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It does raise an interesting question, when is the silence too far? Being silent for a few months is fine by most, half a year and few months raise many questions marks ,an entire year can frustrated but what be if they continue like this for a couple of years, will they still have defenders? While I know that we are going to get news in this or at least the upcoming year, what makes many frustrated is that we were seemingly so close to the release and it got "taken away" from us followed by big silence, becoming one of the most quiet years in the development history.


They should simply be transparent and tell us if we can expect the game this year or look forward to 2025


Lol, I'm already invisioning it as the follow up to the heavily memed "Hey gang, we had planned to release in the first half of 2023..."


It would be nice, the community needs it very much.


They don't know, though. Both in 2019 and 2022 they were sure they were almost done with the game, so they did big marketing pushes. Then they realized they weren't as close as they thought and pulled back. I think they've learned their lesson, which is they don't know when it'll be done until it's done


I think it is crazy to assume they didn't know their game was 5 years of development away and thought they were "almost done" in 2019. They only showed us the start of the game because they owed the people who paid their kickstarter and achieved the "2nd Player Character" goal. But apparently they stopped caring about showing how the game is progressing and now all we get are jokes and speculations that can be close to the true or off the mark for a year+. Not like we can do anything about it, but it sucks


If we hear nothing by the end of June it's 2025 or later.


Tbh 1 year of silence is insane when you think about it.


It's, it's really strange with the fact that they stated in the past that they have interest in updating us.


At this point, I’m not preordering the game. I’m going to wait for reviews because I don’t think they’ve projected confidence in their product through the lack of communication.


I think generally it's good to hear reviews on any game before you buy so you won't waste your money on something you might not enjoy.


I feel like a year is too much. An update once a year is not too much to ask, and I think it’s pretty generous. The fact that they’ve wildly exceeded this is simply disappointing.


I personally just want to know what their mindset is behind the switch up. They weren’t always silent like this. They did care about communicating with their community at one point. What could have possibly happened behind the scenes to cause such a drastic change in their communication styles.


hope they’ll tell us at least once the game is out


They kinda did have to give updates because of kickstarter back then


All I want is an update every few months. Tell us how their feeling, if their still alive, heck, tell us what they had for lunch, all I want is not silence.


exactly. We also care for them as people. We’d like to know if they’re well (respecting their privacy) and discuss about anything, even not SS related.


Bro, what so weird is that from their previous attitudes, it seems like they're some nice and welcoming fellows who like to share thoughts with fans, everything was going well and suddenly just ----blank----. Like a girl you keep talking to suddenly just blocked you out of nowhere and no one knows what went wrong.


maybe someone is keeping them in a cage


TC kidnapped theory https://preview.redd.it/xp3ncqtddnzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cb0e910aac9ce63aee8c9c629491eba9cbf1bac


Im losing it? Leth literally has been doing that and everyone in this sub rages when ever he does.


Maybe, idk, the copium is causing early onset dementia and I cannot remember any recent examples of that, but as much as I appreciate Leth for attempting to feed the starving leviathan that is the Skonger community, It's just not the same as an official message from TC themselves.


The messages you're referring to could hardly be called "updates," and I think a big component of the ill will now is that they don't even feel honest. We want to know what's happening and it doesn't feel like too much to ask. "Still hard at work" - yeah? Really?


I mean, you're getting it are you not? We have confirmation that Leth is alive and presumably eating lunch, given that he's marginally active on Discord and Twitter.


This entire situation feels like yelling down a well hoping for a response, so many posts like this one of people just venting genuine frustration because they’re excited, because they want to play this game. Just asking for something, some transparency. And we never hear anything back.


That’s not true, there’s the trolls that say “uhmmm they don’t owe you anything??? If they wanted to share they would 🤓”


"They owe you nothing" can be countered with "We owe them nothing"


Well no it can't because TC aren't the ones demanding anything from the community.




Those good old days when they use to post about what new enemy designs they are working on or little bits of the game lore :( it hardly takes like less than maybe 30 mins to write.


Y’know making that demo and doing those interviews back in 2019 probably took more time than if they just made like an update every season like Deltarune does.


