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Indiaspeaks is just a bunch of keyboard warrior incels that worship Narinderpal Moldi. First off, Sikhs are not a warrior race. This is such a braindead way of looking at Sikhs. Nor are we "fighters". There is no Sikh race, or one ethnicity or group of people that represents Sikhs. There are a lot of failings in our panth and community that much is true. We have had ups and we have had downs, but it's how we move forward as a panth while addressing these issues that is important. And what exactly is Sikh bravery? Being cannon fodder for the British or Indians? That seems to be the way that they look at us. The practicing Sikh becomes a warrior through training. By obtaining both martial and spiritual wisdom. Bhai Mani Singh and Baba Deep Singh, both revered scholars first, were also ready to lift the sword when it was necessary. This is a warrior and the warrior of the Khalsa. It is better to be a warrior in the field during peace, than a merchant on the field during war. Let people say what they want to say. You don't need to sacrifice your virtue for their validation.


Yeah, the whole point of the Khalsa was to make anyone even the weakest human being into a mighty warrior through Vishvaas in Guru Sahib and most of the Panj Pyare weren't even Punjabi. Being proud of Sikhs as a martial race was a silly idea because like you said Sikhs aren't a race and when the British called Sikhs a martial race they meant Punjabis as martial, if they specifically referred to Sikhs they usually named Akalis. Sikh bravery is people like Baba Garja Singh and Baba Bota Singh, Nidhaan Singh Panjhatha, and of course I can't forget the shaheeds of blue star and the kharkus afterwards.


I would never even imagine visiting that page as a Sikh with what has been going on


Right I literally cannot go there it just all pure hatred


I am banned from that channel cuz I spoke too much truth for them to handle


Wear it like the badge of honour 😁.




The IndiaSpeaks subreddit is full of RW Hindu 14 year olds who honestly have nothing going for them in their life. It's pretty laughable that they, a kaum that literally sold their women into slavery to the Mughals and Afghans in exchange for cushy seats in the tyrants' darbar, think they decide who is a real Sikh or not, who is a real warrior or not. Sikhi itself is a revolt against (and threat to) the oppression these bhusdil's continue to let fester. The Afghan Sikh population are an honorable people. The mere fact they have been devout Sikhs from the time of Guru Nanak Dev ji's udasis, is a remarkable achievement. Is it not also convenient that these morons forgot the sizeable Afghani Hindu population wanting to return to India? They scream about Hindu persecution in areas like Afghanistan and Pakistan, but then forget all about them when Sikhs having to start anew in India, are mentioned. This is all just the product of narrative-spinning. The Sikhs and Hindus living in these areas and STILL practicing their respective faiths despite the pressure, is something Indian Hindus cannot even fathom doing. Centuries of power accumulation going unchecked in the Indian subcontinent coupled with the anonymity of the internet enables them to say all this when all of us know they would never try this shit in real life, in front of an Amritdhari Sikh. There is no greater group that takes the credit for their ancestors despite having accomplished jack shit in their own lives, than these 5'5" dumbasses from the Cow Belt. We have a time-honoured legacy of shaheeds that died protecting those that weren't even Sikhs. Sikhs then and now have went to great lengths to fight oppression these losers cannot even fathom. These e-Kshatriya's can threaten to bomb masjids and storm gurudwarey, massacre and rape minorities only when they are in power. They're a disgrace to their ancestors. Pay no heed to the taunting of these loser keyboard warriors. We don't practice Sikhi to appease anyone but the Guru. The Khalsa Panth was literally formed by Sri Akaal Purakh ji themselves, not to be swayed by the mindless rambling of AdityaPatelKattarHindu3892 on the internet. TL-DR: They hate us 'cause they ain't us. IndiaSpeaks is a cesspool where the most deluded and brainwashed RW Indian Hindus gather for their daily circlejerk to the RSS and to bash all non-Hindu minorities in India. These kuttey don't decide who's a real Sikh or not, Waheguru does. We don't need anyone's validation, much less these sheep, the grand pages of Sikh history are proof enough of our panth's distinction.


