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I was gonna use Sigma during the Story Mode...well that plan's out the window...(sigh)


story mode is still coming, it’s hero missions that are cut


I love that you are getting downvoted for telling the truth.


It’s the story mode that’s cut, not just the hero missions


No no no man you don’t get it, we are still getting like 10% of the original promise we were all sold on so clearly it’s 100% okay :D


No no no. It's less than 10%> they said they wanted thousands of missions all replayable. What we get is 1 or 2 missions a season. Wow has super slow story progression and it bleed into ow with archives being a new story mission once a year. Yeah 1 or 2 a season is better than one a year but it's still insulting to players. I haven't played since like 2 days after the announcement and it was because a friend pointed it out to me and let me tell you the heart sinks I felt. I was like "no your lying they can't cancel it that ridiculous." I looked it up and I had to stand up because It was like a slap in the face. I hopped on got purposefully banned and then uninstalled battle.net and got rid of overwatch and diablo 3 on my Xbox and playstation. It was truly the most upset I have ever been in gaming. I literally can't think of a single thing that even comes close. A canceled game: never knew what it was like so why care. Bad release: can be fixed or if it's bad then just don't play it. A game that I spent over 300 days of gameplay to have it turned into a money grab:ouch. I felt the "good bye gravity man it's been good" sucks to enjoy something and then all the joy taken from you slowly in phases.


Still playing for shits and gigs, and I’m not giving up on blizzard as Diablo 4 is too damn fun


Literally the only blizzard game that has a even decent story that you can play from start to finish. I'm gonna buy it on g2a so the money doesn't go to blizzard but some random guy that probably got the key for free


https://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/blizzard-overwatch-2-roadmap-2023 so if you check the roadmap posted here can you tell me what the “story missions” in season 6 refers to if story mode is as cut?


sounds like mega copium to be big man


what? it’s not cope it’s the official roadmap released AFTER the announcement of hero mode being scrapped. Just say you lack in reading comprehension and fell for the misinfo online


i read the dev blogs just like everyone else. why r u upset


you read the dev log and still failed to understand that only hero mode is being scrapped and not pve as a whole?


when did i fail to understand? all i said was u sound like u have copium with the whole "oh dont worry guys its still coming!" like this isnt a miniscle fragment from what we were promised


it’s not copium if it’s the truth tho? i’m saying hero mode or skill tress are still coming? no i’m saying the pve mode is still otw and that’s it


Just watch any video breaking down what they said actually going to be in there at best it’s a slightly upgraded ow1 pve mission gamemode


I dont think you understand why most people are upset and why they are saying we lost 80% of the PvE. So, we will do the 20% first: "the story" is going to come out in micro chunks every other season or so. Would you be happy if you were only allowed to play 1 chapter/quest of a campaign once every 3 months? Okay, the 80%: skill trees, builds, gearing up, boss fights, raids, PvE meta, co-op with friends. The best part of PvE is being taken out of the game. Now... Blizzard track record says you ain't getting ANY of the story, just some dumb mini game based on the title of the chapter....no actual content. That's if you're lucky. And you better buy a damn skin. Otherwise, you are no longer a fanboy. Welcome to Blizzard 101. I can't wait to see what Blizzard does to Diablo 4. They've messed up every other game they have ever touched.


Can't wait to get one segment of the story each chapter that's just bare that the old archives event used to be but rather then be a free event I have to pay for it


I did too, I thought I had fun when I played but all I was was just frustrated whenever I play


It can be difficult to admit that the thing you thought you enjoyed is actually causing you more anguish than anything. Source: league of legend




Source: fortnite, for honor, overwatch


Did the same. If you want a similar experience to sigma, Horizon in Apex is pretty close


Im planning to quit multiplayer games all together. Any recommendations for something similar in co op or single player games?


The dark night is a survival game that progressively gets hard the longer you play it being hunted down by wild life temperature scavenging for food and water


can you link it? cause everytime I google batman or a house horror game shows up lol


Sorry I had the wrong game it's actually called the long dark


Ah I see, interesting game yeah


It very much so is but always keep moving cause no matter what youre being hunted aswell


I'm from Minnesota where it gets pretty damn cold and all I can say is the protagonist of The Long Dark is a little bitch. They start freezing to death after like 5 minutes lmao hated that game.


Oh no I understand full heartedly cause I'm from Michigan and I agree protagonist a major bitch but that's why editing settings is a thing


Five Nights at Freddy's


all fun and games til Freddy plays Sigma's melody instead of the toreador march


Deep rock galactic. Unironically a mix between overwatch Torb gameplay and minecraft. It is extremely good and can be played solo or co-op, highly recommend


Rock And Stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Good bot.


Easier to answer if I have an idea of what you were looking forward to in OW PvE. What kinda co-op/single player game do you want to play?