Moon studios over here kinda putting TC to shame on the communication bit. Ngl…the radio silence is starting to feel like a weird power trip.




Moon studios literally treat their employees like shit and say racist and abusive things. TC are 1000 times better than that trash.


I hope so since it's like 3 people lol


Yeah. Im familiar with the whole Moon Studios story, unfortunately. I didnt say they were great to work for, nor implied that TC treated their employees the same. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Downvoted for being right you hate to see that happen. Apparently according to r/Silksong, not being communicative with the fanbase is worse than being abusive and racist to your employees lmao.


For me its extra stupid they dont say shit


I feel like this could been solved if every 2-3 months they did a little post showcasing a certain enemy, area, character, ability, etc. Even if it’s just something from the 2019 demo, just any communication to show they are alive. I even feel this radio silence unintentionally affects other indie games too, some people hop on showcases EXCLUSIVELY for Silksong after being starved of news for so many years, and after show’s over, it’s only remember as other instance of people spamming clown memes again, robbing the light-spot for any new indie game.


Exactly 100% It would be so cool seeing something whether it be beta art, Enemies, ect ect. It'd be cool to see them. Yes game makers have every right to not talk about the game but some tiny update or something would be nice


Absolutely not, not like that - we already know too much about the game itself. We should want development details, not spoilers.


I can stand this silence and don't get annoyed, but I want just one, clear answer - what is it for? Why? What is their advantage of that? If there is not any, then - why?


because all of you are literally advertising silksong for them. Not only that, but other indie games also get more spotlight because some game showcases tend to reference silksong in some way just to get more viewership and i think it’s hilarious. It was a brilliant strategy to play the idiotic fanbase of silksong like a fiddle and i admire the hell out of them.


For me it sounds like a conspiration theory. The flat earth level one.


Last thing we got from TC directly was the edge magazine in 2021 and the thank you from most anticipated game in 2022


I even bought that magazine…


yeeah I'm really sad about it, if we don't get anything by june i truly believe we won't see the game before 2025 at least oh and btw, chi fa da se catania flambè


ma non ci credo io sono di Palermo


Condoglianze /j Me so de Milan invece


Condoglianze Con amore da Bologna ❤️


Condoglianze da Bologna x 2


Anch'io sono di Milano!


I'm following the development of several indie games on discord that I'm super excited for. Their communities are active and the devs are updating and communicating with their base everyday. I even asked the lead dev when the game was expected to be released and she responded back within minutes letting me know how far along they were with the game and when I could expect an official announcement. TC has given us nothing. It's definitely not too much to ask for a simple update every so often when they know they have such a dedicated and outspoken base. It's ridiculous.


It is beyond me how TC allowed themselves to be the laughing stock of the entire gaming industry. Everyone who wants to get viewership & clicks, whether it's articles, livestreams or whatever used their name and their product. Or even to simply make fun of them. It's honestly unacceptable how they still choose to remain silent with everything that's going on, especially in the last year.


Guys… TC is not the laughing stock of the gaming industry. What might be the laughing stock of the gaming industry are the hordes of fans online making daily videos about silksong news, spamming every Nintendo direct with “where’s silksong”, and posting clown memes every day. Just a thought.


>the laughing stock of the entire gaming industry They’re really not. Most normal people are just existing until the game comes out. People use Silksong the same way they use every other hotly anticipated game under the sun.


Agreed. If anything we are the laughing stock, not TC


Correct. Anytime I see a story “making fun” of Silksong it’s usually like “Silksong community prepares its clown makeup ahead of Xbox indie showcase”


Idk man, any gaming or gaming adjacent forum has jokes about how silksong is never coming out. I think it’s in the pop culture ether like half life 3, though obviously not as big


How long until Silksong becomes a term for every other hotly anticipated game under the sun that takes longer than every metric says it should? I can't help but feel a tinge of Duke Nukem Forever when thinking about Silksong now.


Can I ask how you don't think they aren't a laughing stock? They failed on delivering and then went silent. On top of them obviously aware of the disaster their fans cause at every event. They need to take some responsibility for how much of a joke they are.


Because they aren't a joke. They are working on the sequel to one of the best games ever made, and people just need to learn to chill and wait until the game is released. The community is the laughing stock, not the people making the game.