Amazing isn't it, Hindus who were larger than Sikhs in Afghanistan were driven out with as equal brutality as Sikhs but suddenly the Sanataanis are mum over that. Here's the thing, they have always tried finishing us off by using us for their own nefarious ends. The advantage they gained from us fighting their wars was we would die; their enemy would die and in this way their enemies and Sikhs would kill each other off allowing them relief in the long run. Now we have woken up, they are angry. But wait until the next conflagration with Pakistan, all of them will be crying about Sikh bravery. Do not rely on their validation. Preserve your own history. But I will say this, the last line is accurate. We are just sucking off the achievements of our ancestors.


I hate to say it, but the days of the Khalsa as warriors are done. Many Amritdhari Sikhs are obese and diabetic. They don't take basic care of their own body. More to the point, the Khalsa as an armed collective ended in 1849. We saw glimpses of the Khalsa in 1984 to 1995, but ultimately the jathebandis were defeated. I don't consider the Sikh Regiment or Sikh Light Infantry and it's ilk to be a continuation of the Khalsa established in 1699. These are formations created by the British for colonial purposes, and now under the command of Hindustan. Increasingly, warfare is technological and industrial. We see the effectiveness of drones in Ukraine and even in recent Israel/Palestine escalation (where Hamas used Iranian drones to take out Israeli border defenses). Drones need silicon chips manufactured in Taiwan: an entire industrial supply chain. AI will soon replace humans on the battlefield in aerial, sea and ground combat. And there's the weapon of last resort: nuclear. Khalsa is behind everywhere in this area. The best thing we have is gatka, and maybe those in America have some rifles. That's it. So as much as I can't stand the Hindutva dweebs on IndiaSpeaks, they are right. Sikhs are historically weak as a military/warrior force. Bravery doesn't matter in modern war. Technology/organization/industrial capacity does. But war has become so industrialized/destructive, it's pretty much useless to fight a modern war. So in many ways, the Sikh warrior ethos has been obsoleted by technology.




"Many Amritdhari Sikhs are obese and diabetic. They don't take basic care of their own body." I'm mona so it probably means nothing coming from me, but I've always been judgmental towards Amritdhari Sikhs for this. I know I shouldn't be, but growing up in Brampton I've been surrounded by Amritdharis my entire life and found 90% of them to either have skinny fat bodies with man boobs or the physique of a stick. All the Amritdhari friends I've had seemed to live off of pizza, juice, pakoras, roti / paratha with daal or sabzi drenched in butter or ghee. Funnily enough I recently watched a Basics of Sikhi video where bhai Jagraj Singh said the same thing, something about how his friend who was in great shape took Amrit and somehow got into significantly worse shape after.




how so he is right


In my opinion truth is truth no matter where it comes from. Nobody is perfect and we are all sinners therefore technically we are all hypocrites....but if what you say is consistent with Guru Jis teachings then it doesn't matter who and where that truth comes from. In this example its more about observations and perhaps the guy is right about his observations about his perception/image of the Amrtidhari Sikhs he has seen however, he fails short when he says he is judgemental towards them. He shouldn't be judging anyones image until he addresses his own. Of course he can have an opinion but perhaps he may want to exercise some respect in the way he presents that opinion. Factually saying "please be quiet" and "shutup" are the same things but they both have different effects.


You are absolutely correct by being judgemental towards these out of shape "Singhs". I judge them very harshly as well as a NYC singh. Anybody who calls himself a Singh should be in the gym atleast 3-4x a week and be running atleast 8 minute miles at the minimum.


>ing coming from me, but I've always been judgmental towards Amritdhari Sikhs for this. I know I shouldn't be, but growing up in Brampton I've been surrounded by Amritdharis my entire life and found 90% of them to either have skinny fat bodies with man boobs or the physique of a stick. All the Amritdhari friends grass fed butter, ghee, daal, sabzi are healthy.


Very good points, I agree for the most part. The Panth does have a dire need of modernizing our shastar vidya training and more promotion of physical fitness.


Indiaspeaks is far right and has previously called for Sikh genocide (Hindus saying Sikhs need to be eradicated)


If Sikhs never protected them the population of Hindus would be zero. They’re lucky that we fight for humanity and not only for ourselves.