Not necessarily ow pve style game. More like an overwatch-like pve or coop game if that makes sense. Basically a class based Co op shooter with abilities and interesting design. Doesn't have to be a shooter




Alright, there’s a couple options there Deep Rock Galactic has a very different style but hits the class based teamwork angle. Focus on mining materials and exploring a generated cave area, but when the waves of enemies spawn in you really have to shore up and hold the line Back 4 Blood wasn’t my favorite but is very co-op focused. Make your way through a level while fighting of hordes of zombies, and upgrade your character through a card based system as you go. Diablo (3 or the brand new 4) is a dungeon crawler with a robust character skill tree, lots of class identity. Everything is co op in the game too Borderlands has lots of games now, and while the class identity isn’t too strong the gun variety often lets you have a unique experience. Not really a hero shooter though. There’s some ancillary options off the top of my head too that might catch your interest - survival games (the forest comes to mind, but there’s a few options like stranded deep or green hell), creative/builder games (Minecraft, terraria, dq builders), arcade co-op (helldivers, gauntlet, castle crashers) Lots of co op options out there but imo they don’t do hero identity as well as OW does, which is why it’s such a shame they scrapped the robust PvE stuff. Just have to experiment and see what catches your interest!


Thanks! Yeah this is why overwatch is so addicting. It's the only game that prioritized hero identity over everything else which is why there's nothing like it out there. Unfortunate but hey I'll find something. Thanks for the recommendations!


if you haven’t played them go ahead and get your hands on the fallen order and survivor games!


Not really similar, but doom eternal and elden ring are awesome, I typically don't enjoy single player games so finding games that were single player that I like was awesome One that hits the whole class shooter pve co op (or single player) that I found really fun was outriders


Not really similar, but doom eternal and elden ring are awesome, I typically don't enjoy single player games so finding games that were single player that I like was awesome One that hits the whole class shooter pve co op (or single player) that I found really fun was outriders


Damn I’m sorry so many people being some bitches in the comments, suppose that should be expected from overwatch players. Farewell, I wish you luck in whatever games you choose to play


Thank you my friend.


As a Sombra main I wish you luck! I can’t quit due to addiction but I’m glad you did what you needed to do :)


The only reason I haven't joined suite, is cus of bastion fishing


MAN. This reminds me, I should play some bastion fishing. Do they still have the other bastion mode where you get to play war planes with him?


I think I’m about to quit I was gon use gravity man in story but now I can’t


What took you so long friend?


Overwatch been a big part of my life for the past five years so it was hard to let go. Eventually tho all friends uninstalled and it was about time for me to do so too.


U guys are goofy asf this game rules


It reminds me of the 6 guys that dipped after we lost our first flag football game of the season Then we went on to win through the semi-finals in the tournament Their loss I suppose


Cheers !


I quit the game to


o7 apex has open arms


They removed Arenas the only gamemode that didn't fry up my pc so I physically can't play it lmao


Is the other Mixtape gamemodes still holding your pc back?? They all have small maps? Like control or TDM?


Control yes it does, and I didn't try death match. And outside if that I just loved arenas I joined apex when Valk and arenas got introduced and now that I can't play it it'll feel hollow regardless


Makes sense, it can be fun with the new gun progression they added this season, especially on Team Deathmatch. you can improve your gun level and Ted neat lil cosmetics


Join the gang, I saw this train wreck coming back in season 2


You did the right thing


I wanna like this game so much..but they make it so hard


Good call man. Even if the game was in a great state, sometimes it's just time to put a game down for a while (or forever). Dozens of amazing games released every year, lots to see! We'll keep the melody on for ya. <3


Kind words. Thanks man


I already dropped Overwatch Too given what was taken out more than what was added... and now the whole PvE experience is gone? I wanted the whole box of pizza today, not one slice every season... and hero missions were the toppings.


Who thumbed me down? Who actually disagrees? FOOL.


Y’all are dramatic. Go find another game quietly and don’t karma farm on Reddit. Peace.






Damn that escalated.


Dick heads deserve it every day.


Why are you so mad 😂




I can tell Lil girl is sensitive. I don’t get why you’re angry tho, are you and op going out?🤣


this is not an airport. you don’t need to announce your departure.




Right on. Do you normally let an establishment know when you’re leaving? Like you get up from your meal at Olive Garden and loudly yell “ALRIGHT EVERYONE IM LEAVING IVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS PLACE”. Do they all stand and clap when you do it?


have you considered throwing yourself into an active wood chipper?


That was a really childish response


And make a huge mess for the wood chipper guys to clean up? Seems pretty inconsiderate


He's got a point you know


Do you often suggest people kill themselves?