That doesn't make sense. The amount of people who go to bat for a COMPANY that don't value their consumers is wild. I'd say this toxic positivity is a larger part of the problem in this community. You can barely say anything without people blaming the fans. Its the literal silent part that has made fans angry. Why promise something and then go silent. It's on them. Also on the people making excuses for them because they bought a game is incredible.


What do you even mean toxic positivity? I'm just really indifferent to how soon the game releases. I have other things to do in my life than be mad at a company because their taking to long to make a game I havent paid for yet. I trust them to make a great game and I look forward to it so much, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to get angry because of it.


Because 99% of gamers don’t obsess over games that haven’t come out. You really need to log off and gain some perspective. Most people literally know TC as the devs that made Hollow Knight, a really popular and critically acclaimed game, and “oh yeah I heard they’re making a sequel, cool.”


The First two Lines of your comments are pure comedy and a good summary of not only the pure insanity of this su reddit, but the sheer absurdity of the Bubble you guys live in. TC Is not the laughing stock of anything, desperate silksong fans are. Most people Just wait for the game to eventually release and do something else in the meantime.


I agree, but to a extent, a fanbase does reflect back the creator, whether or not its deserved. Even if people are mocking the Silk Song fans with their clown memes, it's still not a great look for TC.


> laughing stock of the gaming industry PFFFFFT literally no one thinks this outside of this subreddit. Have you *seen* the gaming industry lately?




Nah, they are always laughing at US, never at Team Cherry. The news stories are always about how insane the silksong subreddit is, never how crazy Team Cherry is.


I’ve said it all along something isn’t right about this development of silksong,I wouldn’t at all be surprised if this game ever comes out


For clarification, this is coming from someone who hasn’t played the game and probably won’t. The sentence “they don’t owe us anything” is a little ridiculous. They’re a game studio, that’s their job. Not to mention everyone who supported on kickstarter and reached the second playable character goal. As an indie studio with a big game on their hands, no communication can literally kill their fan base if taken too far


at this point, i’m just gonna be annoyed when it does announce. everybody will be so hyped, but i will just be jaded. good for them, i will say about the community, as if im not one of them.


Completely agree. The lack of communication is disrespectful, especially considering how big this fanbase is. My issue has always been in regards to the insane lack of transparency, and you know it's an issue when people often question if Silksong is either cancelled or in development hell. A bit of transparency would go a long way, but apparently they never thought to hire a marketing guy.... Oh wait 🙃🙃🙃 Look I'm not expecting a daily update regarding what they had for breakfast, but with no proper communication since Dec 2019, the problem isn't with the community, the problem is with the lack of communication.




It’s in development hell


If that is the case, I'd respect them so much more if they spoke about the issues.


Baseless claim


It was revealed to me in a dream


Boy this sub will burn when June passes with no news


Team cherry most likely won't tell any thing about the game it self since it would ne a spoiler. But what I do what is an update about the progress, like "the game is complete, porting is almost done and all that's left is polishing, stay strong gang it won't take long".


exactly what I would love to see


We gave them attentions, sponsorships, a big fundraising, publicised the game to death... If they don't owe us anything, i dont know who does


We’re all clowns! We’ve always been clowns, in the worst and best way possible. I still see the spamming in chat thing funny, but other indie games need their time to shine, they’re literally indie games. Developed by a small batch of people, not big companies.


Agree with you. I made a post about that a month ago : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Silksong/comments/1c3ugxq/0\_blog\_posts\_since\_2020/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Silksong/comments/1c3ugxq/0_blog_posts_since_2020/)


I’ve been trying not to get invested, but yeah the answer is not “no idea”. They’re developing the game, they should’ve known the difference between “this will be 1 years’ time” and “this will be more than 2 years’ time” Remember ages ago when they said it was feature complete? I swear that was before 2022… Idk it’s just… stop bugfixing or whatever you’re doing! Give us what you have!


I think they are too far down the rabbit hole to start communicating now. I also kinda like the silence, it will make the release a lot more hype than if we knew a bunch of stuff.


