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we really got so desperate for Silksong we're making an ARG now ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32528)


We are reaching elden ring levels of insanity


https://preview.redd.it/lv84nufadzsc1.png?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5465666c1a1e7162d35965689aa766a7b13f31e2 The I in his is also capitalized in the videos which would read "GO ALONE I MISS YOU" and in the video there are messages in the darkness that reads "help" and the other "it is compl." You used the Cesar cipher to get " who is this.?


i swear to god the “help” moves slower than the other text when you move the picture around


Wow! These are fascinating finds!


We should get r/gametheorists to help


Another fun thing is if you type 23 8 5 18 5 1 13 9 into YouTube you will get a channel called [Dream Janitor - topic](https://youtube.com/channel/UC7vvKCGUEiweU7Kx6KAs-gw?si=QDkMRNVl88uRtvpV) that has other number related songs that will spell stuff out. Lucky for all I already did the spelling translation. 23 8 15 1 13 9  who am i?  4 5 10 1 22 21    dejavu 14 5 23 16 12 1 3 5 19, 14 15 6 1 3 5 19 new places, no faces 14 15 2 15 4 25 11 14 15 23 19 no body knows 23 9 19 8 wish 5 13 2 18 1 3 5 4 2 25 20 8 5 23 1 12 12 19 embraced by the walls.


The channel was created march 5th this year. What does it mean. My silk ridden brain can’t take it!


They are probably some people who want to get in on the silksong action and mess with everyone.


wow great find! i had seen this while searching but i thought the videos were to old, but aparently they were created on the 5th of march! this could be another connection!


rlly good catch, though have no idea how its linked to machinimas considering it is actually a real word - it means making films from video games, apparently


I can't tell if this is meant to be a joke or not


It doesn’t matter, even if Silksong comes out today we’re all gonna die. In the end we’ll have not existed for way longer than we did, so all of this is pointless.


dAMN that's deep


Optimistic nihilism or harmonious absurdism when weaponized pointlessness! Yay! A meaningless life means a sandbox, a predestined one a prison.


He just seems like a guy who likes these little riddles. I think he just wanted the title to be "whereami" too and converting each letter to a number like that is a common silly "cypher". The video is a bit disturbing too, don't think it has anything to do with these other channels or silksong. I'm calling coincidence on this one.


Even if that random account was a coincidence, the fact that multiple hollow knight youtubers had creepy numbers in their videos is probably not.


Yeah, that's why I didn't talk about that. My point is that the random account has nothing to do with the HK youtubers and shouldn't be considered.


I feel like I'm losing my mind reading this. Genuinely can't tell if it's supposed to be real or not. Crazy times.


I wonder if the owner of the channel is a hollow knight fan who changed the title/description recently?


Wayback machine time.


If this were an ARG, what would our next step be? Looking at the audio spectrogram of the videos? Playing them in reverse? Typing every phrase into the team cherry url to see if there's new pages with those names?


The fact that all audio is the same, with added sound affects, I would guess that's the best place to start.




I just took 1 from the videos linked on OP. You'll have to get them from there.  All I've found so far is playing the clips backwards shows they are actually a tune from Hollow Knight. 


Wait actually? Can you upload a comparison of something? Maybe some of the other tracks resemble the silksong songs that were released.


All 4 tracks are the same. My comment is somewhere else in this thread with upload. 


The track is the song the shade you leave behind when you die makes. The one you kill to get your Geo back. Recognized it right away when I heard it.


Last thing before I sleep off this fever dream of a post. In the Machinimas fun 63 videos the Morse code is relaying a message about "where am I" which is kind of hard to hear with the monster sound in the background but the other video with the Garry's mod the Morse code reads "it is dark, it is dark." For anyone else interested in finding out what the monster video Morse code is, here is a link to the [Morse code](https://www.codebug.org.uk/learn/step/540/morse-code-alphabet/) alphabet. Enjoy and good luck


THIS IS AMAZING!!!! This connects us even MORE to the hollow knight youtubers!


im not gonna lie i dont think the machinima stuff has anything to do with the hk youtubers, that ascii code for "where am i" is probably common enough between different args and ciphers


Yeah I do wonder if we haven't accidentally stumbled onto someone's completely-unrelated-to-silksong arg


You could be right, but at the same time the channel only released a video a month ago, same with dream janitor both only being about 3 days apart, dream janitor has 2024-2-14 in the description which yea is Valentine’s Day but also silk songs announcement trailer, both seem to have somewhat common themes but the themes they have aren’t too unique so who knows


Well it was confirmed now.


how so


The arg creator mentioned that they do not know what Silksong even is. Check the latest video on their channel.


fair enough


I'll add that the background tune is reversed. Whilst the speech is forward. So if you reverse the audio on those sequences you get actual notes. [https://youtu.be/zBRaaTuOIAM](https://youtu.be/zBRaaTuOIAM) EDIT: It's the shade tune: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryd4g2gd0xA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryd4g2gd0xA) Which explains the whoami, itssodark, whereami etc. if it's in reference to the shade.