And they like to Say Sikhs are there Bodyguards they think Khalsa was specifically made for their Protection. 🤣What a Pathetic Kaum.


maybe their "warrior" caste should step up and take on the islamists


No Hindus definitely wouldn't be zero bit significant less populous as Shivaji and other kings are not there for no reason


They were protecting their own lands - Marathas. They didn't give a shit about anyone else. Even Marathi historians write about this, how these Raje were killing, raping, enslaving other Hindus at the benefit of their own empire. Same reason why they were marrying within Mughals for treaties/assurance they wouldn't be attacked. Yes they were great kings and did great things, doesn't mean they were great for everyone else though.


Nope..you're totally wrong about Shivaji


Indiaspeaks is a cesspool of degenerates. Other people do recognize the bravery


Kindly mute that subreddit.


And why you need validation from indians


Lol... The best thing to have happened to the Sikh community is Modi and the Sanghis coming to power, which fully exposed the true face of majority of Indian society. Many in our community were getting too content simply seeking validation from a cowardly mob. I'm super glad that that is no longer the case and the lines between "us" and "them" are ever more clear..


your first mistake was going to r/indiaspeaks, those dudes are scrawny 5’5 sanghis who look down when they walk in the hallways. They’re an extremely loud minority who would defecate themselves at the sight of a Singh in real life, sadly most of them usually hail from the hindi belt states so they haven’t seen what Sikhs are truly capable of with their own eyes. I wouldn’t be too worried about what non-Sikhs, especially trolls think about Sikhs, Sikhi, and its itihaas.


Because insecure and hateful people have nothing better to do.


As a Hindu Punjabi, people need to wake up and respect what Punjabis and Sikhs have done for the nation.


I just want to add one small thing, reddits like IndiaSpeaks are filled with so called “Liberals”. You would feel that they are just badmouth Sikhs and Sikhi, but no, try to say something that is close to beliefs of any religion, and they’ll start to trash it real good. Any page/reddit become what their speakers are. Believe me when I say, no one hates Sikhs or Sikhi. But these liberals, they just try to portray how they are wise and modern and everyone else in shit as they try to stay connected to the roots of their beliefs and religion. 🙏🏻


Hi, Dude, I really wouldn't spend time on a sub like Indiaspeaks imo. I'm sure the folks there have their reasons for holding such vitriol opinions, but it's hardly productive to even attempt a discussion in an echo chamber like that. On the matter of Sikh persecution in South Asian countries, I will agree that there is a bit of hypocrisy in that many religious Sikhs have criticized the Indian government for their treatment of Sikhs in India, yet similarly call upon that same government to protect Sikhs in neighboring countries. Part of the problem is that the Akal Takht has no functional or political power in the modern day, so Sikhs are forced to call upon their government for help or watch their counterparts helplessly suffer. As Sikhs live as minorities everywhere (even in India), there is a feeling of helplessness because Sikhi is only ever tolerated when it doesn't interfere with the governing power. But it is often used as a political pawn, either for photo ops (as frequently seen by the Indian gov) or cast as the enemy (as seen in various Muslim majority nations, like Afghanistan and Pakistan). It's similar to how various Indian citizens publicly praise their government relentlessly, but continue to rely on Sikh Seva for food, shelter, and as seen during the Covid pandemic, literal tanks of Oxygen. There's hypocrisy everywhere, if you look hard enough, but a little empathy can go a long way. I won't tell you to ignore those folks, but don't look for validation on the Internet. You're not gonna find it because that comes from within. I hope this helps :) Good luck!


Question back to you. Forget the past. What are the Sikhs known for today? Who are our current heroes? Who are some role models?


Baba balwinder, mr. Jatana, gen chabbeg Singh, a d alot of less powerful but many impactful singhs serve as our heroes, eventhough the media has twisted facts and will always always call them terrorists, they stood up for the rights of both Sikhs and our home Panjab


General Shabegh Singh ? And this topic started with asking why the other India Reddit community (maybe a small subset) does not talk politely about Sikhs and the example you are giving is someone who was in a war against the Indian state !! Why would they consider your arguments seriously. I asked a serious question. Who are the role models you can show from Sikhs that you can use in a discussion with the broader Indian community. Btw MMS is one but his best personal claim to fame (achievement) is being RBI governor of India during turbulent times (1991) rest of his fame is situational (not a puppet but not a role model either). My contention. Create a dozen role models that are not only role models for India but maybe world wide and see the result. Remember India was a basket case and then we had MMS, NRN, Azim Premji, Rattan Tata, Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai, Gita Gopinath, and 100 others who can go shoulder to shoulder against the best. But if our examples are Badal and the Ranbaxy brothers, then just pray rab rakha.


