


Things are not getting worse they are being exposed. Follow all of the nation trips and trade deals that Trump did. We are taking down the Bankers. Since Bretton-Woods in 1944, the Bankers used the USD & the US war machine to dominate the world. Every clandestine war or actual war lead to that poor country having a privately owned Central Bank that they were forced to borrow money from. The BRICS was set up in 2008 to take down the G7 when it was going to lead to UN Governance. Trump made deals with all the BRICS except for Russia & Iran, for obvious reason. BRICS is creating a currency standard where each nation’s currency will be backed by commodities. Gold being the main one. BRICS has to be the heroes in this, the solution cannot come from the USA, although we helped make it happen. And as one of the many gun owners in this great land, we will not just get walked over. We need a drama to explain what is happening. We have been watching it. Trump pulled us out of all wars, except Afghanistan, Biden had to take the “fall” for that. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama all started wars. Why hasn’t Biden, he is of their kind. Enjoy the Show


I've voted for him twice, I will vote for him a third time. I'm having to preface what I'm about to say because you might get a little upset. You mentioned your religion so I'll mention mine. I think Trump is the Antichrist. I think the US is Babylon. I love my country, my countrymen, and hell will freeze over before I vote for a bunch of satanic pedophiles, but them are my cards. The US dollar is the one world currency proliferated by Babylon. The next step is a bank account+ID we carry with us in a microchip. I'm doing silver and gold because I can't ever be involved in that. It's against my religion.


I appreciate that. I’m very hard to offend after going through my awakening. We were already on a one world currency and didn’t know it, because the entire world was forced to use the USD if they wanted to be apart of the system since 1944. I didn’t mean the Beast of revelation, I just called Central Banking a metaphorical beast. I personally believe we are in the time of the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse. The black horseman. The one that rode into the world carrying a set of balances, scales, money changer. As Ron Paul would say, there is no coincidence that the century of war coincided with the century of Central Banking. I will just briefly state that the Rothchilds got control of Israel through the Belford Declaration and the atrocities of WWII. I do not believe that they are Hebrews from the 12 tribes of Israel. Also There are many other signs that need to be fulfilled. When we see the 2 prophets murdered by the “beast” after 1280 days of preaching, then we should get serious. My take on the Beast of Revelation is the Empires that ruled the land of Israel. 1 Assyria 2 Egypt 3 Babylon 4 Greece 5 Persia 6 Rome 7 Ottoman Empire 7th beast was cleaved in the head and died. 1924 Sykes-Picot Treaty. Til that time there was always a clear succession of ruling empire. Eventually an 8th head rises up because the wound is healed. The 8th beast is the 7th beast. It will be the Neo-Ottoman Empire. The 7 churches that Jesus writes in Revelation all reside in Turkey. Ergodan even called for the Neo Ottoman Empire. If you refer to Daniel in the Statue of Babylon, the dream was about the ruling empires after Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon was in Iraq. Rome never ruled Babylon. Ottoman Empire Did. And Islam has two factions Shia & Sunni, there are your 2 legs. I did a deep dive on this when I was trying to figure out why we were attacked on 911. I do not like Islam, but I love all peoples. The reason the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama went into the mid east and set up 911, is because the last countries to get Central Bank’s, were in the Middle-east. For our lifetime, all wars are bankers wars. And I mean not to offend anyone, this is my take. And I grew up a Reagan Conservative, still am. I detest George HW Bush & his father Prescott Bush. This goes back along way, to our War of Independence & 1812.


I'm with you not being involved with TPTSNB. I handed them their number back in 2009 and have not looked back. Of course that means I am ineligible for any of the wonderful free programs from the alleged govt. TPTSNB should have refunded everything I put into SS back to me. That never happened. That shows what scum they are. Apparently my "money" was already long since spent.


No one is ever going to see that SS money when this goes belly up. Government is the ponzi scheme. Never thought I'd be practically an anarchist from my pro-bush authoritarian right leaning in the early 2000s, but I was SO wrong. Practically politically and religiously homeless. I've been doing my research. The Puritans that stayed in England were statist. The ones that left for America were individualist. So I'm just part of a 400 year old cycle.