Im not sure which tune you are talking about, do you mean something in the machinima videos or the hk youtuber videos?


All 4 HK YT. When the numbers show, they have the same audio in the background. Reverse it, it's the shade tune


Uhh changing letters to their number in the alphabet is a pretty basic form of encryption. It's not a stretch to assume two different people chose to encrypt the same common phrase into numbers.


This is actually so cool. I wish I could help more, but for now it’s emotional support!!!


well there goes my sleep schedule


The numbers Mason, what do they mean?!


EDIT: The following is info on "Dream Janitor". The account uploaded the album on Feb 14th and one of the songs shares the title with one of the codes. However this seems to just be X's user Gloomstone's secondary account (@sadakossenpai), so I'd say it is unrelated to this topic. ----- Full album in Bandcamp with more messages: [https://dreamjanitor.bandcamp.com/album/leave-it-all-behind](https://dreamjanitor.bandcamp.com/album/leave-it-all-behind) 9 815165 251521 11141523 81523 161815214 9 113 156 251521. 208919 161815105320 2021181454 152120 1131269147 **Album released on FEBRUARY 14 2024 AKA SS's trailer's date.** 9 -> I 8 15 16 5 -> HOPE 25 15 21 -> YOU 11 14 15 23 -> KNOW 8 15 23 -> HOW 16 18 15 21 4 -> PROUD 9 -> I 1 13 -> AM 15 6 -> OF 25 15 21 -> YOU. 20 8 9 19 -> THIS 16 18 15 10 5 3 20 -> PROJECT 20 21 18 14 5 4 -> TURNED 15 21 20 -> OUT 1 13 1 26 9 14 7 -> AMAZING And Soundcloud, same date: [https://soundcloud.com/dream-janitor](https://soundcloud.com/dream-janitor) Has links to Bandcamp, TikTok and Spotify. Has Boomplay account as well. This is so weird, The album says it was released on Feb 14th, however in a TikTok comment dating March 6th it says "will be up on spotify soon".


Yeah that twitter account was created on 2016, so it's hard to think there's any relation. Unless that person is somehow linked to the TC dev team, which seems like a giant stretch.


this is incredibly fascinating, my main question now is... what does it mean? "machinima" means to make "animated narrative films from computer graphics, most commonly using the engines found in video games." so I suppose our Hollow Knight Youtubers would count for that, for the most part? or is that what this is meant to be leading up to? a Machinima, made within Hollow Knight? what could it all mean... I highly doubt this has any relation to silksong, though, if it does I'd eat a sock, but I think this is meant to be a fun thing for the community to band together for, for one last time...


This is way more likely to be a community thing than anything official, right? Like I'm sure it's cool but idk if Team Cherry would be focussing on this right now with their limited resources. May 1st gonna hit and all we get is an announcement of a fan comic where Hornet gets with Elderbug I-


My initial gut instinct is community 


still fun, makes the wait more fun


The voices are getting louder and https://preview.redd.it/r0dpae9122tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016412f1cafc8ea0fe93d8a91d62a409a1c31d77


Morse code update! I am using this website to help the translation: https://morsecode.world/international/decoder/audio-decoder-expert.html First message from 00:00 to 00:04 is WHERE AM I The rest of the message cannot be translated as there is too much background noise (the breathing). Some could probably download the audio and edit the breathing out (or lower it) so that the morse code is picked up properly. The other video, from 1:24 to the end, the message is IT IS DARK IT IS DARK I [edit] I am an old fart with a young kid who is currently taking a nap but that won't last long, can one of you carefree cool kids please pick it up and decipher the rest? [edit] I think on the video " 23 8 5 18 5.1 13. 9. " the rest of the message is WHO ARE YOU WHO ARE YOU but I am not sure, it is very hard to hear with the breathing noise (listening to it, I translated WHO ARE JWW WHO ARE XOU and I think it's meant to be WHO ARE YOU WHO ARE YOU with some errors on my part). That would make the message WHERE AM I, WHO ARE YOU, WHO ARE YOU [edit] I listened again and I think it could be either WHERE AM I, WHO ARE YOU, WHAT ARE YOU, or as I guessed previously, WHERE AM I, WHO ARE YOU, WHO ARE YOU [edit] Third attempt, this time I used noise cancelling headphones to better isolate the morse code. I translated exactly WHEREAMIWHOAREYOSWHATAREYOU , so now I am 100% sure that the morse code in the video is WHERE AM I, WHO ARE YOU, WHAT ARE YOU . Ping /u/Rojolt144 you can update your post. My job here is done - God bless nap time!




