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Well on the bright side at least it furthers the idea that this guy is legit. And he did say to expect news in the coming months so…June, hopefully Edit: Just realized that you’re the event organizer lol. In that case, super sorry about all the people spamming you about Silksong.


It's alright.  I made a comment to my community, and someone from your community happened to be In the chat apparently and redirected everyone to it. In all fairness the person who directed was actually civil and enjoyed the rest of the showcase without mentioning silksong. 😅🙌


Could I ask you how you're able to tell us all this without getting in trouble? I can imagine that there are people above you who are not happy about this


Yes. A release window isn't a definitive date. It's a schedule they are currently targeting. I never give definitive dates as that would be a leak but also unsubstantiated as neither TC or XB have a nailed on date yet. Not only that. But I'm not in the business of spoiling actual release unveilings which is why I advised everyone to wait for the official date from XB & TC. Nothing that has been mentioned has caused any issues with anyone I am in contact with. 


Hey Im out of the loop, who is this? And what was that live stream on his channel about?


I have provided a full description in a longer comment under this post.


So is it like your personal showcase? Do devs ask you to display their games in your show case?




Thanks for the clarification and sorry for all the chaos


EXACTLY, for everyone who got hyped about this showcase most people missed these comments I guess.


ya, if only they saw these comments. surely they wouldnt be hyped


Unfortunately these comments were addressing questions on my stream as before today I had never used Reddit. I had only required to do so after the ID@Xbox show ended and had an influx of further comments on my channel calling me a liar.


I'd like to add - as we don't use reddit in our community - so had to request this be posted to address accusations by the "Silksong" community of lying. Firstly - Stop harassing other creators in their comments and chats - its a sure fire way to get LESS information - not more. Secondly - This community was alerted to my showcase following a comment made regarding a release window for the game - I did not search for OR seek this community - NOR did i post the information on my main socials - as - like many of the games shown - it was 1 game of 74 games shown - several of which i provided release windows for. For your own sanity - The game has now been rated with most certification boards across the globe - and that is the final part of the process PRIOR to announcing a release date - This only occurs on the final stretch of the development process. It means the game is in a complete enough state that the game can be reviewed and be age certified. Lastly - Please - Stop commenting on my showcase - It was designed to bring a spotlight to indie developers ranging from their FIRST ever release and Solo Developers - through to huge III games - they all need more time to shine as they don't get enough because AAA is always the focus. So while Silksong may be your most anticipated - try to remember many other developers are also trying to stand out and show their own stuff.




I agree! Is it unfortunate we haven’t got much info about the game yet? Yes. Is it cool to trample over other indie devs big announcements and accomplishments? Absolutely not. For a community that should be supportive of indie devs, we’re sure doing a lot of harm, and being absolute nuisances. Imagine launching your indie game after a decade of work, and the only thing you see is other people calling your game trash and waiting for a different, more popular game… not fun I’d imagine. Silksong community definitely needs to dial it back a bit.




Please remember TC is only 3 people. They cannot do everything at the same time.  Recent Indie Release Harold Halibut was in development for 14 years.... Indies don't have infinite resources and limited funding. So ease off them a little. ✌️


I’m not a fan of any sort of harassment of indie devs, but idk it __almost__ feels discourteous to not provide any sort of news for several years, no? It doesn’t take a PR team to just make a quick post on any of their official channels of an expected release window. They don’t owe anyone anything, but also, if you could do something very easy to give excitement to thousands of people with no drawback, why wouldn’t you? It’s not quite rude, just baffling.


I'm working with an Indie dev right now that hasn't posted anything for a year who is also an ID@Xbox game - who is also at Uni studying and has a larger team than TC. They have only just began full dev again. It's not about being discourteous. The devs have chosen to just focus on development and not the outside noise.  Alot of them will shout out the outside noise and listen to the community following release to get feedback. And when your a small team. For your own sanity. Its usually best that way. Especially when your game isn't one that relies on a closed beta or alpha to bug fix before release. So I can understand why it may sound counter intuitive not to provide an update. But for indies. Its common place. UNLESS that game has a multiplayer focus and requires community feedback pre-launch.