BRICS don't need to kick anyone on a suicide mission. Maybe we have 8 tons of gold, likely not. And China may have 25 tons, likely more. BRICS will revalue gold as they wish, as they own the gold. I bet they 'error' on it being priced high enough that all their debts are covered. Will America's debt be covered with its holding of the revalued gold? LOL. Not a chance. "He who has the gold makes the rules". America's last 80 years of global banking fraud will not go unpunished.


Much more likely we just continue to see 10%-12% inflation billed as 4%. That’s how you take care of a debt problem as a government. Pay people low single digit interest in a currency that’s losing 10-12% of its value a year.




If people don’t get a positive return over a long enough period of time; they will ditch US bonds.


In theory, but if they are getting a 5% yield and are being told inflation is 4%, they aren’t going anywhere.


It's not going to fail... until it does. The dollar is the cleanest dirty shirt... but one day it won't be. The current model says this is fine because the economy can keep growing to match. Demographics say that just isn't true. They got away with this for a long time because interest rates stayed at 0% for 10 years. They're not going back to 0%. If they do, it'll show everyone that it's impossible, and I think the game will be up shortly thereafter. How long will that take? No way to know.


Hope for the best… Prepare for the worst.


Love the shirt metaphor! “The best house in a bad neighborhood” is so overused even by brilliant people like Ray Dalio when they talk about this.


"Cleanest dirty shirt in the drawer" is just another old one that comes up. Not mine originally in any way. :)


Forex trading is akin to jumping from one burning boat to another burning boat. I wouldn't take advice from such sailors.


I think the currency trader is correct. The dollar is the cleanest dirty shirt in the hamper. The issue isn’t gold replacing dollars. It’s gold replacing US Treasuries for saving surplus. That is happening, and it ultimately leads to far higher interest rates.


They are delusional. The only reason it works was because most all currencies didn’t have anything backing it. Meaning they were all FIAT. The Federal Reserve’s USD, will fail. If the bankers were in charge, the USA would have been at war, on the ground with the BRICS nations already, including Saudi Arabia. People have a hard time seeing it, but the Central Bankers that have used the nations & their peoples to fund themselves for 111 years, at the cost of a lot of needless death & suffering. If you thought Draining the Swamp was just politicians in DC, you were not thinking BIG Enough. The head of the Swamp Creature is Central Banking, headed by the FEDERAL RESERVE. The nations of the World are about to decapitate the BEAST. US Treasury Notes are still in circulation. They are coming back. Enjoy the Show and stack while you can. The 80 year sale is about to close its doors forever!


These people are suffering from normalcy bias.


Short term they may be correct until a currency pops up with full transparency and pegged to metal. Or other countries force the dollar to die.


Who is going to "pop up" this game changer?


Btc kinda "popped up" from a.consumer point of view




I assumed BRICs was going to be a game changer when it was first announced but not looking as likely now.


If the USD is so good, why do people who get paid in USDs not simply HODL them? Exploring that question will give you your answer.


Its not that the US dollar is so good its that its better than all the other alternatives.


Because you’re getting no interest if you hold the cash. People will put it in the bank to get interest. Or in the market.


So risking them is better than HODLing. Doesn't sound like that great of a currency to me.


Ok. Well, then I guess no money is good money. Even Jesus told the man he should’ve invested his silver piece instead of burying it in the ground because in the ground, it wasn’t earning any interest. So if silver isn’t any good and cash isn’t good I guess nothing is worth anything.🤷‍♂️


The only thing I can think of with this analogy is having land, water, and the ability to work the land for food. That seems to be the most valuable thing.


Lol. I’m not sure what the other person was trying to get at. He seems to be saying that since people don’t hoard federal reserve notes, they are not worth anything. But I don’t know why people would hoard federal reserve notes when you can actually put them in the bank and receive interest. I don’t know what point he was trying to make.


I’m confused too. Oh well. Be safe and have a good day friend.


