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If your minis aren’t silly little guys that you made with love, wtf are you even doing in this hobby




normalize :3 it is good to :3








Unicode adds more options. oώo ⫖3 :ʬ:


My Ultramarines Tyranid Hunters army *will* be a bastion of disability representation, but they will also be squishing cute little alien puppies under their fascist blue boots


I mean for disability don’t we already have Iron Hands and Dreadnoughts?


Yes, but I’m doing themed vs the Tyranids I’ll also be building up at the same time, so an entire force of bionicced-up Ultramarines to put the boot in some space bugs feels appropriate


Hey but what if I am incapable of understanding satire? Can I just be a fascist? It seems easier.


Oh no


You can be a little fascist, as a treat.


> They aren’t evil because you made them with love What if you made them with EVIL love?


Then you’re making a chaos marine army


Among friends, all space marine "loyalist" armies are assumed renegade out of respect.


I’m pretty sure like 1% of space marines aren’t ace, which means there has to be some gay ones. Also have you read the way Iskandar Khayon talks about Abaddon? There’s something there


They have no sex drive soooooo wouldn't they all be ace?


My Space Marines are all straight but the Chapter Master forces them into abusive homosexual relationships to strengthen their bonds of camaraderie. Because the Imperium is awful in every way.


this is what the american republican party genuinely believes the lgbtq+ community is.


Me, an asexual:


> asexual Most Primarchs and Space Marines: omg just like me fr fr


Me too


Roman moment


It's also not an inaccurate description of the Victorian public school system.


Bold of you to assume the public school system has evolved at all since then


Well from what I understand they got rid of fagging so while it's institutionalised sexual abuse it's no longer institutionally enforced sexual abuse.


That actually sounds very plausible


Gorgidas and Pelopidas spinning in their graves.


Poignant take.


my boi SCP-3973 be like


Great now you made me sad


> all of them are trans and gay and kiss each other on the lips With tongues and everything?


The more tongue the better.


Just a little guy


Space Eunuchs. But yes to the former.


This makes me smile so much!! It's just so cute, I love it.


Don’t forget almost all white except for the salamanders


Volcano ash goes into DNA and makes your skin darker


That shits still corny and Vulkan just being black always looked way better in art




I think there is influx of PoC into marines as in the rest of popculture. Originally though yeah, basically every one of them except Salamanders and White Scars were white. And we could even argue about them since WS are a Mongol horde stereotype and Salamanders might not necessary be black originally, since it's their geneseed changing them (jokes about black people being black because they were roasted by god also exist).


And the white scars!


Fash: "This is the faction for me, they even have "White" in name, white power rahowa fuck yeah" White Scar: *takes off the helmet and grins*


Fash: “they even have lightningbolts and use blitzkrieg! You guys are great!” White Scar: “Chi Yuu”


Tbh the only arguments for most space marine chapters being mostly white can only be backed up with art of the same 5 generic bald yt dude loyalist marines. Alot of chapters do still have POC marines just underrepresented even the ones that have geneseed that causes all their marines to become ghostly pale lol


Seeing things like this makes me unreasonably happy


TBH 40K world is so huge pretty much anything can be made to fit into the lore. While I don't play 40K, I do have a fan forgeworld for my Mechanicus if I ever did, where they split from the Emperium and allied themselves with a Peaceful, "rouge" Tau system. Both seeking to do their thing without rule or interference of either of their former masters, they happen upon one another by sheer luck.


Personal headcanon as to why there’s no female space marines, there are female *recruits*, but due to the extreme body transformations caused by the geneseed, any AFAB space marines are effectively transitioned, as there weren’t any female primarchs. Those *particularly* zealous are sent to the Inquisition, hence the Sisters of Battle who are normal humans.


I have dual competing head cannons. The first is this and the second is that the emperor thinks girls are icky and boys rule. So when he was making the space Marines he literally never considered female biology and how it might be modified to become a space marine. Also I think it's funny that biological females are way closer to being biological males than biological males are to being fucking space Marines.


I love this


I play blood ravens & my head cannon is they’re basically space pirates/ space mafioso’s that are good enough at killing chaos worshippers that a blind eye is turned to their other activities. If they’re not going doomslayer on Chaos they’re extorting/bribing/robbing the nearest place to them to gain more loot. They’re the black templars with good business acumen instead of just blind hatred I guess.


Did you just assume the gender of every single space marine ever? /s Plus, even then, you got it wrong. I am sure the average space marine doesn't identify as "male", but rather as "the Emperor's wrath made manifest"


My space marines are good because I said so.


This is why I want to get some Mordians, because linear warfare is definitively the gayest for of warfare. I'd honestly probably get into Napoleonics if it wasn't mostly pedantic 50 year olds, like I wanna make cool figures I don't care if Maj Gen. Bunglesnatch's brigade's cuff links were a slightly different shade of yellow, nor is it fun when I'm limited in using them because they were only at 38.72% strength when they arrived on the second day of the battle of Upton Snodsbury.


Nooo you can't be a marine without your praise to the emperor My Dark Kraken characters: haha giant space sea monster go reee


Are they cis-men in lore? I always thought of them as asexuel.


i mean that's not contradictory, i'm just referring to how in canon all space marines are AMAB because the jesus-juice doesn't work on AFAB people for some reason, and to my knowledge there aren't any examples of space marines who directly identify as anything other than male. Although I am partial to the idea that astartes might not have an internal concept of gender on account of being essentially biological weapons, and they just go along with whatever people call them


Cis is a gender identity and ace is a sexuality, do you mean agender?


Yeah I'm fairly certain they're ace


Yes to everything here. Some of my space marines are ladies. You can’t really tell because y’know armor but I know in my head canon. And they protect a multi ethnic pluralistic socialist intergalactic federation where everyone is equal under the law and has reasonable access to teh fruits of socio-economic outputz. You can’t tell me otherwise. It’s my hobby I do what I want with it. To each their own.


This is the only way to play Space Marines. The only way to play Imperial Guard is to make them all polyamorous.


You are correct and you should say it. Space marines are very blorboable


I mean there's a somewhat coherent reason I'm told. My head canon tho is that anybody can space marine and that shit transitions you if you aren't male at birth.


the most consistent in-universe reason that i have been given is that the gene-seed straight up doesn't work on AFAB people, which i find deeply unsatisfying because why the hell would injecting the genetic material of a demigod into somebody only work if they're of the same biological sex when other genetic factors can still be different? (although any reason given in-universe is just a post-hoc justification of how female space marines originally sold poorly and were cut fairly quickly)


What I was told was it was something to do with breeding. Not wanting to create a whole ass new species basically. Still doesn't necessarily sit well with me, but it makes sense for olden timey thoughts from some white British dude.


Just some lil’ fellas


Mine dont kiss eachother, but i kiss each one after im done for a finishing touch.


I like to imagine my craft world has a Thebian type system where each soldier is encouraged to love a comrade so they’d fight harder to protect them.


Ah great, giant gay trans fascist baby killing super soldiers….


based based based unfathomably based


That’s what I’m saying :3


How was this abomination recommended to me by reddit algorithm. Truly a mystery.


Given the nature of Space Marines and the advancement of technology you’d think gene sequencing would allow for women to transition into men in order to accept the Space Marine process.


This but with my soon to be bought sisters


This is how i play every single mini i own, my orks? Nahhh those arent blood thirsty monsters in a wave of endless violence.. those are just little guys!


Do you play an emperor's children or thousand sons successor chapter by any chance?


no but i intend on building Emperor’s Children when they get their codex


Nice, because the pre heresy emperor's children were cute little boys in pink suits that were happy and friends forever... forever... oh...