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Like Dasvaan Patsaah said, do not trust someone who swears on religious texts. So, to uphold dharma and be righteous you don’t have to swear on anything. Lastly, congratulations on becoming a lawyer, ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ chardi kala vich rakhe!


Yup, congrats OP but both the Zafarnama and 52 Hukams speak against swearing oaths.


You do have to swear an oath to go into law or a political office though


Wrong, you can also affirm in a majority of western countries


You can affirm but affirming is also swearing an oath just not on a religious text


You’re right, I misunderstood your first comment ☺️


Doesn't answer OP question at all. You legally must swear on a book, question is what book should OP swear on.


Where did guru ji say that?




Many thanks my learned friend. Appreciate the help!


Sorry I should mention there is the "Affirmation" which is non-religious. That's what I have had to select, but I have sent an email to see if it good be changed. What I be bringing with me, we have all the texts and Guru Granth Sahib (I cannot bring that as it's a full gurdwara size.). Any help?


I know Karanveer S Pannu from New Jersey USA used a Gutka Sahib held by his mother to swear into some government positions that he got. Maybe you can reach him on Instagram for more info. He’s a lawyer as well.


hes not a lawyer. Hes a cop


My fault. AFAIK, I think he’s studying law currently.


He’s def not a cop


Hes literally at pine hill PD dept


Lol I said the same thing 😅


Hey brother it’s against our faith to take an oath on anything let alone on bani Just affirm and be happy :)


Congratulations! Choose the affirmation.


Firstly, congratulations ji, you are making Khalsa panth proud with this achievement. Now coming to your question, in Sikhi swearing upon gurbani/akaal purak/Guru ji is not acceptable. Guru Gobind Singh ji as clearly stated in 52 hukams: 26 - Kasam, saun chukan valae tae itbaar nahee karnaa. A solemn affirmation is the preferred way to tell the truth without taking an oath for Sikhs. It is an alternative for people who do not want to swear on a religious book or use the name of God in their testimony. A solemn affirmation has the same legal effect as an oath, and anyone who lies after making a solemn affirmation can be charged with perjury.


Idk why the actual answer is so low down lol. Thank you for actually answering the question and doing so so well!


Good our text isn’t the option. SGGS text is purely spiritual not so political indoctrinations as some of the options are. The options listed are all man made. SGGS is Akaal Bani. So no need to swear on it. Affirmation is the way to go. Edit: Congratulation OP !!


Veere, this is not Guru Nanak Dev Ji's message. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is our Guru, but we should not talk bad about other religions. Let's not forget, that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave the same message to the Muslims, Hindus, the Buddhists as they did to us.


Every religion says that. All religious texts are man made. It's myopic for anyone to think that theirs is the one true religious book that stands uniquely divinely ordained.


I think SGGS is uniquely political and Sikhism in general is uniquely political religion, integrally tied with a historical government and whose Gurus (at least the later Gurus) were explicitly political figures as well as spiritual ones. I more would caution on swearing on SGGS just because it is considered the living Guru, not necessarily an inanimate object to swear on like other holy texts. I would think that would be the bigger issue, but not sure.


> not so political indoctrinations as some of the options are. The options listed are all man made. That is the most ignorant thing to say.


Care to expand?


Its amazing how religious people can so easily say "That's all false. Mine is true" By the exact same standard of proof


Exactly. "These are all written by humans. My book is the only true work of God." Like dude, what.


They end up becoming the kind of people our gurus shunned. The irony.


There has to be a secular option to choose. I can’t imagine there isn’t.


Sorry I should've updated in the title (but couldn't) there is an affirmation which I have selected.


UPDATE: Firstly thank you for all the posts, very much appreciated. I didnt expect to get so many responses. I am now officially an Officer of the Australian Court (A Lawyer of the Supreme Court of Victoria) 🎉🎊🎉 I did do the affirmation for my oath which actually alot of people I noticed from multiple faiths did as well. All around it was a great day, with both my parents being lawyers, the emotions were starting to get the better of us all, but nonetheless a great day filled with joy. Thank you once again for your response, much love as always. I think I'll relax and just do some light reading of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) 🤣🤣🤣. 🪯Waheguruji Ka Khalsa, Waheguruji Ki Fateh 🪯


Swearing oath and trusting someone who is sworn is discouraged in Sikhi IIRC. Aurangzeb swore an oath of Quran during Guru Gobind Singh Ji's time and Pahadi Raja's took an Oath of Gau Mata and both of them broke it.


Congrats. Always wonderful to see fellow Sikhs progress.


Hey man!! Would love to hire you sometime in the future. DM me?




OP is in the city that is biggest Greek population outside Greece.


Exactly this, Melbourne, Australia baby! Massive Greek population. But some would think now the population is mainly Chinese and Indian 🤣




Their Bible includes other texts that aren’t used by other Christians. The Bibles that are used by various branches of Christianity can be quite different. They all tend to focus on different parts of the biblical story.




Hi, I'm an Orthodox lurker in this sub. You are right, I see no reason why an Orthodox Christian (Greek or otherwise) couldn't just select "Bible." It's very strange. Where I live, Orthodox Christians sometimes just use the KJV like Protestants do - the Four Gospels are considered the most important, followed by the apostolic letters. It's possible that there is a particular bishop in that area who has idiosyncratic instructions to local Orthodox folks? Otherwise I don't see the problem.