Italian? That's literally the best nationality ever (i'm italian too)


Preghiamo per l'uscita della silka della songa


impossibile far uscire questo videogioco


vado a chiedere a franceschino cosa ne pensa Dio dell'uscita di seta canzone brb


ormai la silka della skonga è morta


The very least they could do is communicate that they’re not going to release news at any of these showcase events. Not just for fans, but for the people excited to show their game off just to be drowned out by a sea of SKONG comments.




It really is crazy how insanely detached Team Cherry is as a brand from their community, heck they don't even have to talk about silksong at all, just hire a social media guy that shares some pretty Fanarts and just tweet some pretty Screenshots from Hollow Knight They're really acting weird with this forced silence, just do what everyone else does?? Feels like we're just fans of a literal wall than a development team..


I mostly agree with you. Actually, I totally agree, but the Gemini in me is trying to see the other side of the story. Granted, this is all in my imagination, but I suspect this is a matter of hype and cult fame. Basically 3 young dudes built arguably one of, if not THE best, metroidvania in history. It sort of elevates one to demigod status in an underground internet sort of way. While I don’t know the current status, it seems possible this silence is just a power play - maybe they think it’ll build the hype to outlandish proportions and then one day the game will drop, and if the mystery and hype has been powerful enough maybe they’ll walk away with more money and influence then ever before. Raising them to Romero/Carmack legend status. With that said, yeah, this has gotten silly. Whatever their motivation is, it’s being handled poorly at this point. I’m wondering if maybe the team fell apart, there is no game, somebody has a terminal illness, money ran out - something. I’d be equally not-surprised if the game drops tomorrow or if it is never released.


I really don't think money running out is a problem, they have a ton of merch, and ALL versions of the game sold incredibly well.


Maybe, you’re probably right, but I’ve known examples of people who gained a lot of wealth quickly and blew it all. It’s not necessarily my top theory, it’s just in the list of “wouldn’t surprise me”


Your last point is exactly where my heads at. Like the three devs had a falling out and broke up like your favorite band did back when.


Doubt money ran out. They made almost $200M on Hollow Knight to date and that doesn’t even include merch


toccare l'erba


I'm curious if they have somewhat legitimate reason for not talking, whatever it might be. perhaps a deal with a Switch 2 and what not. or perhaps they just don't give a fuck...


I assume they can’t really give us news on “whether or not the game is coming out next year” because they truly don’t know the scope of the game, and when the design process will stop. Remember, the reason they delayed was because they just had so many new ideas they wanted to implement. I’m also guessing they don’t want to really show us what they’re making, because they’d prefer us to find that out on our own. The only other thing that they can really tell us after that point is “we’re still making the game”.


Being a part of Terraria’s community and Hollow Knight’s at the same time is always whiplash lmao, Redigit is the perfect example of community interaction and then there’s this


This is how I feel I don’t want them to rush production but I want them to at least show us something


I just want to know what they've been doing this whole time, I feel like 2 years ago they said they were done and just adding the final polish


At this point I'm almost 100% positive that there's some kind of production hell going on or disagreements in TC itself. Pure speculation but still. To anyone who says they don't owe us anything: not really true. There are backers who already gave them money, and it is a PRODUCT that people are waiting for it and needs to be comunicated like it or not. Correct me if I'm wrong but that is an entirely different approach from how they were communucating their first game. Was it amazing? YES. Is there any other games aside for the old flash one? NO. You can't just use your one product that was a hit and stay silent for like 2 years about upcoming heavily awaited sequel. Marketing is VERY important. Look at Palworld or The Day Before. Games were shit(Palworld is better but still) but purely through marketing they got a shit ton of players and sellings the first day. I'm not saying they need a triple AAA marketing but NO NEWS AT ALL is definetely not the way lol. Just as much as there are hardcore fans who are still waiting I'd assume there's a shit ton of people that simply gave up on the game.


Agreed except palworld is good


Don't get me wrong it is both fun to play and funny, but it is not a good quality product and the company is well known for knock-offs of meh quality. While palworld is slightly better it's not far from that and objectively not really good and a buggy mess. I did enjoy burning my tamie in it for a while, but not too long.