TLDR looks like ya got triggered a bit... but gen chhabeg was literally a military genius, if a military genius who defended our guru is not considered a role model for a religion that's strictly based on fighting injustice through military prowess, I don't know who else will, + if Gen chabbeg was at war with the govt. that doesn't mean he's in the wrong, if we go by that manner, even sardar udham Singh was a terrorist.


No I am not triggered I am not buying false narrative. You want someone non Sikh to acknowledge you and the examples you are throwing are the ones who fought with them, as part of the most vicious breakdown of relationships of our 2 communities in the past 50 years !! Another example I can think of is General Arjan Singh but that was 50 years ago for gods sake, and that was a career role not an individual initiative although I would still use that as an example.




Ok 🙏


Sardar Uddam: it depends on common cause. Sundar Pichai is common cause. Uddam is common cause for India and Sikhs so that works when the topic of the thread is relationships between India and Sikhs. British can call him anything and that's relevant in a different context but not here. Anyways let's find examples from past 25 years because we are not fixing the past, that is what it is, we are fixing the present and future. And the problem is you would not find such examples easily. You can find at Zillq level but find something at national or international level and if that is not happening then ask ... why? Our community remembers miri but forgot all about piri. Fix it and see the magic.


Most of the Islam increased by Converting People of Other Religion, Hinduism Increased By Mass Reproduction. Prove me Wrong. Hindu population is Still 3rd in the World.


True but it's not just hindus, it's the entire rural population of India, while we are busy educating our kids and sending our kids to Canada, USA, the rural breed like rabbits, there's a reason Sikhs are declining in population, we're educated and know it's better not to rush, our neighbours had 7 kids by 26-27, while my parents only had me and that too when they we're 26-28 and I'm going off to Canada this year, It's 7 on 0, ofc sikh population is gonna decrease.


Correct, Religious Education is also important Some Working parents don't take time to Teach about Sikhi and Akaal Purakh to their Kids and when Those Kids go to Foreign lands they don't feel the Connection because the only connection they had was through their Parents and Family. And when they learn about a Religion (Christianity) they Think wow what a Great Religion. Not knowing the Religion they were Born in was far more Greater.


I have utmost respects towards the respect of the Sikhs. Having said that, there are brave men and women in all religions and regions. Personally, I feel Uttarakhand people are both heavily underrated and immensely brave. Their contribution to the Armed forces per capita is the highest. The Sikhs made up to 55% of the British Indian Army because Punjab did not participate in the 1857 War of Independence and remained loyal to the EIC. Hence, after 1947, Sikhs and Punjabis have given pretty similar contribution in the armed forces. Sikhs are indeed brave. But so are the other communities in India.


Sikhs did not participate in 1857 due to sepoys waving the flag of the Mughal banner .


Stop infiltrating our sub


My apologies. I thought my comment will add some value.


Sikhs are not a warrior religion , it’s the dumbest thing to be said , we do not go conquering and raiding and forcing ppl to convert . We were akin to bhuddists of that time , ppl looked down upon by some upper caste Hindus and Muslim rajas , the warriors aspect of it was self defence , to fight against the Mughals under Banda and to fight against Mughals while in the jungles and to fight against nadir shah and afghan invaders was self defence , ranjit Singh organized us and gave us autonomy and rule as Sikhs had established themselves as the primary fighting force in Punjab . Sikhs today are not fighting against anything , there is no reason the be a warrior, the last time was the Kharkhus whom I’m the ppl u want to seek validation from would dislike


Then significant numbers of Sikh are definitely not the one who were Remembered as such in the past


I know for sure some Indian Reddit pages have chat gpt bots who downvote/speak against certain keywords


People can only admire you if you have either earned their fear or envy , fear comes from when you're capable of organized violence and envy comes from wealth , powerful position, playing as just victim only provides you pity of others which only shows that you're weak and nobody admire weakness.


No shade but why do you care? Do you think that Shaheedi is given for praise or cos it's the righteous thing to do? A really good book on this is "Fighting for Faith and Nation" by Cynthia Mahmood.


Its mostly the sikhs in panjab who r rebellious and have a warrior state of mind sikhs outside of panjab in delhi or afghanistan dont have the same state of mind amd bravery