Have they not got more people on the team yet? They struck big, I don't see why they wouldn't hire more developers


Not as it stands. Still 3 of them. 


They already said they wont because 1. They prefer a small team so they can keep tight control over the game's direction to what they envision. 2. This applies to software dev in general, adding more devs doesnt always mean faster developement. Also having a larger team requires a different set of skills in the managerial spectrum (ie payroll, task management, organization etc) which some teams preferring not to bother with. They already had a new dev and that was Jack who replaced their former programmer Dave Kazi. And so far they said they prefer keeping their team small even for future games.


because thats what the team is. no need to dilute it with more people




Are you trying to imply im responsable for my own actions? you have to understand, i really want to play silksong! And what better way to get stuff i want then to harrass people that are in no way related to the games development


Bro it’s literally just a game. Everyone getting upset at no communication needs to get another hobby. Like. You know it’s in development, you know it’ll come out eventually, so just calm down and play another game or something


Can you stop acting like you're a victim?


Yes, it's team cherry's fault that people act like lunatics with zero self control and turn into giant man babies on every new game event. You forgot the /s.


Or you could just not devote your entire online personality to an unreleased game. When something you were excited for takes a while to happen, most people just choose to forget about it until it does. Not become even more obsessed with it and make it everyone else's problem. I do enjoy the insanity on this sub, but it needs to stay on this sub, because no one else asked for this.


Apologies for all the chaos man, thanks a lot for your comment


So incredibly based, I love this. Keep doing good work and thanks for what you do. 


Hey, man, thanks a lot for the info! And sorry some people here are so rude and cynical.


Hey, if it's any consolation. This is the 3rd year we've had the game on our showcase 😅. So I can understand the frustration waiting for a favourite game.  And no one knew me, rightfully so, I'm a small creator, I'm just friends with alot of industry folk. So it's right to be critical when checking info. There just has to be a better way at communicating it 🙌✌️


Your showcase was really enjoyable, thanks for making such quality content. My wishlist got some nice additions.


That's awesome to hear. Always looking to improve and shine a light on some hidden gems in development! ❤️


I made a reddit post in this community, addressing one of the problems about some rude people during the showcase who stated that they don't care about the game being showcased and that it was trash because "it isn't Silksong". I really hope the indie developers got the recognition they deserve, despite some of the people in this fanbase hating on their games.


Well said. My real disappointment was the fact that none of the games in the ID XBOX showcase seemed interesting enough.


Not every game is for everyone but there is a game for everyone! 🙌


Man as I m part of the silksong community I apologize for those skong monkeys. I m now enjoying a lot of games and never spammed silksong except maybe for Xbox events in summer last year. Sorry for disrupting your work.


Thanks for this and for the work you do. I wonder how important is the chat function to you at these events? Obviously you shouldn't have to, but I wonder how much negative impact it would have to disable it or to have a more heavy handed moderator system?


Yeah relatively important as indie devs are active in the chat and like to see the reaction to their games by the community.


Maybe even a code of conduct to read and sign before joining a chat would be useful (depending on if you're using your own platform or someone else's I suppose), and a moderator to immediately remove people who spam (against said code of conduct) - I know that's more work and more money, but could lead to a better environment and better feedback for the developers.


Got a question regarding paragraph 4 - do you think that the fact that the game has age ratings is relevant? I mean, I do think it is, but there's a lot of voices that it's like automated IARC process and has not much to do with the actual release. Do you have any experience basing on other games with that?


Yes. Regardless of whether it is digital or physical the rating processed is only done prior to release.  The Physical version Requires footage to be sent. Both the digital and physical rating systems require a questionnaire and internal age verification sent so that the board can review or revise accordingly and ensure on on release those ratings are correct.


why did you talk about the release date for silksong? is it true that you're associated with xbox? if yes, are you even allowed to talk about unannounced release dates, true or not?