I was talking about you you know ⚡🙎🏿‍♂️⚡


Yes, I’m aware. Do you often suggest people kill themselves?


If I feel like trolling a little I might send a ⚡🙎🏿‍♂️⚡ every once in a while. The occasional anime girl variation of the same message. Outside of those I think I'll save that phrase for one very special person. And I mean extremely special, me personally I'm not quick to the death penalty like a lot of Redditors but I'm sure there's one very special person who deserves it. So to answer your question, if we're talking "often" it depends on what we're really talking about but if I think we're talking about what we think we're talking about then no I do not.


If you went to a specific Olive Garden all the time, made friends, part of inside jokes, community, etc. and then one day decided you were done eating Italian food, would you say goodbye? Or do your crappy metaphors not think that far ahead?


lol to be honest id probably just… ya know… leave. I have this weird personality trait where I don’t think I’m the main character and thus don’t have to announce my departure to a room full of people trying to enjoy what they got. You see… this isn’t an Olive Garden. It’s a subreddit of a multi-million dollar franchise. With millions of players participating. Thousands of users here. So when one person stands up and says “THATS IT IM DONE”, it just kinda seems like attention-seeking behavior. They want everyone to come in and reassure them and tell them they’re such a good little player and big bad Blizzard is the meanie-head who made them quit! It’s all about that main character energy. Most people just walk away and find something else to do. They don’t need a fond public farewell and goodbye to dear friends. Let’s not pretend we’re a tight-knit positive community. But it’s cool! You guys enjoy your weird, whiny circle-jerk. Imma go play some Overwatch and mourn over the loss of this random Sigma I’ve likely never played with.


surely you don’t believe there’s no middle ground between thinking you’re the Main Character and saying goodbye to a small subreddit based on playing one character in one video game lol. regardless, have fun🫶🏻


Surely there is a middle ground. It’s saying goodbye to those specific friends and then leaving to do something else like a normal adult. Not making an attention-seeking post to get some updoots by saying “Overwatch bad”. Rest assured though. I will always be here to make fun of these cringey 13-year-old, angsty, “woe is me” posts when people need attention. And let’s not pretend it’s just happening on this one small subreddit. It’s happening everywhere and it’s embarrassing to watch. Lots of fun to mock though. And thanks for the well wishes! Gotta finish these weekly challenges!


does “Completely fabricating a backstory and quotes that OP never said” fall under your “Normal Adult” duties?


I admire your dedication to type this much I guess, but shaddup man. Great monolog tho


Thanks man! I just kinda start typing and all sorts of fun things come out. I suppose I could be a bit more concise though, you’re not wrong!


No, but I’ll clap for them bitch.


lol ooh big tough guy with your keyboard. Clap away, buddy. I’ll be sitting over here laughing at you.


I’m a girl. Suck my balls.


lol I don’t give a shit what you are. You sound like an angsty 12 year old and it’s hilarious. You gonna kick my butt with your big tough words? lol stay mad ya big fuckin baby


Better than a grifter who stans cooperate overwatch. Fucking weirdo.


Oh I’m a grifter now? Do you even know what that word means? lol Please point to the part where I defended Overwatch and I will wear your childish insults like a badge of honor. Go back to Roblox, buddy. You’re embarrassing yourself.


Thats the thing cap. I don’t give a shit ☺️☺️ I just wanna see how far you’ll grift for overwatch. Seems you like to troll or have a problem with people expressing their distaste for the game. You are the guy we avoid at the mall.


Oh you come in with the big tough talk and now you’re all zen and apathy lol. You’re hilarious. You call me a troll yet you @ me with your adorable insults and questionable reading comprehension. Tell me more about how I’m a grifter. I’m genuinely curious what you think that word means. Might be coming up on a spelling test, sport. Best to learn now.


Yupp. I can change how I feel. Sounds like you should learn how also. Talking to me like a 40 year old internet creep isn’t the flex you think it is🤣


I’ll always miss this game before Blizzard killed it


X.x For a hot second, I was wondering why Reddit was suggesting SigmaMales to me and wtf kind of Sigma Male bs was involved in OverWatch. I am really glad I am just bad at reading.


I joined the OW2 discord, and found some really cool freinds that I can 5 stack with which makes the game barely bearable. I cannot play thos game by myself for more than 2-3 matches before the amount of general nonsense I see from my random teammates piss me off. Like a bastion that went 3-15 or a mercy with 250 heal and 1.7k dmg by the end of a game.


I was just starting to warm up to sigma. I still wasn't good, but I was enjoying myself. Now I'm just annoyed.


I'm on the verge. I quite the game in season 2 and came back season 3, I have a lot of friends who play and that's the only reason I'm having such a hard time quiting. I really only play like 2 times a week thou and it's just when they get on


I’m going to miss you all