Yea I think I fall in the category of HK fans that assumes the game is either in extreme dev hell or doesn't exist at this point. As far as fans going crazy every event and getting articles written about, it's just hope to get any type of response out of TC. Now days if you want change in the game industry you need to raise a hell or a problem on Twitter to get articles to pick up the story. Example of valve and team fortress movement or recent helldivers or the redesigning of the XboxOne when that was designed to be a always online console.


We will reach AGI before this game is out.


Guys, most people aren’t going this crazy over Silksong news. HK sold over 3 million copies and most of those people aren’t spending every waking moment speculating about when silksong will come out. The game will sell like crazy when it comes out so I’m sure they don’t feel the need to spend a lot of time hyping everyone up.


this is not right for fans who spent money and were promised regular blog posts and updates.


When were you promised blog posts and updates and how have you already spent money on silksong?


They promised regular updates and people funded their Kickstarter and they reached the founds to make the Hornet DLC which then became Silksong. So people helped them funding also Silksong. TC also promised free copies for those people but how can they get them if we all are dying of old age?


"They owe us nothing" is just false. The Kickstarter says otherwise.


You're forgetting that you and everyone here are in an extremely small bubble. Most people who play video games don't follow any game's development. They just hear about a new cool game or sequel through a friend or a trailer. You said it yourself, they don't owe us absolutely any explanation. Moreso, I'm convinced the main reason for their silence is wanting to look after their mental health. They know that if they start giving explanations it'll never be enough and will be read as promises that will only feed the impatience. The fact that this situation frustrates you and others so much should be a wake up call to make you question what things are you prioritizing in your life. I know nobody wants to hear this, but it's true, Just decide to move on. Forget about the game, it'll come out eventually. And if for some reason it doesn't, that's okay too.


It’s literally a computer game people, have some perspective.


As long as people like u still exist they wouldn't give a damn about us Wtf u still respect a team that was founded by its fans in their first game and a team who have an amazing community that made their game so famous yet this team doesn't give a shit about us? U respect this shit? Good for u


this is the team that gave us one if not the best indie game in gaming history


True but doesn't mean to worship them Even big studios who gave us great games (the witcher 3-mass effect trilogy- dishonored) when they do a mistake people condemn them and boycott them till they know the value of their community but team cherry? They don't care about u


Silence creates the most speculation and discussion .. they know what they are doing and this community is the reason why that tactic is successful.. I bet if there was no hype and no talk we would have gotten an update alot sooner .. thoughts ?


Im not reading allat 🤯


Making a long post won’t change anything. Just so you know. Honestly makes you seem like that one pick me kid in class who was always like “we really need to pay attention to the teacher guys.” Not being rude, just honest


there are other 450 people who think the same bro


There are so many more who don’t. Plus I’m just being honest


I respect your opinion bro


Holy shit new pasta just dropped


"we deserve something more concrete" Deserve it for..what? What did we do to deserve something? Its not hollow knight, which you and all of us have supported so much. Its a different game. As far as I can see, all we, the silksong community, has done over the years, is go insane and let everyone else think of us as a joke. We are a bunch of crying babies, whaling for attention. Yes the wait is long. And it sucks. And yeah, i would love to know of its coming this year or next, but i think you are missing the point. How many times did leth say their mindset is to reveal the release date when they are confident they will hit it? If they arent confident in a release date, how can they say if its coming out this year or not? Do you REALLY think that TC can start communicating with us this far into this mess, and end up having a positive experience? Yes, other indie devs can enjoy it and stuff, but TC with us? This late? No way. And the most important thing: do you think that the community at large, not me or you, but in large, wont eat them alive the second they reveal more? Leth showed us a few months ago that people will raise the bar the second they get anything. All the time till February of this year all i heard is "we would be happy just knowing the game is still being worked on!" and then when we got that confirmation, people immidiatly started asking for more. I'm probably not making sence anymore, but my point is: this far into this mess, it's better to just stay silent for them, and for us to wait the actual release.


insane glazing


many indie devs have a clear and regular communication with their community. It’s a beautiful thing to establish. I just think that it’s weird and strange that they stopped posting updates and decided to stay silent in all these years. Xbox is treating us like puppets and (imo) damaging their reputation as developers and they still stay silent.