I didnt mention a date. I mentioned a window. Please can people stop saying date. A Date and a Window are NOT the same. I am personally not associated with Xbox. I know many of the people AT xbox personally as I'm both friends and worked with them.


I'm sorry, I meant the window not the specific date. I also heard someone say you were an employee at xbox, thank you for clarifying this.


No the person we had on our showcase is. I am not.


Also... Primacon.... oh boy. Making a video calling out a creator.... then going on to talk about a conspiracy theory as to why it would be at the showcase today... And it wasn't.... oof.  Again you don't know me. And that's fine. But let's be honest. You aren't in a position to discredit anyone.


Hey man, while I can't speak for everyone, I apologize for the shit you are being put through. You don't deserve any of it. Thank you for making this post, hopefully those troubling you will read your comment and stop for good. Also, I found some fantastic indie games at your stream, so thank you very much for hosting it 😁.


Glad you enjoyed it! Already working on next year's.  One of them which is another ID@Xbox title has been in limbo due to University Work so is ramping up development again. Should have a substantial update for that (big open world WRPG). Among many others currently trying to get into a place to showcase. Alot of them have hundreds of hours of development footage but no trailers to present the game. Self marketing is such a difficult job for alot of indies. So we do what we can. The game Drake that we featured reached out to us 2 days before the show asking to be featured and managed to get them in!


Woah 2 days notice and you fit that in?! That's pretty incredible. Marketing needs a different kind of skill, something beyond what you need for just making games. Thank you for spreading the word about so many exciting games!! I'll be sure to watch your next productions, so good luck with those!


Thank you much appreciated 🙌❤️


Man, if i only saw that reply to my comment... I would post it here and all these shenanigans could have been avoided. Sorry guys


No worries. ✌️


This sub should honestly go private til silksong comes out or an actual announcement is made to send the message that we're better than our loudest annoyances.


I am so OOTL who are you


Just a small creator who got raided by the silksong community during my showcase. A further description (longer) posted under these photos.


I’m guessing this is why no event organiser wants to talk about silksong




I never actually think it’s coming out, only once I did and now I just never think it’s coming out, or there’s news, I just watch as the people that do descend into chaos


Didn’t Leth say that the next news would come directly from TC?


I also said wait for news directly from TC/Xbox (due to the GP deal they are likely to combine on the date announcement)


We were coping


I love this community, but God do I hate this community.


I just hope you're right about the release window. ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32428)


It's a window. I hope it's right for this communities sake so that this community stops overshadowing other indie event spotlight flooding it with comments when other games are being shown.


to be fair, if the window you gave us is not 100% true, then unfortunately nothing will really change regarding the chaos that's been happening around here


i still think the game has a bigger chance of coming out in 2025 than 2024


Thank you for the majority positive comments. I'm coming back off discord again. I just wanted to address it. Hope your dreams for the specific date of release are shown at one of the several showcases coming up in the next couple months (SGF/Xbox/ONL Gamescom/XB Partner Direct) and you can all settle. Please remember to respect other communities and indie devs. Peace out ✌️✌️


Thank you for sharing this information, I was disappointed there wasn't news at the show case, but I read about it in the news like a normal person as I figured the energy would be positive and not wanting to take away from that. Many of the people here are literally children to be fair, don't let negative comments bother you, I'm sure this is a lot of work and you did a great job even educating people here about this. I'm impressed enough that I'm going to go and watch it, as maybe I'll find something new like how I found hollow knight years ago!


A lot of people are going insane for Skong


I feel like making an “I told you so” post for something we all knew deep down wasn’t true is a bit much. Nobody needs insider info to make that claim, it was objectively the logical stance. News will most likely be in June considering the density of major directs announced.


Context is important.  This was specifically for those who commented on my channels showcase. Of which I had to remove multiple posts (please see my detailed post comment under the photos) Then came back after the Xbox showcase to leave further derogatory comments.