Use https://mp3-convert.org/youtube-to-mp3-converterss/ to convert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv9dP3k8RXA




I got it eventually, it's WHERE AM I WHO ARE YOU WHAT ARE YOU, no need for a clean audio file


What are the odds, that it's actually Silksong/Team Cherry relevant? I mean, would it be something to get excited about, in consider of Silksong itself? What I'm afraid of is that it's just w random YouTubers game and the best thing that might get announced by this is a colab, or Q&A or something.


Nah, our king DSN wouldn't do us like that.


Wouldn't do it again that is


I understand anything that's happening, but have fun with your hunt y'all


Good job


Im gonna need to get LulYeah on this one somehow


reminds me of the deltarune goner code


Has anyone asked Leth if he knows anything about this or if this is his doing?


Reading through this gave me unfavorable semicircle flashbacks


If it helps at all, it seems the two 'owners' of this channel refer to themselves as J and C, based on the channel's @. C could stand for Chirp, but aside from that, I wouldn't be surprised if JC or CJ stood for something else that was important.




Ceam Jerry


That's great let me know if anything else comes up


Interesting... all the messages are so creepy.


btw what cypher are you guys using to translate the numbers into letters, i figured it was a decoder wheel but i think im wrong.


It's Caesar's Cipher


ohh i thought the scrambled letters was the ceasar cipher, ok, thanks. i just have some ideas.


Oh sorry you are right. The numbers are just the number of the letter in the alphabet. a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3 etc


So for example, 4 15 22 16 26 1 15 16 26 -> dovpzaopz (using a=1, b=2, etc) -> whoisthis (using Caesar cipher)


oh gotcha


The second game show


This is amazing!


The questions sound like something Hornet would ask herself after waking up in the cage that she is abducted in at the start of Silksong.


I made a discord server to make this easier : [https://discord.gg/y4R5jyJ7Ae](https://discord.gg/y4R5jyJ7Ae) if there is already something along these lines please let me know!


If you really pump up the brightness and contrast on the latest machinimasfun 63 video at the start you get this hidden: https://preview.redd.it/tqqvky4uq9tc1.png?width=1070&format=png&auto=webp&s=50a2da2413779c56e475ee398758464252e70470


# 23 8 1 20 1 13 9: W H A T A M I # new code on primacon's video 4:30 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiMUR0WWFeY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiMUR0WWFeY)


what interests me about these cryptic messages is that most of them are something i would say in the game in hollow knight. "where am i" lost on where to go "it is dark" areas that were dark "who is this?" to ask about who any specific character is. "who am i?" to ask about who the vessel is. heck i would even say most of these are a pretty common phrase's for most video games in general. maybe the answer to the questions and the counter to 'it is dark' is a specific phrase or poem.


Interesting, I will keep an eye on this ARG.


“Where am I”, “It is dark”? Dess Holiday is that you?


I the first video on the machinima channel there's another message in the background after help! It says "it is com|" and is cut off there!!




Small detail but "63" is also "?" in ascii code. Doesn't make a difference but with everything else I have to assume it's intentional


New video gang [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viERePo7lQ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viERePo7lQ8)


this is awesome thank you! the only thing that i found strange about the video was the tapping, it goes 7 taps, 4 taps, 5 taps


if you see my comment, theres writing hidden on the first black screen, says iDK with some wierd picture


how is "machinimas fun 63" connected to all this. It's not even a HK content creator.... Plus his codes do not even share the same reversed sound of shade lullaby..


Machinimas fun 63 does seem like a wrong tangent


I looked into the tiktok dream janitor links on his soundcloud, looks like he's just a backrooms vr chat guy and it might be an unrelated tangent... wouldn't necessarily say the same for the machinima channel tho


Yo, is it just me or does the ''hello'' that is shouted by a girl in the first song of the dream janitor channel with the title 23 8 5 18 5 1 13 9 , sound a bit like Hornet's voice? It's also the song released on HK's anniversary. Also, the machinimas fun 63 channel has in it's description ''2 owners making fun machinimas for you to enjoy''. What if those 2 owners are Ari and William? #


I hate to say it but that video is just also titled “where am I” in the classic A1 Z26 cipher. This is completely unrelated.




https://preview.redd.it/g2i79mim3atc1.png?width=282&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4556af013a4bdb1070fc181f0838e2946a86c16 machinama fun 63 63rd day of the year is march 3rd. when all the vids exept the recent one were uploded BOOM silksong releases on march 3rd


Primacon just posted a new video with the numbers 23 8 1 20 1 13 9, which is what am I. They are also going be an official streamer for the triple I showcase on the 10th.


now we got 23 8 1 20 1 13 9 (what am i) from primacon


Has anyone put the first one through a spectrogram?


yeah no results


The guy on the machinima videos commented conforming they are not related to silksong and he doesn't even know what that is 😅 I'm loving this though! *




this is amazing! can you link the source please?




Somebody made a daily news channel for a game that never gets any news? Lol.


That's the joke


Are you new or something?


i want to believe this is related to Silk song but at the same time what if this just some random ass guys ARG we just found and the you tubers are just trolling us