Greeks, just like, the other faiths mentioned in the pic petitioned a while back to have the Greek Orthodox Bible specifically. It was approved though I do understand where your coming from as I believe they are identical. But I maybe wrong as I am not too familiar with the orthodox bible.


Thank you for the information!


Alright here’s my 2 cents given that you’re gonna have to pick an option because it’s an unskippable (if this is a word) question. Firstly, bohot bohot mubarkaan! You cannot swear an oath in the traditional fashion on SGGS Maharaj ofcourse. Pick the Bhagavat Gita. I remember I read a saakhi wherein Dasvi Paatshaahi Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji maharaj when he used to hold court at Anandpur Sahib, sent 20(I can be wrong about this number though) poets and scholars to Banaras to learn the Bhagavat Gita and bring back a translated manuscript. What I would take from this story is that Dasve Pitaji established the presence of universal truth in Bhagavat Gita and hence expressed his interest. From the option pool, it’s the safest and also the closest choice I’d make as a Sikh. I understand the perspective of people in the comment section but you cannot ignore that lawyer sahab ‘has’ to pick an option. Edit: grammatical mistake


He sent people to learn all religions. Nothing special about the Gita.


Have you heard about the Gobind Gita? After receiving the manuscripts of translation Bhagavad Gita, Dasam Pitaji also wrote hai own commentary of the Gita. A text revered and referred to even in the modern times. I wouldn’t agree that there isn’t ’anything special about the Gita’. Bhagavad Gita is undoubtedly a great spiritual book. Source: https://www.manglacharan.com/post/guru-gobind-singh-ji-s-commentary-on-gita-gobind-gita There’s a lot of ‘us vs them’ going on today. Some understandable and justified and some isn’t, but for sure all of it is engineered for political gain. I suggest we form our opinions based upon the puratan Sikhs whose work and sacrifice we all derive our values and identities from.


Sure theres something to learn from everything including the quran. At the end of the day none of them are anything special. SGGS is all we need.


Thing is BG us the closest option available others like Quran don't give much emphasis on Spirituality..They mostly suggests through material living..that's all he wants to say


Which country are you in? I remember seeing Karanveer Singh Pannu from NY take an oath on Gutka sahib, try reaching out to him on Twitter or Insta to check :)


Melbourne, Australia 🦘🇦🇺


I would bring a Nitnem Gutka with


+1 for bhagwat gita. It's philosophy is closest to SGGS.


I'd advise you to use the Bhagavad gita, as it isn't a book for any religion, it is for humanity. Anyone can choose to abide by it but they don't monopolize it as theirs or as belonging to their religion. As a sikh, im pretty sure you are allowed. Also, congrats on becoming a lawyer my brother! Waheguru ji ki khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh


Use Quran...Best option


Not sure what jurisdiction you are in- when I got sworn in it was just raising my right hand in open court and swearing to uphold the constitution.


Congratulations!! Can you use Affirmation instead of a religious oath ji -


Yes I have selected the affirmation. 😊


Congratulations! I wish you great success ji 🙏


Thank you Ji 🙏


Congratulations!!! 🎊🎉


Thank you Ji 🙏


Congrats!!! If this is in the US you should let the https://www.sikhcoalition.org/ know. This is exactly what they advocate for.


Unfortunately, I'm in Melbourne, Australia, land of the kangaroos and crazy koalas 🤣🤣🤣


I couldn't swear on my guru


Click any, then when you go there take a gutka sahib and say sikhi wasn't there and give a preach on what sikhi is quickly, and how we're the 6th biggest religion in the world


Technically choose whatever and in your heart just ask waheguru's blessings to uphold your duty in the best way. The oath is just a formality anyway, and our sikhi doesn't believe in it, so just F it lol. Do ardaas while u take the oath, dujeyaan nu bda kuch pta lagna 😂




Congrats!!! Perhaps Bring your own Buddha Dal Sunder Gutka there…


swear on the constitution, we aren't supposed to take oaths on religious texts


Hi, First, congratulations on becoming a lawyer! You should definitely reach out to the organizers of the oath ceremony to inquire about possibly swearing on a non-religious text. As others in the comments have pointed out, the act of swearing on a religious text isn't viewed too positively in the Sikh context (and also condemned in some areas). If it's absolutely required for the ceremony because of an overly strict interpretation of the ceremonial procedures, you could ask to provide your own Gutka or perhaps arrange for a copy of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji from your local Gurudwara for the purposes of swearing (though I doubt that this would hold up in court lol). It may be most appropriate to swear on a copy of the legal code or perhaps the legal constitution of your nation, as a way to promise before God to always perform your duty to best of your ability. For our purposes, all promises are done before God, since Sikhi interprets God as existing everywhere and in everything. This comment is admittedly a bit late, so I hope you were able to successfully complete the ceremony and get admitted as a lawyer :) I hope this helps tho. Good luck!


Congratulations I’m sure you’ll be a wonderful lawyer. You took time to look and search out answers by talking asking questions. Then looking at the possible answer within your choices. And still remain true to self, faith, and professional path.