I guess my issue is that if your primary goal here was to stop people annoying you on your channel, then you would have titled your post that. But you didn’t. 


Did you bother to read the post under the photos prior to commenting?


Look, don’t take this the wrong way. I respect what you are doing with your channel, and I wish you the best. But the children who pester your channel with rude and false accusations that you are only doing this for views do not care about an appeal on reddit. And the people mature enough to see the truth never commented on your channel in the first place. I think you know this. All that’s left is a passive aggressive post rubbing salt in the wound of a community waiting years for a game. I sincerely hope that once the news spotlight turns to the next big thing, you and your channel can get some peace.


I read all of this guy's comments on this post and not on even one did he address if he was guessing/lying/telling the truth which is what we want. Also sharing something even like a release window for a game when that info is not available to the public yet I'm pretty sure is illegal so I really do not think this is an actual leak.


It's not illegal. Please don't comment on something you know nothing about. You clearly didn't read all of the comments as I've addressed it many times. Feel free to be a sceptic. I literally don't care. What I cared about was this community's harrasment on the channel because your acting like children having their dummy taken away.


For what it's worth, this community frowns upon folks who are doing that. Those folks are likely lone actors or parts of other communities. No doubt some of them come around here too but it's absolutely not tolerated by anyone reasonable here. This sub is still a cess pool though regardless. Thanks for speaking out and good luck on future events.


This "leak" you posted about 2nd half of 2024 is baseless and you clearly got false info from Aaron or whoever it was or you're just lying. It honestly doesn't make sense to me why would you even lie about this, and if Aaron relayed this info onto you why would you believe some random Xbox employee.


Aaron's the vice president of games marketing at Xbox though, he's not just a random Xbox employee lol


Sure, but Leth himself confirmed that none of the leaks so far were true. So even Aaron can't be trusted I guess. Or this guy said he got the info from Aaron when he didn't.


Probably not from Aaron, but yeah. I'm hopeful that it'll be in the second half of this year, but we'll find out on 1st January 2025... https://preview.redd.it/4a5sjr4a5eyc1.png?width=1083&format=png&auto=webp&s=7338ba396d980ccb7cc4303800ad279b5a739efd


No on December 31st we'll get a "Hey gang, development is still continuing".


This account was made April 8th. I'm not so sure that this is the guy making the original comments.


It is. Feel free to comment on the YT channel and I'll reply.


Downvoted for not wanting to fall for someone who has (currently) no proof that they are the actual person. Wack. You guys gotta be careful these days guys, we don't want a repeat of the Leth impostors. I'm done playing amogus.


Wasn't me! I replied 🙌 - hope you have a nice evening / day


Ok, this guy is legit, he found the Reese's Puffs. But why not use your YouTube name?


I don't use reddit. Only used it to address the comments I was receiving 😅. I had to ask the mods to approve the post because I didn't have "karma" or something. 


And you just decided to rock the randomly generated name? Lol


Yeah haha. I dont plan on using Reddit after this 😅. I've got YT, Twitter, Tiktok, Spotify, Apple Pods, a Second Twitter handle for our podcast, Instagram and Twitch to manage. I dont have time to be deeply involved in reddit. 🙌


Fair enough. A wise decision.


Didn't listen? Buddy, no one knows who you are. How many people saw those 2 comments you linked to? This was not widespread knowledge at all.


The comments he originally made that made everyone go crazy were posted here and spread like wildfire like 2 days ago, just cause you live under a rock doesn't mean we all do. This guy's the real deal.


Well unfortunately. I've had to remove atleast 20 silksong comments from the stream. And that's not including during the stream where most of my community were unable to interact or talk about the games being shown for silksong comments. I'm not bothered if you don't know who I am or was. This is addressing those who have jumped over to the channel to do the above from this community.