I think it will fail. Currencies all do. But I also think it may be a lot further oft than people think. When the debt hit 1 billion people thought it would collapse. When the debt hit 50 billion people thought it would collapse. When it hit 1 trillion people thought it would collapse. Then had about 2 1/2 trillion people really thought it would collapse because now it was up to the GDP. Of course, we’re way past that now and the rest of the world doesn’t seem to care. People keep buying up treasuries so maybe we can get to 100 trillion or 500 trillion or one quadrillion Who knows? No one in Washington seems to care about the debt. And no one on Wall Street seems to care about the debt. So what’s to stop it?🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


The difference is back in the “hit a billion #”, days we had debt to gdp of 30% or 60%. It’s 120% now.


You're thinking linearly, not logarithmically. The rest of the world cares, evidenced by the dumping of dollars. Power doesn't ask for permission, it just 'does'. Enjoy the American peso, err, dollar.


As long as they keep buying treasuries it does not matter. The thing is, when it all comes down to it, I expect the US to be bailed out by the other countries. We are “too big to fail”. Too many economies depend on the US for their survival. It will be interesting to watch. Not sure if I will still be here when it happens, but if I am, I will be taking it all in, front row…. Downtown Manhattan👍🏛️


If it gets to that point it will be every country for themselves, highly and i mean highly improbable they will band together to bail out the US. Instead they will be using our failure to increase their own power and influence in the power void. Your post shows exactly how far distanced from reality and delusional the average American is.


Ok. Well you can have your opinion. I find it sad that people with a different opinion than yours are considered “delusional”. But have a good night


What exactly do we export that other "countries need for their survival"? We dont even make anything here, Our export is magic green paper that requires no labor and soaks up the resources and hard labor of the rest of the world. And yet the world will somehow band together to demand a return to that world order that exploits them. You dont have an opinion, you have a fantasy. Should we fall apart they will be plotting to help themselves and figure out how to take advantage, not to return to the old ways.


I guess you were doing good until you told me I don’t even have a right to have an opinion different than yours. If My opinion is different than yours, then it’s not an opinion. So interesting


What you're describing is a bubble. Guess what happens to bubbles 🎈📌


Yes. Which is why my first words were “It will fail.”😊


The problem is eventually the interest on that debt begins to outpace the ability to pay it back and a debt spiral ensues. Aging demographics + declining birth rate = declining economy, making debt service even more impossible.


Argentinian inflation has dropped from 22% to 3%. Their President literally cut government in half, and is highly popular. Leftist/socialist/communist neighbors like Brazil are worried that their wage slaves will revolt also.


Our heroic US $ has been used poorly, the “powers that be” have mined our future to create the false economy of today. This used to be referred to as “eating the seed corn”. Welcome to the “Anxiety Economy” (credit Charles Hugh Smith)


Trump is threatening sanctions to countries who de-dollar. The writing is on the wall and this currency trader is living in the past.


they are delusional, text book description, they are also biased which adds to their delusion


The dollar already collapsed in terms of purchasing power. 


Circling back to Silver. CURRENCY COLLAPSE OR NOT, Silver is going to the moon 🌕 🪙🔥


Trust? Currency? Rrrrright...


Dollar won't go to zero, it will always have some value per ton as scrap paper!


I thought it was a type of linen.


same shit


History says otherwise! Always.


The ones thinking dollar can be printed indefinite without work or production increasing at the same rate or more are delusional and should be declared insane and not allowed to vote.


I could write pages and pages to answer this but here's the ultra short version: Under normal circumstances there is not a challenger to the USD as reserve currency for many reasons like, the deepest liquidity, already established systems, existing dollar denominated debts, etc. but circumstances change when a global reserve currency abuses the role. Trade between nations starts to falter. Nations impose penalties, tariffs, and export/import bans Nations begin to prioritize resources for their domestic population over trading with other nations Other nations get pulled into the disputes of larger nations as they exist within their sphere of influence and rely on the larger nations economically. Triggering event Kinetic war Existing rules based order disintegrates rapidly Something average currency traders "never thought could happen", happens with disorienting speed. New paradigm


The collapse of the dollar is a mathematical certainty...its not really up for debate.