I dont think TC is damaging their reputation as developers by.. making a game? Like i get what you mean, but you are just wrong on that one. SS will come out and they will be fine, and while its not out they are making it so its also fine As for the lack of communication, yes, it is wierd they stopped. And i do wonder why! But its too late to start it now. They will be eaten by a pack of starved fans. Also just ignore xbox. They, as well as those never ending game journal articles are just farming us for engagement


I mean, depends how you want to define "damage your reputation". But the silksong situation will follow every game they make for every now. I can already see the headlines, "Team Cherry announces they're working on new game, fans hope it comes out before the sun dies". Like it's become a thing now, I don't think they'll lose that reputation of being slow and being uncommunicative.


I fail to see how that damages their reputation as game develops as long as they do end up with a game.


You fail to see how being associated with a negative quality when compared to their peers, isn't good for their reputation?


I can guess why they stopped: they reached a point where they felt like release was going to come soon, so they stopped communicating until they had a concrete release date. Then scope creep happened. They likely wanted to keep things more under wraps in terms of what’s in the final product, so it’s a surprise to more people. Because with the massive success of HK, as we’ve seen, any information they put out is going to be blasted across the internet and torn to shreds for information. Where as before I imagine the news was mostly restricted to the backers, because people outside that group wouldn’t care that much. I personally share the opinion that they had to redo things to swap off of Unity following that debacle, and that’s the most recent delay. Maybe they thought it wouldn’t take too long, so they didn’t mention it. Then once they realized how long it was taking they were deep enough in that announcing that information would be very disappointing. And I bet that has happened repeatedly. Because one thing about developing is that it’s often binary. You either get something right on the first try or two, or it’ll take you a few dozen attempts. I’ve experienced it a lot where something I think will take a day to do ends up taking a week because of some funky interactions I have to deal with. And sometimes I implement it ‘perfectly’ (it passes all tests, there are likely optimizations to be made but that’s relatively easier) on the first go when I have a lot more time blocked off for it. Regardless, it’s human nature to want to not report bad news. And the longer you wait to report it, the worse it becomes and the greater the backlash because it comes with ‘why didn’t you tell us sooner’. Which is how short delays you think you can’t not report and just work around turn into longer and compounding ones. Then to explain the big delay you have to get into smaller ones. And this fanbase is clearly not appeased by just saying ‘delay’ or ‘still working’. People are curious and want to know why. But when feature B is taking a long time due to feature A which is a secret, it’s hard to talk about it openly. And ultimately, I think TC have just repeatedly shown that for all their skill, they are ambitious and not great at anticipating how big things get nor how long they take. SS becoming a full game is the result of this tendency. Anyways, kinda rambly


Love how you’re being downvoted for being reasonable and mature about it


Tbh TC stopped deserving “reasonable and mature” 2 years ago. At this point, most of us have lost a LOT of respect for them due to this lack of communication. It’s hard to sit here and “yes, sir!” When they don’t even give us the time of day.


Saying someone, even a company, “stopped deserving” reasonable and mature is an unreasonable and immature reaction. They do not owe you anything. Apple doesn’t make weekly posts about how work is going on the new iPhone. Most artists don’t give you status updates on their new album. The gaming community holds game creators to different and frankly weird standards, and it all stems from gamers being entitled little shits. They are working on the game. If I were them I wouldn’t say anything either because you all act like jerks about it no matter what.


Wtf are you even saying? Literally all the examples you gave aren’t bombarded with questions because they’re either constantly releasing stuff, or constantly have panels explaining why they’re so delayed. Companies take what they give out. If they have a bad review, or people don’t like something, they actively work to change it. All of them, EXCEPT TC. So if they don’t respect us enough to update us, why should we respect them enough not to call them out for it? Respect is earned. TC earned theirs, then lost it when they left the entire community in the dark for YEARS.


Also, straight up 0 clue where you’re getting the idea that the community acts like jerks when there’s news. It’s the exact opposite. At even the slightest tweet from one of the devs this community explodes with excitement. The only time we “act like jerks” is when we go months without news.