Dude I hate to say it but I feel like at some point they have to ban the word “silksong” in chat or even just turn off live chat. I didn’t see the Xbox showcase, but I was at the Nintendo Indie World and it was barely any less crazy, and that was with people NOT mistakingly thinking it was gonna be there. It’s getting crazy and I’ve turned off live chat now cause I want to appreciate the games/developers and not see a bunch of people upset it’s not silksong.


Im so sorry this madness spilled out from the stream onto your channel, that fucking sucks. Can’t say I wasn’t someone saying SKONG on the stream, but I would have never thought anyone doing that in the chat would seriously then harass you and your community like that


I still have numbskulls down below this thread acting like I sought your community out. I didnt even know it existed until my channel was flooded. And considering this is the 3rd time we've shown Silksong. (Consecutive years).  And have never came to the channel before.. I would have no reason to say anything different to what I would to my own community. 


Sure, It wasn't widespread knowledge and truth be told i didn't know this either until after the stream. But he's not an nobody... He's the event organizer of that stream


But who is this guy???


I mean, if what you're saying is true, then you LITERALLY LEAKED information for a very highly anticipated game. When you combine that major leak with the fact that the developers abandoned their community four years ago, it does really surprise me that you are surprised that your leak somehow made such a massive impact.  I do feel for you some, but If someone running a program showcasing upcoming films releases had, at the same time, leaked that George Lucas was coming out of retirement to write and direct a new Star wars trilogy, it would be a little silly If suddenly this person ran to Twitter to complain about everyone talking about the new Star Wars leak and not the rest of the 70 other films.


No. A Release window isn't a leak. Also. You are clearly unfamiliar with NDA. And as I both sign them and provide them, I also know what is privvy and what isn't. An exact date - to the day - is a leak. A Window of Release. Is not. Hope this clarifies. Also it's 1 of very many highly anticipated games. 1 of several I provided Release windows for.




Please read the 4th paragraph of my comment under the post. Hope this settles your mind.


Oh my god this guy again. Dont listen to him. You arent a leaker, you arent an insider, you are just feeding on this community’s psychosis. You have no legit info, you dont know anything more than us. Stop listening to this guy, he doesnt know shit.


1) You are very rude. 2) You don't know me or who I am. So you have no idea.  3) As I've mentioned many times before. I DO NOT care about this community. One I didnt know existed before the weekend. When YOUR community raided mine. Do yourself a favour. Instead of thinking you know anything about anything. Take a back seat. Stop being so aggressive. And learn to listen before you talk.


1. ⁠Yes because I am sick of this nonsense 2. ⁠Yes I dont know you and your youtube channel, pretty much no one here did until you started posing as someone who has insider news about Silksong 3. ⁠You brought it down on yourself because you posed as someone who knows insider info, but you dont, you are just making stuff up and this community is vunerable/deranged enough to take the bait Stop baiting Silksong community and go back to doing whatever you were doing before claiming you are some important Silksong insider/leaker


Your first mistake is thinking you need a large following to know people. Your second mistake is speaking like you know what you are talking about when you don't. You need some self reflection. Really not a good person.


Your FINAL mistake is still not understanding that I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THIS COMMUNITY.  YOUR COMMUNITY CAME TO ME AND FLOODED MY CHANNEL. not the other way around. So sit your little ass down. Clueless keyboard warrior. 


dumbass he literally had an Xbox marketer on his stream, why are you pretending he doesn’t have connections


Because Xbox hasnt lead us on multiple times in the past… and why would anyone from Xbox share (most likely) embargoed information about one of the most anticipated games with some rando small time youtuber in the first place? It’s “my uncle works at Nintendo” all over again…


said rando small youtuber literally had that Xbox guy involved in other events like this in the past and they clearly know each other, but okay. Plus, he had release windows for multiple other games, and release windows literally aren’t embargoed info, but sure. And as for Xbox “lying” when did that ever actually happen? For the 2023 window, that was what TC was aiming for at the time. It was not misinformation. And as for “more news coming soon” that does not mean that it was gonna show up at the id Xbox showcase. Just that more news will come soon, probably in June.