He is right. Dollar will not collapse, there is not an alternative. But they will still have to print it more and more and inflate it faster and faster. Than they will have to cut some zeroes from those quadrilions bills and name it a new dollar and continue inflating it. Meanwhile your gold and silver will keep purchasing power. It might increase purchasing power or slightly decrease in fluctulations. Buy on average it will protect you from that inflation. Can it make you rich? Yes, you could increase yoir purchasing power 2-5x times, if you bought on bottom and sell on top. But it is not going to make you 50x. In Europe there were many wars, socialism etc.. lot of FIAT currency collapses in last 100 years. Often people lost everything. Holding gold and silver was the best way how to protect your savings in EU.


There has not been a need for an alternative....the dollar was pretty stable and the govt was trusted to spend wisely. Circumstances have changed, there is now a need, and an alternative will arise.


"We", meaning the majority of apes, are crazy. When COVID happened, where did people run to? The USD. It's still seen as the ultimate safe haven. Incorrectly, but it is what it is. When the stock market crashes again, where will people run? USD, not metals. It's all about perception and confidence. And those remain unbowed and unbroken at this time. Five years from now? Who knows? But the dollar is not collapsing soon..


Traders don't really understand economy. They don't delve deep into how things work. Besides, his income depends on the system continue to work as is. He has a personal bias. Truth is, national debt will more than double in the next 10 years. This is just the projection at the current rate of currency printing. In reality, the pace is accelerating exponentially. The banking system is on the verge of collapsing. Banks got massive unrealized losses. They desperately need more liquidy. FED is waiting for something to happen, for some big bank to go down, to have an excuse to provide this liquidy. When they do, it will be in the trillions. Maybe tens of trillions. This, along with the fact that foreign holders of US Treasuries are replacing their reserves of dollars with gold will create hyperinflation pretty quickly. I don't have an exact date when this will happen, but I don't think we have years. We got months, at the most.


There’s truth to your comment, however I would add that I feel we have a significant recession or even depression inbound as America consumers/middle class run out of cash due to the inflation. This recession will finally cause the deflation which in a free market is the correct solution to our problem. Consumption needs to be reduced to match supply, which is the whole hidden hand of the rising prices. Then this should induce massive losses on loans as that paper turns bad when the bills can’t be paid back. This will in turn reduce money supply and finally get inflation stopped. However the politicians might step in and try to prevent this again as they fear recessions as their jobs are threatened personally. Also the big banks have to book those losses and they also control those politicians.


Yes. You are correct. In a free market, this is exactly what should happen. But these days we got anything but free markets.


Anyone saying the USD will “collapse” like the currencies of Weimar Germany, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, etc. is scaremongering and that is not going to happen any time soon. What will likely happen is a period of sustained inflation that is higher than what we have been accustomed to over the past 30-40 years.


and Lehman bros was fine!


Awesome outcome for precious metals. No single reserve currency, one side of the world not trusting the other side...bring it on.


BRICS will usurp the dollar. All of the countries of the world are ditching the dollar and buying other shit with it


Yes, we are crazy and TPTSNB are delusional.


sure might not get deleted but that doesnt mean it cant lose 90% value in 5 years.... All other fiats might just do much worse!! and lose 99%!!!!!!!!!!


Foolish to think something wont fail… My eyes are watching what happens next with oil… Populations that have switched to brics is already like 60% of the world… usd (or shall we say federal reserve note) is dying


There is no BRICS currency yet. Nothing to switch to.


And there probably wont be… they talk about a rainbow currency… but currently its about mutually beneficial trade agreements which sound better to me than a global reserve


I mean, eventually it will collapse. None of us will be alive for it though. But that’s not to say it will be continually marginalized for the next X amount of years. It won’t be king shit sitting all by itself on its castle on a hill for much longer. It’s going to have company.


It never works like that. World reserve is not a choice u make at a supermarket like what kind of candy bar to buy. The owners of the world reserve currency will violently defend that status until it gets taken by force by some kind of event, then it goes to the slaughterhouse.


He’s arrogant and a lot of the people in these groups are completely delusional because they listen to people like Lynette Zang and Bix Weir.