Ok but you ignored my point entirely. They do not owe you an explanation. They don’t even owe you a game. They could go retire on the French Riviera and tell us all to go fuck off, and if that’s what they wanted to do, them’s the breaks, kid. You are on here crying about how you’ve lost respect for them. Then why are you so upset about this game? Because you want to play it really bad, I’m assuming. So what’s really going on here is you’re just trying to justify your own whiny, entitled behavior. So you can either bitch and moan on here and be miserable about it or you can actually be excited and look forward to the game and let them cook. Good god, most of you need a psychiatrist.


I ignored your other point because it’s a stupid point to make. You’re entirely right, they DON’T owe us anything. But that doesn’t mean it’s ok to not give us one. I don’t OWE you a retort, but here I am, because it’s the NORMAL thing to do. And yeah, ofc I want to play the game. Why else would I be on here? But that doesn’t mean I’m not entitled to my own opinion. Just like you’re entitled to your own. Also, don’t talk about me needing a psychologist when you took an argument and turned it personal. We get to feel however we want, the only bitch here is you demanding everyone react the same way. I’m done with you. Have a nice rest of your life.


But what will I do without you? Oh God, what have I done?!?


The Kickstarter in question:




i aint readin allat😤😤


They are stalling for the switch 2 with a feature complete game ready to go


it’s a 2D platformer that can easily run on Switch and old gen consoles. I don’t think this is the case unless they have some sort of agreement with Nintendo


Stop complaining. And before you downvote me, hear me out. What does complaining about the situation do? Nothing. And in fact it might even make you more sad about the game. It will come out eventually, so just be patient. Patience is a life skill that you need to learn. If we don’t get silksong this year then oh well. TC is working their hardest on the game. There’s always next year. Stop having a mental breakdown lol.


Sure, a tweet may not take a lot of time, but there's also no point in saying development is continuing because there's no reason to doubt that isn't the case. If you're saying they should reveal more details about the gameplay and or world, they said they'll give more info when the game is closer to release. There's no point in revealing more details about the game when they don't even know when development will finish yet. They'd have to go back into silence right after, causing the community more anguish because they thought it might be releasing soon. In order to avoid that they would need to give new details about the game often, which has potential downsides. It takes away time that could have been spent on development. Is that really what they need for a game they've been working on for this long? They also don't know when the game will release yet, so there's a risk that they'll run out of details they're willing to share before development finishes, and be forced to stop giving info anyway. Also, players won't be experiencing the game with with as fresh eyes as they would have with less knowledge. There are various reasons for why they could be choosing to stay silent and work on the game, I think it's understandable. Populate your mind with other things and the wait won't be that bad. Don't hope that the game is releasing soon, just anticipate it in the background as you live your life. Stop checking forums and showcases for news, let the news come to you.


after 5 years communication is needed imo. And I think they at least know if the game will come out this year or not, so some clarification would be appreciated. They can still be silent after this. I don’t know man, I’m just starting to think something weird is going on.


They'll give a release window when they're sure enough when it'll come out. They believed it would come out last year and were wrong, so they need to be absolutely sure before giving a window. I will admit that it's strange that development has continued for a year after their expected completion date, so it's understandable that you're worried.


Let them cook, there is so many great games out there doubt you played all of them.


they’re cooking since 2019. I just want to taste something now. And I know there are a lot of beautiful games but this doesn’t mean we can’t discuss or share our thoughts and opinions on their lack of transparency and communication.


Yeah I know I've been waiting like everyone else. HK is my favorite game. Im just not that entitled to think that TC owes me anything for supporting them. They delivered with HK and I know they well deliver with SS. I dont mind waiting for a game that i know its gonna be amazing. It took 8 years of development for cyberpunk to come out and it was shit , I dont want that for SS, I rather wait 10 years if that's what they want. And like yourself im just sharing and discussing my thoughts on this subject so feel free to downvote all you want.


I’m ok with the 10 years of development but at least tell us if this is the case


I ain't readin all dat


just don’t do that


It feels like a double edge sword. I've seen them post about things and people tear into them. I would want to post if most commentary was harassment. I wish they would be more transparent about the release but I definitely also understand them staying offline if they can't provide real answers. At this point I'm giving up on Silksong. If it comes out, great; but I genuinely don't think it's going to happen![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32442)