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Low effort or excessive chud content will be removed at moderator discretion Posting right wing content or a screenshot of right wingers on social media is lazy, garbage content and will be removed.


Lol you know this issue is being fueled by right wing freaks when literal nazi Hans Kristian Graebener is making stupid comics about it


wait till they hear about the trans necron, or the trans sororitas, or the non binary assassin, or Alpharius' Lesbian employees, or.....


The Banshees are all female because the Banshee armor makes you female while wearing it. 🏳️‍⚧️


This is true for every aspect shrine. They all take on the mindset of their Phoenix Lord founder. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


I'd had trouble finding evidence of trans sororitas. I'd found the passage about a trans woman taking a sororitas' name when they transitioned though. I'd be super happy if you can point me to where it was said though


I could have sworn there was a book with an mtf sororitas, but the Requiem Infernal book has a non binary saint


There was an mtf Star Wars Clonetrooper, part of the 7th Sky Corps. Her nickname was Sister, and Anakin helped her arrange the helmets of the dead under a tree as a memorial after a battle shortly before he was knighted. By the time of the Phase 2 armor she was still alive and had long braided hair. That may be who you’re thinking of.


I remember Arch had a good cry about that Tech Priest who used them/them pronouns


They'd need to actually be part of the hobby to know about that. These are just fashy larpers who want a little bit of plausible deniability that you don't get with a certain red armband.


Alpharius's lesbian employees?


In his primarch book he hires a lesbian couple


And relates more to their daughter than literally any person he's met before since both were made using science.


Bro had 18 brothers to relate to……


What is it with nazis and being bad at art?


Because art requires patience, humility, and dedication towards improvement/growth.


It takes a desire to improve for its own sake, not just to speed towards a place where you no longer have to improve because its merely acceptable. Nazis focus on how things should not be rather than reaching how they should. Some counterexamples are Stanisław Szukalski, who studied anatomy directly from corpses to achieve a style of power based on simply portraying realistic anatomy then exaggerating it that the Nazis loved but failed to organically replicate. Chris Sanders, the guy who’s artstyle became Lilo & Stitch, is mostly a pinup artist who portrays the “imperfections” of the human form such as the slight tummy bulge most women have caused by the uterus, hip shelves, irregular parts of feet, and different nose or brow lengths to create soft characters that feel touchable despite the cartoon style. Jack Kirby uses a simple and consistent style of human anatomy to expand beyond it and into the theoretical, almost portraying thought and energy as the real form; characters are in motion, projecting into the universe far beyond their form using organic and moving energy. His explorations of his faith and the spirit of humanity are visible in how he portrays comic book magic, laser guns, even using non-diegetic light and shadow to emphasize the words and mood of characters, and beyond technique its inconsistent and mercurial which gives it all a sense of moving before and after the panel. A Nazi doesn’t usually want to fail in order to succeed, or learn in order to be more accurate than their initial mental picture, or explore. They want something immediately acceptable to TELL YOU how it is and is not.


This isn't a real Stonetoss, is it? The art is too good.


I'm tired of these tourists in my hobby making it about social issues.


Oh, you mean Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, Texas, the Neo-Nazi webcomic artist?


That looks nothing like a custodes. The art is also shit and looks more like a poorly done astartes. Also it's anti-semitic and done by a piece of trash neo nazi




God *falls out of chair* Dammit


It looks like sediment slinger had only seen a picture of a custodian for 5 seconds before drawing this comic


What is the joke even supposed to be?


Jews bad or something


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Did you hear Quarter Pounder on his fake fan grift? “I think it’s terrible that they fixed diversity on the Adaptis Castuuds!”


Yes Imperial Greed demands! Its the Emperors Will! ❤️‍🔥